Why Do Democrats Love Raising The Minimum Wage?

Living wage? What is that?

Monthly Earnings that = Cell Phone Monthly Fees

I get it, the working class and poor don't need raises because they're going to waste it on cell phones and the rich don't blow any of their money on bullshit, guess that explains why they have so much money, right? Bullshit.

While it pleases me that you can see through the thinly veiled sarcasm, you still haven't answered the question:

What is a "living wage?"
No no no no no boys. Thats not why the Democrats love raising minimum wage. This is why:

By doing so, they'll force the evil, greedy rich CEO's to pay the poor bottom level employees more, thus allowing those brave grocery baggers and french fry cooks to live better lives. And by forcing the CEO's to pay them more, the CEO's will in turn say "DANG IT I gotta pay them more. Oh well, I guess I'll pay them more, and keep all other operations, staffing and product pricing exactly as is and just cut the net difference out of my yearly pay."

Um........yeah, thats exactly how it goes too.

When employees wages are mandatorily raised by government regulation--employers lay off workers--(especially temporary or part time workers) to save on payroll costs. That is a FACT.

GEEZ--you liberals really need to take an economics 101 class one of these days. In fact, they should make it mandatory in high school.

So I have, let's say, a convenience store, and I need 10 fulltime employees to cover all the shifts, and they're getting minimum wage, and then the minimum wage gets raised,

and I do what? Lay off three people? And who then works their shifts?

At some point it is cheaper to keep the store closed those hours. So no one works those shifts. Or the owner steps in and works extra hours for less money.
Have you ever worked a day in your life??
"Why Do Democrats Love Raising The Minimum Wage?"

What a dumb question. America since Reagan is moving toward third world status and that anyone needs to ask this question demonstrates the complete lack of knowledge and consideration for America and its workers. Sad people these righties.


US: Pay Gap Widens Between CEOs and Workers

"What improves the circumstances of the greater part can never be regarded as an inconveniency to the whole. No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable." Adam Smith 'The Wealth of Nations,' Book I Chapter VIII
They can't answer that. "Living wage" has become the rally cry to try to guarantee a standard of living. But then the question becomes... ok, why not $10/hr... or $20... or $30. At some point they respond "that's ridiculous". Why? Why not $25 - $30 /hr?
It's amazing that conservatives think that it's one of the major problems of America-

our working poor are overpaid!!!

Actually we think it is the non-working poor who are overpaid.

This has been proven to be bullshit time and time again, Bernie Madoff himself was more overpaid than all of the nonworking proof put together damn near and he was just one person. Poor people aren't living it up, is that the insane bullshit that rightwing fucktards force feed you?
Tha fact that grown men and women are worrying about a "minimum" wage is the problem. It hasn't been an issue in my life, or anyone's life that I know for decades.

Anyway... once you start guaranteeing a standard of living, I promise you thereis little incentive to improve one's life.
It's amazing that conservatives think that it's one of the major problems of America-

our working poor are overpaid!!!

Actually we think it is the non-working poor who are overpaid.

This has been proven to be bullshit time and time again, Bernie Madoff himself was more overpaid than all of the nonworking proof put together damn near and he was just one person. Poor people aren't living it up, is that the insane bullshit that rightwing fucktards force feed you?

WTF does Bernie Madoff have to do with anything? Or are you just spewing Left-wing word salad phrases. Make sure to throw "BOOOSH" in there too.
You are too stupid to debate, not even worth the time to read your bullshit posts, much less respond to them. Iggy you go.
It's amazing that conservatives think that it's one of the major problems of America-

our working poor are overpaid!!!

Actually we think it is the non-working poor who are overpaid.

This has been proven to be bullshit time and time again, Bernie Madoff himself was more overpaid than all of the nonworking proof put together damn near and he was just one person. Poor people aren't living it up, is that the insane bullshit that rightwing fucktards force feed you?

Bernie Madoff was a thief. Just like some asshole stealing purses from old ladies.

