Why do the anti God crowd attack the bible ?

Let me give you a lesson from someone who has debated the anti God crowd for thirty years.

When they, The anti God crowd, know you're a person of faith, they always turn to attack God and the bible when they feel they are losing the debate, it don't matter what is being debated.

Generally it is over creation and evolution though.

They even use other religions as an attack against Christianity.

I don't know but that sounds like the devil working behind the scenes.

Let me just put it like this. When I see Christian Reconstructionists attempting to undermine the secular nature of our society, and place this country under a "God's Law," i feel that it is warranted to point out a few things.

First, this is a pluralistic society. Our founding fathers did not intend that the Christian religion be endorsed, supported, or mandated.

Second, our society is founded on the rule of law...secular law.

Third, your truth is just that...your truth. I don't believe in your myth. The Bible is a lovely book in some regards, truly poetic in the Psalms and other books. But, it is no different than any other sort of ancient literature. When people are touting it not as truth, but as the only truth, and pushing that biblical commands be legislated into laws that impact all of us, that is going to get a response. And, increasingly, those of us who are unbelievers are faced with believers attempting to mandate their religious principles into laws, thus reducing other people's freedoms to live life on their own terms.

Example: God?s Law is the Only Law: The Genesis of Michele Bachmann | Politics | Religion Dispatches

As someone who has many libertarian tendencies, and would allow you, as Christians, absolutely freedom to practice your beliefs according to the dictates of your own conscience, I find it appalling that there are some Christians who do not show a reciprocity of respect for those of us who don't believe in their faith, and simply leave us alone to choose our own lives, partners, and govern our homes according to our own consciences.

I appreciate that you feel a responsibility to share the good news. But, when someone has expressed a disinterest in your views, a proper response is to graciously say, "I wish you the best, and if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." In other words, follow the example of Jesus Christ, brush the dust off of your feet, and stop pushing. If someone is to ahve a change of heart about God, it will be via the holy spirit. You've delivered your message. You need only deliver it once.

To be clear, I don't believe in your commandments, i don't believe that the Bible is the (only) word of God, and I don't believe in your religious interpretations of the Bible. I've studied this subject every bit as much as some of you, and in fact, considerably more than many. I know what I believe, and I don't attempt to force my agnosticism on anyone. Stop assuming that I (and others) haven't made an informed decision on the subject.

Were religionists not attempting to use the Bible remake this nation into a theocracy, impose their theology into school classrooms, mandate laws on the basis of their particular religious views, etc., I doubt there would be backlash, at all, towards their book.

Sorry,but you don't have a choice, God is gonna do it.

All i'm trying to do is capture a few of the lost sheep before it happens.
Nonsense. Archaeologists view the bible as a treasure trove of fact and one of the most informative records in the world.

What are the facts that Noah rounded up 2 of every animal in the world and fed them for 40 days?

What about the evidence of the burning bush? Or that the jews are god's chosen peeps? ...

The bible presents us with things that erquire faith and the bible presents us with facts.
Some stuff in the Bible is factual, some is utter fairy tale jibberish, like the things I outlined and will do so again.

Talking snakes, living inside whales, Noah's Ark story, resurrection, and on and on and on.
Nonsense. Archaeologists view the bible as a treasure trove of fact and one of the most informative records in the world.

I doubt they view it as "a treasure trove of fact" with the story of adam and eve, the age of the earth, noah's ark, snakes ability to talk, man's ability to live inside whales, etc.

You can't be serious :lol:
Today, 06:24 AM
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Quote: Originally Posted by Youwerecreated
Quote: Originally Posted by Truthmatters
To you its everything.

To most people on the earth its merely a book
No it's not everything.

I enjoy life, my family,my friends,golf,paintball,and my Arizona Cardinals.
Then why do you hate the people who dont see the book the same way you do?

Why are you so insensed that some dont see it the same as you that you had to come to a site and call out the people who you think are horrible because they dont share your particular slice of one religion.

I dont believe in the bible being the word of any god.

There are no gods.

Its a book written by several people during many periods and all squished together.

Like man it is flawed.

My asessment is based in fact.

Yours is based in faith.

You see faith as something marvelous.

Faith is believing without proof.

Because I rationally see the bible for what it is you think that is hate.

Your made up god drives you to hate for your faith?

