“Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I don't give a damn that the usual suspects on here are going to call me Islamophobic. The litany of atrocities in this article are too specific and too indicative of the basic tenet of this Satanic cult.

“Why do they [Western people] think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama [had] called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?” — A Nigerian Christian.

Muslim man slaughters Christian bishop in broad daylight in Egypt and nobody does anything to stop it.

Pakistan: On October 9, seven Muslim police officers stormed a school and beat to death a 14-year-old Christian boy who had refused a forced conversion.

In a separate incident, a Muslim man murdered his sister because she had married a Christian.

Syria: Islamic State militants are believed to have executed two Russian mercenary fighters— Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38—for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace Islam.

Separately, in what eyewitnesses described as a “shocking massacre,” the Islamic State spent 20 days systematically slaughtering people in the Christian village of al-Qaryatain.

Iraq: The Muslim family of a Baghdad man who had turned Christian slaughtered him.

“Three years ago, there were 73 nuns with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine,” but “ince the Islamic State captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, one-third of them have died,” about 24.

Nigeria: A report shed light on the nature and frequency of Muslim Fulani raids on Christian villages. In 13 separate invasions, the Islamic herdsmen slaughtered 48 people—including women and children—and destroyed 249 homes.

In a different attack, “A Christian woman and her two children were killed … three days after a kidnapped priest was slain by his abductors in the southwestern part of the country.”

Pakistan: Islamic terrorists hurled grenades on the Gospel Faith Church before fleeing the scene.

Mali: Christians, who make up just 2% of the Muslim-majority nation’s population and churches, “have come under systematic attacks by extremist Muslims” with a “lack of a government response to the crisis,” a report states.

Algeria: Claiming that a 2006 law which regulates non-Muslim worship is being breached, Muslim authorities cracked down on at least two churches, including one that was using a house leased on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria (an accredited institution formally recognized by the government since 1974).

Sudan: On Sunday, October 22, police officers marched into a church in Omdurman and ordered its leadership to cancel the worship service. When they refused, all five were arrested and taken to jail.

Nigeria: Unknown persons plundered the Kings Tabernacle International Church before setting it on fire.

Iran: Authorities continued attacking converts to Christianity, including by arresting four Christians and raiding their homes. T

Uganda: A Muslim father beat his son and forced him to flee the family home after he learned that the 20-year-old had converted to Christianity.

Indonesia: An open-air Christian prayer service was canceled due to pressure—and threats—from Muslim groups claiming that the public event was a “plot to convert Muslims to Christianity.”

Sudan: Approximately one million Christians have no access to Bibles in the Muslim majority nation.

United Kingdom: Another Christian who fled to the West from the Islamic world in search of religious freedom was attacked and beaten senseless by Muslim men angered by the crucifix hanging from his car’s rearview mirror.

And on and on it goes. Now, we will read from the Muslim-lovers here all about The Crusades and other "atrocities" by Christians and Jews - none of it of any relevance whatsoever to these and other reports.

Full details @ Muslim Persecution of Christians: “Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”

Oh yes, ignoring the links, they will attack the source of this article.

So lame.

Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs @ Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs

And the LGBT crowd continues to call for the end of Islamophobia. Are they truly that ignorant?

Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law @ Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law
First of all, you're not talking about "people" with the capacity to think.

You're talking about parrots, mindless, vapid, deliberately ignorant parrots.

Islime is pretty much just a cult of slavery, conquest and death. I have little use for it. Not all of the people are bad folks though. The ones who are bad however, are real bad mother fuckers. They're not here to play games.

First of all, you're not talking about "people" with the capacity to think.

You're talking about parrots, mindless, vapid, deliberately ignorant parrots.

Islime is pretty much just a cult of slavery, conquest and death. I have little use for it. Not all of the people are bad folks though. The ones who are bad however, are real bad mother fuckers. They're not here to play games.


They are the fundamentalists of the left just as dogged and irrational as the most rigid religious fundamentalist of the right. They only know what they are expected to support. They have no freaking clue why they support it.
The Quran teaches its believers not to befriend non-believers unless only as a deception (taqqiya) while they are in a weak position & never talk peace once they have the upper hand.

