Why I Stopped Teaching

I accept her story. But that means you have to stop using the plural.
You can talk about THIS teacher, but don't apply what she says it to TEACHERS.

Read through this thread: LINK


GRAPHIC: A citizen read from a pornographic book available to students in @IRCSchools and was SHUT DOWN by the board then REMOVED by security. Too graphic for the board to hear but perfectly ok for middle schoolers!
Make it make sense

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you think the neighborhoods in rural Nebraska are just chock full of rabid leftists out to indoctrinate children?

I left California for Kentucky a years ago. Kentucky is very rural and very conservative, and yes, the schools are full of Leftist imbeciles. They are not quite as overt about it, but they are, Parents are pulling kids out of schools and sending them to private schools.
A taxpayer was forcibly removed by security from a Fort Worth ISD meeting tonight after he read from the pornographic book “Flamer” which was available in the school library. Too graphic for a meeting of adults but cool for minor students!


Two plus two equals racist: Woke mob claim mathematics is 'inequitable'​

Meet DeDe Duffy. A preschool teacher in Cape Coral, FL. She says she teaches her students that if they don’t like their parents, they can find another family.
She also says she teaches them to be gay.
These are the people teaching your kids.

Depending how one defines 'soft' leftism I suppose. That would describe most of the educators in my family. But when you see teachers marching with the likes of BLM and joining hard left protesters demanding sexually oriented books be replaced in a elementary school library, it's hard to see the side of it that you seem to see Sue.

I am told by people in a position to know that our local schools didn't mention Columbus this year but talked about "Indigenous People Day" which to someone like me is going full 'woke.'

The hard fact is that the NEA is promoting a leftist agenda and what conservative/Patriot families and/or lawmakers that are out there are pushing back against it. And those who do run the risk of being branded 'terrorists' or whatever by our current DOJ or condemned by the left as Nazis or whatever.

The NEA also promotes and helped write the controversial gender studies for young children that horrify parent and Patriots even more than CRT.

Right or wrong, this is the image of modern public schools that is out there.

The Left had an "image" of the police, too. Was that valid? What did "Defund the police" do to cities?

That's what this mindset is doing to teaching in real time.
My wife is a retired school teacher.

She loved doing it when she started in 1969. She says that no way would she go into public school teaching nowadays if she was younger. Nothing to do with the pay and everything to do with the attitude of the students, lack of support from the parents (especially minorities), stupid woke crap and the chance of being sued or fired for standing up for what is right.

Too much entitlement combined with no personal accountability on behalf of students and a curriculum that favors indoctrination over critical and analytical thinking,,, who wants to be teacher? Oh, don’t forget the teachers having no protection or rights to defend themselves when students get violent. Just try taking a student’s cell phone these days during class and see what happens.
The Left had an "image" of the police, too. Was that valid? What did "Defund the police" do to cities?

That's what this mindset is doing to teaching in real time.

Start at post #99 and read to #106.
America is made up of millions of neighborhood schools, basically.

you think the neighborhoods in rural Nebraska are just chock full of rabid leftists out to indoctrinate children?


Where did I ever say that, please point it out? You know, we're on the same side most of the time politically but you're one of most hostile and arrogant people that post on here and attack those that are like minded to you. You can't even take a simple observation or question about what you said without flying off the handle and attacking. You're not the only 'expert' on teaching, yet you act like you're the 'end all, be all' when the topic is brought up. :dunno:

The specific areas that are having issues with disruptive and belligerent students isn't in the nice rural areas where children have conservative parents and upbringing and are taught respect for authority. The disruptive students are coincidentally in the same areas that have the hard leftist indoctrinators running the schools and introducing all of the curricula that the woman in the video was talking about. I was simply pointing out that the stats you mentioned aren't going to have curriculum as a top priority for the reasons I mentioned, their top concerns are more about self than the students. They're going to care more about salary, working conditions, etc.. first, and then the good majority in those areas are not going to disagree with the curriculum that she was outlining because they agree with it, simple at that.
These anecdotal “Why I left the Democratic Party…” threads are beyond tedious
Depending how one defines 'soft' leftism I suppose. That would describe most of the educators in my family. But when you see teachers marching with the likes of BLM and joining hard left protesters demanding sexually oriented books be replaced in a elementary school library, it's hard to see the side of it that you seem to see Sue.

I am told by people in a position to know that our local schools didn't mention Columbus this year but talked about "Indigenous People Day" which to someone like me is going full 'woke.'

The hard fact is that the NEA is promoting a leftist agenda and what conservative/Patriot families and/or lawmakers that are out there are pushing back against it. And those who do run the risk of being branded 'terrorists' or whatever by our current DOJ or condemned by the left as Nazis or whatever.

The NEA also promotes and helped write the controversial gender studies for young children that horrify parent and Patriots even more than CRT.

Right or wrong, this is the image of modern public schools that is out there.

Exactly, and no one was saying it was a monolith as she is trying to imply, and yet attempts to make a blanket attempt to categorize most teachers as 'soft' liberals, whatever that is supposed to be. If the head of the snake is corrupt, then the entire snake needs to be removed. There are areas that are not like this because they are predominantly conservative areas, and they also do not have the issues outlined in the video.
Too much entitlement combined with no personal accountability on behalf of students and a curriculum that favors indoctrination over critical and analytical thinking,,, who wants to be teacher? Oh, don’t forget the teachers having no protection or rights to defend themselves when students get violent. Just try taking a student’s cell phone these days during class and see what happens.
I take students cell phones many times every day. Stop spouting off about things you don't know anything about.
I take students cell phones many times every day. Stop spouting off about things you don't know anything about.

So, because you do it means all other teachers do it? Assuming your are not just lying that is.
YOU stop spouting off about things YOU don't know anything about.

I work in a very urban district, and the vast majority of my students are very polite. I get "yes sir, no sir, thank you sir" all day long. A lot of people post on this kind of topic from imagination and internet hysteria rather than direct, personal experience.

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