How is that good for the world?
"The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment." -Bertrand Russell

Press Release: SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers; 2007-190; Sept. 19, 2007

The SEC of Cox under Bush held up the protections in the GLBA for years. They allowed the banks to get arround the protections.

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#89 (permalink) Today, 06:26 AM
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No, apparently you aren't capable of figuring it out on your own, even with direction.

I was giving you too much credit, I thought you were honestly seeking understanding, but I see that you're just as disingenuous as any of the others who trot around deliberately lying and misrepresenting Christians and the bible.

The only ones hating in this thread are the anti God crowd.

I don't hate people that are ignorant,i feel sorry for them and try and reach them with the truth.

Please show me evidence of hating by the 'anti-god' crowd in this thread. I don't believe in God or the Bible. In your mind, does that translate to being anti-god and hateful?

I have no problem that you believe in God. My concern is that YOU think EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD believe as you do.

We live in a free country. We are free to believe whatever we want.
Nonsense. Archaeologists view the bible as a treasure trove of fact and one of the most informative records in the world.

What are the facts that Noah rounded up 2 of every animal in the world and fed them for 40 days?

What about the evidence of the burning bush? Or that the jews are god's chosen peeps? ...

The bible presents us with things that erquire faith and the bible presents us with facts.

What facts? The Bible used to tell us the world is flat. Is that a fact?
Some stuff in the Bible is factual, some is utter fairy tale jibberish, like the things I outlined and will do so again.

Talking snakes, living inside whales, Noah's Ark story, resurrection, and on and on and on.

Because you can't imagine a force, that is capable of creating everything you look at, does not mean it does not exist.

Or a force that can bring a golbal flood.

Or because the force can change forms.

Or that it can speak through animals.

The bible has said things that was not know by man and has been confirmed by science.

The most revealing Evidence in my opinion early on is the bible said we were created from the ground, how could thjey know that fact. Fact is we know humans are made up of over 28 elements of this earth.

If you need more i will post it.

We're 70% water, shouldn't we come from the sea instead of the ground then?

Water is a element and ingredient of the earth no ?

Did you miss my point , man knew we were made from elements of the earth 3,500 years ago ?
Some stuff in the Bible is factual, some is utter fairy tale jibberish, like the things I outlined and will do so again.

Talking snakes, living inside whales, Noah's Ark story, resurrection, and on and on and on.

Because you can't imagine a force, that is capable of creating everything you look at, does not mean it does not exist.

Or a force that can bring a golbal flood.

Or because the force can change forms.

Or that it can speak through animals.

The bible has said things that was not know by man and has been confirmed by science.

The most revealing Evidence in my opinion early on is the bible said we were created from the ground, how could thjey know that fact. Fact is we know humans are made up of over 28 elements of this earth.

If you need more i will post it.

Having to imagine something, with no facts behind it, means it's not factual.

It's your belief, it's not fact. Call them beliefs, cuz they're not facts by any definition of the word fact.

Oh my God :lol:
Today, 06:24 AM
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Quote: Originally Posted by Youwerecreated
Quote: Originally Posted by Truthmatters
To you its everything.

To most people on the earth its merely a book
No it's not everything.

I enjoy life, my family,my friends,golf,paintball,and my Arizona Cardinals.
Then why do you hate the people who dont see the book the same way you do?

Why are you so insensed that some dont see it the same as you that you had to come to a site and call out the people who you think are horrible because they dont share your particular slice of one religion.

I dont believe in the bible being the word of any god.

There are no gods.

Its a book written by several people during many periods and all squished together.

Like man it is flawed.

My asessment is based in fact.

Yours is based in faith.

You see faith as something marvelous.

Faith is believing without proof.

Because I rationally see the bible for what it is you think that is hate.

Your made up god drives you to hate for your faith?

How is that good for the world?
"The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment." -Bertrand Russell

Press Release: SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers; 2007-190; Sept. 19, 2007

The SEC of Cox under Bush held up the protections in the GLBA for years. They allowed the banks to get arround the protections.

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#89 (permalink) Today, 06:26 AM
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No, apparently you aren't capable of figuring it out on your own, even with direction.

I was giving you too much credit, I thought you were honestly seeking understanding, but I see that you're just as disingenuous as any of the others who trot around deliberately lying and misrepresenting Christians and the bible.

