why does the right unquestionably trust big business?

Getting back to the purpose of the OP.........We don't love job creators. We just know by using our own common-sense that nothing positive comes from trying to get rid of them. It's as simple as that.

No one's TRYING to get rid of them, dumbass, what we're TRYING to do is get all of their money OUT of our government (unions too). Them buying legislature and sitting on regulatory boards and effectively passing legislation that benefits ONLY them is what is destroying this country, and we need to stop it NOW. This is precisely what OWS is protesting and asking for.

Like I said before, no one but an individual should be able give to the election process (and corporations are NOT PEOPLE), and cap that at $100. No PAC's, no lobbyists, no more buying our government and selling out this country to the highest bidder. Until this happens, nothing will change and our decline will be irreversable. We will become a 3rd world country run by corporations disguised as government. Read up on Monsanto and the other big agra monopolies if you don't believe me.

Well then maybe you should go to the no lobbyist in my cabinet president dumbass.
Well then maybe you should go to the no lobbyist in my cabinet president dumbass.

Trust me, I wish I could. I hope he is listening to the protesters more than the $$$, but I doubt it. We will need an intelligent, strong independent to win to change anything.
why does the right unquestionably trust big business?

Its not just a matter of "trust" - the Republicans are well paid for providing "political spin" for "Big Business!"
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why does the right unquestionably trust big business?

The Republicans are well paid for providing "political spin" for "Big Business!"

Right...... we have to pay the same price just like everybody else does, but at least I am not forced to pay it I can go to someone else and get it cheaper, unlike those who have the hand out from the guberment you can't go anywhere else but there.
Yes he does

Obama Supports Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Anybody can form words and spit them out of their mouths. I can say I care about rescue animals and volunteer there on the weekends, but it doesn't make it so unless I actually DO it. I think he thinks he HAS to say he supports them, and from what I understand, he "supports" their right to protest, not necessarily their message. If he did, no lobbyist would ever be able to bribe congress ever again on his watch.
Yes he does

Obama Supports Occupy Wall Street - YouTube

Anybody can form words and spit them out of their mouths. I can say I care about rescue animals and volunteer there on the weekends, but it doesn't make it so unless I actually DO it. I think he thinks he HAS to say he supports them, and from what I understand, he "supports" their right to protest, not necessarily their message. If he did, no lobbyist would ever be able to bribe congress ever again on his watch.

:eusa_whistle::cuckoo::eusa_whistle::cuckoo: Dude he says he's supports them he's either lying or he isn't if he's lying here where else did he lie?


What is your definition of "big business"?

What exactly is your criteria for "trusting big business"?

Are you able to understand the FACT that Barack Obama's biggest campaign donors are corporations, multi-millionaires, labor unions, and numerous other entities that would qualify under your definition of "big business"?

Why did you start a topic that makes you look like a blubbering, leftist idiot?




You really that stupid to think the American consumer continues to spend money on JUNK?
You really that stupid to think 1 million iPad owners are idiots?

to keep your connection up!

What an absolutely STUPID observation especially since YOU ARE USING the world's BIGGEST consumer service, i.e. the Internet!
I bet you've used your debit card at least once this week!
WHY if "BIG" is is so BAD and so untrustworthy?
Why don't you BARTER????
WAIT... that involves trusting that the other person will exchange!

YOU are that stupid to trust an unknown individual to barter something BUT you stupidly make your comment about "big business"

WHAT an absolute IDIOT as YOU POSTING that stupid title MEANS you trusted some BIG Business!

why do YOU unquestionably trust big business?
It's simply a matter of history of debt and profits mixed with consumer satisfaction. Big and small businesses against government programs and their management of funds. Obvious choice, isn't it?


The one thing that I know to be true, Marc...is that if you want something to cost three times as much and take twice as long to get done...you let the government do it.

It's not that I trust businesses unquestionably...it's that I KNOW that government is inept.

Bullshit. Don't mistake a government with poor leadership for ineptness. In spite of the rumors, most federal programs with a direct impact are run efficiently.

Medicare is one of the largest health insurers and they run at 95% to 98% efficiency, depending on whose numbers you look at. Meaning that the overhead to administer the Medicare insurance program is 3% to 5% and 95 to 98 cents out of every dollar in premiums and taxes collected is paid out in benefits.

The BEST run private health insurers run between 75% and 80% efficiency. Meaning 20 to 25 cents of your premium dollar goes to overhead and only 75 to 80 cents is available to pay claims.


The one thing that I know to be true, Marc...is that if you want something to cost three times as much and take twice as long to get done...you let the government do it.

It's not that I trust businesses unquestionably...it's that I KNOW that government is inept.

Bullshit. Don't mistake a government with poor leadership for ineptness. In spite of the rumors, most federal programs with a direct impact are run efficiently.

Medicare is one of the largest health insurers and they run at 95% to 98% efficiency, depending on whose numbers you look at. Meaning that the overhead to administer the Medicare insurance program is 3% to 5% and 95 to 98 cents out of every dollar in premiums and taxes collected is paid out in benefits.