Or are you stretching so far that you now say anybody with money is a "Bernie Madoff" type? Who's the fucktard spewing insane bullshit? Me thinkest it is you sir.
When employees wages are mandatorily raised by government regulation--employers lay off workers--(especially temporary or part time workers) to save on payroll costs. That is a FACT.

GEEZ--you liberals really need to take an economics 101 class one of these days. In fact, they should make it mandatory in high school.

Really? So they didn't need those workers in the first place? That makes no sense.


They needed the worker to make Profit = Revenue - Cost

Once Cost > Revenue there is no profit.

Do they teach this stuff in public school? I doubt it. #1. Teachers certainly never need to know it; #2. If they do know it, then they're not teaching; #3 if they are teaching, they probably assume its as common knowledge as wiping your ass.

If you can't make a profit in America while paying people a decent wage, then you shouldn't be doing business in America.

This is America afterall.
It's amazing that conservatives think that it's one of the major problems of America-

our working poor are overpaid!!!

Actually we think it is the non-working poor who are overpaid.

This has been proven to be bullshit time and time again, Bernie Madoff himself was more overpaid than all of the nonworking proof put together damn near and he was just one person. Poor people aren't living it up, is that the insane bullshit that rightwing fucktards force feed you?

Of course Poor People aren't "Living it Up."

They're wading through rivers, camping in the deserts, and mowing lawns, cleaning houses, and sending money back to Mexico.
It's amazing that conservatives think that it's one of the major problems of America-

our working poor are overpaid!!!

Actually we think it is the non-working poor who are overpaid.

In the light of everything you people have said in this thread, your response sounds retarded.

Only because you are too stupid to understand it.
If you make the incentive not to work greater than the incentive to work then people won't work. That's a problem, if you haven't figured it out yet. WHich you haven't.
Really? So they didn't need those workers in the first place? That makes no sense.


They needed the worker to make Profit = Revenue - Cost

Once Cost > Revenue there is no profit.

Do they teach this stuff in public school? I doubt it. #1. Teachers certainly never need to know it; #2. If they do know it, then they're not teaching; #3 if they are teaching, they probably assume its as common knowledge as wiping your ass.

If you can't make a profit in America while paying people a decent wage, then you shouldn't be doing business in America.

This is America afterall.

You know, the lower the minimum wage is, the more eligibility a person has for government safety net programs, food stamps etc.,

so the employer gets to profit from dirt cheap labor, and then YOU, the taxpayer, make up the difference to provide the person some semblance of a living wage.

Living wage? What is that?

Take how much money you're making now (in the off chance you actually work) and then start reducing that amount in your head until you get to the point where you say,

damn! I couldn't even live on that wage.

There, you just passed the 'living wage'.

Or, alternative method, use your fucking head and some common sense.
Actually we think it is the non-working poor who are overpaid.

This has been proven to be bullshit time and time again, Bernie Madoff himself was more overpaid than all of the nonworking proof put together damn near and he was just one person. Poor people aren't living it up, is that the insane bullshit that rightwing fucktards force feed you?

WTF does Bernie Madoff have to do with anything? Or are you just spewing Left-wing word salad phrases. Make sure to throw "BOOOSH" in there too.
You are too stupid to debate, not even worth the time to read your bullshit posts, much less respond to them. Iggy you go.

The point you gutless shithead is that the rich taken in more money through rip offs and cheap labor than the non-working poor get through government aid, Madoff is one example of a rich jerk off who took in insane amount of money through rip offs, 60 billiob in total by his damn self, the nonworking poor doesn't come close to topping that.
Decent wage? Please define.

They cannot define it because there is no definition. Same with "living wage". All it means is "WE care about poor people and THEY don't. Vote for US and don't vote for THEM." It is bullshit of the highest order.

People in rural Vietnam live on probably $10 a month. I wouldn't advocate that as normative but it shows people can live on 10/mo.

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