Why Barr may have placed himself in a not too pleasant corner.....

I don't remember....can mean that he doesn't remember.

Pleading the 5th means.... “No person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.”

Ohhhh, I see........good "defense".of the orange clown.....

Can we at least agree that Trump is fucking DEMENTED???..............LOL
And maybe you can show me where I said Obama is going down. You guys just make shit up
as you go along

Semantics are so damn difficult.....Did you or did you not state this?

Obama's legacy sucks right now, and it's not going to get any better.
If we were talking about Obama's legacy you would have had something.
Hutch was responding to my post that said this, nat.

Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure

Now where in that post did I mention that Obama was going down?
Dude.....you need to comprehend what I said. Show me in my quote where I said Obama is going down. Go ahead, take a moment and show me.
Good grief you are dense. Typical coming from you

Please excuse meister, his whole world seems to be coming down since the last election.

Senate and the White house, wry. As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
And maybe you can show me where I said Obama is going down. You guys just make shit up
as you go along. :auiqs.jpg:

I don't make shit up, and I never accused you of writing, "Obama is going down". I haven't even written that about Trump, of course he's as low as a human being can go - metaphorically.

When you replied to Hutch's post....just what do you think he was talking about?

I read what he posted, but it had no effect on me, I had no dog in that fight; I was speaking to you and how your partisanship has become fueled by the loss of the H. or Rep. "Butt Hurt", mocking you and others on your side of the aisle.
I'm not butt hurt, wry....I knew they were going to lose the House.
The conservatives are still winning despite your partisan rants.
With Trump, I was happy with the Supreme Court picks....everything else is just icing on the cake.
Nothing to be butt hurt about. Your side still has the TDS...just sayin'
Obstruction for what again?

Go find his article it was on the hill yesterday.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?

Even a moron......like you.....should understand this:

Trump requests the FBI director to DROP an investigation on one of his cronies (Flynn)

The FBI director refuses

Trump fires the FBI director

The DOJ appoints a special counsel to investigate Trump's wrong doings in OBSTRUCTING an INVESTIGATION

Flynn is convicted and faces prison time

Ask a grown up to help you understand why you're such a fucking moron..........LOL

Let's just see who are occupying cells in Leavenworth after the fat lady sings. Even your great hero Obummer himself may end up bunking with Bubba.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure
Exposure ??? Hillary has been in republican headlight for 30 or so years She's been slimed by the best slimebags republicans have How many hours before congress??? How many """I DON"T RECALLS """??? Bet not any, much less the 37 the slime in our WH answered to
Go find his article it was on the hill yesterday.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?

Even a moron......like you.....should understand this:

Trump requests the FBI director to DROP an investigation on one of his cronies (Flynn)

The FBI director refuses

Trump fires the FBI director

The DOJ appoints a special counsel to investigate Trump's wrong doings in OBSTRUCTING an INVESTIGATION

Flynn is convicted and faces prison time

Ask a grown up to help you understand why you're such a fucking moron..........LOL

Let's just see who are occupying cells in Leavenworth after the fat lady sings. Even your great hero Obummer himself may end up bunking with Bubba.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure
Exposure ??? Hillary has been in republican headlight for 30 or so years She's been slimed by the best slimebags republicans have How many hours before congress??? How many """I DON"T RECALLS """??? Bet not any, much less the 37 the slime in our WH answered to
There is going to be more than Hillary in the headlights. You need to take up
the "don't recalls" with nat, he seems to be fixated on that today.
So.....just to get this straight........you morons are NOW counting on Barr to uncover this "coup d'etat" attempt by the Obama administration in plotting, wiretapping and investigating the orange moron???

Is THIS really what you dimwits are counting on?

Never mind that Don-baby, Kushner and Manafort did NOT tell the FBI that Russia wanted to help Trump win???

Never mind that the idiot-in-chief once openly ASKED for Russian help to defeat Clinton?

