Why Confront Islam?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

In spite of what the Left claims, ignoring Islam only opens the door wide for Muslims to expand their influence in America.

Because if we don’t, it will continue to get more extreme. This is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their leftist apologists claim. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Abomination of Islam is based on irrefutable facts and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative. Until the Western world understands the threat of Islamic ideology to their society and culture, people will continue to die. We simply cannot ignore this assault to our way of life.

A telling essay on what America is confronted by the presence of Islam.

Much more @ Why Confront Islam?
" Identifying Weak Strategy "

* I Slam Idiom *
A telling essay on what America is confronted by the presence of Islam.
Much more @ Why Confront Islam?
The term islam is an infinitive meaning " to submit " and muslim is a term meaning " one who submits " .

An allusion to " one who submits to submission " is circular reasoning characteristic of the worst absurdities evident of orwellian Doublespeak - Wikipedia .

The generic quality of the terms " islam " and " muslim " bare no specific meaning , such that , one may practice islam in a bdsm dungeon by being a muslim to a dominatrix is a valid application of the terms .

The first problem to be confront is to deconstruct the term through etymology and whenever used , in a written response , referred to as " i slam " , so that it can be understood by its literal declaration for hostile behavior , and to further dispatch it as an acceptable ideology as one directing the violation of non aggression principles .

The term i slam should be further identified as a reference to the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony , whose world governments are hostile to individual liberty , as per hisbah , and to replace its use in the public lexicon with the correct descriptor of " qurayshism " , when its edicts are supposed within hejaz , and with " fictional ishmaelism " , when its edicts are presumed to apply outside of hejaz .

That is because qurayshism and torahnism are genetic religions that would not apply outside of their respective city states of hejaz and israel .
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We in the United States presently have the obligation and the RIGHT to witness to those who are blind. The truth will always outshine lies. However, if the truth is locked away or removed or prevented from revelation, than darkness will seem to be correct when it fact it is only waves of deceit.
" Us Pandering To Terrorist Promotion "

* Playing With A Stacked Deck *
We in the United States presently have the obligation and the RIGHT to witness to those who are blind. The truth will always outshine lies. However, if the truth is locked away or removed or prevented from revelation, than darkness will seem to be correct when it fact it is only waves of deceit.
The only thing more mundane than the saudi sunni agenda is that the shia , who are literally not - by any way in hell - descendants of ishmael within hejaz , have bought into fictional ishmaelism since before the Abbasid Revolution - Wikipedia in 750 ad .

* Depose The Terrorist State And Return Hejaz To The Hashemites *

State-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia
While Saudi Arabia is often a secondary source of funds and support for terror movements who can find more motivated and ideologically invested benefactors (e.g. Qatar), Saudi Arabia arguably remains the most prolific sponsor of international Islamist terrorism, allegedly supporting groups as disparate as the Afghanistan Taliban, Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the Al-Nusra Front.[101][102]

Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist jihadism,[103] which forms the ideological basis of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Taliban, Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant and others. In a December 2009 diplomatic cable to U.S. State Department staff (made public in the diplomatic cable leaks the following year), U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged U.S. diplomats to increase efforts to block money from Gulf Arab states from going to terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan, writing that "Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide" and that "More needs to be done since Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups."[40] An August 2009 State Department cable also said that the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the 2008 Mumbai attacks, used a Saudi-based front company to fund its activities in 2005.[40][40][104]

The violence in Afghanistan and Pakistan is partly bankrolled by wealthy, conservative donors across the Arabian Sea whose governments do little to stop them.[40] Three other Arab countries which are listed as sources of militant money are Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, all neighbors of Saudi Arabia.[40][41]

Starting in the mid-1970s the Islamic resurgence was funded by an abundance of money from Saudi Arabian oil exports.[109] The tens of billions of dollars in "petro-Islam" largess obtained from the recently heightened price of oil funded an estimated "90% of the expenses of the entire faith."[110]

