Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

Yesterday many of us viewed the circular firing squad known as the Democrat Party.

Which must be why more Jews vote Democrat than GOP.

Honestly, if there has ever been a less-informed thread started, I haven't seen it.

Interesting that you felt the need to add the qualifier 'Honestly..." Is this a way of admitting that you
are usually not so?

I knew this would happen when they stopped teaching 'Logic...'

..The quote you've provided has no connection to the line you posted to reference same.

But, I'll admit, the question of why Jewish folk would support a party steeped in anti-religious sentiment, and a detrimental attitude toward Israel, is an interesting question.

I've considered all of the arguments, the love for Roosevelt, the identifications with the oppressed....but, I believe that will change.

My belief is based on the the excesses of Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) and his gross and inept revealing of the party's inadequacies....

And you say?
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Why Does The Left Hate Israel?

Another cut-n-paste from The Un-Thinker!

You're a complete liar and moron. I have no hate for Christians, Jews, or Muslims. I think we should all live in peace. It's the right wing scumbag End Times Christians, in conjunction with radical right wing Likud Israelis, who want the state of perpetual war.

I admit my hate of those extremists. Your post seems to be stupid enough to believe that they actually represent Christians and Jews. The facts prove you have your head up your ass.

Yeah sure, you keep telling yourself that. You are a hateful bigot. You've expressed your irrational hate for Christians many times in the past. But that's cool with me. You are what you are. I can't change that. I was just asking you guys on the Left about all that weird hate for Christians & Jews, while having love affairs with Muslims. But if you don't want to be honest and explain it, so be it i guess.

He's ignorant as shit too.

Oh i know he's a hateful bigot, i was just taking a shot at him finally expressing a shred of honesty. He hates Christians & Jews, that's pretty obvious. But i was trying to go past that and get an honest explanation from someone on the Left as to why they hate Christians & Jews, while fawning all over Muslims. But i guess honesty is just too much to ask for sometimes.
Left Wing nutters just hate those mean ole Christians & Jews. You know, Crucifixes soaked in urine and all that? But oddly enough, they're madly in love with Muslims. It's weird. But i'm willing to listen to a USMB Leftist explain it to us. I'm open-minded.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a leftist to offer an honest explanation. Bottom line, their position is clearly about appeasement. They mistakenly believe that if we just give these people what they want, they'll stop harassing the rest of the planet. They won't.

The Muslim world doesn't give a rat's ass about the Palestinian people. If they did, they'd be working for peaceful resolution with Israel instead of rabble-rousing all the time. And they do it for the same reason Hitler did. Not because there's something intrinsically wrong with being Jewish, but because it's a focal point for negativity and hatred which can be used to unite the mob. That's the way mobs work. You've got to harness people's emotional energy in order to get them to follow you, and negative energy works best. It doesn't require rational thinking.
Bottom line is, the Democrats tried to dump the Jews and Israel. And that says it all. American Jews need to take notice. Their own Party hates them. Seriously, it's true. They shouldn't be Uncle Tom sellouts. It's time to dump them.

The fucking bottom line is that it was an American liberal President that pushed for the recognition of the State of Israel. It was the right wingers in 1948 that opposed it. The bottom line is that I (I only speak for me) supports a safe Israel, in established borders, and a path to peace. Why do you jerk off to the concept of perpetual war?
Many on the Left have a strange love affair with Muslims, while at the same time expressing vile ignorant hatred towards Christians and Jews. I don't get it myself. Maybe a USMB Leftist can explain it? It's pretty bizarre.

shut up

Left Wing nutters just hate those mean ole Christians & Jews. You know, Crucifixes soaked in urine and all that? But oddly enough, they're madly in love with Muslims. It's weird. But i'm willing to listen to a USMB Leftist explain it to us. I'm open-minded.

again shut up.

Well, on display, once again, the primary directive of the Left: suspend, in any manner possible, opposition voices.

It demands the following historical quiz: where would that plan be most welcome, the United States of America, or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?

Don't try to respond, paint-boy....as it is way over your head, consider it merely rhetorical.
What the hell is a "leftist"?

Do you have a mirror?

Why do you love perpetual war?
This document is the original version of the Palestinian National Charter, agreed to by Palestine Liberation Organization

Before the Six day war, the Palestine Liberation Organization , founded in 1964 and led by Ahmed Shukhairy, had been instrumental in helping to provoke conflict. Shukhairy himself gave a speech at the U.N. describing graphically what the PLO would do to Israel and its Jewish inhabitants if 'it will be our privilege to strike the first blow.'

Shukhairy drafted a charter for the PLO that was ratified in 1964. In Arabic, the document is called "Al-Mithaq Al-Kawmee Al-Philisteeni." Mithaq was at first translated as covenant, but later the word "charter" was adopted. Palestinians claim that "Al Kawmee" is untranslatable. It evidently implies that Palestinians are less than a nation in their own right, and are part of the Arab nation or Ouma. In later years, the Palestinians adopted the designation "Shaabi" for the Palestinian people
Left Wing nutters just hate those mean ole Christians & Jews. You know, Crucifixes soaked in urine and all that? But oddly enough, they're madly in love with Muslims. It's weird. But i'm willing to listen to a USMB Leftist explain it to us. I'm open-minded.

What the hell is a "leftist"?

Do you have a mirror?

I have no idea what you are talking about.

And neither do you - otherwise you would use adult words. "Leftist"? Really?
But, I'll admit, the question of why Jewish folk would support a party steeped in anti-religious sentiment, and a detrimental attitude toward Israel, is an interesting question.

As I said earlier - I think most American Jews know more about Israel than you do.
But, I'll admit, the question of why Jewish folk would support a party steeped in anti-religious sentiment, and a detrimental attitude toward Israel, is an interesting question.

As I said earlier - I think most American Jews know more about Israel than you do.

I earnestly look forward to the day that I visit the Holy Land.

You've been there?
Let's be honest, it's clear most American Jews value their Socialism/Communism agenda more than they do about their own Party despising them and Israel. Many American Jews just don't care about Israel. They've become cowardly Uncle Toms. And that is very sad, but it is what it is.
Let's be honest, it's clear most American Jews value their Socialism/Communism agenda more than they do about their own Party despising them and Israel. Many American Jews just don't care about Israel. They've become cowardly Uncle Toms. And that is very sad, but it is what it is.

Why then did one million Jews flee the Soviet Union?

You know, I'd be willing to bet you have never set foot in Israel. Am I right?

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