Who Started The Civil War?

AKA The War of Northern Aggression.


Yet I just proved that the South started it.

Try again.

You didn't prove jack shit, except that you are a damn idiot. And the rant about the Democratic party was beyond stupid. But two can play that game. Yep, Lincoln's Republican party is the same as the Republican party of today. The whole slavery issue and the idea that the North supported the freedom of slaves is historical revisionism at it's worse and just as accurate as the claim the Republican party of today is for the working man. Five years after the war, Lysander Spooner, an abolitionist,

All these cries of having ‘abolished slavery,’ of having ‘saved the country,’ of having ‘preserved the Union,’ of establishing a ‘government of consent,’ and of ‘maintaining the national honor’ are all gross, shameless, transparent cheats—so transparent that they ought to deceive no one.”

That was five years after the war and here you are. more than 150 years later attempting to perpetuate the same bullshit. Don't like Spooner, how about Charles Dickens--a strong opponent of slavery.

The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States.

It was all about economic control. The North was more than happy to allow slavery as long as the North got the bulk of the value of the slave's production. Just as the Republican party is happy to allow legal abortion as long as the wealthy get to continue to manipulate the tax code. Lincoln was not about the "will of the people". Lincoln was all about the POWER of the federal government. He famously jumped out of a second story window to avoid a quorum call in order to protect railroad subsidies while serving in the Illinois legislature. He suspended Habeas Corpus, locked up dissenting newspaper editors, and even attempted to have a justice of the Supreme Court arrested simply for ruling against him. He was a despot and, more than any other individual, he DESTROYED the nation that the founders established and returned it back to England.

Clean up your language and re-submit this, and I'll rip you to shreds.

Yeah, and if you didn't have your good shirt on you would whoop my ass. What a joke. How about you just provide a rebuttal to Charles Dickens.

The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States.

And honestly, it takes a damn fool to make the argument that the Republican Party of the middle 19th Century is the same as the Republican Party today. What about tariffs? Who is for free trade now. is it the democrats? The Republican platform of 1860 said nothing about banning slavery, only about containing it. However it did provide strong support for the Transcontinental Railroad--so is the Republican Party supporting bullet trains today? NO. That same 1860 Republican platform also strongly advocated a Homestead Act giving FREE LAND to settlers. Today's Republican party believes in taking land from settlers and giving it to industry.

You want more?

"And honestly, it takes a damn fool to make the argument that the Republican Party of the middle 19th Century is the same as the Republican Party today."

The issue under discussion is slavery, and so the two parties are the very same as they were in 1860.

You want more?

Wow, the modern Republican Party opposes slavery. Guess that is somehow distinguished from the modern Democratic Party being opposed to slavery. But, the modern Republican Party does support wage slavery, a concept that I am quite sure is beyond your comprehension. Then there is the Republican support of private prisons and penal labor. You know what they call that, penal slavery.

Your argument is lame, totally, and is reflective of Tomi Lahren--another idiot split-tail, whose argument is basically destroyed here,

It’s actually the modern Republican Party that’s the spiritual successor of the pre-1964 Democratic Party.

Yes, Democrats Supported Slavery, But That Misses the Point
U.S. citizens started the damned war! It is that simple folks! And why does it matter? It started and I wish it would end as you tire me with this yesterday stuff. Get over it cause we know who won the damned thing. Live with it!
You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

Jefferson Davis....Democrat
KKK....created to serve Democrats
Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....wished for darkies carrying his bags.....but not getting the nomination over his wife, the congenital liar.

Those are the fact....

Oh....one more fact: you're a dunce.

Reduced to ad hom already Whelp --- I predicted you could not prove me wrong. And I was right.

And once again --- the Klan was founded AFTER, not BEFORE, the War. That's documented history. So it's irrelevant to your topic anyway.


Admit it....I destroyed you with facts and truth.

KKK was founded by and for the Democrat Party.

Wrong. I already listed exactly who founded it, when, and where. As a social club with no political implications, by young men with no political connections.

I challenged you to prove any of that wrong and you have failed. All you have is gainsaying, and that's not making a point.

That's because you're a failing failure who fails. A lying liar who lies. A disingenuous hack who disingenuously hacks. I could go on but you've already made the point.

And once again for the short bus riders ---- Christmas 1865 continues to be AFTER, not BEFORE, the Civil War. Therefore according to linear time it CANNOT have been a causation since it did not EXIST.

Go ahead, try to prove that wrong too.


I should just take a kryptonite avatar. Save typing.