Throughout the Sunni Muslim world, religious institutions for people both young and old, from children's maddrassas to high-level scholarships received Saudi funding,[111] "books, scholarships, fellowships, and mosques" (for example, "more than 1500 mosques were built and paid for with money obtained from public Saudi funds over the last 50 years"),[112] along with training in the Kingdom for the preachers and teachers who went on to teach and work at these universities, schools, mosques, etc.[113] The funding was also used to reward journalists and academics who followed the Saudis' strict interpretation of Islam; and satellite campuses were built around Egypt for Al Azhar, the world's oldest and most influential Islamic university.[114]

The interpretation of Islam promoted by this funding was the strict, conservative Saudi-based Wahhabism or Salafism. In its harshest form it preached that Muslims should not only "always oppose" infidels "in every way", but "hate them for their religion ... for Allah's sake", that democracy "is responsible for all the horrible wars of the 20th century", that Shia and other non-Wahhabi Muslims were "infidels", etc.[115] According to former Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Kuan Yew, while this effort has by no means converted all, or even most, Muslims to the Wahhabist interpretation of Islam, it has done much to overwhelm more moderate local interpretations of Islam in Southeast Asia, and to pitch the Saudi-interpretation of Islam as the "gold standard" of religion in minds of Muslims across the globe.[116]
" Open Source Community Direct Observation Room "

* Critically Acclaimed Indifference *
A telling essay on what America is confronted by the presence of Islam.
Much more @ Why Confront Islam?
In reference to the OP link , the following assertion is absurd , " To Muslims, every word of the Quran is a literal, perfect, immutable, eternal word of Allah himself. " .

That some event of recitation occurs does not imply that its dictum qualifies as a conscript for divine or even perfect law .

The principles of non aggression are self evident and complex , however it can be applied towards an amicable expectation .

* Clearly Literal Incompleteness *

Quran - Wikipedia
The Quran (/kɔːrˈɑːn/[a] kor-AHN; Arabic: القرآن‎ al-Qurʾān, literally meaning "the recitation"; also romanized Qur'an or Koran[c]) is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God (Allah).[1] It is widely regarded as the finest work in classical Arabic literature.[2][3][4][5] The Quran is divided into chapters (surah in Arabic), which are then divided into verses (ayah).

Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril),[6][7] gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE,[8] when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death.[1][9][10]

According to the traditional narrative, several companions of Muhammad served as scribes and were responsible for writing down the revelations.[13] Shortly after Muhammad's death, the Quran was compiled by his companions who wrote down and memorized parts of it.[14] These codices had differences that motivated the Caliph Uthman to establish a standard version now known as Uthman's codex, which is generally considered the archetype of the Quran known today.

* Annexed Is A Fancy Word For Violent Domination *

Hashemites - Wikipedia
The Hashemites claim to trace their ancestry from Hashim ibn 'Abd Manaf (died c. 497 AD), the great-grandfather of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, although the definition today mainly refers to the descendants of Muhammad's daughter Fatimah.[1] The early history of the Hashemites saw them in a continuous struggle against the Umayyads for control over who would be the caliph or successor to Muhammad. The Umayyads were of the same tribe as the Hashemites, but a different clan. After the overthrow of the Umayyads, the Abbasids would present themselves as representatives of the Hashemites, as they claimed descent from Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, an uncle of Muhammad. Muhammad's father had died before he was born, and his mother died while he was a child, so Muhammad was raised by his uncle Abu Talib ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, chief of the Hashemites.[2]

From the 10th century onwards, the sharif (religious leader) of Mecca and its emir was, by traditional agreement, a Hashemite. Before World War I, Hussein bin Ali of the Hashemite Dhawu-'Awn clan ruled the Hejaz on behalf of the Ottoman sultan. For some time it had been the practice of the Sublime Porte to appoint the Emir of Mecca from among a select group of candidates. In 1908, Hussein bin Ali was appointed to the Emirate of Mecca. He found himself increasingly at odds with the Young Turks in control at Istanbul, while he strove to secure his family's position as hereditary emirs.

