Why are conservatives so against alternative lifestyles?

I can't understand what scares conservatives about alternative lifestyles.

I been into goth since was a kid. I dress in all black, been in occult clubs, love death metal bands and horror movies and Steven king novels... yet conservatives attack our alternative lifestyles and call us bad people when most of us who love goth are law abiding citizens.

Are they afraid of stepping out of their square world's and can't handle new liberating lifestyles?
I couldn't care less about Goths. I think you're a bunch of loons, but you aren't hurting anyone.
The OP has more accounts than Bill Clinton has rape victims.
The OP has more accounts than Harvey Weinstein has paid out in Sexual Assault accusation Hush Money.
The OP has more accounts than Anthony Weiner has sent pictures of himself to underage girls.
The OP has more accounts than the number of times Bill Clinton took The Lolita Express to Epstein's Kiddie Porn Island.
I can't understand what scares conservatives about alternative lifestyles.

I been into goth since was a kid. I dress in all black, been in occult clubs, love death metal bands and horror movies and Steven king novels... yet conservatives attack our alternative lifestyles and call us bad people when most of us who love goth are law abiding citizens.

Are they afraid of stepping out of their square world's and can't handle new liberating lifestyles?

Here's a clue: tolerance is not the same as acceptance.

What a lot of you freaks do is to try to force others to accept you, when the best option for all of us is to be left alone to do our own thing.
I can't understand what scares conservatives about alternative lifestyles.

I been into goth since was a kid. I dress in all black, been in occult clubs, love death metal bands and horror movies and Steven king novels... yet conservatives attack our alternative lifestyles and call us bad people when most of us who love goth are law abiding citizens.

Are they afraid of stepping out of their square world's and can't handle new liberating lifestyles?

I am conservative....I don't care if men like to suck on pensis or women like to munch box.

It doesn't affect me one way or the other....I actually like lesbian PRON. I'd watch Hillary and Maxine.

That would definitely be PRON, and not "porn".
I can't understand what scares conservatives about alternative lifestyles.

I been into goth since was a kid. I dress in all black, been in occult clubs, love death metal bands and horror movies and Steven king novels... yet conservatives attack our alternative lifestyles and call us bad people when most of us who love goth are law abiding citizens.

Are they afraid of stepping out of their square world's and can't handle new liberating lifestyles?
We are not. We've told you turds a 100 times what is we take offense at, but you keep puking up the same tired false narrative.
I can't understand what scares conservatives about alternative lifestyles.

I been into goth since was a kid. I dress in all black, been in occult clubs, love death metal bands and horror movies and Steven king novels... yet conservatives attack our alternative lifestyles and call us bad people when most of us who love goth are law abiding citizens.

Are they afraid of stepping out of their square world's and can't handle new liberating lifestyles?

I am conservative....I don't care if men like to suck on pensis or women like to munch box.

It doesn't affect me one way or the other....I actually like lesbian PRON. I'd watch Hillary and Maxine.

That would definitely be PRON, and not "porn".

I can't understand what scares conservatives about alternative lifestyles.

I been into goth since was a kid. I dress in all black, been in occult clubs, love death metal bands and horror movies and Steven king novels... yet conservatives attack our alternative lifestyles and call us bad people when most of us who love goth are law abiding citizens.

Are they afraid of stepping out of their square world's and can't handle new liberating lifestyles?

Depends on what kind of conservative you are referring to. Libertarian type conservatives don't care about lifestyle choices for the most part. Social conservatives vary. The religious ones be they Catholic, Jewish, Christian or Muslim have various degrees of moral objections. Speaking for myself I acknowledge the religious concerns, but I also believe there is a difference between tolerance and acceptance Meaning as people have a choice in their lives. Others may not agree but believe its upon the individual. My problem with gays is not nearly as much with their life style as with their left wing political idiocy. Forced acceptance does not work in the long run. You can control material discrimination but not emotional. This may not the best way to articulate my views but in plain English that about sums it up.
Why are conservatives so against alternative lifestyles?

Because they are an alternative to a human being.
The Conservative Lifestyle is about Law and Order, Control and Discipline. A place for everyone and everyone in their place. Conservatism sees alternative ideas and lifestyles as a chaotic influence with the potential to destroy order and wreck havoc on Society. Therefore alternative ideologies are shunned as bad influences and often contrary to the Morals and Values a Conservative Socuety is based on.
Because they are not accepting.

It's quite simple. They tend to be authoritarian, religious, and not accepting of differences. They fear what is different, and worry that it will supplant their way of life. And, you know what? Maybe it could. Who can say?

Personally, I try to walk a middle line. I don't care what you do, as long as A) you're not hurting anyone who doesn't want hurting, and B) you keep it to yourself. And don't fucking try to guilt-trip me. That's probably what helped Donald Trump the most. All the liberal attempts to shame people into submission. It doesn't work. It just doesn't. So stop trying.

I know this comment has strayed a bit off topic, but I just have to say, I find it deliciously hypocritical that Christian conservatives have the nerve to demonize Islamic fundamentalists (who are, in my opinion, currently one of the top 5 threats to liberty in the world) when they THEMSELVES do the same shit with their own religion. They just aren't as aggressive with their devious attempts to control people who want nothing to do with them.

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