Paul VI Audience Hall (in Rome/ Vatican City)


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Check out these pictures


You ever see those images of pope and snake? Kind of freaky...and worthy of a little more pause to think.

This is the inside a building pope was speaking at...the other is the outside of that same building. Biden was apparently there at the same speaking engagement

There are no crucifixes at this so called Catholic church, no Christian symbols, etc.
That's pretty sad.

The more I learn about the Catholic church the sicker I become.

Did you know this? According to Wiki, there is ample evidence to suggest that gay sex rings are prominent within the church.

"Another report suggested that from the mid-1980s onwards, Catholic priests in the US were dying from AIDS-related illnesses at a rate four times higher than that of the general population, with most of the cases contracted through gay sex, and the cause often concealed on their death certificates. A follow-up study the next year by the Kansas City Star found the AIDS-related death rate among priests was "more than six times" the rate among the general population in the 14 states studied."

"Asked if a "homosexual subculture" (defined as a "definite group of persons that has its own friendships, social gatherings and vocabulary") existed in their diocese or religious order, 17 percent of the priests said "definitely", and 27 percent said "probably"; 53 percent of priests who were ordained in the last 20 years (1982-2002) affirmed such a subculture existed in the seminary when they attended."

I'm thinking that since the Bible speaks so harshly against that lifestyle, many are at war with the Bible. It would then make sense why such evil may exist within the church.
That's pretty sad.

The more I learn about the Catholic church the sicker I become.

Did you know this? According to Wiki, there is ample evidence to suggest that gay sex rings are prominent within the church.

"Another report suggested that from the mid-1980s onwards, Catholic priests in the US were dying from AIDS-related illnesses at a rate four times higher than that of the general population, with most of the cases contracted through gay sex, and the cause often concealed on their death certificates. A follow-up study the next year by the Kansas City Star found the AIDS-related death rate among priests was "more than six times" the rate among the general population in the 14 states studied."

"Asked if a "homosexual subculture" (defined as a "definite group of persons that has its own friendships, social gatherings and vocabulary") existed in their diocese or religious order, 17 percent of the priests said "definitely", and 27 percent said "probably"; 53 percent of priests who were ordained in the last 20 years (1982-2002) affirmed such a subculture existed in the seminary when they attended."

I'm thinking that since the Bible speaks so harshly against that lifestyle, many are at war with the Bible. It would then make sense why such evil may exist within the church.
Good for you.

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