Let's judge who to believe....you, or....
"Eric Foner (born February 7, 1943) is an American historian. He writes extensively on American political history, the history of freedom, the early history of the Republican Party, African American biography, Reconstruction, and historiography, and has been a member of the faculty at the Columbia University Department of History since 1982. Foner is a leading contemporary historian of the post-Civil War Reconstruction period,..."
Eric Foner - Wikipedia

He writes this:
...the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

And your avi should be a rapidly aging barrel of effluvia.

You would appear to have cornered the effluvian market --- not to mention the mendacity misslie stockpile, having trotted in the same edited misquote you got shot down earlier, apparently expecting different results this time.

Now that you've assumed the position, you want your coffin nailed shut? Can do.

>> It was the boredom of small-town life that led six young Confederate veterans to gather around a fireplace one December evening in 1865 and form a social club. The place was Pulaski, tenn., near the Alabama border.

When they reassembled a week later, the six young men were full of ideas for their new society. It would be secret, to heighten the amusement of the thing, and the titles for the various offices were to have names as preposterous-sounding as possible, partly for the fun of it and partly to avoid any military or political implications. Thus the head of the group was called the Grand Cyclops. His assistant was the Grand Magi. There was to be a Grand Turk to greet all candidates for admission, a Grand Scribe to act as secretary, Night Hawks for messengers and a Lictor to be the guard.

The members, when the six young men found some to join, would be called Ghouls. But what to name the society itself? The founders were determined to come up with something unusual and mysterious. Being well-educated, they turned to the Greek language. After tossing around a number of ideas, Richard R. Reed suggested the word “kuklos,” from which the english words “circle” and “cycle” are derived. Another member, Capt. John B. Kennedy, had an ear for alliteration and added the word “”clan.” After tinkering with the sound for a while they settled on Ku Klux Klan.

The selection of the name, chance though it was, had a great deal to do with the Klan’s early success. Something about the sound aroused curiosity and gave the fledgling club an immediate air of mystery, as did the initials K.K.K., which were soon to take on such terrifying significance.

Soon after the founders named the Klan, they decided to do a bit of showing off, and so disguised themselves in sheets and galloped their horses through the quiet streets of tiny Pulaski. Their ride created such a stir that the men decided to adopt the sheets as the official regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, and they added to the effect by donning grotesque masks and tall pointed hats. They also performed elaborate initiation ceremonies for new members. Similar to the hazing popular in college fraternities, the ceremony consisted of blindfolding the candidate, subjecting him to a series of silly oaths and rough handling, and finally bringing him before a “royal altar” where he was to be invested with a “royal crown.” The altar turned out to be a mirror and the crown two large donkey’s ears.

Ridiculous though it sounds today, that was the high point of the earliest activities of the Ku Klux Klan. Had that been all there was to the Ku Klux Klan, it probably would have disappeared as quietly as it was born. But at some point in early 1866, the club added new members from nearby towns and began to have a chilling effect on local blacks.... <<

(more at the link)
Care for another nail?

>> Extremism in America/ADL

About the Ku Klux Klan
The Ku Klux Klan is a racist, anti-Semitic movement with a commitment to extreme violence to achieve its goals of racial segregation and white supremacy.
... At first, the Ku Klux Klan focused its anger and violence on African-Americans, on white Americans who stood up for them, and against the federal government which supported their rights. Subsequent incarnations of the Klan, which typically emerged in times of rapid social change, added more categories to its enemies list, including Jews, Catholics (less so after the 1970s), homosexuals, and different groups of immigrants.

Founder: Confederate Civil War veterans Captain John C. Lester, Major James R. Crowe, John D. Kennedy, Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. McCord <<​

Had enough? No?

>> The first Klan was created by six men from Pulaski Tennessee, in the image of other secret societies of the day. The hierarchical organization with local chapters housed under a national umbressa [sic] structure.

... History and context:

The first KKK was formed in the American South at the end of the civil war, when the victorious Union government imposed a version of martial law on the south and began to enforce laws designed to end segregation against black citizens. When a constitutional amendment granted black men the right to vote in 1870, the group turned to intimidation and violence to try to halt de-segregation. << (Terrorism: About.com)
Still going :lalala: ?

>> The 19th-century Klan was originally organized as a social club by Confederate veterans in Pulaski, Tenn., in 1866. They apparently derived the name from the Greek word kyklos, from which comes the English circle; Klan was added for the sake of alliteration and Ku Klux Klan emerged. The organization quickly became a vehicle for Southern white underground resistance to Radical Reconstruction. Klan members sought the restoration of white supremacy through intimidation and violence aimed at the newly enfranchised black freedmen. A similar organization, the Knights of the White Camelia, began in Louisiana in 1867. << << --- Encyclopedia Brittanica
Want more? 'Cuz I gots lots more. The weird thing is --- you already KNOW I gots lots more since I've mopped the floor with your spandex in the past and yet ---- like the edited quote --- here you come again running the same bullshit play expecting different results when the history has not changed. Hard to believe.

