Why do people do this?

Tomorrow is a new day, you will never know what surprise tomorrow brings if you end your life today.

I agree, and that's why I've ever even considered doing it. That doesn't mean I wouldn't, if it was perfectly clear to me that there was no hope in tomorrow.

But the other side of this is - I've never been depressed. If anything, chemically I'm the opposite of depressed.

I've been sad, but it's not the same thing.

I am trying to figure you out, I considered suicide many times but I remember all the girls who loved me..if I took the easy way out..they would too..

It's a domino effect, if I couldn't live life why should they?


Good luck figuring me out, I haven't been able to yet.

I've had an interesting life, with plenty of ups and downs. Had some bad times with some bad drugs. I've lived on the street, lived on couches, and I've also lived in comfort. I've lived in 6 or 7 states, and worked 15 different jobs. I've lived on minimum wage, and I've earned $100,000 in a year.

I just know that depression is not a condition I suffer from.

What I did was like a rocky movie , I quit a high paying job and went for a physical job.
Pay is the same just more hours.


I went from a real shitty job, to a $25,000/year job, to a real shitty job, to a $20,000 a year job that turned into a $75,000 a year career.

Then I walked away from it, decided to go back to school. Moved across the country (with my other half and 2 cats). Worked as a consultant from time to time, but mainly focused on school - I went community college, then transferred to UC Berkeley, got by BA - while the other half got her nursing degree.

Then I worked as a waiter, and made $80,000 in a year.

Then I went to law school in DC.

Which is where I am now.

Dude we all have those feelings.. but don't you want to know what happens next?

Yeah we get old, missing old friends long gone, but we can make new friends and help them by pushing them to achieve their goals ..

I don't disagree.

But what I am is my mind. If I lose that, I'm not me any more. There's nothing to hope for.

My grandmother started to lose her faculties a year or so before she died (at 97). That was the most terrifying thing I've ever experienced - watching the strongest and most powerful woman I'd ever met become unable to form coherent thoughts. That's not something you can recover from. There's no hope in tomorrow.

But I think it changed with you.. your posting and reading stuff on the internet..you are keeping your mind sharp..

That says alot.


I'm not worried about the genetics, I was adopted - and I'm also still pretty young (mid-30s).

It's the idea of it that terrifies me - I don't have any reason to think that it will happen to me, but it could.

Your only in your 30's?

Pal you got along way to go..its ok, don't think about it.. you will meet a wonderful wife and have children and have so many wonderful memories ..

I already met her - we're not married per se, but we would be, if common-law marriage still existed. And I've already got a lot of wonderful memories.

For the most part, I don't think about the whole senility thing. But when I do, it's basically the only thing in the world that truly scares me.

You can't be scared of the world, do what I do pick up a chain saw launch it and take on the world ..
Oh, and prior to that, I spent some time in rehab, lived on the street for a while, dropped out of high school, and got into some shitty drugs - in the reverse order of that last sentence.
Tomorrow is a new day, you will never know what surprise tomorrow brings if you end your life today.

I agree, and that's why I've ever even considered doing it. That doesn't mean I wouldn't, if it was perfectly clear to me that there was no hope in tomorrow.

But the other side of this is - I've never been depressed. If anything, chemically I'm the opposite of depressed.

I've been sad, but it's not the same thing.

I am trying to figure you out, I considered suicide many times but I remember all the girls who loved me..if I took the easy way out..they would too..

It's a domino effect, if I couldn't live life why should they?


Good luck figuring me out, I haven't been able to yet.

I've had an interesting life, with plenty of ups and downs. Had some bad times with some bad drugs. I've lived on the street, lived on couches, and I've also lived in comfort. I've lived in 6 or 7 states, and worked 15 different jobs. I've lived on minimum wage, and I've earned $100,000 in a year.

I just know that depression is not a condition I suffer from.

What I did was like a rocky movie , I quit a high paying job and went for a physical job.
Pay is the same just more hours.


I went from a real shitty job, to a $25,000/year job, to a real shitty job, to a $20,000 a year job that turned into a $75,000 a year career.

Then I walked away from it, decided to go back to school. Moved across the country (with my other half and 2 cats). Worked as a consultant from time to time, but mainly focused on school - I went community college, then transferred to UC Berkeley, got by BA - while the other half got her nursing degree.

Then I worked as a waiter, and made $80,000 in a year.

Then I went to law school in DC.

Which is where I am now.
You son of bitch..you do what I do..

Glad to know I am not the only one .

I am proud of you..
This is unbelievable..i never thought a person would just be like me.

I threw away so many high paying jobs..

Because I didint like them.
This is unbelievable..i never thought a person would just be like me.

I threw away so many high paying jobs..

Because I didint like them.

The first high-paying job, it wasn't that - I actually loved that job. But it allowed me to understand what I really wanted to do - and for that, I needed a degree - and at that point, I was a high-scholl drop-out.

