CDZ Why are republicans opposed to HR1?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
Why are republicans opposed to HR1?

It's seems to me there is nothing but good in this bill. Someone please explain why the republicans hate it.



Improve Access – H.R. 1 expands access to the ballot box by taking aim at institutional barriers to voting, including cumbersome voter registration systems, disenfranchisement and limited voting hours. H.R. 1 will create automatic voter registration across the country, ensure that individuals who have completed felony sentences have their full voting rights restored, expand early voting and enhance absentee voting, simplify voting by mail, reduce long lines and wait times for voters and modernize America’s voting system.

Promote Integrity – H.R. 1 commits Congress to build the record necessary to restore the Voting Rights Act, as embodied by the House-passed H.R. 4. It also commits Congress to deliver full congressional voting rights and self-government for the residents of the District of Columbia, which only statehood can provide, prohibits voter roll purges like those seen in Ohio, Georgia and elsewhere and ends partisan gerrymandering to prevent politicians from picking their voters.

Ensure Security – H.R. 1 ensures that American elections are decided by American voters, without interference, by enhancing federal support for voting system security, particularly with paper ballots and also by increasing oversight of election system vendors and by requiring the development of a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions.


Guarantee Disclosure – H.R. 1 shines a light on dark money in politics by upgrading online political ad disclosure and requiring all organizations involved in political activity to disclose their large donors. H.R. 1 also breaks the so-called ‘nesting-doll’ sham that allows big-money contributors and special interests to hide the true funding source of their political spending.

Empower Citizens – H.R. 1 strengthens the political power of hardworking Americans by creating a multiple matching system for small donations. This innovative, 21st-century system of citizen-owned elections will break the stranglehold of special interests on Congress and lay the groundwork for an agenda that meets the needs of the American people. The voluntary multiple matching system will be completely paid for by a new surcharge on corporate law breakers and wealthy tax cheats. That way, the individuals and corporations who break the public trust – like Wells Fargo, which created fake bank accounts for unwitting customers, or Volkswagen, which lied about harmful carbon emissions from its vehicles, or Facebook, which violates Americans’ privacy, or Purdue Pharma, which fueled the opioid crisis – bear the cost of building a more just and equitable democracy. H.R. 1 also reaffirms Congress’ authority to regulate money in politics, pushing back on the Supreme Court’s wrong-headed Citizens United decision.

Strengthen Oversight – H.R. 1 ensures that there are cops on the campaign finance beat that will enforce the laws on the books. H.R. 1 tightens rules on super PACs and restructures the Federal Election Commission to break the gridlock and enhance its enforcement mechanisms. It also repeals Mitch McConnell’s riders that prevent government agencies from requiring commonsense disclosure of political spending.


Fortify Ethics Law – H.R. 1 breaks the influence economy in Washington and increases accountability by expanding conflict of interest law and divestment requirements, slowing the revolving door, preventing Members of Congress from serving on corporate boards and requiring presidents to disclose their tax returns.

Impose Greater Ethics Enforcement – H.R. 1 gives teeth to federal ethics oversight by overhauling the Office of Government Ethics, closing loopholes for lobbyists and foreign agents, ensuring watchdogs have sufficient resources to enforce the law and creating a code of ethics for the Supreme Court.

Why are republicans opposed to HR1?

It's seems to me there is nothing but good in this bill. Someone please explain why the republicans hate it.



Improve Access – H.R. 1 expands access to the ballot box by taking aim at institutional barriers to voting, including cumbersome voter registration systems, disenfranchisement and limited voting hours. H.R. 1 will create automatic voter registration across the country, ensure that individuals who have completed felony sentences have their full voting rights restored, expand early voting and enhance absentee voting, simplify voting by mail, reduce long lines and wait times for voters and modernize America’s voting system.

Promote Integrity – H.R. 1 commits Congress to build the record necessary to restore the Voting Rights Act, as embodied by the House-passed H.R. 4. It also commits Congress to deliver full congressional voting rights and self-government for the residents of the District of Columbia, which only statehood can provide, prohibits voter roll purges like those seen in Ohio, Georgia and elsewhere and ends partisan gerrymandering to prevent politicians from picking their voters.

