why is Romney better?

Mitt Romny is (or will likely be) better:

--Because he loves his country and there is every reason to bewlieve that he would not do or support anything that would weaken or diminish it. The current occupant of the White House cannot say that.

And this is where you fall into wingnut territory. Seriously. Obama doesn't love America? What do you base that on?

--Because he has a proven track record of problem solving and getting difficult things done and accomplishing what he starts out to do. The current occupant of the White House cannot say that.

Um, I've seen Romney's track record. It involves a lot of working class folks losing good paying jobs and talking out of both sides of his mouth. He's every slick Business Administration Major you've ever encountered.

Ummm, he made money the old fashioned way. He inherited it and got it thorugh family connections... (I mean, we are talking about Mitt Romney here, right?)

Um, then why does Romney dodge the subject any time anyone asks him about his cult...er... religion? Why hasn't he released his tax returns. All of them? Why did he go back and scrub his book of all mentions of suppport of a national mandate program?

--Because he doesnt promote fuzzy notions of 'making the rich pay more' or 'spreading the wealth around' or 'shoring up the economy by investing in it (meaning spending a lot of the people's money). The current occupant of the White House cannot say that.

No, he puts out a whole lot of stuff about how he's going to balance the budget while cutting rich people's taxes.

--Because he has some really good ideas about what will get the economy moving again, and, if he has reasonable support from Congress, has a good track record of follow through on what he says he will do. The current occupant of the White House cannot say that.

That sounds like a good reason to get rid of Congress, not change presidents.

why not bypass congress.. just like Obumba wants? (let's get rid of the constitution while we're at it!)
Mitt Romny is (or will likely be) better:

--Because he loves his country and there is every reason to bewlieve that he would not do or support anything that would weaken or diminish it. The current occupant of the White House cannot say that.

And this is where you fall into wingnut territory. Seriously. Obama doesn't love America? What do you base that on?

Um, I've seen Romney's track record. It involves a lot of working class folks losing good paying jobs and talking out of both sides of his mouth. He's every slick Business Administration Major you've ever encountered.

Ummm, he made money the old fashioned way. He inherited it and got it thorugh family connections... (I mean, we are talking about Mitt Romney here, right?)

Um, then why does Romney dodge the subject any time anyone asks him about his cult...er... religion? Why hasn't he released his tax returns. All of them? Why did he go back and scrub his book of all mentions of suppport of a national mandate program?

No, he puts out a whole lot of stuff about how he's going to balance the budget while cutting rich people's taxes.

--Because he has some really good ideas about what will get the economy moving again, and, if he has reasonable support from Congress, has a good track record of follow through on what he says he will do. The current occupant of the White House cannot say that.

That sounds like a good reason to get rid of Congress, not change presidents.

why not bypass congress.. just like Obumba wants? (let's get rid of the constitution while we're at it!)

Seriously ... insulting names aside ... what good would changing Congress do if you keep the guy who does crud like claim he has the right to unilaterally decide whether Congress is in session or not?
Because he has some really good ideas about what will get the economy moving again, and, if he has reasonable support from Congress, has a good track record of follow through on what he says he will do. The current occupant of the White House cannot say that.

That sounds like a good reason to get rid of Congress, not change presidents.

why not bypass congress.. just like Obumba wants? (let's get rid of the constitution while we're at it!)

You mean like Bush did with executive orders and signing statements?
I'd be happy to hear some specifics too. "Get the government off our backs" isn't specific. So what regulations will be repealed under Romney? "Return power to the states" Which powers are going to be returned.

Here is an example:

"I will overhaul the TSA. The TSA will be dialed back to where the actual screening agent can make decisions based on the person in front of them instead of some regulation somewhere stating they have to pat down obvious non-threats." That would be an an example of getting government off our backs. To date, I'm not seeing specifics from the Romney campaign...specificially about military spending. He says he wants to actually raise it which is a deal breaker with me; we already spend nearly 50% of the world's defense budget. And he wants to raise it.

^getting Rid of the TSA would be a HUGE Positive for this country!!! it would be a GREAT step back towards FREEDOM and away from where we have been Heading since Bush 2..

I disagree. I think it needs to be managed much better than either Bush or Obama have done. There is almost no serious screening of cargo while we're patting down obvious non-threats.

That is just an example of a specific policy position that I have not seen from the Romney camp however; it could be about Iran. He says "Iran won't have a nuke if I'm President." How does he intend to stop it? Invasion? Sanctions? Air strikes? Proxy war through Israel?


we NEED to Understand Why the Romney is more gooder than Obumbles.. :eusa_shifty:
I disagree. I think it needs to be managed much better than either Bush or Obama have done. There is almost no serious screening of cargo while we're patting down obvious non-threats.

