Why do so many of you think Obama has accomplished nothing?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

Your thread, your claims, your burden

I dont think he has accomplished nothing. I think he has gotten alot of work done in 3 years. To bad all of it was crony capitalism, mandates from central power, or just outright theft.

As usual the people just do not exist.
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

Reach Much?

We were promised Unemployment would never go above 8% if we passed the Stimulus. If you think 250,000 Plus per "Job" Created was a good thing, then by all means it was a stunning success.

Unemployment was never 12%, and was lower than it has been under Obama, under Bush.

Made good on his Campaign Promises which ones? Closing Gitmo? Uniting the World? Not Letting Unemployment go above 8%? Being Transparent? Being Bipartisan? WTF are you talking about?

Your Claim that he has killed 3 times as Many Al Qeada is completely False. We killed Thousands under Bush. Besides Obama is continuing Bush Polices that He (Ran Against) in order to kill those Terrorists.

Osama would still be alive if not for Programs Bush Started that Obama called wrong, and Illegal, and then Continued.

You are about as clueless as they come dude. Obama has been a Massive and Utter Failure. Worst Leadership I have ever seen from any president ever. The Current Debt Crisis illustrates his Lack of Leadership For all to see. He thinks he can just come up with a Number and order Congress to figure out how to reach it. He does not have the balls to put his own Numbers on the Table, and suggest how they pay for it. Because he isn't a leader, he is a perpetual Campaigner and chief.
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Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

Much has changed in America since Barack Obama was sworn into office as the 44th president of the United States on January 20, 2009. In less than 1,000 days as chief executive of the U.S., President Obama's failed policies and initiatives have resulted in a dizzying array of dismal economic statistics. As it stands now, Obama appears headed toward an economic legacy that may very well surpass Jimmy Carter in its level of failure.

We have seen under this president an expanding number of citizens who are partially or wholly dependent on the government for their very livelihood, as the data show that the U.S. has become an ever-growing welfare state under Obama.

Government dependence, which is defined as the percentage of persons receiving one or more federal benefit payments, is at a staggering 47%, its highest level in American history, while 21 million households are reliant on food stamps. In fact, government spending on food stamps in 2010 ($68 billion) was double what it was in 2007, with the 2011 figure likely to be even higher.

According to the August employment report from the Department of Labor, the nation's unemployment rate remained at 9.1% with a total of zero jobs added to the economy during the month. Among demographic groups, Latinos had an unemployment rate of 11.3%, while African-Americans posted a rate of 16.7%. For blacks, that represents the highest unemployment rate for this group since 1984 and a rate more than double that of whites (8%).

When Obama took office in January 2009, the nation's unemployment rate stood at 7.8%, a rate higher than the historic norm, yet far below the current rate, and above any rate during the Bush administration. Since June 2009, six months into Obama's term, the nation's unemployment rate has been at or above 9% during 25 of 27 consecutive months.

Those are the official unemployment rates. The real unemployment rate, as it is sometimes referred to, rose to a seasonally adjusted 16.2% in August. That rate, as defined by the U.S. Department of Labor,

Read more: Articles: The Great Obama Welfare State
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He got our credit downgraded

He racked up deficits bigger than any Reagan budget
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Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

Ya....No other president has ever accomplished getting our credit rating downgraded even once, and this one may even get it downgraded TWICE! Wow! What a man!
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

False.... I think it not only saved millions of jobs it actually created hundreds of millions if not close to 3 billion jobs....

Why is it that every time a lefty posts numbers as to what the Stimulus did the numbers get better and better in Obama's favor.

The unemployment numbers suck after three years so don't even go there.

And Obama didn't kill one single terrorist.

The military did. :eusa_shhh:
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

-there is always churn in the jobs market, even during the depression, I assume you will provide proof that these jobs hes crated in the private sector are- net jobs? Because labor participation rates and the forgotten unemployed don't seem to do it for me....

-not all promises are equal, are they? and those ones he didn't deliver on?

- hummm, so killing T's etc. is a good thing now? I see.

A food for thought list of Obama accomplishments...

What is Barack Obama's greatest accomplishment

Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

Reach Much?

We were promised Unemployment would never go above 8% if we passed the Stimulus. If you think 250,000 Plus per "Job" Created was a good thing, then by all means it was a stunning success.

Unemployment was never 12%, and was lower than it has been under Obama, under Bush.

Made good on his Campaign Promises which ones? Closing Gitmo? Uniting the World? Not Letting Unemployment go above 8%? Being Transparent? Being Bipartisan? WTF are you talking about?

Your Claim that he has killed 3 times as Many Al Qeada is completely False. We killed Thousands under Bush. Besides Obama is continuing Bush Polices that He (Ran Against) in order to kill those Terrorists.

Osama would still be alive if not for Programs Bush Started that Obama called wrong, and Illegal, and then Continued.