Ensure Security – H.R. 1 ensures that American elections are decided by American voters, without interference, by enhancing federal support for voting system security, particularly with paper ballots and also by increasing oversight of election system vendors and by requiring the development of a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions.


Guarantee Disclosure – H.R. 1 shines a light on dark money in politics by upgrading online political ad disclosure and requiring all organizations involved in political activity to disclose their large donors. H.R. 1 also breaks the so-called ‘nesting-doll’ sham that allows big-money contributors and special interests to hide the true funding source of their political spending.

Empower Citizens – H.R. 1 strengthens the political power of hardworking Americans by creating a multiple matching system for small donations. This innovative, 21st-century system of citizen-owned elections will break the stranglehold of special interests on Congress and lay the groundwork for an agenda that meets the needs of the American people. The voluntary multiple matching system will be completely paid for by a new surcharge on corporate law breakers and wealthy tax cheats. That way, the individuals and corporations who break the public trust – like Wells Fargo, which created fake bank accounts for unwitting customers, or Volkswagen, which lied about harmful carbon emissions from its vehicles, or Facebook, which violates Americans’ privacy, or Purdue Pharma, which fueled the opioid crisis – bear the cost of building a more just and equitable democracy. H.R. 1 also reaffirms Congress’ authority to regulate money in politics, pushing back on the Supreme Court’s wrong-headed Citizens United decision.

Strengthen Oversight – H.R. 1 ensures that there are cops on the campaign finance beat that will enforce the laws on the books. H.R. 1 tightens rules on super PACs and restructures the Federal Election Commission to break the gridlock and enhance its enforcement mechanisms. It also repeals Mitch McConnell’s riders that prevent government agencies from requiring commonsense disclosure of political spending.


Fortify Ethics Law – H.R. 1 breaks the influence economy in Washington and increases accountability by expanding conflict of interest law and divestment requirements, slowing the revolving door, preventing Members of Congress from serving on corporate boards and requiring presidents to disclose their tax returns.

Impose Greater Ethics Enforcement – H.R. 1 gives teeth to federal ethics oversight by overhauling the Office of Government Ethics, closing loopholes for lobbyists and foreign agents, ensuring watchdogs have sufficient resources to enforce the law and creating a code of ethics for the Supreme Court.


bigger question is why are democrats for it???

it basically takes away a lot of individual freedom and increases the power of government...
I'm sure you realize that it does none of that and in fact, violates the Constitution in a number of areas.
List a few of the areas which would be violated by Article, Section and Clause of the Constitution. Betcha won't do it!
I don't jump through other people's hoops.

But here is an idea. Go look up who is given the authority and power to set election laws by the Constitution and then compare it to what this bill says.
I'm sure you realize that it does none of that and in fact, violates the Constitution in a number of areas.
List a few of the areas which would be violated by Article, Section and Clause of the Constitution. Betcha won't do it!
I don't jump through other people's hoops.

But here is an idea. Go look up who is given the authority and power to set election laws by the Constitution and then compare it to what this bill says.
You're making an argument that you are unwilling to defend with facts, links, and proof?
[As equally applied to : "it does none of that and in fact, violates the Constitution in a number of areas." and to a lesser degree "it basically takes away a lot of individual freedom and increases the power of government."]..

Two statements of fact begging for substantiation:
  1. Implied: "republicans {are} opposed to HR1"
  2. Explicit: "republicans hate it."
Also, do any Democrats or other parties oppose it, and if so why? Or, what makes Republicans so special? Do Independents count for nothing? Are Greens stuck eating chopped liver? Libertarians? Why not capitalize the word Republicans?
I'm sure you realize that it does none of that and in fact, violates the Constitution in a number of areas.
List a few of the areas which would be violated by Article, Section and Clause of the Constitution. Betcha won't do it!
I don't jump through other people's hoops.