The BEST run private health insurers run between 75% and 80% efficiency. Meaning 20 to 25 cents of your premium dollar goes to overhead and only 75 to 80 cents is available to pay claims.

What you call "efficiency" is actually them refusing to pay the whole bill

How are those costs passed on?

If every widget I made I got to pass 95 percent of the cost off to someone else
well yeah, it would look pretty good too

By 2049, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security will consume all tax revenues. Medicare spending is adding to future deficits faster than any other spending.
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The one thing that I know to be true, Marc...is that if you want something to cost three times as much and take twice as long to get done...you let the government do it.

It's not that I trust businesses unquestionably...it's that I KNOW that government is inept.

Bullshit. Don't mistake a government with poor leadership for ineptness. In spite of the rumors, most federal programs with a direct impact are run efficiently.

Medicare is one of the largest health insurers and they run at 95% to 98% efficiency, depending on whose numbers you look at. Meaning that the overhead to administer the Medicare insurance program is 3% to 5% and 95 to 98 cents out of every dollar in premiums and taxes collected is paid out in benefits.

The BEST run private health insurers run between 75% and 80% efficiency. Meaning 20 to 25 cents of your premium dollar goes to overhead and only 75 to 80 cents is available to pay claims.

Sir, yoar Drunk with Power. :thup:


A better question would be is why are some people reflexively closing ranks around the banking/financial industry? They have become a clear threat to our economic well being, they openly buy our politicians of both parties, they control our economic policy for their benefit alone. I think it is Stockholm syndrome, we have been at their mercy for so long that some of the hostages are starting to identify with them.

Before you tear down any system it would help if you had another one ready to replace it. Furthermore, and this is very important, it also helps that you have another system that historically worked better then the one you're tearing down before you tear down the current system. *Duh*

I'm sure if you put any system under a microscope, you can find flaws in it. If you're warped enough and have enough imagination it's easy to dream up compelling arguments on how screwed up that system is. That's what's going on here. Using well publicized misdeeds of Enron and other popular examples the left has presented to us over the last 10 years or so, you are attempting to prove your point, failing to see that the system we've had in place for the last 100 years or more has worked better than any other in history.

Perhaps that is why the left hates it.

Course that won't detour those who want to destroy a highly successful economy.

Using preposterous arguments like profit is evil, thus the American Dream is evil, they attempt to tear down a thriving economy so that hedgefunders can make billions off of the collapse that is soon to follow.

What's wrong with Capitalism isn't really at issue here. What we have here is an attempt by some to profit off of the suffering of others. Class-warfare is just another way of doing it, using pawns like yourself of course. It's small wonder that the gap between the rich and the poor is widening. The poor and the middle-class are who suffers in any economic upheaval.

When you attack job creators you destroy jobs.

No shit??????

It's amazing that the Democrats to this day are publically scratching their heads about the struggling economy. They try desperately to blame it all on anyone but the real perps. They don't want us to know that Nancy Pelsoi and her lot caused the very thing you and others like you are protesting.
Folks like Pelosi, Reid, and even establishment Repugs like Boehner are quietly working to make money for themselves and their donors while the debt mounts. They act like they're in opposition but in fact they're working together to builk us out of our excess cash. The difference between Obama and Congress is at least they aren't so obvious about it.
Getting back to the purpose of the OP.........We don't love job creators. We just know by using our own common-sense that nothing positive comes from trying to get rid of them. It's as simple as that.

I'm extremely frustrated with the crap that continues to go on in Washington. I have to put my retirement off indefinently because of it. Anyone who claims that I'm happy with that is foolish. I'm at the point that if some protestor were to yell this in my face does so at their own peril. By the time I get done with them the only thing that will beat them to a hospital is the headlights of the ambulance that carries them there. I feel most of us feel the same frustration. This is the only violence your average Tea Party member is capable of, not the crap that we're seeing from the OWS.

That's an awful lot of angry typing and empty threats to just prove my point, no one is trying to destroy our economic system on the left unless of course it cannot function without corruption and fraud. If it is indeed dependent on underhanded behavior then there is a fatal flaw in our system that will eventually destroy it without anyone doing anything. When a banker buys off a politician BOTH are guilty of bribery and BOTH must be dealt with. This blindspot the right has concerning the Wall Street casino is almost pathological in it's severity.

FYI, I don't make empty threats.

Every system has flaws.

There will always be cheaters....even in your Socialist Utopia. Just ask France, Greece, Italy,.......etc.

The only reason socialism works in Germany is simply because they raise their kids to do what they're supposed to do. If you ever lived there you'd understand what I'm talking about.

Unfortunately in America our kids are raised to feel entitled, like they are owed something. Some segments of our society have zero respect for authority. Because of this a socialist economic system cannot work.

As it is our capitalist system has cheaters. Big fucken whoop. I know for a fact nothing a tuss-bucket like yourself could come up with would work any better.
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why does the right unquestionably trust big business?

Cuz they are a bunch of King George type losers.

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