Once I'm done with my JD, I hope to go back into that field.

The second high-paying job - that's a different story.

It's possible that you might think that this story I'm about to tell is a joke, or make believe. I promise that it's true.

I worked as a waiter, in a Chili's in Terminal One of the Oakland International Airport, for almost exactly one year. During that time, I made $80,000.

You may think that sounds insane. It is - but not for the reasons you might think.

We were union. Which meant that everyone could essentially call out whenever they wanted, and never get fired. All you needed was a doctor's note, and we had great insurance.

I was hired at the begining of a decent sized staff increase, so 4 months after I was hired, I was almost mid-way up the seniority hierarchy, so I was able to bid into decent shifts at the restaurant.

We were the worst restaurant I've ever worked in. Our food was disgusting, the service was pretty bad, and we were staggeringly overpriced.

But we had a captive clientele. We were past security in an airport - there was no where else for them to go.

Since people could call out whenever they wanted, we were chronically understaffed. At least once a week, I'd end up working half the restaurant as my section, because 3 people called out. I cleared $1,200 a week in cash tips.

Add on top of that, we all worked close to 40 hours, at $11. Again, union job.

That one, I walked away from because I hated it.
If you are doing it to make yourself feel better, or to help with your depression, it obviously isn't going to work.
Clearly this is ridiculous, as different things work for different people.

It’s not ridiculous at all. It is correct as is your statement that different things work for different people.
Clearly not, as the truth of my stamennt completely answers your question and ends any need to continue ue the thread.


You suffer under the delusion that your nonsense is fact simply because you state it.
Why do people follow, post, and affirm inspirational quotes from people who have committed suicide?

Kurt Cobain
Robin Williams
and now Anthony Bourdain.

These are the three that over time I’ve seen the most posts on social media. All these inspirational and spiritual sayings that people are posting didn’t help those guys any.

It makes no sense to me.

Depression can have many different causes. Some people fail to seek help.

Understood, but why would you, especially if you are depressed, listen to quotes from people who’s depression causes them to kill themselves?
Because at the time a song, poem, or story was composed or written, the composer, artist, or writer wasn’t suffering from depression; what composers, artists, and writers create are unrelated to their depression, and that a composer, artist, or writer might have subsequently suffered from depression neither undermines nor invalidates what they’ve composed or written.

Hmmm....but then why did they suffer depression? If they are being held in esteem for their inspirational thoughts and sayings, why didn’t those thoughts, that outlook on life that people want to emulate, stop them from getting that depressed?

Because depression isn't about externalities. It's not a choice. It has nothing to do with success or esteem. It's a function of brain chemistry.

Sadness and depression aren't the same thing.

No argument there, but again, why would anyone think that those inspirational quotes would help them with their depression, with their life?
Why do people follow, post, and affirm inspirational quotes from people who have committed suicide?

Kurt Cobain
Robin Williams
and now Anthony Bourdain.

These are the three that over time I’ve seen the most posts on social media. All these inspirational and spiritual sayings that people are posting didn’t help those guys any.

It makes no sense to me.

Depression can have many different causes. Some people fail to seek help.

Understood, but why would you, especially if you are depressed, listen to quotes from people who’s depression causes them to kill themselves?

Maybe trying to remember a time before they let the depression overwhelm them?
Why do people follow, post, and affirm inspirational quotes from people who have committed suicide?

Kurt Cobain
Robin Williams
and now Anthony Bourdain.

These are the three that over time I’ve seen the most posts on social media. All these inspirational and spiritual sayings that people are posting didn’t help those guys any.

It makes no sense to me.

Don't be like them? I will never get why someone with all the money/fame they could ask for take their own life..

They should of just gave it all a way and lived under a bridge or something instead..walk away..

I seriously believe that the best of those people are seriously messed up in the head. There are hundreds of examples.

Artistic talent does seem to go hand-in-hand with being nuts. Maybe because it drives you crazy, maybe because you have more imagination than other people, maybe because you think artists HAVE to be crazy.

For me, it's because my particular artistic ability is accompanied by voices in my head, dictating stories to me over and over until I write them down to shut them up. Can't say I ever found that depressing, though.
If you are doing it to make yourself feel better, or to help with your depression, it obviously isn't going to work.
Clearly this is ridiculous, as different things work for different people.

It’s not ridiculous at all. It is correct as is your statement that different things work for different people.
Clearly not, as the truth of my stamennt completely answers your question and ends any need to continue ue the thread.


You suffer under the delusion that your nonsense is fact simply because you state it.
Wrong. It is a demonstrable fact that different things work for different people. That is quite independent of what I had for breakfast. And it succinctly answers your question. Face it...you didn't want an answer.
Why do people follow, post, and affirm inspirational quotes from people who have committed suicide?

Kurt Cobain
Robin Williams
and now Anthony Bourdain.

These are the three that over time I’ve seen the most posts on social media. All these inspirational and spiritual sayings that people are posting didn’t help those guys any.

