Help! Preventing heat stroke.


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
Long story short here; My body doesn't regulate temps well. I have lived in Alaska my entire life. I cannot sweat. I passed out in Disneyland at 92F. Eldest son is getting married end of the month (BLLAARGH Y not any other month!?!) so we're headed to Las Vegas which averages over 100F this time of year as I understand it. I plan to stay in air conditioning as much as possible of course, but I really want to do some light-moderate hiking (basically maybe 5 miles at a casual walk) in Arches National Park, Grand Canyon, and Zion. We're planning to pack a cooler and plenty of liquid (drinking cold milk is how I usually get through heat waves - aka over like 80F >.<)

I need some tips on how to stay cool because this is totally out of my wheel house and I'm melting just thinking about the 113F my parents down there are seeing lol

Drink it. Your body regulates heat through its water content in the form of perspiration. As the sweat evaporates off your skin, it takes some heat with it.

You need to (in any climate) drink half your body weight in ounces to maintain a healthy hydration level.

What I mean by this is that if you weight 165 pounds, you should drink 82.5oz of water every day.
We're planning to pack a cooler and plenty of liquid (drinking cold milk is how I usually get through heat waves - aka over like 80F >.<)
I'd think that milk would curdle in your stomach at desert temperatures and make you wanna puke your guts out? .... :dunno:

I grew up in the hot dusty plains of the southwest, and there is nothing better to cool you down and quench that thirst than water.

But stay away from gulping ice cold water when you're overheated and it's really hot out. It can be are real shock to the body and you might pass out or even worse.

I only drink ambient temp. water out in the heat. ..... :cool:
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So like 60 oz a day of water for me (ish? I'm like 130# wet) that's easy, we're gonna buy some insulated water bottles, but I was hoping for other preventive tips than the usual ya know? I think you missed the bit where I can't sweat though - the docs don't know if it's HED or my syn, but I don't sweat normal; my tummy might sweat a little since I had the kids, but no pit sweat, no brow sweat, no back sweat - the glands barely work if at all.

Well the milk thing is in Alaska Sunni, it coats so it keeps me cooler than water does - I don't think that'll cut it in Nevada though - plus how to transport that :p We usually only vacation in the fall and winter because of my temp sensitivity - plus my husband hates hot, though he can sweat at least :p
We're planning to pack a cooler and plenty of liquid (drinking cold milk is how I usually get through heat waves - aka over like 80F >.<)
I'd think that milk would curdle in your stomach at desert temperatures and make you wanna puke your guts out? .... :dunno:

I grew up in the hot dusty plains of the southwest, and there is nothing better to cool you down and quench that thirst than water.

But stay away from gulping ice cold water when you're overheated and it's really hot out. It can be are real shock to the body and you might pass out or even worse.

I only drink ambient temp. water out in the heat. ..... :cool:

hmm I might want to watch that, I'll bring a non-insulated water bottle as well and maybe alternate sips from em. My thought was to sip as I went, rather than pausing and taking big drinks or anything, it's not like we're running a race and need our hands free.

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