Why Is Tucker Now Ashamed Of White Replacement Theory?

Do you clowns lie awake at night dreaming up this foolishness?
No, he is just upset that Carlson left MSNBC many years ago and joined the Sith Lords…

Now he want to attribute Carlson rantings to what some punk kid did in Buffalo and want to claim Carlson is a racist and voice for racism while not understanding that Kid was most likely listening to David Duke instead…
"Fox News host Tucker Carlson tried to distance himself Tuesday
He's fully experienced in navigating these waters. He knows that the rubes will back him fully, and that the Murdochs will back him as far as they can.

He's not on an island. No doubt he and FOX stay in communication on how far he can go. He can't do this by himself.

From his perspective, from FOX's perspective, it's all good. It's pro wrestling. He's the victim here, as always.
He's fully experienced in navigating these waters. He knows that the rubes will back him fully, and that the Murdochs will back him as far as they can.

He's not on an island. No doubt he and FOX stay in communication on how far he can go. He can't do this by himself.

From his perspective, from FOX's perspective, it's all good. It's pro wrestling. He's the victim here, as always.
"He knows that the rubes will back him fully,"

They are definitely doing that on this very thread....they can't help it...

It's almost like they expect us not to remember what they were posting the past few years....

But Pepperidge Farms and I remembers


"Fox News host Tucker Carlson tried to distance himself Tuesday from the white supremacist “great replacement” theory he’s peddled on his prime time show for years. Carlson has spent years pushing the idea, and a New York Times investigation found he has promoted it in more than 400 episodes of his program since he joined Fox News’ prime time lineup in 2016. But Carlson said Tuesday he’s still unsure what the conspiracy theory is. "You’ve heard a lot about the great replacement theory recently, it’s everywhere … we’re still not sure exactly what it is,” the host said Tuesday."

Here is why Tucker is playing dumb about this whole great replacement theory....it is because, as of now, it is still widely unpopular to be in favor of it.....so you push the theory, and when called out - play dumb about it....in hopes it will become more popular in the future to where you can be more upfront about it -- or if it is defeated, you just pretend you were never in favor of it -- and come up with something else...pretty much how Conservatives did with the pro-segregation movement...when you are defeated, claim you were never for it and accuse the other side of doing it....

Example....Tucker claiming to not know what white replacement theory is and then claiming it was something created by Democrats.....so he is basically claiming Dems were so brilliant and powerful that they forced some white-nationalist French author guy (Renaud Camus) to come up with "great replacement theory" all the way back in the 1990's -- just to make Republicans look bad almost 30 years later?? Cool...so does that mean when that whole white nationalist march happened in Charlottesville -- and folks were going around yelling "Jews Will Not Replace Us" -- Democrats forced those guys to say that?? Cool...

Does that also mean that Dems even forced former Trump advisors Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller to be huge fans of the book "Camp Of The Saints" -- which basically laid the ground work for "white replacement theory" ?? In fact, when Steve Bannon wasn't talking about being upset that his daughter attends school with Jews; he said this about "immigration" -- not illegal immigration, but immigration in general....he said: “When we first started talking about this a year ago -- we called it the Camp of the Saints. … I mean, this is Camp of the Saints, isn’t it?”

What is Camp Of The Saints about? Why is Camp of the Saints believed to have laid the ground work for today's white replacement theory paranoia...well the book basically claims that "Dark-skinned immigrants are destroying white society" -- and talks about how they need to be slaughtered in order to stop them....sound familiar?? Sounds like that was exactly what the guy in Buffalo thought he was doing...again, like i asked earlier...why are Conservatives so ashamed to stand on the shit they have been pushing whenever a national spotlight gets shined on them?? When it happens, they scurry away like roaches...

....and conveniently forget that Democrats admitted it was true:

"California Rep. Ted Lieu Demands GOP Denounce "Racist And Vile Replacement Theory" He Once Boasted About​



California Rep. Ted Lieu Demands GOP Denounce "Racist And Vile Replacement Theory" He Once Boasted About

In the wake of the mass shooting in Buffalo, California Rep Ted Lieu (D) has been tweeting nonstop partisan attacks suggesting Republicans are to blame for the shooting for

Let's see how many of the Democrat loyals parrot the scam.
Refute a single thing I said in the OP

I'll wait

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

The fact that the Buffalo psychopath used the phrase 'replacement theory' as his motive, does not mean the original meaning of the phrase is either evil nor inaccuate.