But here is an idea. Go look up who is given the authority and power to set election laws by the Constitution and then compare it to what this bill says.

Hell, I will quote it from the Constitution itself,

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Damn, I bet that is the first time you have ever even read it. What part of "but the Congress may at any time" do you not understand?
[As equally applied to : "it does none of that and in fact, violates the Constitution in a number of areas." and to a lesser degree "it basically takes away a lot of individual freedom and increases the power of government."]..

Two statements of fact begging for substantiation:
  1. Implied: "republicans {are} opposed to HR1"
  2. Explicit: "republicans hate it."
Also, do any Democrats or other parties oppose it, and if so why? Or, what makes Republicans so special? Do Independents count for nothing? Are Greens stuck eating chopped liver? Libertarians? Why not capitalize the word Republicans?
Well how do YOU classify yourself and how do YOU feel about the Bill?
Why are republicans opposed to HR1?

It's seems to me there is nothing but good in this bill. Someone please explain why the republicans hate it.



Improve Access – H.R. 1 expands access to the ballot box by taking aim at institutional barriers to voting, including cumbersome voter registration systems, disenfranchisement and limited voting hours. H.R. 1 will create automatic voter registration across the country, ensure that individuals who have completed felony sentences have their full voting rights restored, expand early voting and enhance absentee voting, simplify voting by mail, reduce long lines and wait times for voters and modernize America’s voting system.

Promote Integrity – H.R. 1 commits Congress to build the record necessary to restore the Voting Rights Act, as embodied by the House-passed H.R. 4. It also commits Congress to deliver full congressional voting rights and self-government for the residents of the District of Columbia, which only statehood can provide, prohibits voter roll purges like those seen in Ohio, Georgia and elsewhere and ends partisan gerrymandering to prevent politicians from picking their voters.

Ensure Security – H.R. 1 ensures that American elections are decided by American voters, without interference, by enhancing federal support for voting system security, particularly with paper ballots and also by increasing oversight of election system vendors and by requiring the development of a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions.


Guarantee Disclosure – H.R. 1 shines a light on dark money in politics by upgrading online political ad disclosure and requiring all organizations involved in political activity to disclose their large donors. H.R. 1 also breaks the so-called ‘nesting-doll’ sham that allows big-money contributors and special interests to hide the true funding source of their political spending.

Empower Citizens – H.R. 1 strengthens the political power of hardworking Americans by creating a multiple matching system for small donations. This innovative, 21st-century system of citizen-owned elections will break the stranglehold of special interests on Congress and lay the groundwork for an agenda that meets the needs of the American people. The voluntary multiple matching system will be completely paid for by a new surcharge on corporate law breakers and wealthy tax cheats. That way, the individuals and corporations who break the public trust – like Wells Fargo, which created fake bank accounts for unwitting customers, or Volkswagen, which lied about harmful carbon emissions from its vehicles, or Facebook, which violates Americans’ privacy, or Purdue Pharma, which fueled the opioid crisis – bear the cost of building a more just and equitable democracy. H.R. 1 also reaffirms Congress’ authority to regulate money in politics, pushing back on the Supreme Court’s wrong-headed Citizens United decision.

Strengthen Oversight – H.R. 1 ensures that there are cops on the campaign finance beat that will enforce the laws on the books. H.R. 1 tightens rules on super PACs and restructures the Federal Election Commission to break the gridlock and enhance its enforcement mechanisms. It also repeals Mitch McConnell’s riders that prevent government agencies from requiring commonsense disclosure of political spending.


Fortify Ethics Law – H.R. 1 breaks the influence economy in Washington and increases accountability by expanding conflict of interest law and divestment requirements, slowing the revolving door, preventing Members of Congress from serving on corporate boards and requiring presidents to disclose their tax returns.

Impose Greater Ethics Enforcement – H.R. 1 gives teeth to federal ethics oversight by overhauling the Office of Government Ethics, closing loopholes for lobbyists and foreign agents, ensuring watchdogs have sufficient resources to enforce the law and creating a code of ethics for the Supreme Court.