Go ahead, look it up and prove me wrong. Try Wiki. Try the House Committe on UnAmerican Activities, 1967. Try anything you want. I've got all that too and I'll know where those edits are as well, you dishonest hack.

One more, for old time's sake..............


Masochism --- never understood it.

And for the fourth time ---- Christmas 1865 is eight months *AFTER* --- not BEFORE, AFTER ---- the Civil War was over. You cannot hold a subsequent event to be a causation. Take a moment to ponder exactly the degree of stupid that would be necessary to do that.

Foner writes this:
...the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425
You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

Jefferson Davis....Democrat
KKK....created to serve Democrats
Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....wished for darkies carrying his bags.....but not getting the nomination over his wife, the congenital liar.

Those are the fact....

Oh....one more fact: you're a dunce.

Reduced to ad hom already Whelp --- I predicted you could not prove me wrong. And I was right.

And once again --- the Klan was founded AFTER, not BEFORE, the War. That's documented history. So it's irrelevant to your topic anyway.


Admit it....I destroyed you with facts and truth.

KKK was founded by and for the Democrat Party.

That much I know is true. KKK was formed to suppress freed black people.

The First Blacks In Congress Were All Republicans

...and Republicans:

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."

From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Actually it's a novel from 2015. Apparently you don't know this but "novel" means fiction.

However the allusion to "night riders" is an open invitation to further previous points, to wit:

>> A series of bloody slave revolts in Virginia and other parts of the South resulted in the widespread practice of authorized night patrols composed of white men specially deputized for that purpose. White Southerners looked upon these night patrols as a civic duty, something akin to serving on a jury or in the militia. The mounted patrols, or regulators, as they were called, prowled Southern roads, enforcing the curfew for slaves, looking for runaways, and guarding rural areas against the threat of black uprisings. They were authorized by law to give a specific number of lashes to any violators they caught. The memory of these legal night riders and their whips was still fresh in the minds of both defeated Southerners and liberated blacks when the first Klansmen took to those same roads in 1866. << --- op. cit. SPLC link above​

----- and this is precisely the element I already described that infiltrated the silly social club called the Ku Klux Klan, to continue the same nefarious practices in a new uniform. "Night riders" had already existed for more than a century. Long before there were "Democrats" and "Republicans". Actually before there was even a "United States":

>> Beginning in 1757 Georgia's colonial assembly required white landowners and residents to serve as slave patrols. Asserting that slave insurrections must be prevented, the legislature stipulated in "An Act for Establishing and Regulating of Patrols" that groups "not exceeding seven" would work in districts twelve miles square. The statute, modeled on South Carolina's earlier patrol law, ordered white adults to ride the roads at night, stopping all slaves they encountered and making them prove that they were engaged in lawful activities. Patrollers required slaves to produce a pass, which stated their owner's name as well as where and when they were allowed to be away from the plantation and for how long. Patrols operated in Georgia until slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War << ---- Georgia Encyclopedia

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."

From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Which part is fiction?
While the Democrats have always supported and advanced slavery, segregation and second-class citizenship for black Americans, they have been able to convince the less astute of the very opposite.

90% of so of African Americans are Democrats.

Why do you think that African Americans are advancing slavery, segregation and second class citizenship for black Americans?

LOL- you bitter old white dudes- always blaming African Americans for 'not being as smart' as you white Republican dudes.

Meanwhile- you are right- Southern conservatives started the Civil War.

A full century after the Civil War, Democrats continued to be what they have always been, the originators of Jim Crow, and supporters of slavery, segregation and second-class citizenship.

1966- Republican Spiro Agnew ran against Democrat segregationists George Mahoney for governor of Maryland. Agnew enacted some of the first laws in the nation against race discrimination in public housing. “Agnew signed the state's first open-housing laws and succeeded in getting the repeal of an anti-miscegenation law.” Spiro Agnew - Wikipedia

A full century after the Civil War.
You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

Jefferson Davis....Democrat
KKK....created to serve Democrats
Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....wished for darkies carrying his bags.....but not getting the nomination over his wife, the congenital liar.

Those are the fact....

Oh....one more fact: you're a dunce.

Reduced to ad hom already Whelp --- I predicted you could not prove me wrong. And I was right.

And once again --- the Klan was founded AFTER, not BEFORE, the War. That's documented history. So it's irrelevant to your topic anyway.


Admit it....I destroyed you with facts and truth.

KKK was founded by and for the Democrat Party.

