Why are SWASTIKA's allowed on this site for avatars?

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Name the "right wing loon moderators" please.
It would be easier to name the one who isn't. Coyote

Perfect example of a liberal. A shameless pathological liar, corrupt, evil, and outrageously abusive of any power that she is given.

Exactly the same attributes that your side values in a politician.
Perfect example of a liberal. A shameless pathological liar, corrupt, evil, and outrageously abusive of any power that she is given.

Exactly the same attributes that your side values in a politician.
Sounds like you're describing your blob who told like a confirmed 9,000 lies and said he could self-pardon and was impeached for abuse of power.

And you want to vote for him yet again.
What kind of place is this? It is bad enough that one BrokeLoser poster has a CONFEDERATE FLAG as his avatar, but why do y'all allow SWASTIKAS for people's avatar?

This is extremely offensive to me as a human being and also as a liberal.


The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah,The Holocaust - Wikipedia was the genocide of European Jews during World War II.[3] Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe,[a] around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.[c] The murders were carried out in pogroms and mass shootings; by a policy of extermination through labor in concentration camps; and in gas chambers and gas vans in German extermination camps, chiefly Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bełżec, Chełmno, Majdanek, Sobibór, and Treblinka in occupied Poland.[5]

YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY!? You sick bastards!?!?

You shouldn't assume you know everything.

The swastika is a symbol of good luck and prosperity in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain countries such as Nepal, India, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, China and Japan. It is also commonly used in Hindu marriage ceremonies and Diwali celebrations...
What kind of place is this? It is bad enough that one BrokeLoser poster has a CONFEDERATE FLAG as his avatar, but why do y'all allow SWASTIKAS for people's avatar?

This is extremely offensive to me as a human being and also as a liberal.


The Holocaust, also known as the Shoah,The Holocaust - Wikipedia was the genocide of European Jews during World War II.[3] Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe,[a] around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population.[c] The murders were carried out in pogroms and mass shootings; by a policy of extermination through labor in concentration camps; and in gas chambers and gas vans in German extermination camps, chiefly Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bełżec, Chełmno, Majdanek, Sobibór, and Treblinka in occupied Poland.[5]

YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY!? You sick bastards!?!?
Everything offends you as a liberal.
Use the block feature if it offends you.

Thankfully people still have freedom of expression in the good ole USA even if we do not like it.
So the Swastika is OK 👍 but the Confederate Flag isn’t? You should run for Congress 😇
No wonder trump trash is in full support of Russia Russia Russia.


So the Swastika is OK 👍 but the Confederate Flag isn’t? You should run for Congress 😇
Do you always dream up crap in your mind? That is just as irritating as people wanting fascist rules. People need to be free to express themselves. Like I told the OP there is a "block" feature. If someone wants to display stupid shit that is their prerogative and problem. It is those that take actions against others that would be concerning. It would be akin to telling some dumb ass tattoos are really stupid so we are going to outlaw them (BTW, I have stupid family members that got tattoos in their youth and I gave my opinion on how ignorant I thought they were for getting them).
If YOU don’t have the right to fly your CONFEDERATE FLAG, are any of us truly free?
I know a person that bought an expensive skii boat that was painted like a confederate flag. The dumb shit sold it a few seasons later and lost a few thousand on that thing because of all the rhetoric about the confederate flag and he was in the wrong area of the country for such a thing... Justice always works out when people do dumb shit so if they are not physically damaging or hurting anyone else just let them be and they'll learn or lose out.
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