Just start at the top. Republicans are opposed because it would improve access. Republicans are not about lots of people voting. Matter of fact, they have taken many initiatives, hundreds of them actually on the state level, to limit access to voting for specific blocks of voters, basically any block that does not vote for them. We are in the mist of the largest assault on voting rights since the black codes of the early 20th century. It is disgusting if you ask me, and it is a huge indicator that Republicans realize their policies are not what is best for the country, it is what is best for a select group of their supporters, mostly the wealthy and the powerful. Ethically, they have no standing. Morally, they are reprehensible. And I am talking about their leadership. Their supporters, well Bless their heart, they are just STUPID.

And the guarantee disclosure part. That is a huge problem for Republicans. Which again points to the reality that they cannot publicly defend their position. I mean this shit is not rocket science. It is simple common sense. It is a disgrace that the Republican party even exists, let alone that they can actually occupy seats in either the house or the senate. State legislatures are even worse. If anything it is a testament to the total disengagement of the American population. Because I am here to tell you, if we can snap our fingers and bring back the population of this country during the American Revolution they would absolutely be tarring and feathering Republicans before running them out of town on a rail.
[As equally applied to : "it does none of that and in fact, violates the Constitution in a number of areas." and to a lesser degree "it basically takes away a lot of individual freedom and increases the power of government."]..

Two statements of fact begging for substantiation:
  1. Implied: "republicans {are} opposed to HR1"
  2. Explicit: "republicans hate it."
Also, do any Democrats or other parties oppose it, and if so why? Or, what makes Republicans so special? Do Independents count for nothing? Are Greens stuck eating chopped liver? Libertarians? Why not capitalize the word Republicans?
Well how do YOU classify yourself and how do YOU feel about the Bill?
Oh, I'm Independent and love the Bill. But I also realize I'm not the subject. One might respond "Well, Republicans are!" to which I say, then that's just a shame. All should be included.
  • Thanks
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I'm sure you realize that it does none of that and in fact, violates the Constitution in a number of areas.
List a few of the areas which would be violated by Article, Section and Clause of the Constitution. Betcha won't do it!
I don't jump through other people's hoops.

But here is an idea. Go look up who is given the authority and power to set election laws by the Constitution and then compare it to what this bill says.
I don't jump through other people's hoops.

But here is an idea. Go look up who is given the authority and power to set election laws by the Constitution and then compare it to what this bill says.
Truth Triumphs. You won't even try because you don't know what you're talking about. You toss about inflammatory claims but you're simply spewing bull dung! I told ya you wouldn't do it and the reason is you are just regurgitating propaganda.
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Why are republicans opposed to HR1?

It's seems to me there is nothing but good in this bill. Someone please explain why the republicans hate it.



Improve Access – H.R. 1 expands access to the ballot box by taking aim at institutional barriers to voting, including cumbersome voter registration systems, disenfranchisement and limited voting hours. H.R. 1 will create automatic voter registration across the country, ensure that individuals who have completed felony sentences have their full voting rights restored, expand early voting and enhance absentee voting, simplify voting by mail, reduce long lines and wait times for voters and modernize America’s voting system.

Promote Integrity – H.R. 1 commits Congress to build the record necessary to restore the Voting Rights Act, as embodied by the House-passed H.R. 4. It also commits Congress to deliver full congressional voting rights and self-government for the residents of the District of Columbia, which only statehood can provide, prohibits voter roll purges like those seen in Ohio, Georgia and elsewhere and ends partisan gerrymandering to prevent politicians from picking their voters.

Ensure Security – H.R. 1 ensures that American elections are decided by American voters, without interference, by enhancing federal support for voting system security, particularly with paper ballots and also by increasing oversight of election system vendors and by requiring the development of a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions.