Wrong. I already listed exactly who founded it, when, and where. As a social club with no political implications, by young men with no political connections.

I challenged you to prove any of that wrong and you have failed. All you have is gainsaying, and that's not making a point.

That's because you're a failing failure who fails. A lying liar who lies. A disingenuous hack who disingenuously hacks. I could go on but you've already made the point.

And once again for the short bus riders ---- Christmas 1865 continues to be AFTER, not BEFORE, the Civil War. Therefore according to linear time it CANNOT have been a causation since it did not EXIST.

Go ahead, try to prove that wrong too.


I should just take a kryptonite avatar. Save typing.

Let's judge who to believe....you, or....
"Eric Foner (born February 7, 1943) is an American historian. He writes extensively on American political history, the history of freedom, the early history of the Republican Party, African American biography, Reconstruction, and historiography, and has been a member of the faculty at the Columbia University Department of History since 1982. Foner is a leading contemporary historian of the post-Civil War Reconstruction period,..."
Eric Foner - Wikipedia

He writes this:
...the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

And your avi should be a rapidly aging barrel of effluvia.

"serving the interests of" and "founded by" are two very different situations.



You....a fool.
AKA The War of Northern Aggression.


Yet I just proved that the South started it.

Try again.
Disagreed. Evicting trespasser is one thing, invading another state is an act of war. Ergo, the Yankees invasion of the South started the war hence the name "War of Northern Aggression".
Again for the slow and painfully stupid the Fort BELONGED to the Federal Government not the State. It was ceded away when the Country was formed.
Yet I just proved that the South started it.

Try again.

You didn't prove jack shit, except that you are a damn idiot. And the rant about the Democratic party was beyond stupid. But two can play that game. Yep, Lincoln's Republican party is the same as the Republican party of today. The whole slavery issue and the idea that the North supported the freedom of slaves is historical revisionism at it's worse and just as accurate as the claim the Republican party of today is for the working man. Five years after the war, Lysander Spooner, an abolitionist,

All these cries of having ‘abolished slavery,’ of having ‘saved the country,’ of having ‘preserved the Union,’ of establishing a ‘government of consent,’ and of ‘maintaining the national honor’ are all gross, shameless, transparent cheats—so transparent that they ought to deceive no one.”

That was five years after the war and here you are. more than 150 years later attempting to perpetuate the same bullshit. Don't like Spooner, how about Charles Dickens--a strong opponent of slavery.

The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States.

It was all about economic control. The North was more than happy to allow slavery as long as the North got the bulk of the value of the slave's production. Just as the Republican party is happy to allow legal abortion as long as the wealthy get to continue to manipulate the tax code. Lincoln was not about the "will of the people". Lincoln was all about the POWER of the federal government. He famously jumped out of a second story window to avoid a quorum call in order to protect railroad subsidies while serving in the Illinois legislature. He suspended Habeas Corpus, locked up dissenting newspaper editors, and even attempted to have a justice of the Supreme Court arrested simply for ruling against him. He was a despot and, more than any other individual, he DESTROYED the nation that the founders established and returned it back to England.

Clean up your language and re-submit this, and I'll rip you to shreds.

Yeah, and if you didn't have your good shirt on you would whoop my ass. What a joke. How about you just provide a rebuttal to Charles Dickens.

The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States.

And honestly, it takes a damn fool to make the argument that the Republican Party of the middle 19th Century is the same as the Republican Party today. What about tariffs? Who is for free trade now. is it the democrats? The Republican platform of 1860 said nothing about banning slavery, only about containing it. However it did provide strong support for the Transcontinental Railroad--so is the Republican Party supporting bullet trains today? NO. That same 1860 Republican platform also strongly advocated a Homestead Act giving FREE LAND to settlers. Today's Republican party believes in taking land from settlers and giving it to industry.

You want more?

"And honestly, it takes a damn fool to make the argument that the Republican Party of the middle 19th Century is the same as the Republican Party today."

The issue under discussion is slavery, and so the two parties are the very same as they were in 1860.

You want more?

Wow, the modern Republican Party opposes slavery. Guess that is somehow distinguished from the modern Democratic Party being opposed to slavery. But, the modern Republican Party does support wage slavery, a concept that I am quite sure is beyond your comprehension. Then there is the Republican support of private prisons and penal labor. You know what they call that, penal slavery.

Your argument is lame, totally, and is reflective of Tomi Lahren--another idiot split-tail, whose argument is basically destroyed here,

It’s actually the modern Republican Party that’s the spiritual successor of the pre-1964 Democratic Party.

Yes, Democrats Supported Slavery, But That Misses the Point

The modern Democratic Party is the same as the not so modern Democrat Party: racialists and segregationists.

