Why Not Feel Sorry for BP?

That article actually makes some really good points. BP are one of the most ethical petro companies on the planet. That's not to say they are perfect but demonizing them is ridiculous. BP plow huge amounts of money into researching renewable energies - they employ 29,000 people in the US alone. If they go under because of this, not only do we have 29,000 more unemployed but the impact on research for renewables will be huge. It could set us back decades in the effort to cut carbon emissions and replace oil.

There are really important issues that are being ignored by the hysteria from the whiners about BP... From their hysterical rants, one can clearly see that they have absolutely no idea how important BP are, not just in the US but globally. In their enthusiasm for 'blame' they don't consider the bigger picture, they have absolutely no idea about BP - other than they are an oil producer. Fucking morons.

I don't think the left really cares about renewable energy.
I don't think the left really cares about renewable energy.


Don't you think their in touch with their inner child?

Oh like Charlie Manson and his followers..."The Looney Left" His Gal Pal Linda Kasabian sure was in touch with Sharon Tates inner child.

Sound sick?...I'll bet for 90% of the fundis it just scratches the surface. This is how they really feel about you dumb ass progressives. This is why they will NEVER agree to ANYTHING you want.

This is just where I cut in Samson..Dante..whatever... You may resume watching your normal chanel.....
I don't think the left really cares about renewable energy.


Don't you think their in touch with their inner child?

Oh like Charlie Manson and his followers..."The Looney Left" His Gal Pal Linda Kasabian sure was in touch with Sharon Tates inner child.

Sound sick?...I'll bet for 90% of the fundis it just scratches the surface. This is how they really feel about you dumb ass progressives. This is why they will NEVER agree to ANYTHING you want.

This is just where I cut in Samson..Dante..whatever... You may resume watching your normal chanel.....


Isn't there a Brit somewhere that you should be abusing......?
I..Think I hear someone in the distance but I can't be sure....Oh well..I'll just ignore it. It seems like "someone" has a personal interest in a certain company that has failed. That certain someone...has shown a leaning towards market forces to be the rule of the rule up until now. Strange.....

Who's saying anything about not allowing the free market to do what it needs to do? I haven't seen anyone in this thread say BP should be bailed out or that they're too big to fail. We have only made the point that it's a shame this accident happened, not only for the loss of life, but because it will also likely cost many people their jobs as a good business struggles. One can feel sorry for BP while still believing in the free market.

No they can't. It's a conspiracy.
It should be obvious that BP is by far the leading victim, but I've yet to see a single expression of sadness for the company and its losses

That's because corporations do not have feelings, so there is no need to offer them our sympathies.

Fucking MORONS

I don't know why this is difficult to understand. But a corporation is an association of people.

So yeah I feel sorry for all the people who are being maligned by you and who will lose their jobs because of people like you.
He meant that maybe instead of condemning BP for this accident and asking for their heads, we should realize that they're not in their board rooms secretly laughing about this turn of events.

They were laughing at the fact they were installing acoustic switches on their British rigs - even though Britain did not require it - but not on the Gulf rigs, because the Gulf Coast can be damned but the world would end of their shitty 3rd world island limey coast got a drop of oil on it.

It would appear that you genuinely believe they wanted this rig to explode.

Of course they did. Like anyone else they love throwing billions down the drain and losing their job and livelyhood. What else do you think those evil people are doing?
It should be obvious that BP is by far the leading victim, but I've yet to see a single expression of sadness for the company and its losses

That's because corporations do not have feelings, so there is no need to offer them our sympathies.

Fucking MORONS

I don't know why this is difficult to understand. But a corporation is an association of people.

So yeah I feel sorry for all the people who are being maligned by you and who will lose their jobs because of people like you.

All WHAT people? BP mangement failed to direct thier people to work more responsibly.

If BP goes under there will be no less work to do. Yes there will be new management and rightly so. The workers paychecks will have different signatures...so what? The sale of BP as it exists within our boundaries is totally possible. The auction or whatever can stipulate a new way of addressing regulations. If anything it will mandate a few more jobs.
Please link to the findings of the inquiry into the incident to back up your claim of responsibility. Thanks.

Is this a joke? Do you honestly think BP has been spending millions to try and cap a leaking well its not responsible for? Are you really that stupid?

Yes. I honestly think that BP would spend millions to try to cap a leak they are not responsible for when it's causing them bad PR, and especially when its costing even more money in revenues by not capping it.
However, certain posters, like Spiderman Tuba, scream like a two year old throwing a temper tantrum, about the evil corporation and decide that those of us who refuse to condemn BP somehow also support parents who beat their children.... because that's really logical, isn't it? .

He must "wave the bloody shirt."

ST like many in S. Louisianna, has benefitted from having been on the Public Dole since 2005, and it looks like money from the Feds may dry up any day now.

I work for a living you pathetic cocksucking douchebag.

Remind me never to go to your McDonalds.
He meant that maybe instead of condemning BP for this accident and asking for their heads, we should realize that they're not in their board rooms secretly laughing about this turn of events.

They were laughing at the fact they were installing acoustic switches on their British rigs - even though Britain did not require it - but not on the Gulf rigs, because the Gulf Coast can be damned but the world would end of their shitty 3rd world island limey coast got a drop of oil on it.

It would appear that you genuinely believe they wanted this rig to explode.
It would appear that you genuinely believe their number #1 priority was the preservation of our coastal wetlands and the hard working coon asses and rednecks and vietnamese that feed their children off those wetlands - and not profit. I submit you are mistaken.
You'd feel sympathy for someone who gets hammered drives off and kills someone? Really?

Ever thought of being a criminal defense attorney?

He would not defend a criminal unless they were incorporated or right wing.

I suggest you learn the difference between a libertarian and a right-winger.

The difference is clear. Right wingers run for office, and libertarians vote for right wingers running for office. They go to Washington -you stay home - that's the only difference.
He must "wave the bloody shirt."

ST like many in S. Louisianna, has benefitted from having been on the Public Dole since 2005, and it looks like money from the Feds may dry up any day now.

I work for a living you pathetic cocksucking douchebag.

Remind me never to go to your McDonalds.

I have no fucking clue why you would go to a Mcdonald's in New Orleans. You would be the most stupid fucker in the world if you did that.
They were laughing at the fact they were installing acoustic switches on their British rigs - even though Britain did not require it - but not on the Gulf rigs, because the Gulf Coast can be damned but the world would end of their shitty 3rd world island limey coast got a drop of oil on it.

It would appear that you genuinely believe they wanted this rig to explode.
It would appear that you genuinely believe their number #1 priority was the preservation of our coastal wetlands and the hard working coon asses and rednecks and vietnamese that feed their children off those wetlands - and not profit. I submit you are mistaken.

That would be incorrect.
He would not defend a criminal unless they were incorporated or right wing.

I suggest you learn the difference between a libertarian and a right-winger.

The difference is clear. Right wingers run for office, and libertarians vote for right wingers running for office. They go to Washington -you stay home - that's the only difference.

Clearly you don't know anything about libertarians.

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