Guarantee Disclosure – H.R. 1 shines a light on dark money in politics by upgrading online political ad disclosure and requiring all organizations involved in political activity to disclose their large donors. H.R. 1 also breaks the so-called ‘nesting-doll’ sham that allows big-money contributors and special interests to hide the true funding source of their political spending.

Empower Citizens – H.R. 1 strengthens the political power of hardworking Americans by creating a multiple matching system for small donations. This innovative, 21st-century system of citizen-owned elections will break the stranglehold of special interests on Congress and lay the groundwork for an agenda that meets the needs of the American people. The voluntary multiple matching system will be completely paid for by a new surcharge on corporate law breakers and wealthy tax cheats. That way, the individuals and corporations who break the public trust – like Wells Fargo, which created fake bank accounts for unwitting customers, or Volkswagen, which lied about harmful carbon emissions from its vehicles, or Facebook, which violates Americans’ privacy, or Purdue Pharma, which fueled the opioid crisis – bear the cost of building a more just and equitable democracy. H.R. 1 also reaffirms Congress’ authority to regulate money in politics, pushing back on the Supreme Court’s wrong-headed Citizens United decision.

Strengthen Oversight – H.R. 1 ensures that there are cops on the campaign finance beat that will enforce the laws on the books. H.R. 1 tightens rules on super PACs and restructures the Federal Election Commission to break the gridlock and enhance its enforcement mechanisms. It also repeals Mitch McConnell’s riders that prevent government agencies from requiring commonsense disclosure of political spending.


Fortify Ethics Law – H.R. 1 breaks the influence economy in Washington and increases accountability by expanding conflict of interest law and divestment requirements, slowing the revolving door, preventing Members of Congress from serving on corporate boards and requiring presidents to disclose their tax returns.

Impose Greater Ethics Enforcement – H.R. 1 gives teeth to federal ethics oversight by overhauling the Office of Government Ethics, closing loopholes for lobbyists and foreign agents, ensuring watchdogs have sufficient resources to enforce the law and creating a code of ethics for the Supreme Court.


Just start at the top. Republicans are opposed because it would improve access. Republicans are not about lots of people voting. Matter of fact, they have taken many initiatives, hundreds of them actually on the state level, to limit access to voting for specific blocks of voters, basically any block that does not vote for them. We are in the mist of the largest assault on voting rights since the black codes of the early 20th century. It is disgusting if you ask me, and it is a huge indicator that Republicans realize their policies are not what is best for the country, it is what is best for a select group of their supporters, mostly the wealthy and the powerful. Ethically, they have no standing. Morally, they are reprehensible. And I am talking about their leadership. Their supporters, well Bless their heart, they are just STUPID.

And the guarantee disclosure part. That is a huge problem for Republicans. Which again points to the reality that they cannot publicly defend their position. I mean this shit is not rocket science. It is simple common sense. It is a disgrace that the Republican party even exists, let alone that they can actually occupy seats in either the house or the senate. State legislatures are even worse. If anything it is a testament to the total disengagement of the American population. Because I am here to tell you, if we can snap our fingers and bring back the population of this country during the American Revolution they would absolutely be tarring and feathering Republicans before running them out of town on a rail.
Excellent rant, but it's not just Republicans, certainly not all Republicans, some Democrats, and others. Our enemy is The Haves. ALEC initiates this crap because that's what the billionaires pay them to do. Sure, on average, Republicans probably embrace it more than any others, but pointing to and blaming them exclusively is just being divisive (dividing and conquering, destructive) for no reason. We get herded into parties. We don't necessarily identify with any one's particular platforms at any given time.
Why are republicans opposed to HR1?

It's seems to me there is nothing but good in this bill. Someone please explain why the republicans hate it.



Improve Access – H.R. 1 expands access to the ballot box by taking aim at institutional barriers to voting, including cumbersome voter registration systems, disenfranchisement and limited voting hours. H.R. 1 will create automatic voter registration across the country, ensure that individuals who have completed felony sentences have their full voting rights restored, expand early voting and enhance absentee voting, simplify voting by mail, reduce long lines and wait times for voters and modernize America’s voting system.