Sharif Hussein bin Ali rebelled against the rule of the Ottomans during the Arab Revolt of 1916.[3] Between 1917 and 1924, after the collapse of Ottoman power, Hussein bin Ali ruled an independent Hejaz, of which he proclaimed himself king, with the tacit support of the British Foreign Office. His supporters are sometimes referred to as "Sharifians" or the "Sharifian party". Hussein bin Ali's chief rival in the Arabian Peninsula, the king of the Najd (highlands), Ibn Saud, annexed the Hejaz in 1925 and established his own son, Faysal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, as governor. The region was later incorporated into Saudi Arabia.

* Genetic Religion Qurayshism *

Quraysh - Wikipedia
The Quraysh (Arabic: قريش‎) were a mercantile Arab tribe that historically inhabited and controlled Mecca and its Ka'aba. The Islamic prophet Muhammad was born into the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe.

Sūrah 106: Quraysh
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
1. For the accustomed security of the Quraysh,
2. Their accustomed security [in] the caravan of winter and summer,
3. Let them worship the Lord of this House,
4. Who has fed them, [saving them] from hunger and made them safe, [saving them] from fear.
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" Open Source Community Direct Observation Room "

* Critically Acclaimed Indifference *
A telling essay on what America is confronted by the presence of Islam.
Much more @ Why Confront Islam?
In reference to the OP link , the following assertion is absurd , " To Muslims, every word of the Quran is a literal, perfect, immutable, eternal word of Allah himself. " .

That some event of recitation occurs does not imply that its dictum qualifies as a conscript for divine or even perfect law .

The principles of non aggression are self evident and complex , however it can be applied towards an amicable expectation .

* Clearly Literal Incompleteness *

Quran - Wikipedia
The Quran (/kɔːrˈɑːn/[a] kor-AHN; Arabic: القرآن‎ al-Qurʾān, literally meaning "the recitation"; also romanized Qur'an or Koran[c]) is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God (Allah).[1] It is widely regarded as the finest work in classical Arabic literature.[2][3][4][5] The Quran is divided into chapters (surah in Arabic), which are then divided into verses (ayah).

Muslims believe that the Quran was verbally revealed by God to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril),[6][7] gradually over a period of approximately 23 years, beginning on 22 December 609 CE,[8] when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632, the year of his death.[1][9][10]

According to the traditional narrative, several companions of Muhammad served as scribes and were responsible for writing down the revelations.[13] Shortly after Muhammad's death, the Quran was compiled by his companions who wrote down and memorized parts of it.[14] These codices had differences that motivated the Caliph Uthman to establish a standard version now known as Uthman's codex, which is generally considered the archetype of the Quran known today.

* Annexed Is A Fancy Word For Violent Domination *

Hashemites - Wikipedia
The Hashemites claim to trace their ancestry from Hashim ibn 'Abd Manaf (died c. 497 AD), the great-grandfather of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, although the definition today mainly refers to the descendants of Muhammad's daughter Fatimah.[1] The early history of the Hashemites saw them in a continuous struggle against the Umayyads for control over who would be the caliph or successor to Muhammad. The Umayyads were of the same tribe as the Hashemites, but a different clan. After the overthrow of the Umayyads, the Abbasids would present themselves as representatives of the Hashemites, as they claimed descent from Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, an uncle of Muhammad. Muhammad's father had died before he was born, and his mother died while he was a child, so Muhammad was raised by his uncle Abu Talib ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, chief of the Hashemites.[2]

From the 10th century onwards, the sharif (religious leader) of Mecca and its emir was, by traditional agreement, a Hashemite. Before World War I, Hussein bin Ali of the Hashemite Dhawu-'Awn clan ruled the Hejaz on behalf of the Ottoman sultan. For some time it had been the practice of the Sublime Porte to appoint the Emir of Mecca from among a select group of candidates. In 1908, Hussein bin Ali was appointed to the Emirate of Mecca. He found himself increasingly at odds with the Young Turks in control at Istanbul, while he strove to secure his family's position as hereditary emirs.