That is just an example of a specific policy position that I have not seen from the Romney camp however; it could be about Iran. He says "Iran won't have a nuke if I'm President." How does he intend to stop it? Invasion? Sanctions? Air strikes? Proxy war through Israel?


patting down children and seniors is STUPID. we are getting to be like Nazi Germany. :mad:

Patting down non-threats is indeed stupid. If Mohammed Atta had a small child with him, I think I'd like to see the kid patted down however.

The Nazi card is out....

the Nazi card is out? are you sure? better wake the fuck up.. :cool:
You mean like Bush did with executive orders and signing statements?

Hey junior

It still pales by comparison.

Not really. Bush still holds the record for signing statements.

Signing statement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now Joe. WTF are you doing bringing verifiable facts into an exchange with full-auto? You know he doesn't address topics, facts, issues etc...!

Now you did it!

In the meantime, I thought Bush was still the record holder but wasn't sure. Did you know he fired more Line Officers from the military and Director Level Intel guys than anyone in history?
Now Joe. WTF are you doing bringing verifiable facts into an exchange with full-auto? You know he doesn't address topics, facts, issues etc...!

Now you did it!

In the meantime, I thought Bush was still the record holder but wasn't sure. Did you know he fired more Line Officers from the military and Director Level Intel guys than anyone in history?

Now, you see, I have to kind of call BS on that.

I think one of the problems with Bush was that he didn't fire officers who needed to be fired.

Truman Sacked MacArthur. FDR sacked a lot of generals, even good ones like Patton after the dreaded "slapping" incident. BUsh was pretty reluctant to pull generals out of their commands, kind of deferring. It really wasn't until Sanchez and others kind of stepped on it that he stepped up and put Petreus in there.
Romeny still backs historically failed ideas right in the face of obvious evidence.

He will never be president

Isn't that typical behavior among the right wing. They believe only what they want to believe. EVEN WHEN THEIR CANDIDATES SAYS THE OPPOSITE.

Republicans believe that Romney "saved" the Olympics without government involvement and that's a "testament" to his skills as a business manager:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpfeAIRYYHk]Romney - Several hundred million $ from govt. for Olympics - YouTube[/ame]

The same senate that gave us the Bush Tax cuts, the unfunded votes for pills bill, both of which cost trillions and both passed through reconciliation. Even the GOP base has no comment because they insist it's all lies. It's "right there" but it's all lies. Go figure.

My question is, did the Olympics really need "saving"?

Would there have really been a catastrophe if Salt Lake City looked kind of cheezy because they put on a poor Olympics?

Mitt said it did and he says he saved it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY29UIpGhAs]The Olympic Bailout - YouTube[/ame]
^getting Rid of the TSA would be a HUGE Positive for this country!!! it would be a GREAT step back towards FREEDOM and away from where we have been Heading since Bush 2..

I disagree. I think it needs to be managed much better than either Bush or Obama have done. There is almost no serious screening of cargo while we're patting down obvious non-threats.

That is just an example of a specific policy position that I have not seen from the Romney camp however; it could be about Iran. He says "Iran won't have a nuke if I'm President." How does he intend to stop it? Invasion? Sanctions? Air strikes? Proxy war through Israel?


we NEED to Understand Why the Romney is more gooder than Obumbles.. :eusa_shifty:

why is Romney better???? :confused:
Romney is better than Ron Paul...

1) He has more leadership experience in business and running a state.
2) His foreign policy won't be fallback to the CONUS and surrender the world to our enemies like Ron Paul.
3) He won't gut the military like Ron Paul.
4) He will cut the size of the Federal Govt but he won't take a chainsaw to it like Ron Paul which would cause more harm than good.
5) He won't legalize drugs like many Paulbots support.....take a look at Amsterdam's change of heart on selling drugs in the red light district.

please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:
Romney is better than Ron Paul...

1) He has more leadership experience in business and running a state.
2) His foreign policy won't be fallback to the CONUS and surrender the world to our enemies like Ron Paul.
3) He won't gut the military like Ron Paul.
4) He will cut the size of the Federal Govt but he won't take a chainsaw to it like Ron Paul which would cause more harm than good.
5) He won't legalize drugs like many Paulbots support.....take a look at Amsterdam's change of heart on selling drugs in the red light district.

please give me a reason to vote for this guy.. (not that he's NOT Obumba!) why is he Better than Ron Paul???? :confused:

Here we go!


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