Who will meet this challenge

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I don't want to pick on any poster. But is there a party who will meet this challenge?
Discuss the predictions about climate that failed to happen?

Starting now.

Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False | Facts Matter​

Your source just mentions the climate prediction which did not materialize

obviously ignoring the ones that did

of course if they had said that all the climate prediction have not come true then the land mind would have blow up in the face

Instead they want to debate the ones that did not come true or are problematic

What about the ones that did?

Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates
Your source just mentions the climate prediction which did not materialize

obviously ignoring the ones that did

of course if they had said that all the climate prediction have not come true then the land mind would have blow up in the face

Instead they want to debate the ones that did not come true or are problematic

What about the ones that did?

Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates
32 failed and in defense you failed to name a single true prediction.
Folks, rally around. The predictions are so damned funny They appear to be published in the National Enquirer. No predictions came true. The claims of a Ice free Arctic is pure fiction. Comic book stuff.
32 failed and in defense you failed to name a single true prediction.
Your source is you tube

Obviously there are deniers who believe something else. Their are not to many things that every person on the planet will agree on

oh well fun time

a list of 1000 of the top climate scientist from various universities. So are you saying that these guys are just wasting their time.

it not even a complete list just the top scientist doing the most research

They all have done papers on climate change

the scientists who are having the biggest impact on the climate-change debate – their lives, their work and their influence on other scientists, the public, activists and political leaders.

The link will take you to the list

The bio of one of the top climate change scientist

Anthony Leiserowitz, Ph.D. is the founder and Director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and a Senior Research Scientist at the Yale School of the Environment. He is an expert on public climate change and environmental beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences, and behavior, and the psychological, cultural, and political factors that shape them.

200 scientific articles, chapters, and reports.

Human-caused climate change is happening; nearly all climate scientists are convinced of this basic fact according to surveys of experts and reviews of the peer-reviewed literature. Yet, among the American public, there is widespread misunderstanding of this scientific consensus

So it is a scientific consensus which means that most scientist believe climate change is happening

Yes there will be deniers but that is human nature
Last edited:
Your source is you tube

Obviously there are deniers who believe something else. Their are not to many things that every person on the planet will agree on

oh well fun time

a list of 1000 of the top climate scientist from various universities. So are you saying that these guys are just wasting their time.

it not even a complete list just the top scientist doing the most research

They all have done papers on climate change

the scientists who are having the biggest impact on the climate-change debate – their lives, their work and their influence on other scientists, the public, activists and political leaders.

The link will take you to the list

The bio of one of the top climate change scientist

Anthony Leiserowitz, Ph.D. is the founder and Director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and a Senior Research Scientist at the Yale School of the Environment. He is an expert on public climate change and environmental beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences, and behavior, and the psychological, cultural, and political factors that shape them.

200 scientific articles, chapters, and reports.

Human-caused climate change is happening; nearly all climate scientists are convinced of this basic fact according to surveys of experts and reviews of the peer-reviewed literature. Yet, among the American public, there is widespread misunderstanding of this scientific consensus

So it is a scientific consensus which means that most scientist believe climate change is happening

Yes there will be deniers but that is human nature
Well you denied the 32 fake predictions were fakes. Oh sure, man is so clever he manages climate.
32 failed and in defense you failed to name a single true prediction.

Wait a minute ... if we double coastal populations, and double the cost of building houses ... then in fact, hurricane costs will quadruple ...

This fails since coastal populations tripled and building cost have quadrupled ... same hurricane cost 12 times as much ...

That's true isn't it? ...
Wait a minute ... if we double coastal populations, and double the cost of building houses ... then in fact, hurricane costs will quadruple ...

This fails since coastal populations tripled and building cost have quadrupled ... same hurricane cost 12 times as much ...

That's true isn't it? ...
And Building standards increased.
Your source is you tube

Obviously there are deniers who believe something else. Their are not to many things that every person on the planet will agree on

oh well fun time

a list of 1000 of the top climate scientist from various universities. So are you saying that these guys are just wasting their time.

it not even a complete list just the top scientist doing the most research

They all have done papers on climate change

the scientists who are having the biggest impact on the climate-change debate – their lives, their work and their influence on other scientists, the public, activists and political leaders.

The link will take you to the list

The bio of one of the top climate change scientist

Anthony Leiserowitz, Ph.D. is the founder and Director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and a Senior Research Scientist at the Yale School of the Environment. He is an expert on public climate change and environmental beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences, and behavior, and the psychological, cultural, and political factors that shape them.

200 scientific articles, chapters, and reports.

