Why Do Democrats Love Raising The Minimum Wage?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Answer: They don't care about high unemployment.

Why is this?

Because helping some special interest groups out is more important to Democrats then keeping down unemployment

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca8Z__o52sk&feature=related]YouTube - Milton Friedman on Minimum Wage[/ame]
At the rate Demcrats keep extending unemployment we might as well call it Welfare.

The Dems started extending benefits 3 years ago....just around the time they started boosting the minimum wage.

Think they knew what was gonna happen?
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Answer: They don't care about high unemployment.

Why is this?

Because helping some special interest groups out is more important to Democrats then keeping down unemployment.

Milton Friedman was a brilliant man. I didn't watch the video but I'm familiar with his manifesto.

I'm sure you realize the "Answer" to your question is not "They don't care about high unemployment."

The answer is that it's one of many measures put in place to prevent Aristocracy. There are arguments for and against, like any other monetary policy.
Answer: They don't care about high unemployment.

Why is this?

Because helping some special interest groups out is more important to Democrats then keeping down unemployment

Stupid liberals just don't think these things through.
Answer: They don't care about high unemployment.

Why is this?

Because helping some special interest groups out is more important to Democrats then keeping down unemployment.

Milton Friedman was a brilliant man. I didn't watch the video but I'm familiar with his manifesto.

I'm sure you realize the "Answer" to your question is not "They don't care about high unemployment."

The answer is that it's one of many measures put in place to prevent Aristocracy. There are arguments for and against, like any other monetary policy.

Yes! BEcause we want to keep those people off the payrolls and on government welfare so we can control their lives!
what i made in minimum wage in the late 70's 'could buy more', than what a high school kid earns now in minimum wage...

why shouldn't a kid working today be able to buy, all that i could buy back then when i made minimum wage, for the same job done or even a more productive job done? (productivity has been improving so the minimum wage worker today is probably producing more)

regardless, most States do a fine job with regulating their own State minimum wage....there are only a handful of states that have no minimum wage in the law of their own state....and this is who are being governed by federal laws.

Fuel prices affect the entire economy and businesses more, than a few minimum wage earners and the ones slightly above that, (about 6% of all workers from all i've read).
what i made in minimum wage in the late 70's 'could buy more', than what a high school kid earns now in minimum wage...

why shouldn't a kid working today be able to buy, all that i could buy back then when i made minimum wage, for the same job done or even a more productive job done? (productivity has been improving so the minimum wage worker today is probably producing more)

regardless, most States do a fine job with regulating their own State minimum wage....there are only a handful of states that have no minimum wage in the law of their own state....and this is who are being governed by federal laws.

Fuel prices affect the entire economy and businesses more, than a few minimum wage earners and the ones slightly above that, (about 6% of all workers from all i've read).

Because our parents and our generation fucked them over.
Answer: They don't care about high unemployment.

Why is this?

Because helping some special interest groups out is more important to Democrats then keeping down unemployment

YouTube - Milton Friedman on Minimum Wage
Because they want to deceive the people into thinking that by raising the minimum wage they are making everyone richer, in truth though the minimum wage will never solve the problem, as soon as it rises employers drop employees they don't need as costs go up in line with the wage increase. :cuckoo:
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No no no no no boys. Thats not why the Democrats love raising minimum wage. This is why:

By doing so, they'll force the evil, greedy rich CEO's to pay the poor bottom level employees more, thus allowing those brave grocery baggers and french fry cooks to live better lives. And by forcing the CEO's to pay them more, the CEO's will in turn say "DANG IT I gotta pay them more. Oh well, I guess I'll pay them more, and keep all other operations, staffing and product pricing exactly as is and just cut the net difference out of my yearly pay."

Um........yeah, thats exactly how it goes too.
No no no no no boys. Thats not why the Democrats love raising minimum wage. This is why:

By doing so, they'll force the evil, greedy rich CEO's to pay the poor bottom level employees more, thus allowing those brave grocery baggers and french fry cooks to live better lives. And by forcing the CEO's to pay them more, the CEO's will in turn say "DANG IT I gotta pay them more. Oh well, I guess I'll pay them more, and keep all other operations, staffing and product pricing exactly as is and just cut the net difference out of my yearly pay."

Um........yeah, thats exactly how it goes too.
Republicans have opposed minimum wages for as long as I can remember. They argue that without a minimum wage. the market for labor would would determine the wages at the low end of the scale just as it does at the higher end. This will result in higher employment. The downside is that wages at the low end may fall dramatically, particularly at the current time with high unemployment. This can result in starvation wages for many. The upside for businesses is they can compete with China and third world countries due to our low labor rates, not to mention increased profits. This also prevent jobs from being shipped overseas since low priceed labor is available in the US. This would definite widen the gap between rich and poor. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
No, because when you stop raising min wage, those Chinese jobs start coming back home.
No no no no no boys. Thats not why the Democrats love raising minimum wage. This is why:

By doing so, they'll force the evil, greedy rich CEO's to pay the poor bottom level employees more, thus allowing those brave grocery baggers and french fry cooks to live better lives. And by forcing the CEO's to pay them more, the CEO's will in turn say "DANG IT I gotta pay them more. Oh well, I guess I'll pay them more, and keep all other operations, staffing and product pricing exactly as is and just cut the net difference out of my yearly pay."