The Democrat Party made "replacement theory" as their raison d'être.....but it did not refer to non-white, as the NPR quote below mis-states.

In 1965 they Democrats passed a bill, Cellers Hart Act, to replace American citizens with welfare-requiring masses who it believed would always vote Democrat.
So you think Republican politicians were running are running and will in the future be running on replacement theory just because a few people aren't having babies???

I noticed another popular deflection is to pretend something isn't a big deal when it blows up in their face

. While the Left's propaganda is that those who oppose immigration policy if the Democrats, it is not based on opposition to the race of the 'dependents' brought in.......

...it is that the rest of us need to pay for Democrat votes.

“In all, nearly 60 percent of immigrants—legal and illegal—are on government assistance, compared with 39 percent of native households. Why would any country voluntarily bring in people who have to be supported by the taxpayer?”
Ann Coulter, ¡Adios, America!: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole

And when legal immigration didn't give them quite enough potential voters, they enticed illegals in......see Biden's open borders policy.

Here's the answer: the reason that the Democrats/Liberals encourage illegal immigration is for one reason and one reason only: illegals vote for the Democrats.

There is no other benefit to this nation.
Illegals keep wages low, and unemployment of Americans high; it costs billions in welfare services and police costs high.
It is only through the actions of Democrats and illegal aliens that the Left is able to claim a popular vote victory in the last election.
After all, Obama told illegal aliens to get out and vote.
By the way....

When Steve King got caught blowing the dog whistle too loud -- he was talking about "white replacement theory" -- that was a few years ago....

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” he told The New York Times...also implying that people of color are dysfunctional, dangerous “threats to white life and livelihood,”

Sounds like white replacement talk to me....did this stop folks like Tucker and currrely elected Republicans from continuing to fearmonger about being replaced by "the others"?? Nope.....the goal is to keep downplaying it, or claim the other side is blowing it out of proportion when they call attention to it.....

"Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

To the surprise of absolutely no one, a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future."

Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration

Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats And Illegal Immigration

… a leaked document from the Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund shows what most of us have always known, but what Democrats like to pretend isn’t their reality.

Namely, the memo, in great detail, maps out how Democrats are relying on illegal immigration to prop up their political future.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo,…” Leaked Memo Confirms What We Already Knew About Democrats and Illegal Immigration
Yes, white replacment theory is a paranoid delusion....

Now refute the fact that Tucker and Conservatives keep pushing this paranoid delusion??

Do I need to post links to all of the "white genocide" threads on this very message board??

Why do you folks get so ashamed when your own shit gets called out?? How much of a coward do you have to be to be afraid to stand on your beliefs?

Democrats were all for the Hart Cellers Act.....lying all the while.

" Despite [Democrat] Robert Kennedy's promise that, "Immigration from any single country would be limited to 10 percent of the total," Mexico sent 20 percent of last year's immigrants. Hispanics have made up nearly half of all immigrants since 1968.

[Democrat] Ted Kennedy also claimed the 1965 amendments "will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."
Teddy cannot have it both ways: either the immigrant will remain unemployed and become a public charge, or he will take a job that otherwise could have gone to a native American. ....immigrant participation lowers wages.

... the [Democrat] 1965 Immigration Reform Act has remade society into the image its critics most feared. Immigration levels topping a million a year will increase U.S. population to 400 million within 50 years. Meanwhile, exponents of multiculturalism insist new arrivals make no effort to assimilate; to do so would be "genocidal," a notion that makes a mockery of real genocides. Instead, long-forgotten grudges are nursed against the white populace.

All the while, indigenous paychecks drop through lower wages and higher taxes collected to provide social services for immigrants. And this only takes into account legal immigration. "
FrontPage Magazine - The 1965 Immigration Act: Anatomy of a Disaster

Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Bin Mohamad said in a speech in 1997: "We do have the ultimate weapon. People are more mobile now. They can go anywhere. . . . If we are not allowed a good life in our countries, if we are going to be global citizens, then we should migrate North. We should migrate North in our millions, legally or illegally. Masses of Asians and Africans should inundate Europe and America."
Half a Century of Barely Controlled Immigration

How would he vote, Democrat or Republican?
I don't have to ask Tucker...he has been pushing it for 4 years...