While talking a great game, it is well known by all except liberals in general, and the Black community specifically, that the Democrat Party claims to be concerned with support of blacks, their record with respect to black politicians tells a different story…

1. In 2005, the Democrats did not name Donna Brazile to head the Democratic National Committee. They chose Howard Dean.

2. “Gov. David A. Paterson defiantly vowed to run for election next year despite the White House‘s urging that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race.” Obama Asks Paterson to Quit New York Governor’s Race

3. President Barack Obama has kept mum on the fate of Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) for days -- but he tells CBS News that it's time for the embattled 80-year-old former Ways and Means Chairman to end his career "with dignity."

"I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served-- his constituents very well. But these-- allegations are very troubling," Obama told Harry Smith in an interview to be aired on the "Early Show." and first broadcast on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. Obama: Time for Rangel to end career "with dignity"

4 Harold Ford told not to run for Senator from New York:

“From the start, Mr. Ford’s potential candidacy angered national Democratic Party leaders by disrupting plans for what was planned as a seamless Gillibrand nomination. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader, called Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to discourage him from supporting Mr. Ford, and Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York met personally with Mr. Ford to argue against his candidacy.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/02/nyregion/02ford.html

5. “As state comptroller, [Carl] McCall earned the distinction of being the first African American ever elected to a statewide office in New York. Four years later voters overwhelmingly supported McCall over Republican Bruce Blakeman 64.75 to 32.1%. McCall's reelection in 1998 may have given him the confidence he needed in order to pursue the governor's mansion….The McCall campaign had the support of the Democratic Party; whether or not McCall had the party's full support has been the subject of much debate….Still one wonders just how committed the party was to McCall's campaign….shunned by some of the state's most respected Democrats…McCall blamed his money woes on the national Democratic Party, claiming that the party had abandoned his campaign….” H. Carl McCall for Governor: a lesson to all black high-profile statewide office seekers. - Free Online Library

6. And, most telling, Bill Clinton’s remarks about the black candidate for the presidency:

“[A]s Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

Teddy's anger

7. Three staffers working for embattled Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) were asked by security officers to leave an event in downtown Washington on Thursday after they tried to display large campaign signs just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was about to speak. .. Waters told The Hill afterward that the staffers had been displaying the signs at the annual legislative conference for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which was held at the Washington convention center a few blocks away. “It ain’t about Nancy. It’s about black people,” Waters said. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/119331-aides-working-for-maxine-waters-asked-to-leave-pelosi-event

8. And what Governor of Arkansas made the Saturday before Easter "Confederate Flag Day"?
The Arkansas Code, Section 1-5-107. Confederate Flag Day.
(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as "Confederate Flag Day" in this state.
No person, firm, or corporation shall display any Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

"In April 1985, Governor Bill Clinton signed Act 985 into law...'
Mark R. Levin on Trent Lott & Moral Outrage on National Review Online

9. Do Democrats in Congress support blacks by practicing affirmative action in their hiring…and of course this would be our of moral convictions, as they are legally exempt from affirmative action requirements. More than passing interesting, the ‘National Journal,’ a survey of congressional staffers revealed that Democrats hired black employees at the same rate as Republicans: 2 percent. “The Racial Breakdown of Congressional Staffs,” National Journal, June 21, 2005

a. Schweitzer, “Do As I Say,” p. 9

10. Clinton pushed black candidate to drop out of Florida race:

“Bill Clinton sought to persuade Rep. Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race for Senate during a trip to Florida last week — and nearly succeeded…Clinton did not dangle a job in front of Meek, who gave up a safe House seat to run for the Senate, but instead made the case that the move would advance the congressman’s future prospects, said a third Democrat familiar with the conversations. Clinton campaigned with Meek in Florida on Oct. 19 and 20, and thought he had won Meek over. But as the week wore on, Meek lost his enthusiasm for the arrangement, spurred in part, a third Democratic source said, by his wife’s belief that he could still win the race. Clinton spoke with Meek again at week’s end, three Democrats said, and again Meek said he would drop out.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1010/44337.html#ixzz13hRcgQAh

By some strange coincidence, the Democrats, again, force a black to the back:

11. “Under an arrangement reached two days ago, Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the current majority leader, would get the No. 2 job of minority whip come January. Clyburn, now majority whip, would hold the post of assistant leader, newly created for the purpose of heading off a contest for the whip position.” http://www.businessweek.com/news/20...dership-as-clyburn-settles-for-no-3-post.html

Democrats to blacks: get to the back of the bus.

Need more?
U.S. citizens started the damned war! It is that simple folks! And why does it matter? It started and I wish it would end as you tire me with this yesterday stuff. Get over it cause we know who won the damned thing. Live with it!