Um........yeah, thats exactly how it goes too.
Republicans have opposed minimum wages for as long as I can remember. They argue that without a minimum wage. the market for labor would would determine the wages at the low end of the scale just as it does at the higher end. This will result in higher employment. The downside is that wages at the low end may fall dramatically, particularly at the current time with high unemployment. This can result in starvation wages for many. The upside for businesses is they can compete with China and third world countries due to our low labor rates, not to mention increased profits. This also prevent jobs from being shipped overseas since low priceed labor is available in the US. This would definite widen the gap between rich and poor. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Well, remember, us Americans are obviously a lazy, greedy bunch, since we are told we needed to import 15 million workers to do "Jobs Americans just won't do". So, even with a minimum wage, some Americans simply won't do a job. Well, to function, a company needs those jobs done by someone. If we had sealed the border, and the company was forced to pay what an American WOULD do the job for, a min wage would not be needed.

But, as it stands, we're importing desperate workers. So, companies don't need to worry about applicants for even crappy jobs. That leaves us with millions of teeny boppers who would once have gotten work experience at fast food and grocery. But now, they don't, they sit at home on xbox. Then go to college and live off student loans.

And then become 24 year old college graduates with no work experience and a ton of debt.........whining about why they aren't getting the job they deserve and voting for Obama to fix it all for them.

God help us.
what i made in minimum wage in the late 70's 'could buy more', than what a high school kid earns now in minimum wage...

why shouldn't a kid working today be able to buy, all that i could buy back then when i made minimum wage, for the same job done or even a more productive job done? (productivity has been improving so the minimum wage worker today is probably producing more)

regardless, most States do a fine job with regulating their own State minimum wage....there are only a handful of states that have no minimum wage in the law of their own state....and this is who are being governed by federal laws.

Fuel prices affect the entire economy and businesses more, than a few minimum wage earners and the ones slightly above that, (about 6% of all workers from all i've read).

Why shouldn't a kid today make the same wage as the CEO of a major company? Why not raise it to $200/hr? If $8 is good, then surely 200 is better. That would really make it a living wage!
Of course the choice is not between jobs at $2/hr and jobs at $8/hr/ The choice is between jobs at $2/hr and no job at all. No job at all is precisely what 20% of teenagers (and about 40% of black teenagers) have now thanks to min wage policies. How this is helping anyone other than unions and Democrats is beyond me.
And kids need the work experience as teenagers. They need to do crappy jobs, get their ego knocked a bit, so they won't feel any job is beneath them when they are in their 20's and not yet climbing the job ladder.

But most don't get that anymore. And they become 25 year old left wing Obama voters who think they deserve a 100K job right out of college just because they got some left wing lectures and blogged about how smart they are for 5 years.
And kids need the work experience as teenagers. They need to do crappy jobs, get their ego knocked a bit, so they won't feel any job is beneath them when they are in their 20's and not yet climbing the job ladder.

But most don't get that anymore. And they become 25 year old left wing Obama voters who think they deserve a 100K job right out of college just because they got some left wing lectures and blogged about how smart they are for 5 years.

Yes. Basic entry level jobs serve a purpose in teaching basic jobs skills: show up on time sober and ready to work. Without those skills everything else is pretty much impossible.
And the stats are that most people who take min wage jobs don't stay there for long. As their skills improve they get raises and move up the ladder.
And kids need the work experience as teenagers. They need to do crappy jobs, get their ego knocked a bit, so they won't feel any job is beneath them when they are in their 20's and not yet climbing the job ladder.

But most don't get that anymore. And they become 25 year old left wing Obama voters who think they deserve a 100K job right out of college just because they got some left wing lectures and blogged about how smart they are for 5 years.

Yes. Basic entry level jobs serve a purpose in teaching basic jobs skills: show up on time sober and ready to work. Without those skills everything else is pretty much impossible.
And the stats are that most people who take min wage jobs don't stay there for long. As their skills improve they get raises and move up the ladder.

After college, I had trouble finding that good paying job for 3-4 years. I worked what I knew: Low paying, entry level jobs. Even bagged groceries and worked in a warehouse stocking shelves a bit. It did those in high school, and although I had a degree, I knew those jobs weren't below me until something better came along.

That is a trait of a lot of young people these days though. The world owes them everything right now. They are smarter than everyone else, deserve a job doing something really important and fun and high paying right now. Today's youth haven't had their egoes checked or worked the tough jobs growing up. Thats a problem in our country.

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