Facts about The Affordable Health Care Act


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1) Tax dollars will not be used to fund abortions unless there are cases of rape, incest, and the endangerment of the mother's life.

2) Health insurance reform lowers costs for American businesses - especially small businesses - who are struggling to remain profitable and competitive under the status quo. The independent Congressional Budget Office confirmed that the bill would lower health insurance premiums for the same insurance plan by up to 4 percent for small businesses and 3 percent for large businesses, and estimates indicate that reform could save businesses $2,000 per person in health costs.

3) The Congressional Budget Office found that health insurance reform will reduce the deficit by $210 billion in this decade and by more than $1 trillion over the following 10 years. And a family of four would save as much as $2,300 on their premiums in 2014 compared to what they would have paid without reform.

4) There is no government-sponsored, public, or "single payer" plan in the law.

5) Independent analyses conducted by the RAND Corporation, Urban Institute, the Congressional Budget Office and Mercer, have found that employers will continue to offer health coverage to their workers. Economists agree that employers offer health insurance to help attract and retain the most talented employees and employers will continue to seek out top talent. Further, when health reform was enacted in Massachusetts more than five years ago, the percent of businesses offering insurance in Massachusetts increased.

6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

Now I realize the bill isn't perfect, so if someone can find some INDEPENDENT research that discusses the cons of this bill, I'm open to a discussion.
1) Tax dollars will not be used to fund abortions unless there are cases of rape, incest, and the endangerment of the mother's life.

2) Health insurance reform lowers costs for American businesses - especially small businesses - who are struggling to remain profitable and competitive under the status quo. The independent Congressional Budget Office confirmed that the bill would lower health insurance premiums for the same insurance plan by up to 4 percent for small businesses and 3 percent for large businesses, and estimates indicate that reform could save businesses $2,000 per person in health costs.

3) The Congressional Budget Office found that health insurance reform will reduce the deficit by $210 billion in this decade and by more than $1 trillion over the following 10 years. And a family of four would save as much as $2,300 on their premiums in 2014 compared to what they would have paid without reform.

4) There is no government-sponsored, public, or "single payer" plan in the law.

5) Independent analyses conducted by the RAND Corporation, Urban Institute, the Congressional Budget Office and Mercer, have found that employers will continue to offer health coverage to their workers. Economists agree that employers offer health insurance to help attract and retain the most talented employees and employers will continue to seek out top talent. Further, when health reform was enacted in Massachusetts more than five years ago, the percent of businesses offering insurance in Massachusetts increased.

6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

Now I realize the bill isn't perfect, so if someone can find some INDEPENDENT research that discusses the cons of this bill, I'm open to a discussion.

It might have been better if the GOP was able to have some input into this bill.
Deals were made behind closed doors to get it rammed through.
Forcing people to buy something or be fined is unconstitutional.
States tripping all over themselves to get waivers for it.
A Democrat Congressman saying he needs a whole team of lawyers to explain it to him.
Princess Nancy telling people we need to pass this so we can find out what's in it.

Oh yeh....this is a great deal for the country...
And I have heard reports saying that this bill will raise premiums for everyone.

6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

What is the time table for new Hospitals.
Where are the additional Doctors and Nurses coming from that will be needed to care for all the new people flooding the health care system.

Will people have to wait 6 months for an appointment with a specialist?

Can any of the Libs here answer with certainty any of these questions.
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Obamacare is the first step in getting a UHC in place....it may take 20 years to push the competition out, but that is the ultimate goal. Costs will rise, and waste and fraud will still be intact. The CLASS Act has already closed the doors due to lack of participation and was vital in the funding of Obamacare.
1) Tax dollars will not be used to fund abortions unless there are cases of rape, incest, and the endangerment of the mother's life.

While that is true, it has nothing to do with the PPACA. That leads me to suspect that the rest of you post will be full of misinformation or outright lies.

2) Health insurance reform lowers costs for American businesses - especially small businesses - who are struggling to remain profitable and competitive under the status quo. The independent Congressional Budget Office confirmed that the bill would lower health insurance premiums for the same insurance plan by up to 4 percent for small businesses and 3 percent for large businesses, and estimates indicate that reform could save businesses $2,000 per person in health costs.

I keep hearing that from the supporters that are out of the loop on the new talking points. Are you aware that even Sebelius has dropped this particular claim, and that she is now just claiming that the law will eventually bring down costs through a combination of magic and wishful thinking?

3) The Congressional Budget Office found that health insurance reform will reduce the deficit by $210 billion in this decade and by more than $1 trillion over the following 10 years. And a family of four would save as much as $2,300 on their premiums in 2014 compared to what they would have paid without reform.

No they did not. What they found was that, if it was implemented as written, and all their other assumptions were correct, it would do that. Since the law was signed they have had to admit that some of their projections were wrong, and that the actual cost, not savings, of the law will be over $1 trillion in the first decade.

4) There is no government-sponsored, public, or "single payer" plan in the law.

