Why do so many of you think Obama has accomplished nothing?

You're giving Obama credit for that? :lol:

I am.


Sure you can but let's really give obama credit for helping Americas enemy in Libya. Al qudea
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

Obama has done more than that. And, he was an incredible state senator and US Senator. Republicans can't get passed the black. You get them calling Obama "man-child" at 50 years old (code for boy) and "magic negro" and so on. The list is endless. They constantly try a lame attempt that Bush was made fun of so it's OK if they do it too.

When you point out that Bush, at one time, was the most popular president in history, they make up even more lame excuses that Democrats were "afraid" of not supporting him. OK, then they did support him. Which was it, they did or didn't.

The Republican Party is 90% white, old and based in the Confederate South. They are acting the way conservatives have for over a hundred years. It's who they are.

They just hate Obama. Many of the things they say are so fantastic, they would never say those things about anyone else. Anti Christ? Really?
I guess it's just different...somehow...when leftists do it.


Dave are you shocked that two idiots agreeing about obama?:lol:
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

Where's your links for all of these "accomplishments? I believe that is the procedure here.
it doesnt matter how many times you say it, the stimulus failed. the economy is worse than ever.

obama accomplished nothing, nothing good anyway,

he DID manage to take a bad situation and make it WORSE
Obama has done more than that. And, he was an incredible state senator and US Senator. Republicans can't get passed the black. You get them calling Obama "man-child" at 50 years old (code for boy) and "magic negro" and so on. The list is endless. They constantly try a lame attempt that Bush was made fun of so it's OK if they do it too.

When you point out that Bush, at one time, was the most popular president in history, they make up even more lame excuses that Democrats were "afraid" of not supporting him. OK, then they did support him. Which was it, they did or didn't.

The Republican Party is 90% white, old and based in the Confederate South. They are acting the way conservatives have for over a hundred years. It's who they are.

They just hate Obama. Many of the things they say are so fantastic, they would never say those things about anyone else. Anti Christ? Really?
I guess it's just different...somehow...when leftists do it.


Dave are you shocked that two idiots agreeing about obama?:lol:
Never. :lol:
it doesnt matter how many times you say it, the stimulus failed. the economy is worse than ever.

obama accomplished nothing, nothing good anyway,

he DID manage to take a bad situation and make it WORSE

Everyone but Foxbots realize he got a lot done before Pubs started blocking everything 2/2010- now assume the position...

So you are claiming 3 Hugely Unpopular Pieces of Legislation as Victory?

Ramming through Health Care, Stimulus, and Dodd/Frank against the will of the people is all you have to hold on to?

Sucks to be you.

Republicans were given the power to Block Obama's Agenda after only 2 years for a reason. People don't like Obama's Agenda.

Reach Much?

We were promised Unemployment would never go above 8% if we passed the Stimulus. If you think 250,000 Plus per "Job" Created was a good thing, then by all means it was a stunning success.

Unemployment was never 12%, and was lower than it has been under Obama, under Bush.

Made good on his Campaign Promises which ones? Closing Gitmo? Uniting the World? Not Letting Unemployment go above 8%? Being Transparent? Being Bipartisan? WTF are you talking about?

Your Claim that he has killed 3 times as Many Al Qeada is completely False. We killed Thousands under Bush. Besides Obama is continuing Bush Polices that He (Ran Against) in order to kill those Terrorists.

Osama would still be alive if not for Programs Bush Started that Obama called wrong, and Illegal, and then Continued.

You are about as clueless as they come dude. Obama has been a Massive and Utter Failure. Worst Leadership I have ever seen from any president ever. The Current Debt Crisis illustrates his Lack of Leadership For all to see. He thinks he can just come up with a Number and order Congress to figure out how to reach it. He does not have the balls to put his own Numbers on the Table, and suggest how they pay for it. Because he isn't a leader, he is a perpetual Campaigner and chief.

I am wrong about the unemployment rate, but every other point I made about Obama is true. You can claim it's false all you want, but facts are facts. That is the denial that I referred to. Thank you for demonstrating my point. :lol:

When I have more time (tomorrow), I will provide the sources for all of this information.

But really, if you were actually informed on current events, I wouldn't have to.
You're not talking about current events. You're talking about White House press releases.

Reality steadfastly refuses to cooperate with leftist fantasy.
Apparently Billy000 is unfamiliar with White House plant stories.
This has been going on for decades.
I am wrong about the unemployment rate, but every other point I made about Obama is true. You can claim it's false all you want, but facts are facts. That is the denial that I referred to. Thank you for demonstrating my point. :lol:

When I have more time (tomorrow), I will provide the sources for all of this information.