O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya' to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust). (Quran 5 51)

Let not the believers take the disbelievers as patrons rather than that is instead of the believers — for whoever does that that is whoever takes them as patrons does not belong to the religion of God in anyway — unless you protect yourselves against them as a safeguard tuqātan ‘as a safeguard’ is the verbal noun from taqiyyatan that is to say unless you fear something in which case you may show patronage to them through words but not in your hearts this was before the hegemony of Islam and the dispensation applies to any individual residing in a land with no say in it. God warns you He instills fear in you of His Self warning that He may be wrathful with you if you take them as patrons; and to God is the journey’s end the return and He will requite you. (Quran 3 28 Tafsir Al-Jalalyn)

So be not weak and ask not for peace (from the enemies of Islam), while you are having the upper hand. Allah is with you, and will never decrease the reward of your good deeds. (Qu’ran 47 :35)
To understand the mindset of the terrorists, read their books.
".....By the Being in Whose Hand is Muhammad's life, I love to fight in the way of Allah and be killed, to fight and again be killed and to fight again and be killed."

Reference : Sahih Muslim 1876 a The Book on Government
In-book reference : Book 33, Hadith 155
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 20, Hadith 4626

I don't give a damn that the usual suspects on here are going to call me Islamophobic. The litany of atrocities in this article are too specific and too indicative of the basic tenet of this Satanic cult.

“Why do they [Western people] think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama [had] called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?” — A Nigerian Christian.

Muslim man slaughters Christian bishop in broad daylight in Egypt and nobody does anything to stop it.

Pakistan: On October 9, seven Muslim police officers stormed a school and beat to death a 14-year-old Christian boy who had refused a forced conversion.

In a separate incident, a Muslim man murdered his sister because she had married a Christian.

Syria: Islamic State militants are believed to have executed two Russian mercenary fighters— Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38—for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace Islam.

Separately, in what eyewitnesses described as a “shocking massacre,” the Islamic State spent 20 days systematically slaughtering people in the Christian village of al-Qaryatain.

Iraq: The Muslim family of a Baghdad man who had turned Christian slaughtered him.

“Three years ago, there were 73 nuns with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine,” but “ince the Islamic State captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, one-third of them have died,” about 24.

Nigeria: A report shed light on the nature and frequency of Muslim Fulani raids on Christian villages. In 13 separate invasions, the Islamic herdsmen slaughtered 48 people—including women and children—and destroyed 249 homes.

In a different attack, “A Christian woman and her two children were killed … three days after a kidnapped priest was slain by his abductors in the southwestern part of the country.”

Pakistan: Islamic terrorists hurled grenades on the Gospel Faith Church before fleeing the scene.

Mali: Christians, who make up just 2% of the Muslim-majority nation’s population and churches, “have come under systematic attacks by extremist Muslims” with a “lack of a government response to the crisis,” a report states.

Algeria: Claiming that a 2006 law which regulates non-Muslim worship is being breached, Muslim authorities cracked down on at least two churches, including one that was using a house leased on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria (an accredited institution formally recognized by the government since 1974).

Sudan: On Sunday, October 22, police officers marched into a church in Omdurman and ordered its leadership to cancel the worship service. When they refused, all five were arrested and taken to jail.

Nigeria: Unknown persons plundered the Kings Tabernacle International Church before setting it on fire.

Iran: Authorities continued attacking converts to Christianity, including by arresting four Christians and raiding their homes. T

Uganda: A Muslim father beat his son and forced him to flee the family home after he learned that the 20-year-old had converted to Christianity.

Indonesia: An open-air Christian prayer service was canceled due to pressure—and threats—from Muslim groups claiming that the public event was a “plot to convert Muslims to Christianity.”

Sudan: Approximately one million Christians have no access to Bibles in the Muslim majority nation.

United Kingdom: Another Christian who fled to the West from the Islamic world in search of religious freedom was attacked and beaten senseless by Muslim men angered by the crucifix hanging from his car’s rearview mirror.

And on and on it goes. Now, we will read from the Muslim-lovers here all about The Crusades and other "atrocities" by Christians and Jews - none of it of any relevance whatsoever to these and other reports.