What an empty post.

Like those who all in to TV polls and select 'No Opinion."
"Number one, Charleston is in SOUTH Carolina, not North. NC hadn't even seceded yet."
Sooo....as a self-proclaimed spokesperson for buffoons everywhere, you're making an argument that firing on a federal facility is peachy keen if you live nearby.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. I'm pointing out that your "research" is so shoddy you can't even find the right state. Charleston is nowhere near North Carolina. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Or as the rest of us call it --- "Wednesday".

3. "Number three (a), the KKK (which was founded AFTER, not DURING, the Civil War) was founded by ex-Confederate soldiers with no political connections..."

Now watch me ram this lie back down your throat:

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Once again, as ever before, you edited out part of Foner's text. And the text you edited out was the phrase "in effect". Which means something that has the effect of --- not a direct relationship. And why did you edit that phrase out? Because you're a dishonest lying hack bent on keeping myths on life support.

Now here's the reality --- the Klan was founded on Christmas 1865 by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers, their names being Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, James Crowe, Richard Reed, Calvin Jones and Frank McCord, in the law office building of Thomas Jones at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee. None of them had any known political affiliations (and Tennessee was at the time disenfranchised anyway). Nor did they found it with a political purpose; in fact they consciously took pains to avoid such connotations.

There it is--- names, dates and places. Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong.

You won't.

4. "Number three (b) Bill Clinton did not "suggest Barack O'bama should be carrying his bags". Prove me wrong,"

Sure....I'll prove you wrong for the fourth time:

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

And once again the Illiterati regurgitate their illiteracy.

What does the conditional modal auxillary "would have" mean? Does it mean something the speaker actually personally prefers? Or is it an observation of how some history WOULD HAVE gone down absent certain conditions?

Are you actually going to sit on the internets and claim to be too stupid to understand the difference between "would" (Clinton's word) and "should" (yours)? Are you that stupid?

Or just that degree of dishonest lying hack?

Perhaps both.
Actually in regards physical location Charleston is not that far from North Carolina.
The Yankees did with their tariffs. They gonna tax people in country to buy a product that they need.

That's really the main reason.

Pay no attention to the secession documents of most of the Southern states, which specifically stated they were seceding over slavery.

Yes, there was an economic issue, concerning an economy based on slavery. It always comes back to the slavery, no matter how you try to get away from it.

Only in indoctrinated leftist minds.

I've read a book that's 6" thick on The Civil War. I have pictures taken by Matthew Brady.

What do you have? "LeftistTalkingpoints.com"? Bite me.

I may even have some Confederate cash around, somewhere.
And yet almost every single State that left the Union did in fact state they did so over the issue of Slavery. I don't know what you have been reading but I suggest you try real info.
The Yankees did with their tariffs. They gonna tax people in country to buy a product that they need.

That's really the main reason.

Pay no attention to the secession documents of most of the Southern states, which specifically stated they were seceding over slavery.

Yes, there was an economic issue, concerning an economy based on slavery. It always comes back to the slavery, no matter how you try to get away from it.

Only in indoctrinated leftist minds.

I've read a book that's 6" thick on The Civil War. I have pictures taken by Matthew Brady.

What do you have? "LeftistTalkingpoints.com"? Bite me.

I may even have some Confederate cash around, somewhere.
And yet almost every single State that left the Union did in fact state they did so over the issue of Slavery. I don't know what you have been reading but I suggest you try real info.

The Yankees did with their tariffs. They gonna tax people in country to buy a product that they need.

That's really the main reason.

Pay no attention to the secession documents of most of the Southern states, which specifically stated they were seceding over slavery.

Yes, there was an economic issue, concerning an economy based on slavery. It always comes back to the slavery, no matter how you try to get away from it.

Only in indoctrinated leftist minds.

I've read a book that's 6" thick on The Civil War. I have pictures taken by Matthew Brady.

What do you have? "LeftistTalkingpoints.com"? Bite me.

I may even have some Confederate cash around, somewhere.
And yet almost every single State that left the Union did in fact state they did so over the issue of Slavery. I don't know what you have been reading but I suggest you try real info.

Yes proving that in fact the economic hardship the South claimed existed was a threat to slavery and that SLAVERY was the driving factor in leaving the Union.
The Yankees did with their tariffs. They gonna tax people in country to buy a product that they need.

That's really the main reason.

Pay no attention to the secession documents of most of the Southern states, which specifically stated they were seceding over slavery.

Yes, there was an economic issue, concerning an economy based on slavery. It always comes back to the slavery, no matter how you try to get away from it.

Only in indoctrinated leftist minds.

I've read a book that's 6" thick on The Civil War. I have pictures taken by Matthew Brady.