Promote Integrity – H.R. 1 commits Congress to build the record necessary to restore the Voting Rights Act, as embodied by the House-passed H.R. 4. It also commits Congress to deliver full congressional voting rights and self-government for the residents of the District of Columbia, which only statehood can provide, prohibits voter roll purges like those seen in Ohio, Georgia and elsewhere and ends partisan gerrymandering to prevent politicians from picking their voters.

Ensure Security – H.R. 1 ensures that American elections are decided by American voters, without interference, by enhancing federal support for voting system security, particularly with paper ballots and also by increasing oversight of election system vendors and by requiring the development of a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions.


Guarantee Disclosure – H.R. 1 shines a light on dark money in politics by upgrading online political ad disclosure and requiring all organizations involved in political activity to disclose their large donors. H.R. 1 also breaks the so-called ‘nesting-doll’ sham that allows big-money contributors and special interests to hide the true funding source of their political spending.

Empower Citizens – H.R. 1 strengthens the political power of hardworking Americans by creating a multiple matching system for small donations. This innovative, 21st-century system of citizen-owned elections will break the stranglehold of special interests on Congress and lay the groundwork for an agenda that meets the needs of the American people. The voluntary multiple matching system will be completely paid for by a new surcharge on corporate law breakers and wealthy tax cheats. That way, the individuals and corporations who break the public trust – like Wells Fargo, which created fake bank accounts for unwitting customers, or Volkswagen, which lied about harmful carbon emissions from its vehicles, or Facebook, which violates Americans’ privacy, or Purdue Pharma, which fueled the opioid crisis – bear the cost of building a more just and equitable democracy. H.R. 1 also reaffirms Congress’ authority to regulate money in politics, pushing back on the Supreme Court’s wrong-headed Citizens United decision.

Strengthen Oversight – H.R. 1 ensures that there are cops on the campaign finance beat that will enforce the laws on the books. H.R. 1 tightens rules on super PACs and restructures the Federal Election Commission to break the gridlock and enhance its enforcement mechanisms. It also repeals Mitch McConnell’s riders that prevent government agencies from requiring commonsense disclosure of political spending.


Fortify Ethics Law – H.R. 1 breaks the influence economy in Washington and increases accountability by expanding conflict of interest law and divestment requirements, slowing the revolving door, preventing Members of Congress from serving on corporate boards and requiring presidents to disclose their tax returns.

Impose Greater Ethics Enforcement – H.R. 1 gives teeth to federal ethics oversight by overhauling the Office of Government Ethics, closing loopholes for lobbyists and foreign agents, ensuring watchdogs have sufficient resources to enforce the law and creating a code of ethics for the Supreme Court.


Just start at the top. Republicans are opposed because it would improve access. Republicans are not about lots of people voting. Matter of fact, they have taken many initiatives, hundreds of them actually on the state level, to limit access to voting for specific blocks of voters, basically any block that does not vote for them. We are in the mist of the largest assault on voting rights since the black codes of the early 20th century. It is disgusting if you ask me, and it is a huge indicator that Republicans realize their policies are not what is best for the country, it is what is best for a select group of their supporters, mostly the wealthy and the powerful. Ethically, they have no standing. Morally, they are reprehensible. And I am talking about their leadership. Their supporters, well Bless their heart, they are just STUPID.

And the guarantee disclosure part. That is a huge problem for Republicans. Which again points to the reality that they cannot publicly defend their position. I mean this shit is not rocket science. It is simple common sense. It is a disgrace that the Republican party even exists, let alone that they can actually occupy seats in either the house or the senate. State legislatures are even worse. If anything it is a testament to the total disengagement of the American population. Because I am here to tell you, if we can snap our fingers and bring back the population of this country during the American Revolution they would absolutely be tarring and feathering Republicans before running them out of town on a rail.
Excellent rant, but it's not just Republicans, certainly not all Republicans, some Democrats, and others. Our enemy is The Haves. ALEC initiates this crap because that's what the billionaires pay them to do. Sure, on average, Republicans probably embrace it more than any others, but pointing to and blaming them exclusively is just being divisive (dividing and conquering, destructive) for no reason. We get herded into parties. We don't necessarily identify with any one's particular platforms at any given time.
Rand Paul? That you waking up from a hangover?
I'm sure you realize that it does none of that and in fact, violates the Constitution in a number of areas.