But really, if you were actually informed on current events, I wouldn't have to.
Then you should have waited until you had done the research FIRST..Then posted your thread.
Too late. You don't get a do over..
BTW, when it comes to facts...YES you do...

Lol, I don't get a "do over"? What are you 12?
You're the one who shot off your keyboard before finding out the facts...
That makes me 12?....
Look, if you're going to regurgitate White House press releases and plant stories, don't waste our time posting threads.
Stop whining.
The non-partisan assessment on Obama's campaign promises:

PolitiFact | The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises

Article explaining the success of Obama's stimulus in creating millions of jobs:

CBO states Obama economic stimulus created or saved 5 million or more jobs - National liberal | Examiner.com

Without even diving too much into the promises politifact tracks, simply looking at the numbers, we see in the neiborhood of 158 promises kept and another 49 listed as a compromise. More than 300 have been broken, stalled, or are supposedly "in the works". That doesn't add up to most.

I am familiar with examiner.com and the political articles on that site are little more than glorified blogs. I would lend less merit to that article than I would lend to something I found on wikipedia.
Do you even pay attention to current events? Or is Fox News your only source of information? Are you just in denial? Does it make it easier for you to dislike him by deluding yourself into thinking he's done nothing at all?

Here is a partial list:

- The stimulus has created millions of jobs in the PRIVATE SECTOR. Even in light of this recent information, repubs still say it was a waste. Not true.

- The unemployment rate dropped from 12% to 8%. (Yes, it's now at 9%, but obviously we are better off than we could have been).

- Obama has made good on most of his campaign promises (as reported by PolitiFact).

- He has killed/captured 5X as many Al-Queda terrorists in his first 3 years than Bush did in all his 8 year presidency. (Don't believe me? Look it up. In fact, I first learned of this fact on Fox News of all sources).

Obama has done more than that. And, he was an incredible state senator and US Senator. Republicans can't get passed the black. You get them calling Obama "man-child" at 50 years old (code for boy) and "magic negro" and so on. The list is endless. They constantly try a lame attempt that Bush was made fun of so it's OK if they do it too.

When you point out that Bush, at one time, was the most popular president in history, they make up even more lame excuses that Democrats were "afraid" of not supporting him. OK, then they did support him. Which was it, they did or didn't.

The Republican Party is 90% white, old and based in the Confederate South. They are acting the way conservatives have for over a hundred years. It's who they are.

They just hate Obama. Many of the things they say are so fantastic, they would never say those things about anyone else. Anti Christ? Really?
Man child...A term for a male person who has reached the age of majority but acts like a child. Nothing racial there.
Actually it was liberal LA Times columnist who used the term "Magic Negro" in reference to Obama..http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-ehrenstein19mar19,0,3391015.story......Paul Shanklin merely parodied the term in a song.
The GOP is Not 90% old and white. You are clueless and fall right into the trap of self hating white guilt. A trait held by most white liberals. It is YOU who have problems with race. It is white liberal democrats who use race for political gain. It is white liberal democrats who wring their hands at even the slightest hint of criticism for their self proclaimed protected classes.
Obama gets all the criticism he deserves.
It is his policies which we object to. Not the man. Get that thorugh your thick guilkt ridden self hating skull. On the other hand, Deano, go screw yourself.
I am sick and tired of you yellow spined lily livered limp wristed libs bitching and moaning. You people are eternally offended and miserable.
The non-partisan assessment on Obama's campaign promises:


Article explaining the success of Obama's stimulus in creating millions of jobs:

CBO states Obama economic stimulus created or saved 5 million or more jobs - National liberal | Examiner.com
It figures. "national liberal"..The CBO...Now there's two entities that have zero interest in keeping Obama in the White House.
Politifact is a liberal blog.
Charts and graphs....anyone can create those.
Especially one which owes it's existence to the present presidential administration.
Look Chrissie, at the end of the day, the economy is crawling along at about 1.7% annual growth. The US has had it's credit rating lowered TWICE.
Spending is at historic highs with this admin spending more than all others combined.
Unemployment is still at 9% plus. Our Southern border is still a pipeline for illegal immigration and drug trafficking. Gitmo is STILL open. We're having to endure news stories of our troops being killed by roadside bombs in Afghanistan. We still have a president that has NO energy policy other than to kowtow to environmental lobbyists.
The housing market is still being manipulated by a meddling and intrusive federal government. We still have a federal government that goes around suing states for trying to do within the law what the White House will not regarding illegal immigration. We have a federal government acting in deference to unions and union activists, attempting to stop a major aircraft firm from doing business where it sees fit....
You can post all the charts and graphs you wish. It doesn't matter. Until Capitol Hill and Pennsylvania Ave gets out of the way of Main Street, nothing will change.

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