The only ones hating in this thread are the anti God crowd.

I don't hate people that are ignorant,i feel sorry for them and try and reach them with the truth.

Please show me evidence of hating by the 'anti-god' crowd in this thread. I don't believe in God or the Bible. In your mind, does that translate to being anti-god and hateful?

I have no problem that you believe in God. My concern is that YOU think EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD believe as you do.

We live in a free country. We are free to believe whatever we want.

How bout telling a person that is a believer their God is made up ?
What are the facts that Noah rounded up 2 of every animal in the world and fed them for 40 days?

What about the evidence of the burning bush? Or that the jews are god's chosen peeps? ...

The bible presents us with things that erquire faith and the bible presents us with facts.

What facts? The Bible used to tell us the world is flat. Is that a fact?

Only in your imagination.

That belief actually came from the anti God crowd don't believe me look it up.
The only ones hating in this thread are the anti God crowd.

I don't hate people that are ignorant,i feel sorry for them and try and reach them with the truth.

Please show me evidence of hating by the 'anti-god' crowd in this thread. I don't believe in God or the Bible. In your mind, does that translate to being anti-god and hateful?

I have no problem that you believe in God. My concern is that YOU think EVERYONE ELSE SHOULD believe as you do.

We live in a free country. We are free to believe whatever we want.

How bout telling a person that is a believer their God is made up ?

I can imagine that would be frustrating for you to hear, but is it really hateful, and a personal attack on you?

If I don't believe in God, I certainly wouldn't tell anyone else that I think their God is made up. God is real to you.

I started a thread that I invite you to comment on, which would give you the opportunity to explain to others what your personal experience of God is, and why he's real to you.

Unfortunately, we make snap remarks to each other sometimes, and they aren't always skillful. I'm not always so diplomatic, myself.

What's really important to me in discussing religion with people who don't share the same beliefs as me, is that I respect our differences and accept you as you are. When the same can be reciprocated, that feels wonderful.
What are the facts that Noah rounded up 2 of every animal in the world and fed them for 40 days?

What about the evidence of the burning bush? Or that the jews are god's chosen peeps? ...

The bible presents us with things that erquire faith and the bible presents us with facts.

What facts? The Bible used to tell us the world is flat. Is that a fact?

I don't know how many times i have to post this before it sinks in, but here we go.

101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge

Psalm 19:1-3 – The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.
Jeremiah 10:12 – He has made the earth by His power, He has established the world by His wisdom, and has stretched out the heavens at His discretion.

Romans 1:20 – For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.

Science means knowledge, and true science always agrees with the observable evidence. Scientific research continues to unfold the wonders and mysteries of our universe. Interestingly, there is one book that has anticipated many of these scientific facts. That book is the Bible.
This booklet presents 101 scientific facts found in the Scriptures. Many of these facts were penned centuries before they were discovered. Scientific foreknowledge found only in the Bible offers one more piece to the collective proof that the Bible is truly the inspired Word of the Creator. How does this affect you? The last several pages provide the answer – you need to read them carefully.


The earth free-floats in space (Job 26:7), affected only by gravity. While other sources declared the earth sat on the back of an elephant or turtle, or was held up by Atlas, the Bible alone states what we now know to be true – “He hangs the earth on nothing.”

Modern Science In An Ancient (ICR)


do not post items beyond one or two pragraphs-del

Eternal Productions - 101 Scientific Facts and Foreknowledge
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Because you can't imagine a force, that is capable of creating everything you look at, does not mean it does not exist.

Or a force that can bring a golbal flood.

Or because the force can change forms.

Or that it can speak through animals.

The bible has said things that was not know by man and has been confirmed by science.

The most revealing Evidence in my opinion early on is the bible said we were created from the ground, how could thjey know that fact. Fact is we know humans are made up of over 28 elements of this earth.

If you need more i will post it.

Having to imagine something, with no facts behind it, means it's not factual.

It's your belief, it's not fact. Call them beliefs, cuz they're not facts by any definition of the word fact.

Oh my God :lol:

Waving the white flag again, well done, 2 posts in a row.

There's no facts that show there's a force that can make snakes talk or make it possible to live inside whales, that's a belief. Glad we agree.
Lol here's his very first "fact" in that long list.