What do you have? "LeftistTalkingpoints.com"? Bite me.

I may even have some Confederate cash around, somewhere.
And yet almost every single State that left the Union did in fact state they did so over the issue of Slavery. I don't know what you have been reading but I suggest you try real info.

Yes proving that in fact the economic hardship the South claimed existed was a threat to slavery and that SLAVERY was the driving factor in leaving the Union.

No not proving that. You took one hellacious leap there.

Kind of like this:

You didn't prove jack shit, except that you are a damn idiot. And the rant about the Democratic party was beyond stupid. But two can play that game. Yep, Lincoln's Republican party is the same as the Republican party of today. The whole slavery issue and the idea that the North supported the freedom of slaves is historical revisionism at it's worse and just as accurate as the claim the Republican party of today is for the working man. Five years after the war, Lysander Spooner, an abolitionist,

That was five years after the war and here you are. more than 150 years later attempting to perpetuate the same bullshit. Don't like Spooner, how about Charles Dickens--a strong opponent of slavery.

It was all about economic control. The North was more than happy to allow slavery as long as the North got the bulk of the value of the slave's production. Just as the Republican party is happy to allow legal abortion as long as the wealthy get to continue to manipulate the tax code. Lincoln was not about the "will of the people". Lincoln was all about the POWER of the federal government. He famously jumped out of a second story window to avoid a quorum call in order to protect railroad subsidies while serving in the Illinois legislature. He suspended Habeas Corpus, locked up dissenting newspaper editors, and even attempted to have a justice of the Supreme Court arrested simply for ruling against him. He was a despot and, more than any other individual, he DESTROYED the nation that the founders established and returned it back to England.

Clean up your language and re-submit this, and I'll rip you to shreds.

Yeah, and if you didn't have your good shirt on you would whoop my ass. What a joke. How about you just provide a rebuttal to Charles Dickens.

The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States.

And honestly, it takes a damn fool to make the argument that the Republican Party of the middle 19th Century is the same as the Republican Party today. What about tariffs? Who is for free trade now. is it the democrats? The Republican platform of 1860 said nothing about banning slavery, only about containing it. However it did provide strong support for the Transcontinental Railroad--so is the Republican Party supporting bullet trains today? NO. That same 1860 Republican platform also strongly advocated a Homestead Act giving FREE LAND to settlers. Today's Republican party believes in taking land from settlers and giving it to industry.

You want more?

"And honestly, it takes a damn fool to make the argument that the Republican Party of the middle 19th Century is the same as the Republican Party today."

The issue under discussion is slavery, and so the two parties are the very same as they were in 1860.

You want more?

Wow, the modern Republican Party opposes slavery. Guess that is somehow distinguished from the modern Democratic Party being opposed to slavery. But, the modern Republican Party does support wage slavery, a concept that I am quite sure is beyond your comprehension. Then there is the Republican support of private prisons and penal labor. You know what they call that, penal slavery.

Your argument is lame, totally, and is reflective of Tomi Lahren--another idiot split-tail, whose argument is basically destroyed here,

It’s actually the modern Republican Party that’s the spiritual successor of the pre-1964 Democratic Party.

Yes, Democrats Supported Slavery, But That Misses the Point

The modern Democratic Party is the same as the not so modern Democrat Party: racialists and segregationists.

While talking a great game, it is well known by all except liberals in general, and the Black community specifically, that the Democrat Party claims to be concerned with support of blacks, their record with respect to black politicians tells a different story…

1. In 2005, the Democrats did not name Donna Brazile to head the Democratic National Committee. They chose Howard Dean.

2. “Gov. David A. Paterson defiantly vowed to run for election next year despite the White House‘s urging that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race.” Obama Asks Paterson to Quit New York Governor’s Race

3. President Barack Obama has kept mum on the fate of Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) for days -- but he tells CBS News that it's time for the embattled 80-year-old former Ways and Means Chairman to end his career "with dignity."

"I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served-- his constituents very well. But these-- allegations are very troubling," Obama told Harry Smith in an interview to be aired on the "Early Show." and first broadcast on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. Obama: Time for Rangel to end career "with dignity"

4 Harold Ford told not to run for Senator from New York:

“From the start, Mr. Ford’s potential candidacy angered national Democratic Party leaders by disrupting plans for what was planned as a seamless Gillibrand nomination. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader, called Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to discourage him from supporting Mr. Ford, and Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York met personally with Mr. Ford to argue against his candidacy.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/02/nyregion/02ford.html