Never mind that Manafort handed over to Russian operatives polling data to get Russia to help Trump??

Never mind that Trump LIED throughout his campaign that he had no dealings with Russia?

......Soooooo, Barr is going to shift reality to suit your fucked up aspitations??

Try hanging by your gonads until Barr gives you what your longing for...............LMAO

If you could stop your paranoid hate-rants and pay attention to the facts you'd see where you're going wrong.

Mueller had 2-1/2 years, a pack of Trump hating fanatical investigators, unlimited resources, and unprecedented transparency from Trump, and he found NADDA!!!.

He didn't find evidence to conclude Trump was guilty of a single thing.. Nothing... Zip.. Zilch...

All Republicans want Barr to do investigate for the truth...

I get why you're frustrated.... It's like you've been looking at your favorite popsickle just outside your reach from your playpen for 2 years with a promise that you'll get it soon.. Waiting and waiting.... And then just when you're about to grab it and shove down your slobbering pie-hole, Trump walks by and takes it and eats it right in front of you, and throws you the stick...

I also get why you're scared.... You know Hillary's a criminal. You know Clapper, Comey, and Brennen are criminals. And you so scared that they weren't able to cover their crimes up sufficiently.
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?
Again I ask, what was he obstructing justice from again? Russian Collluuuuusssssiiiiioooon?

Even a moron......like you.....should understand this:

Trump requests the FBI director to DROP an investigation on one of his cronies (Flynn)

The FBI director refuses

Trump fires the FBI director

The DOJ appoints a special counsel to investigate Trump's wrong doings in OBSTRUCTING an INVESTIGATION

Flynn is convicted and faces prison time

Ask a grown up to help you understand why you're such a fucking moron..........LOL

Let's just see who are occupying cells in Leavenworth after the fat lady sings. Even your great hero Obummer himself may end up bunking with Bubba.
Obama will never spend a day in jail, there is no question in my mind regarding that.
Others may....but what there will be, is a lot of is exposure
Exposure ??? Hillary has been in republican headlight for 30 or so years She's been slimed by the best slimebags republicans have How many hours before congress??? How many """I DON"T RECALLS """??? Bet not any, much less the 37 the slime in our WH answered to
There is going to be more than Hillary in the headlights. You need to take up
the "don't recalls" with nat, he seems to be fixated on that today.
We do see eye to eye and there are 10 or so here that I likewise appreciate
And maybe you can show me where I said Obama is going down. You guys just make shit up
as you go along

Semantics are so damn difficult.....Did you or did you not state this?

Obama's legacy sucks right now, and it's not going to get any better.
That's not semantics. That's 2 completely different statements.

Going down is suggests either going to jail or becoming Bill Clinton's intern. A legacy getting worse is completely different.
Here is how
Please excuse meister, his whole world seems to be coming down since the last election.

Senate and the White house, wry. As Meatloaf once said, "Two out of three ain't bad".
And maybe you can show me where I said Obama is going down. You guys just make shit up
as you go along. :auiqs.jpg:

I don't make shit up, and I never accused you of writing, "Obama is going down". I haven't even written that about Trump, of course he's as low as a human being can go - metaphorically.

When you replied to Hutch's post....just what do you think he was talking about?

I read what he posted, but it had no effect on me, I had no dog in that fight; I was speaking to you and how your partisanship has become fueled by the loss of the H. or Rep. "Butt Hurt", mocking you and others on your side of the aisle.
I'm not butt hurt, wry....I knew they were going to lose the House.
The conservatives are still winning despite your partisan rants.
With Trump, I was happy with the Supreme Court picks....everything else is just icing on the cake.
Nothing to be butt hurt about. Your side still has the TDS...just sayin'

One more trite idiot-gram, have you no shame?