Psalm 19:1-3 – The heavens declare the glory of God

Yes that's something the scientific community widely accepts as fact.

The bible presents us with things that erquire faith and the bible presents us with facts.

What facts? The Bible used to tell us the world is flat. Is that a fact?

Only in your imagination.

That belief actually came from the anti God crowd don't believe me look it up.

The Bible refers to the "four corners of the earth" and to the "ends of the earth". The earth is round and has no ends or corners. Fact. The Bible says God set the earth on it's foundation and it can never be moved. Fact. The earth rotates and revolves.

Let me ask you this. In your mind, is a non-christian automatically wicked?
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Because you can't imagine a force, that is capable of creating everything you look at, does not mean it does not exist.

Or a force that can bring a golbal flood.

Or because the force can change forms.

Or that it can speak through animals.

The bible has said things that was not know by man and has been confirmed by science.

The most revealing Evidence in my opinion early on is the bible said we were created from the ground, how could thjey know that fact. Fact is we know humans are made up of over 28 elements of this earth.

If you need more i will post it.

We're 70% water, shouldn't we come from the sea instead of the ground then?

Water is a element and ingredient of the earth no ?

Did you miss my point , man knew we were made from elements of the earth 3,500 years ago ?

No, I was just using your logic to demonstrate what a silly statement it was. Your original claim was that the Bible said we came from the ground, and that it knew that we shared elements with it. Here's where there are problems. Sharing elements does not mean we "came" from the ground. Mars and other planets also have similar elements, did they come from Earth's ground too?

We're 70% water, the logic your using still seems more prudent to say we came from the sea, not the ground.
Lol here's his very first "fact" in that long list.

Psalm 19:1-3 – The heavens declare the glory of God

Yes that's something the scientific community widely accepts as fact.


Oh boy,that was not one of the 101 facts that can be confirmed by science.

I have a new name for you,sniper. :cuckoo:
Lol here's his very first "fact" in that long list.

Psalm 19:1-3 – The heavens declare the glory of God

Yes that's something the scientific community widely accepts as fact.


Oh boy,that was not one of the 101 facts that can be confirmed by science.

I have a new name for you,sniper. :cuckoo:

All of your things listed need to be spun in order to say what your article says.

7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.

Here's #1, the big scientific discovery is that God didn't hang the earth on anything?

What scientist has proven that God didn't hang the earth on anything?
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What facts? The Bible used to tell us the world is flat. Is that a fact?

Only in your imagination.

That belief actually came from the anti God crowd don't believe me look it up.

The Bible refers to the "four corners of the earth" and to the "ends of the earth". The earth is round and has no ends or corners. Fact. The Bible says God set the earth on it's foundation and it can never be moved. Fact. The earth rotates and revolves.

Let me ask you this. In your mind, is a non-christian automatically wicked?

Yeah so.

That represents the entire earth.

The Bible refers to “the four corners of the earth.” How can a spherical earth have corners?

Perhaps no phrase in Scripture has been so controversial as the phrase, "the four corners of the earth." The word translated “corners,” as in the phrase above, is the Hebrew word, KANAPH. Kanaph is translated in a variety of ways. However, it generally means extremity.

It is translated “borders” in Numbers 15:38. In Ezekiel 7:2 it is translated “four corners” and again in Isaiah 11:12 “four corners.” Job 37:3 and 38:13 as “ends.”

The Greek equivalent in Revelation 7:1 is gonia. The Greek meaning is perhaps more closely related to our modern divisions known as quadrants. Gonia literally means angles, or divisions. It is customary to divide a map into quadrants as shown by the four directions.

Some have tried to ridicule the Bible to say that it teaches that the earth is square. The Scripture makes it quite clear that the earth is a sphere (Isaiah 40:22).

Some have tried to say there are four knobs, or peaks on a round earth. Regardless of the various ways kanaph is translated, it makes reference to EXTREMITIES.