It makes no sense to me.

Depression can have many different causes. Some people fail to seek help.

Understood, but why would you, especially if you are depressed, listen to quotes from people who’s depression causes them to kill themselves?
Because at the time a song, poem, or story was composed or written, the composer, artist, or writer wasn’t suffering from depression; what composers, artists, and writers create are unrelated to their depression, and that a composer, artist, or writer might have subsequently suffered from depression neither undermines nor invalidates what they’ve composed or written.

Hmmm....but then why did they suffer depression? If they are being held in esteem for their inspirational thoughts and sayings, why didn’t those thoughts, that outlook on life that people want to emulate, stop them from getting that depressed?

Because none of that has anything to do with depression.
Understood, but why would you, especially if you are depressed, listen to quotes from people who’s depression causes them to kill themselves?
Because at the time a song, poem, or story was composed or written, the composer, artist, or writer wasn’t suffering from depression; what composers, artists, and writers create are unrelated to their depression, and that a composer, artist, or writer might have subsequently suffered from depression neither undermines nor invalidates what they’ve composed or written.

Hmmm....but then why did they suffer depression? If they are being held in esteem for their inspirational thoughts and sayings, why didn’t those thoughts, that outlook on life that people want to emulate, stop them from getting that depressed?

This thread is turning out interesting..i could say using my own life as an example , I hate being on top, I love to climb the mountain to get there..thats why I quit jobs, nothing left for me really to do except sit around on the clock..

Possible for the same with them, they reached their goals in life, they are on top of the world and they have no challenges left to do..


I think that those who think that way do go off and do something else. Some have started restaurants, businesses, charities, etc., but others continue until they break down.

I wish other posters would chime in, it's like when I had an amazing game of bowling ..i nailed 7 strikes in a row..by the 8 th frame, when I was killing my friends, I thought to myself this is to easy and not fun anymore..

So I purposely threw a huge gutter ball..

I never bowled since and that was 20 years ago.

Well, everyone in my life thinks I'm amazing . . . except me. Depression is a very inward-facing experience, centered around the person and his/her inner life and thoughts and feelings. What other people see rarely has anything to do with it, and when it does have an effect, it can often make the depression worse to be admired, because inside you feel like a fraud who doesn't really deserve it. For someone who has suffered from chronic depression for much of his/her adult life, it can be very difficult to maintain enough perspective to try to see yourself as others see you, and to hold onto a sense of self-esteem.

Also, keep in mind that clinical depression usually has nothing whatsoever to do with what's going on in one's life. It isn't organic in that sense, but something that's imposed onto your life by other factors. No one knows for certain, but clinical depression - as opposed to the kind caused by actually having something to be sad about - is thought to be an inability of the sufferer's body to maintain the correct mix of chemicals in the brain. I was born with it, as far as anyone can tell, and if I stop taking my meds, it always seeps back in. When I first started taking my medication at the age of 24, and it was the first time in my life I had EVER not been depressed, it was like I had been wearing a pair of dark sunglasses my whole life. I could see everything clearly, I could even see colors, but they were all covered over by a dark haze. And then I saw without the sunglasses for the first time ever, and it was the same world, but it was so bright!

Anyway, hope this lends some insight.
Why do people follow, post, and affirm inspirational quotes from people who have committed suicide?

Kurt Cobain
Robin Williams
and now Anthony Bourdain.

These are the three that over time I’ve seen the most posts on social media. All these inspirational and spiritual sayings that people are posting didn’t help those guys any.

It makes no sense to me.

Don't be like them? I will never get why someone with all the money/fame they could ask for take their own life..

They should of just gave it all a way and lived under a bridge or something instead..walk away..

I seriously believe that the best of those people are seriously messed up in the head. There are hundreds of examples.

Much of depression can come from a chemical unbalance

That is true. The question then becomes; why quote them when it obviously doesn’t help with the chemical imbalance?

Because it doesn't mean they didn't have valuable insights from inside the imbalance that can help others?

Or, as I've said, maybe people just want to remember them well, from before the depression ate them. I think it's an attempt people make to distance themselves from the depression and the suicide, because it's scary.
That's why I am saying it takes balls of steal to end your life..

Well, most methods of dying are painful, and I can promise you I don't have the courage to cause myself physical pain.

That's the only courage I'm willing to attribute to suicide, though.
Almost always, it's just a reaction to a single moment.
This I do not agree with. For a lot of people it's something that has traumatized them in the past, that has occurred again and that they expect to keep occurring again and again in the future. It is the thought of being subjected to the same traumatizing event(s) repeatedly with no way to ever see any end that often will push them over the edge.

It's probably close to impossible to make a person who has never experienced depression to wrap their mind around how it feels and what it entails. Some of us females get a glimpse into the realm with our hormone fluctuations so I have a pretty good grasp on how it feels but it's always just been temporary.

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