Conservatives winning deprives too many of their civil rights and liberties. That concerns me, almost as much as Trump's complete incompetence and failure to learn from experience and his many mistakes.
So.....just to get this straight........you morons are NOW counting on Barr to uncover this "coup d'etat" attempt by the Obama administration in plotting, wiretapping and investigating the orange moron???

Is THIS really what you dimwits are counting on?

Never mind that Don-baby, Kushner and Manafort did NOT tell the FBI that Russia wanted to help Trump win???

Never mind that the idiot-in-chief once openly ASKED for Russian help to defeat Clinton?

Never mind that Manafort handed over to Russian operatives polling data to get Russia to help Trump??

Never mind that Trump LIED throughout his campaign that he had no dealings with Russia?

......Soooooo, Barr is going to shift reality to suit your fucked up aspitations??

Try hanging by your gonads until Barr gives you what your longing for...............LMAO

If you could stop your paranoid hate-rants and pay attention to the facts you'd see where you're going wrong.

Mueller had 2-1/2 years, a pack of Trump hating fanatical investigators, unlimited resources, and unprecedented transparency from Trump, and he found NADDA!!!.

He didn't find evidence to conclude Trump was guilty of a single thing.. Nothing... Zip.. Zilch...

All Republicans want Barr to do investigate for the truth...

I get why you're frustrated.... It's like you've been looking at your favorite popsickle just outside your reach from your playpen for 2 years with a promise that you'll get it soon.. Waiting and waiting.... And then just when you're about to grab it and shove down your slobbering pie-hole, Trump walks by and takes it and eats it right in front of you, and throws you the stick...

I also get why you're scared.... You know Hillary's a criminal. You know Clapper, Comey, and Brennen are criminals. And you so scared that they weren't able to cover their crimes up sufficiently.
unprecedented transparency ?? Afraid to but his hand on a bible 37 I don't recalls ,,many attempts to replace Mueller
I don't remember....can mean that he doesn't remember.

Pleading the 5th means.... “No person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.”

Ohhhh, I see........good "defense".of the orange clown.....

Can we at least agree that Trump is fucking DEMENTED???..............LOL
I wonder how many times Comey said that he couldn't remember....I bet it was more than 37 times.
Conservatives winning deprives too many of their civil rights and liberties.

Please provide some examples of your claim.

Voter suppression; the suppression of labor unions; Gay and Lesbian Marriage, arbitrary incarcerations of minorities by ICE, when Europeans, Asians and Canadians have overstayed their allotted time too.
I wonder how many times Comey said that he couldn't remember....I bet it was more than 37 times.

NOBODY can beat Ronnie's record for dementia.........."I don't remember" is what a $900 per hour attorney tells you to say to AVOID PERJURY......

Trump was a COWARD for refusing to sit down in front of a grand jury who.........unlike the DOJ policy.......could have made Trump an an-uninInstead, Trump ran from responsibility (as he did during the draft days) and EVEN when he had his lawyers write up his homework for Mueller......the asshole "couldn't remember."

Wake up, CULTISTS....LOL
[QUOTE="Meister, post: 22270184, member: 17949"]I wonder how many times Comey said that he couldn't remember....I bet it was more than 37 times.[/QUOTE]

Who knows..........Hard to gauge memory lapses among REPUBLICANS.................LMAO
Conservatives winning deprives too many of their civil rights and liberties.

Please provide some examples of your claim.

Voter suppression; the suppression of labor unions; Gay and Lesbian Marriage, arbitrary incarcerations of minorities by ICE, when Europeans, Asians and Canadians have overstayed their allotted time too.
I'll address each of your claims individually:

Voter suppression: Yes, the President believes in enforcing the law that requires voters in Federal elections be US citizens. Democrats disagree, and rather than changing the law (which they know is impossible), they choose to openly disobey it.

Gay and Lesbian Marriage: This has only become a partisan issue due to Democrat extremism. Plenty of Dems are traditional in this area but know they cannot speak without being mobbed. This article might give you a little perspective on the President's position: Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality

Suppression of labor unions: Unions are a non-partisan point of contention, not Trump-specific. Unemployment rates are at an unprecedented low, and isn't this the actual goal?