You are about as clueless as they come dude. Obama has been a Massive and Utter Failure. Worst Leadership I have ever seen from any president ever. The Current Debt Crisis illustrates his Lack of Leadership For all to see. He thinks he can just come up with a Number and order Congress to figure out how to reach it. He does not have the balls to put his own Numbers on the Table, and suggest how they pay for it. Because he isn't a leader, he is a perpetual Campaigner and chief.

I am wrong about the unemployment rate, but every other point I made about Obama is true. You can claim it's false all you want, but facts are facts. That is the denial that I referred to. Thank you for demonstrating my point. :lol:

When I have more time (tomorrow), I will provide the sources for all of this information.

But really, if you were actually informed on current events, I wouldn't have to.
Everyone but Foxbots realize he got a lot done before Pubs started blocking everything 2/2010- now assume the position...

of so you gave up on the argument that they blocked everything from feb 09 till Browns swearing in...wise move.

now, next case- what have they blocked? exactly and HOW?
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

-there is always churn in the jobs market, even during the depression, I assume you will provide proof that these jobs hes crated in the private sector are- net jobs? Because labor participation rates and the forgotten unemployed don't seem to do it for me....

-not all promises are equal, are they? and those ones he didn't deliver on?

- hummm, so killing T's etc. is a good thing now? I see.


US adds 103,000 new jobs but unemployment rate unchanged

Great news isn't it?
But wait there's more

The increase in employment partially reflected the return to payrolls of about 45,000 Verizon telecoms workers who had been on strike in August. The number of unemployed people, at 14 million, remained essentially unchanged in September.
US adds 103,000 new jobs as unemployment rate unchanged | Business | guardian.co.uk

So there weren't 103,000 jobs added to the economy. Someone is cooking the numbers. I wonder who?
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

Reach Much?

We were promised Unemployment would never go above 8% if we passed the Stimulus. If you think 250,000 Plus per "Job" Created was a good thing, then by all means it was a stunning success.

Unemployment was never 12%, and was lower than it has been under Obama, under Bush.

Made good on his Campaign Promises which ones? Closing Gitmo? Uniting the World? Not Letting Unemployment go above 8%? Being Transparent? Being Bipartisan? WTF are you talking about?

Your Claim that he has killed 3 times as Many Al Qeada is completely False. We killed Thousands under Bush. Besides Obama is continuing Bush Polices that He (Ran Against) in order to kill those Terrorists.

Osama would still be alive if not for Programs Bush Started that Obama called wrong, and Illegal, and then Continued.

You are about as clueless as they come dude. Obama has been a Massive and Utter Failure. Worst Leadership I have ever seen from any president ever. The Current Debt Crisis illustrates his Lack of Leadership For all to see. He thinks he can just come up with a Number and order Congress to figure out how to reach it. He does not have the balls to put his own Numbers on the Table, and suggest how they pay for it. Because he isn't a leader, he is a perpetual Campaigner and chief.

I am wrong about the unemployment rate, but every other point I made about Obama is true. You can claim it's false all you want, but facts are facts. That is the denial that I referred to. Thank you for demonstrating my point. :lol:

When I have more time (tomorrow), I will provide the sources for all of this information.

But really, if you were actually informed on current events, I wouldn't have to.

You forgot to include how he's created the greatest divide between people in this country since the Civil War.
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

False.... I think it not only saved millions of jobs it actually created hundreds of millions if not close to 3 billion jobs....
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).
Your question is not a question at all. It's your opinion.
Unemployment....Your side uses the excuse for the high number as " it would have been far worse"....You nor anyone else does not know that. There are no facts to support any of the numbers of "saved jobs"..The only number that matters is the official unemployment number which is 9% ...A number which the Obama admin attempts to pass off as " the new normal"..Spin.
This is such hypocrisy. IN one instance your side states that businesses are not hiring. They are sitting on over a trillion dollars in cash. On the other hand your side states that MILLIONS of private sector jobs have been created...SO which is it? Which is the LIE?
Obama has killed? Ummm, not quite. For that matter, NO WAY. Obama is coat tailing the operations set up by the previous admin. The peopel serving in Iraq and Afghanistan deserve ALL of the credit. Obama gets NONE. So cut the bullshit. No politician conservative or liberal gets the credit for military successes. The fighting men and women get the credit because THEY did it.
You spew here what you claim to be facts. In the absence of proof using links with facts, your post is opinion. That's that.
Obama's policies are the most anti -business anti freedom and anti capitalist of ANY presidential admin in recent memory...Except those of Jimmy Carter.
Now get to work and provide those links. And be very careful from where you get your information. It will be scrutinized.
We ask questions. And question answers.
If you are an Obama sycophant, just be a stand up guy/gal and admit it. This would save everyone a lot of time.

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