Full details @ Muslim Persecution of Christians: “Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”

Oh yes, ignoring the links, they will attack the source of this article.

So lame.

Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs @ Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs

And the LGBT crowd continues to call for the end of Islamophobia. Are they truly that ignorant?

Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law @ Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law
Same reason why Christians fallaciously call Jesus the prince of peace (a term in the Bible-BOOK OF ISAIAH about KING HEZEKIAH),
EVEN AFTER thousands of wars & over 50 million murders in his name. Labels cause sides/teams/gangs= gang mentality enveloped in the propaganda used to make the teams/gangs pide pipers for that team/gangs agenda and authoratative control.
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I don't give a damn that the usual suspects on here are going to call me Islamophobic. The litany of atrocities in this article are too specific and too indicative of the basic tenet of this Satanic cult.

“Why do they [Western people] think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama [had] called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?” — A Nigerian Christian.

Muslim man slaughters Christian bishop in broad daylight in Egypt and nobody does anything to stop it.

Pakistan: On October 9, seven Muslim police officers stormed a school and beat to death a 14-year-old Christian boy who had refused a forced conversion.

In a separate incident, a Muslim man murdered his sister because she had married a Christian.

Syria: Islamic State militants are believed to have executed two Russian mercenary fighters— Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38—for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace Islam.

Separately, in what eyewitnesses described as a “shocking massacre,” the Islamic State spent 20 days systematically slaughtering people in the Christian village of al-Qaryatain.

Iraq: The Muslim family of a Baghdad man who had turned Christian slaughtered him.

“Three years ago, there were 73 nuns with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine,” but “ince the Islamic State captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, one-third of them have died,” about 24.

Nigeria: A report shed light on the nature and frequency of Muslim Fulani raids on Christian villages. In 13 separate invasions, the Islamic herdsmen slaughtered 48 people—including women and children—and destroyed 249 homes.

In a different attack, “A Christian woman and her two children were killed … three days after a kidnapped priest was slain by his abductors in the southwestern part of the country.”

Pakistan: Islamic terrorists hurled grenades on the Gospel Faith Church before fleeing the scene.

Mali: Christians, who make up just 2% of the Muslim-majority nation’s population and churches, “have come under systematic attacks by extremist Muslims” with a “lack of a government response to the crisis,” a report states.

Algeria: Claiming that a 2006 law which regulates non-Muslim worship is being breached, Muslim authorities cracked down on at least two churches, including one that was using a house leased on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria (an accredited institution formally recognized by the government since 1974).

Sudan: On Sunday, October 22, police officers marched into a church in Omdurman and ordered its leadership to cancel the worship service. When they refused, all five were arrested and taken to jail.

Nigeria: Unknown persons plundered the Kings Tabernacle International Church before setting it on fire.

Iran: Authorities continued attacking converts to Christianity, including by arresting four Christians and raiding their homes. T

Uganda: A Muslim father beat his son and forced him to flee the family home after he learned that the 20-year-old had converted to Christianity.

Indonesia: An open-air Christian prayer service was canceled due to pressure—and threats—from Muslim groups claiming that the public event was a “plot to convert Muslims to Christianity.”

Sudan: Approximately one million Christians have no access to Bibles in the Muslim majority nation.

United Kingdom: Another Christian who fled to the West from the Islamic world in search of religious freedom was attacked and beaten senseless by Muslim men angered by the crucifix hanging from his car’s rearview mirror.

And on and on it goes. Now, we will read from the Muslim-lovers here all about The Crusades and other "atrocities" by Christians and Jews - none of it of any relevance whatsoever to these and other reports.

Full details @ Muslim Persecution of Christians: “Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”

Oh yes, ignoring the links, they will attack the source of this article.

So lame.

Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs @ Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs

And the LGBT crowd continues to call for the end of Islamophobia. Are they truly that ignorant?

Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law @ Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law
What a diatribe of hate, This is a simple question to answer - read the bible then read the Koran , then you will know.

I don't give a damn that the usual suspects on here are going to call me Islamophobic. The litany of atrocities in this article are too specific and too indicative of the basic tenet of this Satanic cult.

“Why do they [Western people] think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama [had] called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?” — A Nigerian Christian.