There are many ways in which God the Holy Spirit could have said corner. Any of the following Hebrew words could have been used:
Pinoh is used in reference to the cornerstone.
Paioh means “a geometric corner”
Ziovyoh means “right angle” or “corner”
Krnouth refers to a projecting corner.
Paamouth - If the Lord wanted to convey the idea of a square, four-cornered earth, the Hebrew word paamouth could have been used. Paamouth means square.
Instead, the Holy Spirit selected the word kanaph, conveying the idea of extremity.
It is doubtful that any religious Jew would ever misunderstand the true meaning of kanaph. For nearly 2,000 years, religious Jews have faced the city of Jerusalem three times daily and chanted the following prayer:

Sound the great trumpet for our freedom,
Raise the banner for gathering our exiles,
And gather us together from THE FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH
into our own land.

The Book of Isaiah describes how the Messiah, the Root of Jesse, shall regather his people from the four corners of the earth. They shall come from every extremity to be gathered into Israel.

"And in that day there shall be a Root of Jesse,
Who shall stand as a banner to the people;
For the Gentiles shall seek Him,
And His resting place shall be glorious."
It shall come to pass in that day
That the LORD shall set His hand again the second time
To recover the remnant of His people who are left,
From Assyria and Egypt,
From Pathros and Cush,
From Elam and Shinar,
From Hamath and the islands of the sea.
He will set up a banner for the nations,
And will assemble the outcasts of Israel,
And gather together the dispersed of Judah
(Isaiah 11:10-12, New King James Version)

The Bible refers to "the four corners of the earth." How can a spherical earth have corners?

Who invented the idea of a flat Earth?

Contrary to what most people think, the Earth was known to be spherical in ancient times. The ancient Greeks even calculated its circumference with surprising accuracy.

Evolutionists often falsely accuse creationists of believing in a flat Earth. But neither history nor modern scholarship supports the claim that Christians ever widely believed that the Earth was flat. And the Bible doesn't teach it.

Christianity has often been accused of opposing science and hindering technology throughout history by superstitious ignorance. However, a closer study of historical facts shows that this accusation is ill-founded.

In his book The Discoverers, author Daniel Boorstin stated:

“A Europe-wide phenomenon of scholarly amnesia… afflicted the continent from AD 300 to at least 1300. During those centuries Christian faith and dogma suppressed the useful image of the world that had been so slowly, so painfully, and so scrupulously drawn by ancient geographers.”1

Christianity has often been held responsible for promoting the flat Earth theory. Yet, it was only a handful of so-called intellectual scholars throughout the centuries, claiming to represent the Church, who held to a flat Earth. Most of these were ignored by the Church, yet somehow their writings made it into early history books as being the “official Christian viewpoint.”

The earliest of these flat-Earth promoters was the African Lactantius (AD 245-325), a professional rhetorician who converted to Christianity mid-life.
He rejected all the Greek philosophers, and in doing so also rejected a spherical Earth. His views were considered heresy by the Church Fathers and his work was ignored until the Renaissance (at which time some humanists revived his writings as a model of good Latin, and of course, his flat Earth view also was revived).

Cosmas Indicopleustes and Church Fathers

Next was sixth century Eastern Greek Christian, Cosmas Indicopleustes, who claimed the Earth was flat and lay beneath the heavens (consisting of a rectangular vaulted arch). His work also was soundly rejected by the Church Fathers, but liberal historians have usually claimed his view as typical of that of the Church Fathers.

US Library of Congress head, Daniel Boorstin (quoted above), like historians before him, simply followed the pattern of others without checking the facts. In fact, most of the Church Fathers did not address the issue of the shape of the Earth, and those who did regarded it as “round” or spherical.

Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle

In 1828, American writer Washington Irving (author of Rip Van Winkle) published a book entitled The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. It was a mixture of fact and fiction, with Irving himself admitting he was “apt to indulge in the imagination.”

Its theme was the victory of a lone believer in a spherical Earth over a united front of Bible-quoting, superstitious ignoramuses, convinced the Earth was flat. In fact, the well-known argument at the Council of Salamanca was about the dubious distance between Europe and Japan which Columbus presented—it had nothing to do with the shape of the Earth.

Later Writers Repeated the Error

In 1834, the anti-Christian Letronne falsely claimed that most of the Church Fathers, including Augustine, Ambrose and Basil, held to a flat Earth. His work has been repeatedly cited as “reputable” ever since.

In the late nineteenth century, the writings of John William Draper and Andrew Dickson White were responsible for promoting the myth that the church taught a flat Earth. Both had Christian backgrounds, but rejected these early in life.