I am asking you, why are you so ok with lying about your positions?? Why are you so ashamed of what you believe in when it faces scrutiny??

And I don't cry about racism, I call it out..and push towards making it so unsustainable, that it forces dic suckers like you to have to settle for being able to call someone the N-word online to cope...

In the mid 60s, Democrats were willing to corrupt America but do so within the system......hence the Hart Cellers Act to bring in needy immigrants who they believed would serve the Democrat Party.

But they have become more blatant in their disregard for America and Americans.....

Now it's open borders and tellng illegal immigrants to vote.


Did you know that by the end of Biden's term America will be 20% illegal immigrants?

Texas lieutenant governor warns 20% of people in US will be ...
https://video.foxnews.com › ...
Texas lieutenant governor warns 20% of people in US will be illegal immigrants by end of Biden's first term. Apr. 11, 2022 - 4:05 - Texas sheriffs Brad Coe ...

20% of American population will be here illegally by the end of ...
https://www.yahoo.com › video › 20-american-populati...
2 days ago — 20% of American population will be here illegally by the end of Biden's ... in US will be illegal immigrants by end of Biden's first term.
Tucker is an entertainer? So pushing white replacement paranoia that ended up getting people murdered is your entertainment? cool....

So, the politicians that campaign on that same hatred --- are they entertainers too??

Sorry, politics and policies aren't for your entertainment...

Imagine how black Americans must feel when they realize that Democrats throw them under the bus to gain more Hispanic votes.

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."

Care to show me where I have celebrated or adovacated for any of those things you just mentioned? Nope...

Meanwhile......believing brown people coming to our country makes us MORE FILTHY is exactly what you believe and exactly why you pussies love Tucker...

And as soon as you get called out on it...yall run like bitches...why not stand on it when you get called out?? Why deflect ?

Soooo......you're all a about protecting black and brown folks????

Then why would you vote for Democrats?????

The New York Times published a rather shocking article for Saturday’s newspaper. Online, the headline was an attention-grabber:
Black Workers’ Wages Are Finally Rising
Their pay is increasing after a decade of stagnation. One man’s story shows the hope — and limitations — with that shift.
New York Times Reports 'Black Workers' Wages Are Finally Rising' -- Headline Altered for Paper
Wait. So black workers’ wages stagnated....all through the Obama presidency.
Wanna give Barack an 'attaboy'?

Now......the reason black's incomes stagnated under Obama???

Because Democrat power was more important to Hussein than his skin folks, he favored illegals who vote.

“…because a disproportionate percentage of immigrants have few skills, it is low-skilled American workers, including many blacks and Hispanics, who have suffered most from this wage dip. The monetary loss is sizable. The typical high school dropout earns about $25,000 annually. According to census data, immigrants admitted in the past two decades lacking a high school diploma have increased the size of the low-skilled workforce by roughly 25 percent. As a result, the earnings of this particularly vulnerable group dropped by between $800 and $1,500 each year.” Yes, Immigration Hurts American Workers

The Harlem Renaissance great novelist, essayist, anthropologist and filmmaker Zora Neale Hurston, who’s left a cultural legacy of Black pride for past and future generations enjoy and to educate themselves, warned not to judge who was on your side, by their skin color:
'All your skin folk ain't your kinfolk.'

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson tried to distance himself Tuesday from the white supremacist “great replacement” theory he’s peddled on his prime time show for years. Carlson has spent years pushing the idea, and a New York Times investigation found he has promoted it in more than 400 episodes of his program since he joined Fox News’ prime time lineup in 2016. But Carlson said Tuesday he’s still unsure what the conspiracy theory is. "You’ve heard a lot about the great replacement theory recently, it’s everywhere … we’re still not sure exactly what it is,” the host said Tuesday."

Here is why Tucker is playing dumb about this whole great replacement theory....it is because, as of now, it is still widely unpopular to be in favor of it.....so you push the theory, and when called out - play dumb about it....in hopes it will become more popular in the future to where you can be more upfront about it -- or if it is defeated, you just pretend you were never in favor of it -- and come up with something else...pretty much how Conservatives did with the pro-segregation movement...when you are defeated, claim you were never for it and accuse the other side of doing it....