Muslim man slaughters Christian bishop in broad daylight in Egypt and nobody does anything to stop it.

Pakistan: On October 9, seven Muslim police officers stormed a school and beat to death a 14-year-old Christian boy who had refused a forced conversion.

In a separate incident, a Muslim man murdered his sister because she had married a Christian.

Syria: Islamic State militants are believed to have executed two Russian mercenary fighters— Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38—for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace Islam.

Separately, in what eyewitnesses described as a “shocking massacre,” the Islamic State spent 20 days systematically slaughtering people in the Christian village of al-Qaryatain.

Iraq: The Muslim family of a Baghdad man who had turned Christian slaughtered him.

“Three years ago, there were 73 nuns with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine,” but “ince the Islamic State captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, one-third of them have died,” about 24.

Nigeria: A report shed light on the nature and frequency of Muslim Fulani raids on Christian villages. In 13 separate invasions, the Islamic herdsmen slaughtered 48 people—including women and children—and destroyed 249 homes.

In a different attack, “A Christian woman and her two children were killed … three days after a kidnapped priest was slain by his abductors in the southwestern part of the country.”

Pakistan: Islamic terrorists hurled grenades on the Gospel Faith Church before fleeing the scene.

Mali: Christians, who make up just 2% of the Muslim-majority nation’s population and churches, “have come under systematic attacks by extremist Muslims” with a “lack of a government response to the crisis,” a report states.

Algeria: Claiming that a 2006 law which regulates non-Muslim worship is being breached, Muslim authorities cracked down on at least two churches, including one that was using a house leased on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria (an accredited institution formally recognized by the government since 1974).

Sudan: On Sunday, October 22, police officers marched into a church in Omdurman and ordered its leadership to cancel the worship service. When they refused, all five were arrested and taken to jail.

Nigeria: Unknown persons plundered the Kings Tabernacle International Church before setting it on fire.

Iran: Authorities continued attacking converts to Christianity, including by arresting four Christians and raiding their homes. T

Uganda: A Muslim father beat his son and forced him to flee the family home after he learned that the 20-year-old had converted to Christianity.

Indonesia: An open-air Christian prayer service was canceled due to pressure—and threats—from Muslim groups claiming that the public event was a “plot to convert Muslims to Christianity.”

Sudan: Approximately one million Christians have no access to Bibles in the Muslim majority nation.

United Kingdom: Another Christian who fled to the West from the Islamic world in search of religious freedom was attacked and beaten senseless by Muslim men angered by the crucifix hanging from his car’s rearview mirror.

And on and on it goes. Now, we will read from the Muslim-lovers here all about The Crusades and other "atrocities" by Christians and Jews - none of it of any relevance whatsoever to these and other reports.

Full details @ Muslim Persecution of Christians: “Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”

Oh yes, ignoring the links, they will attack the source of this article.

So lame.

Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs @ Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs

And the LGBT crowd continues to call for the end of Islamophobia. Are they truly that ignorant?

Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law @ Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law
He voted for Scum Bag because they share much of their hate with each other.

I don't give a damn that the usual suspects on here are going to call me Islamophobic. The litany of atrocities in this article are too specific and too indicative of the basic tenet of this Satanic cult.

“Why do they [Western people] think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama [had] called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?” — A Nigerian Christian.

Muslim man slaughters Christian bishop in broad daylight in Egypt and nobody does anything to stop it.

Pakistan: On October 9, seven Muslim police officers stormed a school and beat to death a 14-year-old Christian boy who had refused a forced conversion.

In a separate incident, a Muslim man murdered his sister because she had married a Christian.

Syria: Islamic State militants are believed to have executed two Russian mercenary fighters— Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38—for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace Islam.

Separately, in what eyewitnesses described as a “shocking massacre,” the Islamic State spent 20 days systematically slaughtering people in the Christian village of al-Qaryatain.

Iraq: The Muslim family of a Baghdad man who had turned Christian slaughtered him.

“Three years ago, there were 73 nuns with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine,” but “ince the Islamic State captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, one-third of them have died,” about 24.

Nigeria: A report shed light on the nature and frequency of Muslim Fulani raids on Christian villages. In 13 separate invasions, the Islamic herdsmen slaughtered 48 people—including women and children—and destroyed 249 homes.

