Why Does Trump Stoke Fear?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Terrorists Want People Afraid. Trump’s Alarmist Tweets Spark More Fear.

The president’s response to the London attack leaves terrorism experts perplexed and worried.

WASHINGTON ― On Dec. 19, 2016, after a failed asylum-seeker inspired by the Islamic State drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 and injuring 56 others, former President Barack Obama offered condolences and condemnations.

Through a spokesman, he sent “thoughts and prayers” to the German people. The next day, he called German Chancellor Angela Merkel and pledged counterterrorism and law enforcement assistance. After that, publicly, he largely moved on.

On Saturday, five and a half months later, another ISIS-inspired attack took place, this time in London, when a van drove into pedestrians on London Bridge and the perpetrators then jumped out and stabbed people at nearby restaurants. Seven people were killed and 48 injured.

In the aftermath, President Donald Trump offered a wholly different approach than his predecessor. He accused London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan of downplaying the threat, using an out-of-context snippet of Khan’s remarks. In a series of four tweets, he used the London tragedy to tout his executive order banning travel from some predominately Muslim countries, which is pending Supreme Court review after several courts ruled it’s likely unconstitutional. He made an unclear point about the absence of a gun debate after an attack in which the perpetrators used knives and a truck. And he insisted that people should be alarmed.

That Trump responded this way wasn’t a surprise. After the attack in Germany, he had declared that “Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad.” And while German police were still piecing together clues about the attack, he called for “these terrorists” to “be eradicated from the face of the earth.”

What troubled counterterrorism experts is that Trump’s approach as president hasn’t evolved. The patented alarmist response to terrorism attacks that he deployed in the election may have had political benefits to his campaign. But these experts view them as largely counterproductive to the goal of limiting the effectiveness of terrorist attacks.

“Terrorism only works if people are terrified,” said Clint Watts, a former FBI special agent. “And it seems like Trump’s comments, above all, seek to terrify.”

After a terror attack, world leaders should be objective, to the point, and focus on letting the public know when they are safe and when they are in danger, Watts said. “[Trump] does the opposite ― he creates confusion, he blurs lines, he makes people more fearful when they don’t necessarily need to be.”

More: Terrorists Want People Afraid. Trump's Alarmist Tweets Spark More Fear.

There is no doubt that Trump needlessly stokes fear with his confusing and misleading statements. I honestly believe Trump is mentally ill - but at a minimum he is childish and immature. He is certainly not presidential material. I worry about his judgement when confronted with a major crisis - and I'm not comforted by the quality of people around him or their ability to control him.
Democrat's plan to combat terrorism....

Sadiq Khan is mayor of muslim London. He wants British London to die. Preferably killed by muslims. Do not be alarmed. Islam just wants you dead.
Let them in.....let them in.....let in the muslim refugees that have been radicalized that hate queers and treat women like shit because "Merica" NEEDS to be more like Europe that has become a shithole form opening up their borders to military aged radical muslims....and if you don't? Well, you are just RACIST!!!!

So sayeth the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies.
His policies are very bad for America...
-He wants to cut help for the poor that people rely on like medical care and food stamps that feed people. A lot of these people work believe it or not.

-His science and educational policies weaken this country.

Rewarding the rich is exactly what he said he wouldn't do.
Sadiq Khan is mayor of muslim London. He wants British London to die. Preferably killed by muslims. Do not be alarmed. Islam just wants you dead.

Are all you NaziCons retarded?

From the OP link:

Ironically, experts say world leaders should more closely emulate the reaction of London’s mayor that Trump criticized. Khan condemned the terrorist attackers, praised police and emergency responders for helping to minimize casualties, and urged Londoners to go about their normal activities while remaining calm and vigilant. When Khan told citizens there was “no reason to be alarmed” by increased police presence throughout the city, he wasn’t downplaying the threat as Trump alleged. He was letting the frightened public know what to expect so they didn’t draw incorrect conclusions.
Terrorists Want People Afraid. Trump’s Alarmist Tweets Spark More Fear.

The president’s response to the London attack leaves terrorism experts perplexed and worried.

WASHINGTON ― On Dec. 19, 2016, after a failed asylum-seeker inspired by the Islamic State drove a truck into a Christmas market in Berlin, killing 12 and injuring 56 others, former President Barack Obama offered condolences and condemnations.