Example....Tucker claiming to not know what white replacement theory is and then claiming it was something created by Democrats.....so he is basically claiming Dems were so brilliant and powerful that they forced some white-nationalist French author guy (Renaud Camus) to come up with "great replacement theory" all the way back in the 1990's -- just to make Republicans look bad almost 30 years later?? Cool...so does that mean when that whole white nationalist march happened in Charlottesville -- and folks were going around yelling "Jews Will Not Replace Us" -- Democrats forced those guys to say that?? Cool...

Does that also mean that Dems even forced former Trump advisors Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller to be huge fans of the book "Camp Of The Saints" -- which basically laid the ground work for "white replacement theory" ?? In fact, when Steve Bannon wasn't talking about being upset that his daughter attends school with Jews; he said this about "immigration" -- not illegal immigration, but immigration in general....he said: “When we first started talking about this a year ago -- we called it the Camp of the Saints. … I mean, this is Camp of the Saints, isn’t it?”

What is Camp Of The Saints about? Why is Camp of the Saints believed to have laid the ground work for today's white replacement theory paranoia...well the book basically claims that "Dark-skinned immigrants are destroying white society" -- and talks about how they need to be slaughtered in order to stop them....sound familiar?? Sounds like that was exactly what the guy in Buffalo thought he was doing...again, like i asked earlier...why are Conservatives so ashamed to stand on the shit they have been pushing whenever a national spotlight gets shined on them?? When it happens, they scurry away like roaches...
He isn't. He's really cheering that he's such a White-wing influencer.
You are a moron if you think I ever said policies are for entertainment...

You are the dic suckers who think a person's political qualifications are measured by how many people comes to his rallies...

Folks like me care about POLICIES -- because POLICIES affect lives...

We don't have the luxury to view politics as a TV show when one party has no problems with stripping away healthcare from millions....just for lulz

"Folks like me care about POLICIES -- because POLICIES affect lives..."

We have a winner in the category of "Unintentional Humor"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sooooo....which Trump policies did you vote against and which Biden policies did you vote for???

That puts a cork in your pie hole, huh?
First, she wasn't fired from CNN for opposing views.....

Second, your reason for whining about CNN is mute if you leave out the fact that the people I am talking about all came from CNN, MSNBC, etc..

The reason you cheerlead for these folks is because they make you believe they hate the same people you hate....you could careless what network signs their checks...

And yes, Tucker also invites people on the show so they can both fantasize about how the GOP will nominate a fascist in the next 10 yrs...but ironically, that will also be blamed on Democrats...

“I have said this before, and I’m telling you I’m worried that I’m right, the right is going to pick a fascist within 10 to 20 years.” Carlson chimed in to say that Kelly’s prediction was “right,” before the guest added that the U.S. has “60, 70 million of us. We’re not a tiny minority"

So, Democrats are going to make Republicans nominate a fascist?? How much of a bitch do you have to be....yall are clowns...

How did the Democrats entice illegal aliens in?

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily


“Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally

A Spanish-language leaflet that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has provided to the Mexican Embassy in Washington advises border-crossing Mexicans that they can collect taxpayer-funded food stamp benefits for their children without admitting that they're illegal immigrants.

Underlined and in boldface type, the document tells immigrants who are unlawfully in the United States that, 'You need not divulge information regarding your immigration status in seeking this benefit for your children.'

Read more: Shocking US government leaflet tells Mexican immigrants they can collect food stamp benefits without admitting they're in the country illegally
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Not much of a leap from the Hart-Celler Act to Hussein Obama telling illegal aliens to go and vote: “When you vote, you’re a citizen yourself!”

Is this the Democrat plan to 'replace' an electorate who won't vote for racism, socialism, censorship, and lie after lie??????

You betcha'!!!
Yall have went from whining about "white genocide" in South Africa a couple of years ago to insisting the "Caravans" were meant to replace whites just a year ago -- to now acting stupid about the whole white replacement bullshit you were just talking about....lol...fucking cowards

Yes......there really is a Democrat "Replacement Plan."

But, no, don't accept the lies: it is not based on race.

It is based on the fact that Americans.....hard working, law abiding citizens.......do not vote for Democrats in large enough numbers.
The plan is to replace these folks with unskilled, uneducated individual who will be paid by the welfare system, to vote Democrats.

And many of these new Democrats come from corrupt and lawless societies, and bring that here.
"He knows that the rubes will back him fully,"

They are definitely doing that on this very thread....they can't help it...

It's almost like they expect us not to remember what they were posting the past few years....