In a different attack, “A Christian woman and her two children were killed … three days after a kidnapped priest was slain by his abductors in the southwestern part of the country.”

Pakistan: Islamic terrorists hurled grenades on the Gospel Faith Church before fleeing the scene.

Mali: Christians, who make up just 2% of the Muslim-majority nation’s population and churches, “have come under systematic attacks by extremist Muslims” with a “lack of a government response to the crisis,” a report states.

Algeria: Claiming that a 2006 law which regulates non-Muslim worship is being breached, Muslim authorities cracked down on at least two churches, including one that was using a house leased on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria (an accredited institution formally recognized by the government since 1974).

Sudan: On Sunday, October 22, police officers marched into a church in Omdurman and ordered its leadership to cancel the worship service. When they refused, all five were arrested and taken to jail.

Nigeria: Unknown persons plundered the Kings Tabernacle International Church before setting it on fire.

Iran: Authorities continued attacking converts to Christianity, including by arresting four Christians and raiding their homes. T

Uganda: A Muslim father beat his son and forced him to flee the family home after he learned that the 20-year-old had converted to Christianity.

Indonesia: An open-air Christian prayer service was canceled due to pressure—and threats—from Muslim groups claiming that the public event was a “plot to convert Muslims to Christianity.”

Sudan: Approximately one million Christians have no access to Bibles in the Muslim majority nation.

United Kingdom: Another Christian who fled to the West from the Islamic world in search of religious freedom was attacked and beaten senseless by Muslim men angered by the crucifix hanging from his car’s rearview mirror.

And on and on it goes. Now, we will read from the Muslim-lovers here all about The Crusades and other "atrocities" by Christians and Jews - none of it of any relevance whatsoever to these and other reports.

Full details @ Muslim Persecution of Christians: “Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”

Oh yes, ignoring the links, they will attack the source of this article.

So lame.

Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs @ Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs

And the LGBT crowd continues to call for the end of Islamophobia. Are they truly that ignorant?

Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law @ Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law
It would be judged by the number of Christians killed by Muslims Vs Muslims killed by Christians. Since that the case tell me who the aggressor is. I know , do you.
You can tell much about who are Real Christians by the wars they get involved with. In that case the US is at the bottom of the list of Christians.

I don't give a damn that the usual suspects on here are going to call me Islamophobic. The litany of atrocities in this article are too specific and too indicative of the basic tenet of this Satanic cult.

“Why do they [Western people] think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama [had] called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?” — A Nigerian Christian.

Muslim man slaughters Christian bishop in broad daylight in Egypt and nobody does anything to stop it.

Pakistan: On October 9, seven Muslim police officers stormed a school and beat to death a 14-year-old Christian boy who had refused a forced conversion.

In a separate incident, a Muslim man murdered his sister because she had married a Christian.

Syria: Islamic State militants are believed to have executed two Russian mercenary fighters— Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38—for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace Islam.

Separately, in what eyewitnesses described as a “shocking massacre,” the Islamic State spent 20 days systematically slaughtering people in the Christian village of al-Qaryatain.

Iraq: The Muslim family of a Baghdad man who had turned Christian slaughtered him.

“Three years ago, there were 73 nuns with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine,” but “ince the Islamic State captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, one-third of them have died,” about 24.

Nigeria: A report shed light on the nature and frequency of Muslim Fulani raids on Christian villages. In 13 separate invasions, the Islamic herdsmen slaughtered 48 people—including women and children—and destroyed 249 homes.

In a different attack, “A Christian woman and her two children were killed … three days after a kidnapped priest was slain by his abductors in the southwestern part of the country.”

Pakistan: Islamic terrorists hurled grenades on the Gospel Faith Church before fleeing the scene.

Mali: Christians, who make up just 2% of the Muslim-majority nation’s population and churches, “have come under systematic attacks by extremist Muslims” with a “lack of a government response to the crisis,” a report states.

Algeria: Claiming that a 2006 law which regulates non-Muslim worship is being breached, Muslim authorities cracked down on at least two churches, including one that was using a house leased on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria (an accredited institution formally recognized by the government since 1974).