Sharif Hussein bin Ali rebelled against the rule of the Ottomans during the Arab Revolt of 1916.[3] Between 1917 and 1924, after the collapse of Ottoman power, Hussein bin Ali ruled an independent Hejaz, of which he proclaimed himself king, with the tacit support of the British Foreign Office. His supporters are sometimes referred to as "Sharifians" or the "Sharifian party". Hussein bin Ali's chief rival in the Arabian Peninsula, the king of the Najd (highlands), Ibn Saud, annexed the Hejaz in 1925 and established his own son, Faysal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, as governor. The region was later incorporated into Saudi Arabia.

* Genetic Religion Qurayshism *

Quraysh - Wikipedia
The Quraysh (Arabic: قريش‎) were a mercantile Arab tribe that historically inhabited and controlled Mecca and its Ka'aba. The Islamic prophet Muhammad was born into the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe.

Sūrah 106: Quraysh
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
1. For the accustomed security of the Quraysh,
2. Their accustomed security [in] the caravan of winter and summer,
3. Let them worship the Lord of this House,
4. Who has fed them, [saving them] from hunger and made them safe, [saving them] from fear.
How is a Muslim saved according to their Quran?

In spite of what the Left claims, ignoring Islam only opens the door wide for Muslims to expand their influence in America.

Because if we don’t, it will continue to get more extreme. This is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their leftist apologists claim. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Abomination of Islam is based on irrefutable facts and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative. Until the Western world understands the threat of Islamic ideology to their society and culture, people will continue to die. We simply cannot ignore this assault to our way of life.

A telling essay on what America is confronted by the presence of Islam.

Much more @ Why Confront Islam?
So what do you propose to do?
" Esoteric Nature Answer Ring "

* More Descriptors Please *
How is a Muslim saved according to their Quran?
A commonplace presumption would be that the inquiry is for Eschatology - Wikipedia beliefs of qurayshism .

* Saved By Being Born Again *

A version of a strong anthropic principle states that one must be present and capable of verifying that one is present .

For sentience and sapience , sophisticated physical states are necessary and known to be facilitated through genetic continuance as a means to satisfy the strong anthropic principle and a success criteria of nature for continued introspection .

Thus , a " chance for eternal life " is the same for adherents of to the genetic religion of qurayshism , as it is for all , which is to pass on ones genetic identity so that others , both figuratively and literally as themselves , would have an opportunity to entreat experiences of life as they themselves had .

Both self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents ) are premised for individualism through non aggression principles .
" Know Where Consistent In Reason "

* Mindless Assertions Hoping That Scapegoats Associations Be Dispatched By Knee Jerk Reactions From Flash Mobs *

Hey, at least I know what Pam Geller is.
Suppose the article was "Why Confront Black People" by David Duke. Same shit, different target.
Again , apatheistically - that means without regard to religion - the tenets of creed for fictional ishmaelism violate non aggression principles , and include precepts for supremacy , separatism , sectarianism , intolerance and bigotry .

Thus , to justify a parallel with your insinuation for challenging fictional ishmaelism by anyone , david duke would have to come up justified reasons where the tenets of creed for blacks violate non aggression principles .

Surah 8:65 It is not for a prophet to have captives [of war] until he inflicts a massacre [upon God’s enemies] in the land. You [i.e., some Muslims] desire the commodities of this world, but God desires [for you] the Hereafter. And God is Exalted in Might and Wise.

* Good Lord How Truly Dumb Are They ? *

The arguments from the left lack intelligence as the arab sunni and non arab shia rift is based almost entirely on race -

The left must be mentally retarded to believe that racism has nothing to do with the motivation of semitic and hamitic migrations into the lands of japeth .

The left only sees racism from the near sighted experience from among their own and offers a grand brain fart of " who minds ? " for the historically blatant social systems of kindred affiliation for race that exists even to this day within the lands of shem and ham .