Wow, you got something right.

5) Independent analyses conducted by the RAND Corporation, Urban Institute, the Congressional Budget Office and Mercer, have found that employers will continue to offer health coverage to their workers. Economists agree that employers offer health insurance to help attract and retain the most talented employees and employers will continue to seek out top talent. Further, when health reform was enacted in Massachusetts more than five years ago, the percent of businesses offering insurance in Massachusetts increased.

Of course some large companies will continue to offer insurance. That would happen even if there was a single payer system available.

6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

What a shame that the rest of tye people born between now and then won't.

Now let me address a real fact, there is a difference between health care and health insurance. You will have a hard time proving that there are more than a handful of people in this country that do not have access to health care, even if they do not have insurance.

Now I realize the bill isn't perfect, so if someone can find some INDEPENDENT research that discusses the cons of this bill, I'm open to a discussion.

My guess is that is a lie, but just in case it is not.

1) Tax dollars will not be used to fund abortions unless there are cases of rape, incest, and the endangerment of the mother's life.

2) Health insurance reform lowers costs for American businesses - especially small businesses - who are struggling to remain profitable and competitive under the status quo. The independent Congressional Budget Office confirmed that the bill would lower health insurance premiums for the same insurance plan by up to 4 percent for small businesses and 3 percent for large businesses, and estimates indicate that reform could save businesses $2,000 per person in health costs.

3) The Congressional Budget Office found that health insurance reform will reduce the deficit by $210 billion in this decade and by more than $1 trillion over the following 10 years. And a family of four would save as much as $2,300 on their premiums in 2014 compared to what they would have paid without reform.

4) There is no government-sponsored, public, or "single payer" plan in the law.

5) Independent analyses conducted by the RAND Corporation, Urban Institute, the Congressional Budget Office and Mercer, have found that employers will continue to offer health coverage to their workers. Economists agree that employers offer health insurance to help attract and retain the most talented employees and employers will continue to seek out top talent. Further, when health reform was enacted in Massachusetts more than five years ago, the percent of businesses offering insurance in Massachusetts increased.

6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

Now I realize the bill isn't perfect, so if someone can find some INDEPENDENT research that discusses the cons of this bill, I'm open to a discussion.

Is your "Critical Thinking" avatar your daily dose of irony?
1) Tax dollars will not be used to fund abortions unless there are cases of rape, incest, and the endangerment of the mother's life.

While that is true, it has nothing to do with the PPACA. That leads me to suspect that the rest of you post will be full of misinformation or outright lies.

2) Health insurance reform lowers costs for American businesses - especially small businesses - who are struggling to remain profitable and competitive under the status quo. The independent Congressional Budget Office confirmed that the bill would lower health insurance premiums for the same insurance plan by up to 4 percent for small businesses and 3 percent for large businesses, and estimates indicate that reform could save businesses $2,000 per person in health costs.

I keep hearing that from the supporters that are out of the loop on the new talking points. Are you aware that even Sebelius has dropped this particular claim, and that she is now just claiming that the law will eventually bring down costs through a combination of magic and wishful thinking?

No they did not. What they found was that, if it was implemented as written, and all their other assumptions were correct, it would do that. Since the law was signed they have had to admit that some of their projections were wrong, and that the actual cost, not savings, of the law will be over $1 trillion in the first decade.

Wow, you got something right.

Of course some large companies will continue to offer insurance. That would happen even if there was a single payer system available.

6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

What a shame that the rest of tye people born between now and then won't.

Now let me address a real fact, there is a difference between health care and health insurance. You will have a hard time proving that there are more than a handful of people in this country that do not have access to health care, even if they do not have insurance.

Now I realize the bill isn't perfect, so if someone can find some INDEPENDENT research that discusses the cons of this bill, I'm open to a discussion.

My guess is that is a lie, but just in case it is not.


Aside from the source you provided, I do not see any substance in your post. The source only contradicts one of my points, but I will take a look at it just the same.
7) More than 1/2 million labor union members have recieved Obamacare waiver.

8) Private employers with just under 70,000 employees were granted waivers.

9) Nearly 20 percent of last May’s waivers went to businesses in House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s district.

10) For the most part, labor unions wholeheartedly supported Obamacare, a law from which nearly a half million of their workers are now exempt...
6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

The right wing doesn't want more people to have health care because in their opinion they don't deserve it. They prefer a system where a small group of people has the best health care in the world and the rest of us just get to die.
6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

The right wing doesn't want more people to have health care because in their opinion they don't deserve it. They prefer a system where a small group of people has the best health care in the world and the rest of us just get to die.

The 'right wing' can't have 'an opinion'. The 'right wing' is made up of individuals... right wing individuals tend to think independently of each other.... sadly, it appears that the left lack that capacity. Borg.
1) Tax dollars will not be used to fund abortions unless there are cases of rape, incest, and the endangerment of the mother's life.

