Why is this pilot being called a hero?

On a more serious note, did anyone here the cockpit recording? This captain showed complete poise and control over the situation. When he said they were going down in the Hudson, it was so matter of fact and professional. I give this guy all the kudos I can as he showed extreme professionalism under what most of us would consider extreme distress.
Vermin (fitting): Pure Troll.

Moron, I tried to fly in just a 747 simulator ... I would NEVER want to be one of those pilots. It takes forever just to turn a single degree, and you can't just yank the yolk ... so yeah, blaming the pilot, that's mature.

Timing the flight, come on, birds can fly fast and turn on a dime (often times they do just that), you can't predict that 100% ever, no matter how hard you try.

Accidents happen, what pisses me off is that they made such a big deal of it for no reason. No one died. There was no huge burning ball of steel. the pilot made a great crash landing (I could never dream of such). They even got the plan out of the water. The pilot kept his cool in a bad situation ...

... it's a rose colored ending in my book. Can't believe I typed this much in response ... just get over it Vermin, and be thankful it didn't com crashing on your home. Flying is still the safest way to travel.

I think they made a big deal of it because this pilot glided such a big plane into the Hudson and no one died. Most aircraft break up on impact with water, unless they have pontoons and were designed to land on water. That pilot knew his stuff.
Hero is as trong word...in the end he did his job and kept cool.

Thats what he should be commended for

Actually, he not only did his job, he did it well. Most airplanes that size breakup on impact during a water landing. He managed to glide it down without either engine working and everybody got out safely, no one died or was even seriously hurt. It was a miracle.
Hero is as trong word...in the end he did his job and kept cool.

Thats what he should be commended for

Actually, he not only did his job, he did it well. Most airplanes that size breakup on impact during a water landing. He managed to glide it down without either engine working and everybody got out safely, no one died or was even seriously hurt. It was a miracle.

well, I retracted my statement last page and I do indeed think he is a hero...

Yet, the reason the plane didn't break apart is because he
A- placed it down perfectly, text book even

B- most importnatly, the waters were unsually calm that day...if the watyers had been choppy, no matter how he landed it, the plane most likely woul dhave broken apart.

It was a miracle
Yeah, he managed to land the plane in the Hudson river and all the passengers survived. But wasn't it he who collided with the flock of birds? He didn't time his flight appropriately or take the proper maneuvers to avoid that flock. He should be fired and criminally charged for this, not lionized.

You can't be serious. His quick action saved everyone on board and to land a plane on a river! :cuckoo:
is a fireman a hero for running into a building to save a person?

Is a cop a hero for stopping a murder?

The pilot is a hero, he saved everyone from dying on that plane...his job entails flying to one destination to another...not crashing into the hudson


Let me be clear; in my book he is a hero.

But there is a small difference in this situation than the two mentioned above. In this case the pilot was also a passenger, so he could be expected to act to save himself.
We might condemn or at least lose faith in the cop or the fireman if they failed to do their duty. In my book they too would be hero's because they didn't dodge their responsibility as best they could do it, the same standard I set in my own post.

A person seeing another who has fallen through the ice of a pond and finds a way to go out on that ice risking their own life rather than waiting for someone else to do it would be hero. That is a case that none of us would have trouble seeing as true heroism.
The real heroes are the people at Airbus who designed a plane that could land in the Hudson River and float!
Sorry I stepped on your sore toes jillian but the fact is there are obviously a lot of idiot lawyers out there or we wouldn't have a court system that gives the time of day to idiots that scald themselves and want redress for their own incompetence from some third party.
This Vermin moron neg repped me for disagreeing with him. What a tool.

You're a fucking lying sack of fucking dogshit you motherufcker!

I neg-repped you because you were a pussy enough to save the "idiot" for the neg rep you gave to me first.

Why is this pilot being... 02-06-2009 06:15 AM YWN666 You're an idiot.
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Yeah, he managed to land the plane in the Hudson river and all the passengers survived. But wasn't it he who collided with the flock of birds? He didn't time his flight appropriately or take the proper maneuvers to avoid that flock. He should be fired and criminally charged for this, not lionized.

You can't be serious. His quick action saved everyone on board and to land a plane on a river! :cuckoo:

I'm serious as a heart attack. Someone must be held accountable for the loss of the plane and the endangerment of its passengers. Who had the yoke when it all went down? Who was at ATC?
Yeah, he managed to land the plane in the Hudson river and all the passengers survived. But wasn't it he who collided with the flock of birds? He didn't time his flight appropriately or take the proper maneuvers to avoid that flock. He should be fired and criminally charged for this, not lionized.