* Move Along Nothing To See Hear Except Qurayshism *

Surah 8:75 - And those who believed after [the initial emigration] and emigrated and fought with you - they are of you. But those of [blood] relationship are more entitled [to inheritance] in the decree of God. Indeed, God is Knowing of all things.

The Umayyad caliphate was marked both by territorial expansion and by the administrative and cultural problems that such expansion created. Despite some notable exceptions, the Umayyads tended to favor the rights of the old Arab families, and in particular their own, over those of newly converted Muslims (mawali). Therefore, they held to a less universalist conception of Islam than did many of their rivals. As G.R. Hawting has written, "Islam was in fact regarded as the property of the conquering aristocracy."[74]

Abbasid Revolution - Wikipedia
The Umayyad state is remembered as an Arab-centric state, being run by and for the benefit of those who were ethnically Arab though Muslim in creed.[11][30] The non-Arab Muslims resented their marginal social position and were easily drawn into Abbasid opposition to Umayyad rule.[13][14][26] Arabs dominated the bureaucracy and military, and were housed in fortresses separate from the local population outside of Arabia.[5] Even after converting to Islam, non-Arabs or Mawali could not live in these garrison cities. The non-Arabs were not allowed to work for the government nor could they hold officer positions in the Umayyad military and they still had to pay the jizya tax for non-Muslims.[30][31][32][33] Non-Muslims under Umayyad rule were subject to these same injunctions.[34] Racial intermarriage between Arabs and non Arabs was rare.[6] When it did occur, it was only allowed between an Arab man and a non-Arab woman while non-Arab men were generally not free to marry Arab women.[7]

Conversion to Islam occurred gradually. If a non-Arab wished to convert to Islam, they not only had to give up their own names but also had to remain a second-class citizen.[12][32] The non-Arab would be "adopted" by an Arab tribe,[33] though they would not actually adopt the tribe's name as that would risk pollution of perceived Arab racial purity. Rather, the non-Arab would take the last name of "freedman of al-(tribe's name)", even if they were not a slave prior to conversion. This essentially meant they were subservient to the tribe who sponsored their conversion.[12][35]

* Militancy Reprieve Festival *

Part of surah 2 describes ramadan , where they are told only to fight those who fight them , but only for that month , as otherwise surah 9 , written 113th out of 114 in chronology , that militant manifesto to convert by the sword , prevails .

Read as mu ham mad lets his flock know what is to be expected when the " sacred month " is past .

2:194. [Fighting in] the sacred month is for [aggression committed in] the sacred month, and for [all] violations is legal retribution. So whoever has assaulted you, then assault him in the same way that he has assaulted you. And fear God and know that God is with those who fear Him.

2:216. Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you. But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And God knows, while you know not.

2:217. They ask you about the sacred month - about fighting therein. Say, “Fighting therein is great [sin], but averting [people] from the way of God and disbelief in Him and [preventing access to] al-Masjid al-Harām and the expulsion of its people therefrom are greater [evil] in the sight of God. And fitnah is greater than killing.” And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able. And whoever of you reverts from his religion [to disbelief] and dies while he is a disbeliever - for those, their deeds have become worthless in this world and the Hereafter, and those are the companions of the Fire; they will abide therein eternally.

2:278 O you who have believed, fear God and give up what remains [due to you] of interest, if you should be believers.

2:279 And if you do not, then be informed of a war [against you] from God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may have your principal - [thus] you do no wrong, nor are you wronged.
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In spite of what the Left claims, ignoring Islam only opens the door wide for Muslims to expand their influence in America.

Because if we don’t, it will continue to get more extreme. This is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their leftist apologists claim. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Abomination of Islam is based on irrefutable facts and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative. Until the Western world understands the threat of Islamic ideology to their society and culture, people will continue to die. We simply cannot ignore this assault to our way of life.

A telling essay on what America is confronted by the presence of Islam.

