Why do ALL Liberals say that America deserved 911?

This has been a rough day for extreme nutters. It would be nice if our standard nutters would take DTMB's cue and start putting these whack jobs in their place.
Why do ALL liberals say that America deserved 09/11?

Was it because Bush was President?

(My bold)

Nah, ALL liberals don't say that. Liberals would be more likely to say United States instead of America, since Canada nor Mexico nor any other American governments were attacked.

The US government has committed a lot of unfortunate acts in our name: overthrown Iranian PM Mossadegh because the Brits wanted to be deadbeats on their oil bill, overthrown legit governments in Central America shortly thereafter & since, treated the Caribbean like our private pool, overthrown the government of Chile, supported France's attempt to hang on to Indochina post-WWII, & eventually took over the war & the headaches & heartaches there, & so on. The policy-makers & spooks & military that connived @ these actions without consulting us (& often without consulting Congress - who is responsible for oversight of foreign policy & spook & military activity in our name) certainly deserve punishment - @ the least for not following the Constitution. The problem for us civilians is that Al Qaeda, for instance, doesn't care about the niceties of Constitutional government. If they see the US doing something they object to, they will treat us all as being collectively guilty.

It's the same problem that militarist Japan had in the 1920s through 1945, when their military went berserk & overpowered the legitimate government. By the time the smoke cleared on Pearl Harbor, we in the US weren't about to make any nice distinctions between a runaway militaristic nationalistic government & the traditional Japanese government: We bombed them all, indiscriminately, culminating in nukes.

Al Qaeda is indulging in a pipe dream: They will probably never have the military power to actually defeat our forces in the field. But to the extent that their beef with us is our foreign policy backing those regimes that crush their popular movements in order to reign by force of arms & either sell us oil/natgas or accept our aid to lay off of Israel & various other goals & objectives, they do have a point. We will have to talk to Al Qaeda & related @ some point - we can't just lob Hellfires off of RPVs @ them forever.

I don't think it was because W was prexy, either. Although W seems to have been exceedingly dim about subjects in the Middle East in general - but then so was Prexy Reagan, & so have several other presidents been.
Also keep in mind that ALL LIBERALS supported the 911 victory mosque while attacking grieving surviving family members for protesting the mosque.

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