But Pepperidge Farms and I remembers

View attachment 646787

"Dems advocate high immigration to gain political power — and smear Republicans when called on it​

....there is an attempt to tar Republicans more broadly with the [racialist rather than economic] theory and somehow attribute responsibility for the horror in Buffalo to them on this basis. The argument is that the likes of Elise Stefanik, a Republican congresswoman from New York, have warned that the Democratic Party views immigration as a way to change the electorate in its favor and so are mainstreaming the hateful replacement ideology.

This is a smear and especially perverse since Republicans sounding the alarm about this Democratic view have been unquestionably correct. There hasn’t been any secretive cabal at work — it’s all been out in the open, discussed by progressive political operatives and think-tank analysts and celebrated in the press.

The left-wing Center for American Progress issued a report in 2013 titled “Immigration Is Changing the Political Landscape in Key States.” It summarized its argument thus: “Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation’s 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future.”

Books were written about this idea. The widely cited (and over-interpreted) 2002 book “The Emerging Democratic Majority” by John Judis and Ruy Teixeira called the Democrats “the party of transition” as “white America is supplanted by multiracial, multiethnic America.” In 2016, Steve Phillips published “Brown Is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority.” His publisher’s website says the latest edition of the book contends “hope for a more progressive political future lies not with increased advertising to middle-of-the-road white voters, but with cultivating America’s growing, diverse majority.”

Dems advocate high immigration to gain political power — and smear Republicans when called on it

There hasn’t been any secretive cabal at work — it’s all been out in the open, discussed by progressive political operatives and think-tank analysts and celebrated in the press.

"Fox News host Tucker Carlson tried to distance himself Tuesday from the white supremacist “great replacement” theory he’s peddled on his prime time show for years. Carlson has spent years pushing the idea, and a New York Times investigation found he has promoted it in more than 400 episodes of his program since he joined Fox News’ prime time lineup in 2016. But Carlson said Tuesday he’s still unsure what the conspiracy theory is. "You’ve heard a lot about the great replacement theory recently, it’s everywhere … we’re still not sure exactly what it is,” the host said Tuesday."

Here is why Tucker is playing dumb about this whole great replacement theory....it is because, as of now, it is still widely unpopular to be in favor of it.....so you push the theory, and when called out - play dumb about it....in hopes it will become more popular in the future to where you can be more upfront about it -- or if it is defeated, you just pretend you were never in favor of it -- and come up with something else...pretty much how Conservatives did with the pro-segregation movement...when you are defeated, claim you were never for it and accuse the other side of doing it....

Example....Tucker claiming to not know what white replacement theory is and then claiming it was something created by Democrats.....so he is basically claiming Dems were so brilliant and powerful that they forced some white-nationalist French author guy (Renaud Camus) to come up with "great replacement theory" all the way back in the 1990's -- just to make Republicans look bad almost 30 years later?? Cool...so does that mean when that whole white nationalist march happened in Charlottesville -- and folks were going around yelling "Jews Will Not Replace Us" -- Democrats forced those guys to say that?? Cool...

Does that also mean that Dems even forced former Trump advisors Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller to be huge fans of the book "Camp Of The Saints" -- which basically laid the ground work for "white replacement theory" ?? In fact, when Steve Bannon wasn't talking about being upset that his daughter attends school with Jews; he said this about "immigration" -- not illegal immigration, but immigration in general....he said: “When we first started talking about this a year ago -- we called it the Camp of the Saints. … I mean, this is Camp of the Saints, isn’t it?”

What is Camp Of The Saints about? Why is Camp of the Saints believed to have laid the ground work for today's white replacement theory paranoia...well the book basically claims that "Dark-skinned immigrants are destroying white society" -- and talks about how they need to be slaughtered in order to stop them....sound familiar?? Sounds like that was exactly what the guy in Buffalo thought he was doing...again, like i asked earlier...why are Conservatives so ashamed to stand on the shit they have been pushing whenever a national spotlight gets shined on them?? When it happens, they scurry away like roaches...
Tucker is spot on with the replacement theory. You America haters all say it aloud, you brag about it every chance you get…don’t turtle up now pussy, own your filth.

Tucker: The great replacement theory is coming from the left
Is he lying about the replacement theory? You America haters all say it aloud, you brag about it every chance you get…don’t turtle up now pussy, own your filth.


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