Much more @ Why Confront Islam?
So what do you propose to do?

Make every single one of them living in the USA swear an oath to obey and defend the constitution. If they don't or can't, send them back to the country of their origin.

If America-born, forbid them from holding any public office or serving in a government position.

And, prosecute them if they break their oath.

In spite of what the Left claims, ignoring Islam only opens the door wide for Muslims to expand their influence in America.

Because if we don’t, it will continue to get more extreme. This is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their leftist apologists claim. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Abomination of Islam is based on irrefutable facts and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative. Until the Western world understands the threat of Islamic ideology to their society and culture, people will continue to die. We simply cannot ignore this assault to our way of life.

A telling essay on what America is confronted by the presence of Islam.

Much more @ Why Confront Islam?
So what do you propose to do?

Make every single one of them living in the USA swear an oath to obey and defend the constitution. If they don't or can't, send them back to the country of their origin.

If America-born, forbid them from holding any public office or serving in a government position.

And, prosecute them if they break their oath.

Wow. Simply wow. Thank God we have a Constitution to prevent that from happening.
" Better Roads Lost In Translation "

* Avoiding Double Standards *
Make every single one of them living in the USA swear an oath to obey and defend the constitution. If they don't or can't, send them back to the country of their origin.
Why would one expect others to comit an act that does not apply to everyone ?

Matthew 5:34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all;

James 5:12, "Above all, my brothers, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your 'Yes' be yes, and your 'No', no, or you will be condemned."

Surah 48:10 Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you, [O Muhammad] - they are actually pledging allegiance to God.

* Citizen Ship Standards *
If America-born, forbid them from holding any public office or serving in a government position.
According to the constitution , nothing can be done to deprive a citizen of holding political office , except those restrictions on the presidency to native born ; however , it is not necessary to extend an offer of citizenship , as long as the justification is because a candidate maintains tenets of creed for violating non aggression principles , which is clear to establish apatheistically for adherents of fictional ishmaelism .

* Ridiculous Public Policy *
And, prosecute them if they break their oath.
There is nothing in the constitution that could ever be applied for that to occur .

As related , issue a concerted effort to distinguish between qurayshism and fictional ishmaelism and the pretentious supremacy of arab cultural hegemony for which it stands .

Further related , use the term " i slam " in all contexts to convey an ideology hostile to individual liberty .
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In spite of what the Left claims, ignoring Islam only opens the door wide for Muslims to expand their influence in America.

Because if we don’t, it will continue to get more extreme. This is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their leftist apologists claim. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Abomination of Islam is based on irrefutable facts and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative. Until the Western world understands the threat of Islamic ideology to their society and culture, people will continue to die. We simply cannot ignore this assault to our way of life.

A telling essay on what America is confronted by the presence of Islam.

Much more @ Why Confront Islam?
You should start with what both religions agree on.

For instance you both want to kill all the gays.

You both feel women should be subservient to men.

You both feel men should be in charge of women’s bodies.

On what else do you agree?

In spite of what the Left claims, ignoring Islam only opens the door wide for Muslims to expand their influence in America.

Because if we don’t, it will continue to get more extreme. This is not Islamophobia, as many Muslims and their leftist apologists claim. A phobia is a baseless irrational fear. Abomination of Islam is based on irrefutable facts and it is not only rational, it is ethically imperative. Until the Western world understands the threat of Islamic ideology to their society and culture, people will continue to die. We simply cannot ignore this assault to our way of life.

A telling essay on what America is confronted by the presence of Islam.

Much more @ Why Confront Islam?
So what do you propose to do?

Make every single one of them living in the USA swear an oath to obey and defend the constitution. If they don't or can't, send them back to the country of their origin.

If America-born, forbid them from holding any public office or serving in a government position.

And, prosecute them if they break their oath.

Hey, why not give them all a literacy test while we're at it. And then force them all to kiss the flag. And while they're at it, they should give us all their cash.

