Why Conservatives are obsessed with Obama's grades


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud
In his $20,000 offer for Obama's transcripts, Bayne lays out his rationale: "We're not convinced that Barack is as smart as you media elitists keep insisting he is." The charge that the president got bad grades 30 years ago doesn't hold water, however: Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, something you can't do with bad grades.

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama
The play to shame Obama into releasing his college grades "is nothing more than a pathetically desperate effort to find something, anything that they can use against him in the upcoming election," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. It's part of the Right's effort to "vet" Obama, four years after the media made him "one of the most vetted presidential candidates in recent memory."

3. This is just birtherism warmed over
When you "get to the bottom of the conspiracy," says Sarah Jones at Politicus USA, it's clear that Wayne is a birther, and his "foreign exchange student" theory is part of the claim that Obama isn't really American. Indeed, this "irrelevant nonsense about college transcripts... has been a central part of birtherism from the beginning,"

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes
The reason conservatives are "freaking out in unison" about Obama's college grades "couldn't be more obvious," says Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs: They're trying anything they can to "divert attention away from Mitt Romney's refusal to release financial information
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud...

If the shoe fits...

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama...

Well, if the lamestream media isn't going to do its job...

3. This is just birtherism warmed over...

Even without the BC, there is evidence that Boiking was born Hawai'i...Thus far, he has spent 7 figures keeping his college records hush-hush...If he's so brilliant, why not brag about it?

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes...

Romney's taxes are nothing more than a diversion from Boiking's shit record over the last 3 1/2 years...Desperation indeed.

Why are you obsessed with Romney taxes, asslips?

Glad you asked

Because we need to know whom he is beholden to
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

All are directly related to him being president.
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

Romney's response - None of your fucking business, pissant.
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud
In his $20,000 offer for Obama's transcripts, Bayne lays out his rationale: "We're not convinced that Barack is as smart as you media elitists keep insisting he is." The charge that the president got bad grades 30 years ago doesn't hold water, however: Biographer David Maraniss says Obama got a 3.7 GPA at Columbia and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, something you can't do with bad grades.

My personal opinion is that somewhere in those records are some classes Obama took that would sound embarassing. Perhaps something along the lines of a course which taught about the evils of white men in history at Columbia. Perhaps a paper about wealth redistribution or slavery reparations.

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama
The play to shame Obama into releasing his college grades "is nothing more than a pathetically desperate effort to find something, anything that they can use against him in the upcoming election," says Doug Mataconis at Outside the Beltway. It's part of the Right's effort to "vet" Obama, four years after the media made him "one of the most vetted presidential candidates in recent memory."

Some guy I never heard of says Obama is "one of the most vetted presidential candidates in recent memory"?

You are that easy, eh?

Obama was an unknown state legislator who went in a hop, a skip, and a jump to the White House. You know any other politician in recent memory who has done that?

Neither do I. He is the most inexperienced Chief Executive we have ever had.

Since he has virtually no legislative or business record, what are we left with?

That's right. College records and the like. So when you have a person with virtually no political background who has sealed up half his life, that rightfully raises suspicions.

3. This is just birtherism warmed over
When you "get to the bottom of the conspiracy," says Sarah Jones at Politicus USA, it's clear that Wayne is a birther, and his "foreign exchange student" theory is part of the claim that Obama isn't really American. Indeed, this "irrelevant nonsense about college transcripts... has been a central part of birtherism from the beginning,"

I am not a birther. I hate birther. I eat birthers.

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes
The reason conservatives are "freaking out in unison" about Obama's college grades "couldn't be more obvious," says Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs: They're trying anything they can to "divert attention away from Mitt Romney's refusal to release financial information

Wow! Someone took a time machine and made the Romney tax issue generated by the Obama campaign and pre-dated it to before the Obama college transcript issues that have been around since 2008!

I see what you did there.

This is a classic case of psychological projection. It is Obama who is desperate to distract.
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Hm Maybe because he has spent millions hiding ALL his records...if ya got nothing to hide lets see them.

Where's Obama's college transcript.
He's so brilliant- he should be proud of them?

I also hear he was enrolled as a "foreign exchange" student.

His application would be helpful too.

Please post those right up, asshole. .....
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

Romney's response - None of your fucking business, pissant.

So you dont care, regardless, right?

If it turns out a bus driver paid more in taxes than Romney, not only will that be OK with you but you will applaud him, right?

I.E you so believed the lie raygunz told about how govt is bad that you admire those who can work the system and not pay their fair share, right?

If Romney went on live tv and shot, one after the other, 50 infants, with a 44 mag, I bet you would still vote for him, right?
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

Romney's response - None of your fucking business, pissant.

So you dont care, regardless, right?

If it turns out a bus driver paid more in taxes than Romney, not only will that be OK with you but you will applaud him, right?

I.E you so believed the lie raygunz told about how govt is bad that you admire those who can work the system and not pay their fair share, right?

If Romney went on live tv and shot, one after the other, 50 infants, with a 44 mag, I bet you would still vote for him, right?

President-Elect Romney provided two years of tax returns, precisely what's required by law.

The rest is, quite frankly, none of your fucking business.

Put your mouth back on Obama's ass and resume sucking.
For the same reason the left is obsessed with Romney's taxes distraction and deflection the big difference here is as far as I know no high ranking Republican in either the House or the Senate has claimed to have a unnamed source tell them what Obama's college grades are.
Why conservatives are obsessed with Obama's college grades: 4 theories - The Week

1. Conservatives want to paint Obama as a dumb, affirmative-action fraud...

If the shoe fits...

2. Conservatives are obsessed with "vetting" Obama...

Well, if the lamestream media isn't going to do its job...

3. This is just birtherism warmed over...

Even without the BC, there is evidence that Boiking was born Hawai'i...Thus far, he has spent 7 figures keeping his college records hush-hush...If he's so brilliant, why not brag about it?

4. The Right is desperate to distract from Romney's taxes...

Romney's taxes are nothing more than a diversion from Boiking's shit record over the last 3 1/2 years...Desperation indeed.


1. If the Republican Party wants to paint the President as an affirmative action half-wit. They are welcome to it. It appeals to their right wing base and shows independent voters where they are coming from

2. Conservatives fully vetted Obama in 2008. It is not my fault that they chose to concentrate on birth certificates, Rev Wright, Bill Ayers and a wife who hates America

3. Obama hasn't spent any money keeping records hush-hush. He, like previous presidents doesn't see where they are relevant. Much like his birth certificate nonsense

4. Romeys taxes, wealth, investments are all relevant to his serving as President
Why are you obsessed with Romney taxes, asslips?

Glad you asked

Because we need to know whom he is beholden to
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

All are directly related to him being president.

trying to reason w/ warbler? one of the premier rw kool aid drinkers here. Good luck.
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We already know more about Romney than we do about Obama, deal with it.......
Where does his money come from? Where does he invest? What are his writeoffs? What is his effective tax rate? If he passes further tax cuts for the wealthy, whats in it for him?

Romney's response - None of your fucking business, pissant.

So you dont care, regardless, right?

If it turns out a bus driver paid more in taxes than Romney, not only will that be OK with you but you will applaud him, right?

I.E you so believed the lie raygunz told about how govt is bad that you admire those who can work the system and not pay their fair share, right?

If Romney went on live tv and shot, one after the other, 50 infants, with a 44 mag, I bet you would still vote for him, right?

I think you meant to say if Romney killed a cancer lady, he'd still vote for him.


You loons are really going off the deep end. No wonder they made that ad. It's tailor made for you.

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