Through a spokesman, he sent “thoughts and prayers” to the German people. The next day, he called German Chancellor Angela Merkel and pledged counterterrorism and law enforcement assistance. After that, publicly, he largely moved on.

On Saturday, five and a half months later, another ISIS-inspired attack took place, this time in London, when a van drove into pedestrians on London Bridge and the perpetrators then jumped out and stabbed people at nearby restaurants. Seven people were killed and 48 injured.

In the aftermath, President Donald Trump offered a wholly different approach than his predecessor. He accused London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan of downplaying the threat, using an out-of-context snippet of Khan’s remarks. In a series of four tweets, he used the London tragedy to tout his executive order banning travel from some predominately Muslim countries, which is pending Supreme Court review after several courts ruled it’s likely unconstitutional. He made an unclear point about the absence of a gun debate after an attack in which the perpetrators used knives and a truck. And he insisted that people should be alarmed.

That Trump responded this way wasn’t a surprise. After the attack in Germany, he had declared that “Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad.” And while German police were still piecing together clues about the attack, he called for “these terrorists” to “be eradicated from the face of the earth.”

What troubled counterterrorism experts is that Trump’s approach as president hasn’t evolved. The patented alarmist response to terrorism attacks that he deployed in the election may have had political benefits to his campaign. But these experts view them as largely counterproductive to the goal of limiting the effectiveness of terrorist attacks.

“Terrorism only works if people are terrified,” said Clint Watts, a former FBI special agent. “And it seems like Trump’s comments, above all, seek to terrify.”

After a terror attack, world leaders should be objective, to the point, and focus on letting the public know when they are safe and when they are in danger, Watts said. “[Trump] does the opposite ― he creates confusion, he blurs lines, he makes people more fearful when they don’t necessarily need to be.”

More: Terrorists Want People Afraid. Trump's Alarmist Tweets Spark More Fear.

There is no doubt that Trump needlessly stokes fear with his confusing and misleading statements. I honestly believe Trump is mentally ill - but at a minimum he is childish and immature. He is certainly not presidential material. I worry about his judgement when confronted with a major crisis - and I'm not comforted by the quality of people around him or their ability to control him.

Why Does Trump Stoke Fear?

Maybe because people like this get off with a slap on the wrist.

Two Minnesota brothers with ties to Middle East are arrested after police find 'bomb-making materials, guns and ammunition in their car

This one just got out of jail on a weapons charge.

The elder brother has been charged with a single weapons felony and is being held in the Hennepin County Jail on $200,000 bail.

The younger one got virtually nothing.

Majid has already been released and is facing misdemeanor charges, including disorderly conduct. The offense in Minnesota carries a maximum punishment of 90 days in jail or a $1000 fine.
Two Minnesota brothers with Middle East ties are arrested | Daily Mail Online

Khan and Lakhota's "experts" are trying to convince the world that Islamic terrorism does not
exist. For more accurate information, talk to people who have background in Islamic lands ----
Christians, jews, Zoroastrians, hindus and even "bahais" -----if you can find a PUNJABI SIKH--
that would help too. Islamic terrorism is very real. It is as real as was the Poliomyelitis epidemic
of the mid 20th century that put people of all ages and stations at risk
Why Does Trump Stoke Fear?

Oh that's easy. Same reason television does --------- it draws attention.

And of course that's as deep as his permanently-stunted infantile mind can handle.
Why Does Trump Stoke Fear?

Oh that's easy. Same reason television does --------- it draws attention.

And of course that's as deep as his permanently-stunted infantile mind can handle.

He does not inspire fear in me. I learned NOTHING NEW FROM HIM
Experts say that Trump should be more like the Muslim mayor of London? What experts? The same experts that told us open borders are a wonderful thing and that Islam is a religion of peace? Those experts?
What would you prefer he stroke?
Confidence. Ability. Dignity. Honesty. Competence. Intelligence. Unity. Articulation. Knowledge. Experience. Thoughtfulness. Maturity.
You must’ve forgotten love and beauty that will save the world as some guy promised almost two hundred years ago. It’s a shame though it’s still unsafe and people like you keep peddling that pacifistic crap. I wonder how many hours would islamic terrorism or islam itself have lasted in a medieval England, post WW II Mccarthyist America or Stalin’s Russia? Japan doesn’t have problems with islamists. You know why? Islam there is prohibited by law.

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