The question might be asked "why should a person who is just doing his job be called a hero?"

His job is not to crashland in rivers after a fuckup of his own doing. His job is to go from point A to point B using the aircraft he is flying.
The passengers and other crew members surely think he's one.

To not recognize heroism in a case like this is to justify the lack of performance of all those who don't do the right thing in crucial moments, or who don't prepare themselves for that unpredictable moment. To a large extent it comes down to complete self discipline. He asked control about what was available to the right, maybe because he saw a path less of risk to people on the ground, then in only microseconds after getting clearance that way said he was going into the water.

The word "hero" is applied to ball players who "save a game" and then glory in it. this guy has shown no desire to bask in his positive media coverage. Will there be a media hunt for human foibles in this guy?

He probably wants to avoid the spotlight because he knows, deep down, he made an error somewhere and he hopes to hide that.

As to the recognition, on the other side of the coin, if you lionize him some more others will have the false belief that they can be spared from their own mistakes as long as they can somehow pull out of it miraculously (admittedly as this guy did) without any human loss, but that's not the message we should be sending. People need to be held accountable in this industry, because anything short of perfection will kill someone almost 100 percent of the time. It was freak chance that no one was killed in this crash, and he still needs to be made an example out of.
Yeah, he managed to land the plane in the Hudson river and all the passengers survived. But wasn't it he who collided with the flock of birds? He didn't time his flight appropriately or take the proper maneuvers to avoid that flock. He should be fired and criminally charged for this, not lionized.

Can you lead me to the Geese schedule which you imply tells pilots when the Geese will be using the TCA? And does this schedule list the altitudes and headings the Geese are presumably scheduled to follow? What's more that plane probably rolls out at over 160 Mph and is at 200 mph in fairly short order... Now IF you had any experience in operating a machine at 200 MPH you'd understand that SHIT COMES UP VERY QUICK AT 200+ Mph and little things liek a flock of geese aren't even visible until you're crawling over them... so evasive action... not an option.

Also... can you tell me if you're an actual dumbass, or are ya really working hard to reach the pinnacle of dumbassery through this particular thread?
Assuming you're expecting a serious answer to this, I'll provide one: hold the pilot accountable, and you can go fuck yourself.
This pilot is a hero because he reacted to numerous fatal variables which popped into his flight plan... along with the fact that he had near perfect situational awareness; resisting the urge which would have killed himself, his passengers and crew, had he succumbed to desperate instinct to find a runway upon which to land... of which there were a half a dozen; all of which would have sucked in a lesser pilot and none of which were obtainable.

Most fatal aircraft landing attempts are a result of pilots trying to make an airfield which their aircraft and flight conditions inevitably prohibit; resulting in a fatal depletion of altitude...

Now answer my question...
You didn't ask anything about the facts of the landing but only about my intellect, so my answer again is: fuck yourself.
He probably wants to avoid the spotlight because he knows, deep down, he made an error somewhere and he hopes to hide that.

It's your father that should hide his head in shame for the mistake he made: He didn't pull out in time...
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This Vermin moron neg repped me for disagreeing with him. What a tool.

You're a fucking lying sack of fucking dogshit you motherufcker!

I neg-repped you because you were a pussy enough to save the "idiot" for the neg rep you gave to me first.

Why is this pilot being... 02-06-2009 06:15 AM YWN666 You're an idiot.
wait a minute, he neg repped you then whined like a little bitch because you gave it to him back??????????????

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Vermin's odious idiocy aside, there will be an investigation. For in a case like this, the fact that the pilot got the plane down safely, all aboard alive and little hurt, is a matter for investigation. The investigation in a case like this involves mapping out what went right just as much as what went wrong. This was a textbook case of how to handle a big plane under conditions just about as bad as they could be. Taking off, achieving only 3000 ft altitude, and losing all power over a dense city. That is usually a recipe for disaster for the people in the plane and on the ground. This pilot managed to make all the correct decisions under extreme duress, and several hundred people owe him their lives. A thorough investigation of all his actions, so they can be used in the training of other pilots, will be the order of the day.
i dont agree with verims take on this, i think that Pilot deserves the acolades he is getting

investigate the crash fully for training, but lets not give this guy a public rectal exam to see what dirt can be dug up to discredit him

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