Sudan: On Sunday, October 22, police officers marched into a church in Omdurman and ordered its leadership to cancel the worship service. When they refused, all five were arrested and taken to jail.

Nigeria: Unknown persons plundered the Kings Tabernacle International Church before setting it on fire.

Iran: Authorities continued attacking converts to Christianity, including by arresting four Christians and raiding their homes. T

Uganda: A Muslim father beat his son and forced him to flee the family home after he learned that the 20-year-old had converted to Christianity.

Indonesia: An open-air Christian prayer service was canceled due to pressure—and threats—from Muslim groups claiming that the public event was a “plot to convert Muslims to Christianity.”

Sudan: Approximately one million Christians have no access to Bibles in the Muslim majority nation.

United Kingdom: Another Christian who fled to the West from the Islamic world in search of religious freedom was attacked and beaten senseless by Muslim men angered by the crucifix hanging from his car’s rearview mirror.

And on and on it goes. Now, we will read from the Muslim-lovers here all about The Crusades and other "atrocities" by Christians and Jews - none of it of any relevance whatsoever to these and other reports.

Full details @ Muslim Persecution of Christians: “Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”

Oh yes, ignoring the links, they will attack the source of this article.

So lame.

Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs @ Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs

And the LGBT crowd continues to call for the end of Islamophobia. Are they truly that ignorant?

Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law @ Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law
"islam" litterally means "submit".

You submit to the will of God to achieve inner peace.
First of all, you're not talking about "people" with the capacity to think.

You're talking about parrots, mindless, vapid, deliberately ignorant parrots.

Islime is pretty much just a cult of slavery, conquest and death. I have little use for it. Not all of the people are bad folks though. The ones who are bad however, are real bad mother fuckers. They're not here to play games.

First off your observation does apply to any religion and when you claim that Islam has some bad mothers then the Christians were no less ruthless taking this country from it's occupants with no mercy...

I don't give a damn that the usual suspects on here are going to call me Islamophobic. The litany of atrocities in this article are too specific and too indicative of the basic tenet of this Satanic cult.

“Why do they [Western people] think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama [had] called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?” — A Nigerian Christian.

Muslim man slaughters Christian bishop in broad daylight in Egypt and nobody does anything to stop it.

Pakistan: On October 9, seven Muslim police officers stormed a school and beat to death a 14-year-old Christian boy who had refused a forced conversion.

In a separate incident, a Muslim man murdered his sister because she had married a Christian.

Syria: Islamic State militants are believed to have executed two Russian mercenary fighters— Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38—for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace Islam.

Separately, in what eyewitnesses described as a “shocking massacre,” the Islamic State spent 20 days systematically slaughtering people in the Christian village of al-Qaryatain.

Iraq: The Muslim family of a Baghdad man who had turned Christian slaughtered him.

“Three years ago, there were 73 nuns with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine,” but “ince the Islamic State captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, one-third of them have died,” about 24.

Nigeria: A report shed light on the nature and frequency of Muslim Fulani raids on Christian villages. In 13 separate invasions, the Islamic herdsmen slaughtered 48 people—including women and children—and destroyed 249 homes.

In a different attack, “A Christian woman and her two children were killed … three days after a kidnapped priest was slain by his abductors in the southwestern part of the country.”

Pakistan: Islamic terrorists hurled grenades on the Gospel Faith Church before fleeing the scene.

Mali: Christians, who make up just 2% of the Muslim-majority nation’s population and churches, “have come under systematic attacks by extremist Muslims” with a “lack of a government response to the crisis,” a report states.

Algeria: Claiming that a 2006 law which regulates non-Muslim worship is being breached, Muslim authorities cracked down on at least two churches, including one that was using a house leased on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria (an accredited institution formally recognized by the government since 1974).

Sudan: On Sunday, October 22, police officers marched into a church in Omdurman and ordered its leadership to cancel the worship service. When they refused, all five were arrested and taken to jail.

Nigeria: Unknown persons plundered the Kings Tabernacle International Church before setting it on fire.

Iran: Authorities continued attacking converts to Christianity, including by arresting four Christians and raiding their homes. T

Uganda: A Muslim father beat his son and forced him to flee the family home after he learned that the 20-year-old had converted to Christianity.