Englishman Draper convinced himself that with the downfall of the Roman Empire the “affairs of men fell into the hands of ignorant and infuriated ecclesiastics, parasites, eunuchs and slaves” these were the “Dark Ages.” Draper's work, History of the Conflict between Religion and Science (1874), was directed particularly against the Roman Church, and was a best seller.

Meanwhile White (who founded Cornell University as the first explicitly secular university in the United States), published the two-volume scholarly work History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, in 1896.

Both men incorrectly portrayed a continuing battle through the Christian era between the defenders of ignorance and the enlightened rationalists. In fact, not only did the church not promote the flat Earth, it is clear from such passages as Isaiah 40:22 that the Bible implies it is spherical. (Non-literal figures of speech such as the “four corners of the Earth” are still used today.)

Encyclopedias Erase the Myth

While many will have lost their faith through the writing of such men as Irving, Draper and White, it is gratifying to know that the following encyclopedias now present the correct account of the Columbus affair: The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (1985), Colliers Encyclopaedia (1984), The Encyclopedia Americana (1987) and The World Book for Children (1989).

There is still a long way to go before the average student will know that Christianity did not invent or promote the myth of the flat Earth.

Author: Adapted by Ian Taylor for Creation Science Association of Ontario, Feature No. 30, from the book Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus & Modern Historians (ISBN 027595904X), by history professor Jeffrey Burton Russell. Summarized by Paula Weston, ne McKerlie. Supplied by Answers in Genesis and published in Creation Ex Nihilo magazine, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 4849.

Charles Darwin, the most famous promoter of evolutionism.

Flat-Earth HeyDay Came with Darwin

The idea that the earth is flat is a modern concoction that reached its peak only after Darwinists tried to discredit the Bible, an American history professor says.

Jeffrey Burton Russell is a professor of history at the University of California in Santa Barbara. He says in his book Inventing the Flat Earth (written for the 500th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's journey to America in 1492) that through antiquity and up to the time of Columbus, “nearly unanimous scholarly opinion pronounced the earth spherical.”

Russell says there is nothing in the documents from the time of Columbus or in early accounts of his life that suggests any debate about the roundness of the earth. He believes a major source of the myth came from the creator of the Rip Van Winkle story-Washington Irving-who wrote a fictitious account of Columbus's defending a round earth against misinformed clerics and university professors.

But Russell says the flat earth mythology flourished most between 1870 and 1920, and had to do with the ideological setting created by struggles over evolution. He says the flat-earth myth was an ideal way to dismiss the ideas of a religious past in the name of modern science.

The Bible of course teaches the correct shape of the earth. Isaiah 40:22 says God sits above “the circle of the earth” (the Hebrew word for “circle” can also mean a “sphere”).

Also, Luke 17:34-36 depicts Christ's Second Coming as happening while some are asleep at night and others are working at day-time activities in the field-an indication of a rotating earth with day and night at the same time.

1.Boorstin acknowledges in his book that by the time of Columbus, most educated Europeans believed in a spherical Earth.

More information
Did Bible writers believe the earth was flat? Answer
Doesn't the Bible refer to “the four corners of the earth?” How can a spherical earth have corners? Answer
GALILEO—What were Galileo's scientific and biblical conflicts with the Church? Answer
LESSONS FROM GALILEO—What is the lesson that Christians should learn from Galileo? Answer
Astronomy questions-and-answers index
The Universe Confirms the Bible by Dr. Jason Lisle, Answers in Genesis (ChristianAnswers® team member)
"By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible."

Here's #2, where's the scientific proof that God made the universe of things that aren't visible?

There's no proof of that of course, so the first 2 are jibberish so far.
We're 70% water, shouldn't we come from the sea instead of the ground then?

Water is a element and ingredient of the earth no ?

Did you miss my point , man knew we were made from elements of the earth 3,500 years ago ?

No, I was just using your logic to demonstrate what a silly statement it was. Your original claim was that the Bible said we came from the ground, and that it knew that we shared elements with it. Here's where there are problems. Sharing elements does not mean we "came" from the ground. Mars and other planets also have similar elements, did they come from Earth's ground too?

We're 70% water, the logic your using still seems more prudent to say we came from the sea, not the ground.

Why is there no life out in space if you're correct ?

Or in our solar system.
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