Arbitrary incarcerations of minorities by ICE, when Europeans, Asians and Canadians have overstayed their allotted time too: ICE by it's very nature deals largely with minorities, so "arbitrary" is hardly justified here. Your own admission that Europeans and Canadians are also affected by enforcement of our laws disqualifies your protest. Sorry, the race card won't work with immigration.

As you can clearly see, your objections fall apart upon scrutiny. These aren't "Trump" issues, they are simply areas where you disagree with Conservatives. Painting them purely as "Orange Man Bad" is lazy and dishonest.

Conservatives have opinions, and prominent among them is that our current laws should be enforced. Many liberals have discarded this foundation of American government and adopted a "screw the law" approach that appeals to many but is categorically ridiculous. As evidenced by your resistance to legal voters and ICE enforcement, you are among them.
So.....just to get this straight........you morons are NOW counting on Barr to uncover this "coup d'etat" attempt by the Obama administration in plotting, wiretapping and investigating the orange moron???

Is THIS really what you dimwits are counting on?

Never mind that Don-baby, Kushner and Manafort did NOT tell the FBI that Russia wanted to help Trump win???

Never mind that the idiot-in-chief once openly ASKED for Russian help to defeat Clinton?

Never mind that Manafort handed over to Russian operatives polling data to get Russia to help Trump??

Never mind that Trump LIED throughout his campaign that he had no dealings with Russia?

......Soooooo, Barr is going to shift reality to suit your fucked up aspitations??

Try hanging by your gonads until Barr gives you what your longing for...............LMAO

If you could stop your paranoid hate-rants and pay attention to the facts you'd see where you're going wrong.

Mueller had 2-1/2 years, a pack of Trump hating fanatical investigators, unlimited resources, and unprecedented transparency from Trump, and he found NADDA!!!.

He didn't find evidence to conclude Trump was guilty of a single thing.. Nothing... Zip.. Zilch...

All Republicans want Barr to do investigate for the truth...

I get why you're frustrated.... It's like you've been looking at your favorite popsickle just outside your reach from your playpen for 2 years with a promise that you'll get it soon.. Waiting and waiting.... And then just when you're about to grab it and shove down your slobbering pie-hole, Trump walks by and takes it and eats it right in front of you, and throws you the stick...

I also get why you're scared.... You know Hillary's a criminal. You know Clapper, Comey, and Brennen are criminals. And you so scared that they weren't able to cover their crimes up sufficiently.
Hillary a criminal???? What TF is wrong with you guys ? Been under examination by repubs for 30 some odd years and you couldn't lay a glove on her?? meanwhile look at all the repub slime we caught with more to come
I believe that the process of Congressional subpoenas work in the following way.

Any committee has to first vote as a majority to request a witness' testimony of documents.....If the request's term is then ignored, (as in the case of Trump's tax returns) a subpoena is issued.......

If the subpoena is also ignored, then the DOJ is contacted to prosecure....AND if the DOJ refuses (Barr) then the committee brings the case into a court of jurisdiction who can hold in contempt not only the witness and whomever was to hand over the requested documents, but ALSO the head of DOJ for not following the law.......and then (in this case) the House can initiate impeachment for any cabinet member.

We have 3 branches of government and the Founders developed a system where the Executive branch can yield the sword...but not the purse.

the legislative branch yields the purse.....but has almost no "sword......while the judicial branch that has neither the sword or the purse, can......nonetheless......make life miserable for the other two branches.

Barr is in SERIOUS trouble if he decides to forgo his oath to the Constitution and sides with the person that "selected" him for the job........Hopefully, Barr chooses to save his own reputation.......and hide.

Give it up joe b. Your silly interpretations of law are exactly that. Silly.

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