2) Health insurance reform lowers costs for American businesses - especially small businesses - who are struggling to remain profitable and competitive under the status quo. The independent Congressional Budget Office confirmed that the bill would lower health insurance premiums for the same insurance plan by up to 4 percent for small businesses and 3 percent for large businesses, and estimates indicate that reform could save businesses $2,000 per person in health costs.

3) The Congressional Budget Office found that health insurance reform will reduce the deficit by $210 billion in this decade and by more than $1 trillion over the following 10 years. And a family of four would save as much as $2,300 on their premiums in 2014 compared to what they would have paid without reform.

4) There is no government-sponsored, public, or "single payer" plan in the law.

5) Independent analyses conducted by the RAND Corporation, Urban Institute, the Congressional Budget Office and Mercer, have found that employers will continue to offer health coverage to their workers. Economists agree that employers offer health insurance to help attract and retain the most talented employees and employers will continue to seek out top talent. Further, when health reform was enacted in Massachusetts more than five years ago, the percent of businesses offering insurance in Massachusetts increased.

6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

Now I realize the bill isn't perfect, so if someone can find some INDEPENDENT research that discusses the cons of this bill, I'm open to a discussion.

I'm gonna 'assume' that you got these facts from somewhere.... and didn't just make shit up.... but I have a question about #6. What the fuck are 'new people'? How are they 'new'? Were they not people previously? If not, what were they?

1) Tax dollars will not be used to fund abortions unless there are cases of rape, incest, and the endangerment of the mother's life.

While that is true, it has nothing to do with the PPACA. That leads me to suspect that the rest of you post will be full of misinformation or outright lies.

I keep hearing that from the supporters that are out of the loop on the new talking points. Are you aware that even Sebelius has dropped this particular claim, and that she is now just claiming that the law will eventually bring down costs through a combination of magic and wishful thinking?

No they did not. What they found was that, if it was implemented as written, and all their other assumptions were correct, it would do that. Since the law was signed they have had to admit that some of their projections were wrong, and that the actual cost, not savings, of the law will be over $1 trillion in the first decade.

Wow, you got something right.

Of course some large companies will continue to offer insurance. That would happen even if there was a single payer system available.

What a shame that the rest of tye people born between now and then won't.

Now let me address a real fact, there is a difference between health care and health insurance. You will have a hard time proving that there are more than a handful of people in this country that do not have access to health care, even if they do not have insurance.

Now I realize the bill isn't perfect, so if someone can find some INDEPENDENT research that discusses the cons of this bill, I'm open to a discussion.

My guess is that is a lie, but just in case it is not.


Aside from the source you provided, I do not see any substance in your post. The source only contradicts one of my points, but I will take a look at it just the same.

Aside from the source I provided I don't see any substance to your post either, yet I still answered it intelligently. Thanks for proving that you are not actually open to discussion by not doing the same.
6) By 2016, 30 million new people will have health care.

The right wing doesn't want more people to have health care because in their opinion they don't deserve it. They prefer a system where a small group of people has the best health care in the world and the rest of us just get to die.

The 'right wing' can't have 'an opinion'. The 'right wing' is made up of individuals... right wing individuals tend to think independently of each other.... sadly, it appears that the left lack that capacity. Borg.

LOL! Right wingers don't "think independently of each other" - that's an absurd suggestion considering they all say the same damn things at the same time!
The right wing doesn't want more people to have health care because in their opinion they don't deserve it. They prefer a system where a small group of people has the best health care in the world and the rest of us just get to die.

The 'right wing' can't have 'an opinion'. The 'right wing' is made up of individuals... right wing individuals tend to think independently of each other.... sadly, it appears that the left lack that capacity. Borg.

LOL! Right wingers don't "think independently of each other" - that's an absurd suggestion considering they all say the same damn things at the same time!


Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
The right wing doesn't want more people to have health care because in their opinion they don't deserve it. They prefer a system where a small group of people has the best health care in the world and the rest of us just get to die.

The 'right wing' can't have 'an opinion'. The 'right wing' is made up of individuals... right wing individuals tend to think independently of each other.... sadly, it appears that the left lack that capacity. Borg.

LOL! Right wingers don't "think independently of each other" - that's an absurd suggestion considering they all say the same damn things at the same time!

I think you must have them confused with the left. Understandable, given your borg mentality.
The 'right wing' can't have 'an opinion'. The 'right wing' is made up of individuals... right wing individuals tend to think independently of each other.... sadly, it appears that the left lack that capacity. Borg.

LOL! Right wingers don't "think independently of each other" - that's an absurd suggestion considering they all say the same damn things at the same time!


Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding
Thanks for the random factoid.
I'm sorry, you're right. Most righties all think the same, but a small minority of them are so moronically stupid that they make no sense whatsoever.

There's no need to apologize. We understand that terminal stupidity is not covered under ObamaCare.

ObamaCare never passed you dumb bitch. I'm going to go drop a load now.

Just make sure it's out of your ass... your brain can't afford to lose any more.

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