You know, so they don't get "uppity". Gotta keep the "them"s, you know, "in their place".
" Long Winding Road "

* Pretenders Who Can Knot Distinguish *
You should start with what both religions agree on.
For instance you both want to kill all the gays.
Technically there is not an agreement between the dichotomy for the logically contradictory predicates of Antinomianism - Wikipedia and Legalism (theology) - Wikipedia .

The concepts of antinomianism have been a crux of " christian " ethos , and useful advice would be to remand conjectural adherents of tenets by which those duly bound are adjudged .

On first principles , it would not be consistent with antinomian tenets to issue a retort against actions which do not violate non aggression principles , even if they be relativistic per versions .

When antinomianism is interpreted as , " by no name will a law be made ' , it logically stipulates that all written law would cease to exist within a utopia .

Any realist espousing to establish a utopia without law by name would necessarily subject its social systems to legal minimalism .

Clearly , a caveat of legal minimalism precipitates dystopia ; as within a utopia without law by name , one is legally incapable of issuing a retort against illegitimate aggression by another .

* Informed Consent From Sojourners Without Confinement Facilities *

These nomian tenets are not supposed within an antinomian creed .

Surah 5 - The Table
33. Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against God and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment,
34. Except for those who return [repenting] before you overcome [i.e., apprehend] them. And know that God is Forgiving and Merciful.

* Imperialism Histrionics *

These nomian tenets are not supposed within the gospel .

Clearly , the syncretism of christianity into the Byzantine Empire - Wikipedia was mistaken for an adequate academic digress of antinomian theory .

Surah 9 - The Repentance
Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’ān. And who is truer to his covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.

* Infrastructure Role Play Four Awl *
You both feel women should be subservient to men.
The precepts for non aggression principles establish self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) and self determination ( private property , willful intents ) within individualism and are equally applicable for all .

The social systems of caste or enslavement are illegitimate as self ownership is principal to individualism and also principal over self determination , whereby surrender of free roam and free association cannot be enforced to settle a legal contract for debt .

How others choose to perceive norms or social roles is subject to analysis and criticism , while enforcement for or against such behavioral mores cannot violate non aggression principles .

* Rhetorical Floundering *
You both feel men should be in charge of women’s bodies. On what else do you agree?
The public lexicon of " it is her body " is less than adequate to explain the constitutional basis of roe v wade , or an ethical basis in non aggression principles , or implications for antinomianism .

US 14th Amendment Establishes Negative Liberty of Individuals to Acquire Abortion
Does Abortion Violate Non Aggression Principles ?

* Sum Merry Open Topics *

The right presumes too little about antinomianism and the left presumes to little about fictional ishmaelism - Nomian Schism Spoken Idiom Off His Bah Hum Bug Ascribes Illegitimate Aggression .
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WE did largely ignore Islam, until the 1950's-1960's, when the terrorism started up and the lunatic PLO types started popping up in Europe and the Soviets sided with them when LBJ allied with the Israelis after the French withdrew their alliances and treaties with them. The Arab states went through all the 'isms', only to end up with savage brutal dictatorships, the only kind of 'government' possible with such a nasty evil cult determining culture and politics.

People need to realize Islam is a political ideology, with a fake veneer of 'religion' pasted over as a false front for oppression, mass murder, and looting. The majority of the Koran is about politics, as suited to bandits, murderers, and thieves running a government.

And, currently the animals are in one of their endless civil wars, Sunni vs Shia, and we're backing mostly Sunnis this time around.
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Two words: Pam Geller.


Pam Geller, who speaks against Radical Islam, is anathema to the Left. But I always wonder why, first. Why are Muslims allowed special religious dispensation--you ever allowed yourself to think honestly about that? This goes out to Coyote too, who like the post. The other who did I know is Muslim, so that makes sense.

When Christianity has a detractor who speaks out just as strongly, he/she is a Leftist hero.

I know why you approve Islam and hate Christianity. There are really a double layer of reasons, but the first is easier. But do you? Do you both know why.

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