But you want the Democrats to be in charge of elections so you'll buy whatever bullshit story you are fed.
It's not bullshit. Read the text of the bill. Those are the things that it will do. What specific problems do you have with it?
Why are republicans opposed to HR1?

It's seems to me there is nothing but good in this bill. Someone please explain why the republicans hate it.



Improve Access – H.R. 1 expands access to the ballot box by taking aim at institutional barriers to voting, including cumbersome voter registration systems, disenfranchisement and limited voting hours. H.R. 1 will create automatic voter registration across the country, ensure that individuals who have completed felony sentences have their full voting rights restored, expand early voting and enhance absentee voting, simplify voting by mail, reduce long lines and wait times for voters and modernize America’s voting system.

Promote Integrity – H.R. 1 commits Congress to build the record necessary to restore the Voting Rights Act, as embodied by the House-passed H.R. 4. It also commits Congress to deliver full congressional voting rights and self-government for the residents of the District of Columbia, which only statehood can provide, prohibits voter roll purges like those seen in Ohio, Georgia and elsewhere and ends partisan gerrymandering to prevent politicians from picking their voters.

Ensure Security – H.R. 1 ensures that American elections are decided by American voters, without interference, by enhancing federal support for voting system security, particularly with paper ballots and also by increasing oversight of election system vendors and by requiring the development of a national strategy to protect U.S. democratic institutions.


Guarantee Disclosure – H.R. 1 shines a light on dark money in politics by upgrading online political ad disclosure and requiring all organizations involved in political activity to disclose their large donors. H.R. 1 also breaks the so-called ‘nesting-doll’ sham that allows big-money contributors and special interests to hide the true funding source of their political spending.

Empower Citizens – H.R. 1 strengthens the political power of hardworking Americans by creating a multiple matching system for small donations. This innovative, 21st-century system of citizen-owned elections will break the stranglehold of special interests on Congress and lay the groundwork for an agenda that meets the needs of the American people. The voluntary multiple matching system will be completely paid for by a new surcharge on corporate law breakers and wealthy tax cheats. That way, the individuals and corporations who break the public trust – like Wells Fargo, which created fake bank accounts for unwitting customers, or Volkswagen, which lied about harmful carbon emissions from its vehicles, or Facebook, which violates Americans’ privacy, or Purdue Pharma, which fueled the opioid crisis – bear the cost of building a more just and equitable democracy. H.R. 1 also reaffirms Congress’ authority to regulate money in politics, pushing back on the Supreme Court’s wrong-headed Citizens United decision.

Strengthen Oversight – H.R. 1 ensures that there are cops on the campaign finance beat that will enforce the laws on the books. H.R. 1 tightens rules on super PACs and restructures the Federal Election Commission to break the gridlock and enhance its enforcement mechanisms. It also repeals Mitch McConnell’s riders that prevent government agencies from requiring commonsense disclosure of political spending.


Fortify Ethics Law – H.R. 1 breaks the influence economy in Washington and increases accountability by expanding conflict of interest law and divestment requirements, slowing the revolving door, preventing Members of Congress from serving on corporate boards and requiring presidents to disclose their tax returns.

Impose Greater Ethics Enforcement – H.R. 1 gives teeth to federal ethics oversight by overhauling the Office of Government Ethics, closing loopholes for lobbyists and foreign agents, ensuring watchdogs have sufficient resources to enforce the law and creating a code of ethics for the Supreme Court.


bigger question is why are democrats for it???

it basically takes away a lot of individual freedom and increases the power of government...
What individual freedom does it take away? Please be specific.

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