Human-caused climate change is happening; nearly all climate scientists are convinced of this basic fact according to surveys of experts and reviews of the peer-reviewed literature. Yet, among the American public, there is widespread misunderstanding of this scientific consensus

So it is a scientific consensus which means that most scientist believe climate change is happening

Well you denied the 32 fake predictions were fakes. Oh sure, man is so clever he manages climate.
See your not paying attention. I didn't address the fake predictions. I just pointed out your source is flawed. A report on you tube is not scientific. It just a reporter telling a story he was told.

Whereas , I quoted scientists who study climate change and what that their opinions are and that they believe climate change is happening.

I understand that scientific consensus is new to you and it is an argument you will lose

Manages climate, well its more like how does mans activities affect the climate such as acid rain
See your not paying attention. I didn't address the fake predictions. I just pointed out your source is flawed. A report on you tube is not scientific. It just a reporter telling a story he was told.

Whereas , I quoted scientists who study climate change and what that their opinions are and that they believe climate change is happening.

I understand that scientific consensus is new to you and it is an argument you will lose

Manages climate, well its more like how does mans activities affect the climate such as acid rain

You did not watch the video. What you tell me is not scientific, it is jibber jabbing.
It is the fatally flawed appeal to authority form of argument. I did not do that.
You did not watch the video. What you tell me is not scientific, it is jibber jabbing.
It is the fatally flawed appeal to authority form of argument. I did not do that.
Yeah I bet 1000 climate change scientists who say that climate change is happening may be to hard for you to understand

So have fun with Greta, I am sure she has the answers that you seek.

May the force be with you
I don't want to pick on any poster. But is there a party who will meet this challenge?
Discuss the predictions about climate that failed to happen?

Starting now.

Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False | Facts Matter​

Challenge Accepted.
My Thoughts.......... One at a Time. Here is #1.
Just Comment on #1.
We have time to discuss the others, the WORLD is NOT ending anytime soon.

1) Weather is Difference than Climate. Many people, including our current Politicians and Liberal Activists, have a difficult time expressing what 'they really mean'. Any Politician, Activist, Media Member or USMB Poster that states "It Snowed in Upper USA, so much for Global Warming" should just be absolutely ridiculed.

Weather changes. It's called Seasons, and Season Variations Change Constantly, throughout our recorded History.

Topic #1 is strictly on people mixing up Climate with Weather.

Care to discuss #1 ONLY, Robert W
Challenge Accepted.
My Thoughts.......... One at a Time. Here is #1.
Just Comment on #1.
We have time to discuss the others, the WORLD is NOT ending anytime soon.

1) Weather is Difference than Climate. Many people, including our current Politicians and Liberal Activists, have a difficult time expressing what 'they really mean'. Any Politician, Activist, Media Member or USMB Poster that states "It Snowed in Upper USA, so much for Global Warming" should just be absolutely ridiculed.

Weather changes. It's called Seasons, and Season Variations Change Constantly, throughout our recorded History.

Topic #1 is strictly on people mixing up Climate with Weather.

Care to discuss #1 ONLY, Robert W
You pretty well said it.
However we often see the pro hair on fire types, confuse weather and climate. They tell us on a hot day, "see there? Expert A was right."
I understand that scientific consensus is new to you and it is an argument you will lose

Consensus is political ... or should I say philosophical ... only evidence counts in science, opinions are just like assholes ...

What evidence do you bring that Man changes climate? ... anywhere ...
Consensus is political ... or should I say philosophical ... only evidence counts in science, opinions are just like assholes ...

What evidence do you bring that Man changes climate? ... anywhere ...
Scientific consensus is what I am talking about. It is an consensus by the majority of scientist who are considered experts in any particular field that they study. In this case it climate change.

over 1000 climate scientist from various schools agree that climate change is happening.

One example is Acid rain which can occur naturally from volcanic eruptions but it is considered a very small amount. The majority of acid rain is man made

Scientific consensus is what I am talking about. It is an consensus by the majority of scientist who are considered experts in any particular field that they study. In this case it climate change.

over 1000 climate scientist from various schools agree that climate change is happening.

One example is Acid rain which can occur naturally from volcanic eruptions but it is considered a very small amount. The majority of acid rain is man made

Then perhaps you should let them explain ... acid rain? ... like the Siberian Traps? ... or do you mean orographic lifting caused by volcanoes? ... because that's what dominates my climate here, rains every day all day long ... big huge volcanoes are in the air flow's way ...
Then perhaps you should let them explain ... acid rain? ... like the Siberian Traps? ... or do you mean orographic lifting caused by volcanoes? ... because that's what dominates my climate here, rains every day all day long ... big huge volcanoes are in the air flow's way ...
It's God's fault.

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