Indonesia: An open-air Christian prayer service was canceled due to pressure—and threats—from Muslim groups claiming that the public event was a “plot to convert Muslims to Christianity.”

Sudan: Approximately one million Christians have no access to Bibles in the Muslim majority nation.

United Kingdom: Another Christian who fled to the West from the Islamic world in search of religious freedom was attacked and beaten senseless by Muslim men angered by the crucifix hanging from his car’s rearview mirror.

And on and on it goes. Now, we will read from the Muslim-lovers here all about The Crusades and other "atrocities" by Christians and Jews - none of it of any relevance whatsoever to these and other reports.

Full details @ Muslim Persecution of Christians: “Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”

Oh yes, ignoring the links, they will attack the source of this article.

So lame.

Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs @ Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs

And the LGBT crowd continues to call for the end of Islamophobia. Are they truly that ignorant?

Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law @ Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law
"islam" litterally means "submit".

You submit to the will of God to achieve inner peace.
That is the idea of all religions, submit or be punished..

I don't give a damn that the usual suspects on here are going to call me Islamophobic. The litany of atrocities in this article are too specific and too indicative of the basic tenet of this Satanic cult.

“Why do they [Western people] think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama [had] called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?” — A Nigerian Christian.

Muslim man slaughters Christian bishop in broad daylight in Egypt and nobody does anything to stop it.

Pakistan: On October 9, seven Muslim police officers stormed a school and beat to death a 14-year-old Christian boy who had refused a forced conversion.

In a separate incident, a Muslim man murdered his sister because she had married a Christian.

Syria: Islamic State militants are believed to have executed two Russian mercenary fighters— Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38—for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace Islam.

Separately, in what eyewitnesses described as a “shocking massacre,” the Islamic State spent 20 days systematically slaughtering people in the Christian village of al-Qaryatain.

Iraq: The Muslim family of a Baghdad man who had turned Christian slaughtered him.

“Three years ago, there were 73 nuns with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine,” but “ince the Islamic State captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, one-third of them have died,” about 24.

Nigeria: A report shed light on the nature and frequency of Muslim Fulani raids on Christian villages. In 13 separate invasions, the Islamic herdsmen slaughtered 48 people—including women and children—and destroyed 249 homes.

In a different attack, “A Christian woman and her two children were killed … three days after a kidnapped priest was slain by his abductors in the southwestern part of the country.”

Pakistan: Islamic terrorists hurled grenades on the Gospel Faith Church before fleeing the scene.

Mali: Christians, who make up just 2% of the Muslim-majority nation’s population and churches, “have come under systematic attacks by extremist Muslims” with a “lack of a government response to the crisis,” a report states.

Algeria: Claiming that a 2006 law which regulates non-Muslim worship is being breached, Muslim authorities cracked down on at least two churches, including one that was using a house leased on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria (an accredited institution formally recognized by the government since 1974).

Sudan: On Sunday, October 22, police officers marched into a church in Omdurman and ordered its leadership to cancel the worship service. When they refused, all five were arrested and taken to jail.

Nigeria: Unknown persons plundered the Kings Tabernacle International Church before setting it on fire.

Iran: Authorities continued attacking converts to Christianity, including by arresting four Christians and raiding their homes. T

Uganda: A Muslim father beat his son and forced him to flee the family home after he learned that the 20-year-old had converted to Christianity.

Indonesia: An open-air Christian prayer service was canceled due to pressure—and threats—from Muslim groups claiming that the public event was a “plot to convert Muslims to Christianity.”

Sudan: Approximately one million Christians have no access to Bibles in the Muslim majority nation.

United Kingdom: Another Christian who fled to the West from the Islamic world in search of religious freedom was attacked and beaten senseless by Muslim men angered by the crucifix hanging from his car’s rearview mirror.

And on and on it goes. Now, we will read from the Muslim-lovers here all about The Crusades and other "atrocities" by Christians and Jews - none of it of any relevance whatsoever to these and other reports.

Full details @ Muslim Persecution of Christians: “Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”

Oh yes, ignoring the links, they will attack the source of this article.

So lame.

Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs @ Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs

And the LGBT crowd continues to call for the end of Islamophobia. Are they truly that ignorant?

Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law @ Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law
"islam" litterally means "submit".

You submit to the will of God to achieve inner peace.
That is the idea of all religions, submit or be punished..
You don't get it.

I don't give a damn that the usual suspects on here are going to call me Islamophobic. The litany of atrocities in this article are too specific and too indicative of the basic tenet of this Satanic cult.

“Why do they [Western people] think Islam is a religion of peace? These people have been killing us for decades and your media just ignores it. Now they are killing you and still your President Obama [had] called it a peaceful religion. We see Western leaders saying that over and over again. Why?” — A Nigerian Christian.

Muslim man slaughters Christian bishop in broad daylight in Egypt and nobody does anything to stop it.

Pakistan: On October 9, seven Muslim police officers stormed a school and beat to death a 14-year-old Christian boy who had refused a forced conversion.

In a separate incident, a Muslim man murdered his sister because she had married a Christian.

Syria: Islamic State militants are believed to have executed two Russian mercenary fighters— Roman Zabolotny, 39, and Grigory Tsurkanu, 38—for refusing to renounce Christianity and embrace Islam.

Separately, in what eyewitnesses described as a “shocking massacre,” the Islamic State spent 20 days systematically slaughtering people in the Christian village of al-Qaryatain.

Iraq: The Muslim family of a Baghdad man who had turned Christian slaughtered him.

“Three years ago, there were 73 nuns with the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine,” but “ince the Islamic State captured the Plain of Nineveh in 2014, one-third of them have died,” about 24.

Nigeria: A report shed light on the nature and frequency of Muslim Fulani raids on Christian villages. In 13 separate invasions, the Islamic herdsmen slaughtered 48 people—including women and children—and destroyed 249 homes.

In a different attack, “A Christian woman and her two children were killed … three days after a kidnapped priest was slain by his abductors in the southwestern part of the country.”

Pakistan: Islamic terrorists hurled grenades on the Gospel Faith Church before fleeing the scene.

Mali: Christians, who make up just 2% of the Muslim-majority nation’s population and churches, “have come under systematic attacks by extremist Muslims” with a “lack of a government response to the crisis,” a report states.

Algeria: Claiming that a 2006 law which regulates non-Muslim worship is being breached, Muslim authorities cracked down on at least two churches, including one that was using a house leased on behalf of the Protestant Church of Algeria (an accredited institution formally recognized by the government since 1974).

Sudan: On Sunday, October 22, police officers marched into a church in Omdurman and ordered its leadership to cancel the worship service. When they refused, all five were arrested and taken to jail.

Nigeria: Unknown persons plundered the Kings Tabernacle International Church before setting it on fire.

Iran: Authorities continued attacking converts to Christianity, including by arresting four Christians and raiding their homes. T

Uganda: A Muslim father beat his son and forced him to flee the family home after he learned that the 20-year-old had converted to Christianity.

Indonesia: An open-air Christian prayer service was canceled due to pressure—and threats—from Muslim groups claiming that the public event was a “plot to convert Muslims to Christianity.”

Sudan: Approximately one million Christians have no access to Bibles in the Muslim majority nation.

United Kingdom: Another Christian who fled to the West from the Islamic world in search of religious freedom was attacked and beaten senseless by Muslim men angered by the crucifix hanging from his car’s rearview mirror.

And on and on it goes. Now, we will read from the Muslim-lovers here all about The Crusades and other "atrocities" by Christians and Jews - none of it of any relevance whatsoever to these and other reports.

Full details @ Muslim Persecution of Christians: “Why Do They Think Islam Is a Religion of Peace?”

Oh yes, ignoring the links, they will attack the source of this article.

So lame.

Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs @ Iranian Ayatollah condemns decriminalization of homosexuality, says homosexuals are lower than dogs and pigs

And the LGBT crowd continues to call for the end of Islamophobia. Are they truly that ignorant?

Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law @ Indonesia: “Amorous couples” and alleged sex workers whipped for breaking Islamic law
"islam" litterally means "submit".

You submit to the will of God to achieve inner peace.
That is the idea of all religions, submit or be punished..
You don't get it.
I got it a long time ago, they will all cut off yer nutz...

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