Why do ALL Liberals say that America deserved 911?

"Why do ALL Liberals say that America deserved 911?"
You reap what you sow. Karma.

Cons create enemies faster than they can kill them.

Thank you for proving my point.

Also I would like to apologize for the wording in my OP. I should have stated MOST Liberals not ALL Liberals.
Karma has nothing to do with "hating America", it has to do with getting what you deserve. If the extremist right wingers hadn't invaded Iraq(which, btw, didn't have anything to do with 911), ISIS wouldn't exist right now. ISIS was created by Shrub taking out the Sunni government and installing the Shia government. And if Raygun hadn't given the Taliban a billion dollars worth of weapons to terrorize the Russians with, they wouldn't be taking over Afghanistan. And if Raygun hadn't sold chemical weapons to Saddam Hussein, and missiles to Iran in the Iran/Iraq war, the U.S. wouldn't be known as a war instigator in the middle east. And if Shrub daddy hadn't invaded Iraq with DESERT STORM, Al Qaeda wouldn't have been created.

So it's the right wing extremists of the U.S. that have created ISIS and Al Qaeda. You reap what you sow. You create your Karma, not me.
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What gets me is how childlike they stoop to with the "you did it too" excuse after they barrage the media with lies and flag waving and hide the true facts from the lawmakers that have to vote on these issues. They only release the flimsiest reasons that support the actions they are desperate to engage in. They hide their projections of blow back which usually turn out to be the true effect we have to deal with after they go and play war somewhere.

I know damned well that these a-holes do analysis of what will probably happen if they do this war or that assassination on the world stage. How much of THAT gets on FOX?

Even when we armed the Afgahnis to fight the Russians they surely knew that some day those weapons would be used against us. What did they think the rifles and RPG launchers would do? E vaporize? When you arm a society willing to go up against tanks and helicopter gunships you are arming them for 20-50 years. All they need for the future is a source for lead for bullets (they can make gunpowder..it's easy) All the brass they need is laying on the ground all over the countryside.

THAT is the dirty truth of these wars they engage us into. If the truth of what we should expect in reprisals was made clearly known to the public they would think long and hard about sending in the troops as the first or only option.

another rdean lie. i already debunked that. you can't cite a single republican that hopes americans die. in fact you BLAMED republicans for not admitting it as your reason you couldn't cite them


i am amazed that you don't realize how foolish you look.
Let me make sure I understand. If you block health care for sick and dying people you are really hoping they make it after all, even without health care? Is that what you are suggesting?

another rdean lie. i already debunked that. you can't cite a single republican that hopes americans die. in fact you BLAMED republicans for not admitting it as your reason you couldn't cite them


i am amazed that you don't realize how foolish you look.
Let me make sure I understand. If you block health care for sick and dying people you are really hoping they make it after all, even without health care? Is that what you are suggesting?
Ever seen the Ron Paul interviews where he implies that everyone that can't afford private healthcare, can 'rely on charity'. As if that is some kind of answer, when those charities can't help enough people already. ;)
Not only that but they say that we attacked or destroyed the buildings with
Thermite radiation or plasma generators or some dumb ass shit.
That it was a black ops,false flag,covert ops or other such nonsense...
And the Libs here who think they are the smart ones on this site will throw
out Haliburton every now and again.

There's probably 100,000 posts in the conspiracy section here alone that has some crazy assed theory about how the
(and heres another Lib favorite)....Military Industrial Complex was behind the whole thing....

I saw something recently regarding people being sick from being near ground zero....
They got sick from exposure to radiation from the dirty bombs that the Israelis used to bring the buildings down with.

Not only that but they say that we attacked or destroyed the buildings with
Thermite radiation or plasma generators or some dumb ass shit.
That it was a black ops,false flag,covert ops or other such nonsense...
And the Libs here who think they are the smart ones on this site will throw
out Haliburton every now and again.

There's probably 100,000 posts in the conspiracy section here alone that has some crazy assed theory about how the
(and heres another Lib favorite)....Military Industrial Complex was behind the whole thing....

I saw something recently regarding people being sick from being near ground zero....
They got sick from exposure to radiation from the dirty bombs that the Israelis used to bring the buildings down with.


Most of the conspiracy theorists aren't liberals. But fringe conservatives.
Not only that but they say that we attacked or destroyed the buildings with
Thermite radiation or plasma generators or some dumb ass shit.
That it was a black ops,false flag,covert ops or other such nonsense...
And the Libs here who think they are the smart ones on this site will throw
out Haliburton every now and again.

There's probably 100,000 posts in the conspiracy section here alone that has some crazy assed theory about how the
(and heres another Lib favorite)....Military Industrial Complex was behind the whole thing....

I saw something recently regarding people being sick from being near ground zero....
They got sick from exposure to radiation from the dirty bombs that the Israelis used to bring the buildings down with.


At least 100,000 posts, and virtually every one of those conspiracy nuts are right wing fruitcakes. Real "try to take my guns, I hate the government" fruitcakes. Rush should be proud.

another rdean lie. i already debunked that. you can't cite a single republican that hopes americans die. in fact you BLAMED republicans for not admitting it as your reason you couldn't cite them


i am amazed that you don't realize how foolish you look.
Let me make sure I understand. If you block health care for sick and dying people you are really hoping they make it after all, even without health care? Is that what you are suggesting?

cite where a single republican hopes americans die or STFU

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