5. “As state comptroller, [Carl] McCall earned the distinction of being the first African American ever elected to a statewide office in New York. Four years later voters overwhelmingly supported McCall over Republican Bruce Blakeman 64.75 to 32.1%. McCall's reelection in 1998 may have given him the confidence he needed in order to pursue the governor's mansion….The McCall campaign had the support of the Democratic Party; whether or not McCall had the party's full support has been the subject of much debate….Still one wonders just how committed the party was to McCall's campaign….shunned by some of the state's most respected Democrats…McCall blamed his money woes on the national Democratic Party, claiming that the party had abandoned his campaign….” H. Carl McCall for Governor: a lesson to all black high-profile statewide office seekers. - Free Online Library

6. And, most telling, Bill Clinton’s remarks about the black candidate for the presidency:

“[A]s Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

Teddy's anger

7. Three staffers working for embattled Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) were asked by security officers to leave an event in downtown Washington on Thursday after they tried to display large campaign signs just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was about to speak. .. Waters told The Hill afterward that the staffers had been displaying the signs at the annual legislative conference for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which was held at the Washington convention center a few blocks away. “It ain’t about Nancy. It’s about black people,” Waters said. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/119331-aides-working-for-maxine-waters-asked-to-leave-pelosi-event

8. And what Governor of Arkansas made the Saturday before Easter "Confederate Flag Day"?
The Arkansas Code, Section 1-5-107. Confederate Flag Day.
(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as "Confederate Flag Day" in this state.
No person, firm, or corporation shall display any Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

"In April 1985, Governor Bill Clinton signed Act 985 into law...'
Mark R. Levin on Trent Lott & Moral Outrage on National Review Online

9. Do Democrats in Congress support blacks by practicing affirmative action in their hiring…and of course this would be our of moral convictions, as they are legally exempt from affirmative action requirements. More than passing interesting, the ‘National Journal,’ a survey of congressional staffers revealed that Democrats hired black employees at the same rate as Republicans: 2 percent. “The Racial Breakdown of Congressional Staffs,” National Journal, June 21, 2005

a. Schweitzer, “Do As I Say,” p. 9

10. Clinton pushed black candidate to drop out of Florida race:

“Bill Clinton sought to persuade Rep. Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race for Senate during a trip to Florida last week — and nearly succeeded…Clinton did not dangle a job in front of Meek, who gave up a safe House seat to run for the Senate, but instead made the case that the move would advance the congressman’s future prospects, said a third Democrat familiar with the conversations. Clinton campaigned with Meek in Florida on Oct. 19 and 20, and thought he had won Meek over. But as the week wore on, Meek lost his enthusiasm for the arrangement, spurred in part, a third Democratic source said, by his wife’s belief that he could still win the race. Clinton spoke with Meek again at week’s end, three Democrats said, and again Meek said he would drop out.”

Read more: Clinton pushed Meek to quit Fla. race

By some strange coincidence, the Democrats, again, force a black to the back:

11. “Under an arrangement reached two days ago, Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the current majority leader, would get the No. 2 job of minority whip come January. Clyburn, now majority whip, would hold the post of assistant leader, newly created for the purpose of heading off a contest for the whip position.” http://www.businessweek.com/news/20...dership-as-clyburn-settles-for-no-3-post.html

Democrats to blacks: get to the back of the bus.

Need more?

Damn girl, you got some serious problems. This is like your KKK claim. You said, "The modern Democratic Party is the same as the not so modern Democrat Party: racialists and segregationists" and then you list a few cases of a party opposition to black people running for office as proof. Not a single case of segregation proposals, not a single documented case of racism. Hell, here is a thought--how many black people were at the most recent Democratic candidates school? How many showed up for the Republican candidate's school last election?

But better, here is how it is done. The Republican party of today SUPPORTS SEGREGATION.

Goal of Kentucky Republicans: School Re-Segregation

The Republican Party of today SUPPORTS RACISM

Immigrant advocates lambaste ‘racist and bigoted’ proposals in Legislature | Miami Herald

Besides, it is pretty comical to call the Democratic party a racist party when the Republican president has a past of refusing to lease to blacks, proposed an obviously racist and unconstitutional immigration policy that was struck down by the courts, appointed an AG that actively attempted to suppress black votes in his home state, has an adviser that is a well known white supremacist, and only has one black member in his administration that I know of. Nope, pretty comical and pretty stupid. But at least you wear it proudly.
The Yankees did with their tariffs. They gonna tax people in country to buy a product that they need.

That's really the main reason.

Pay no attention to the secession documents of most of the Southern states, which specifically stated they were seceding over slavery.

Yes, there was an economic issue, concerning an economy based on slavery. It always comes back to the slavery, no matter how you try to get away from it.

Only in indoctrinated leftist minds.

I've read a book that's 6" thick on The Civil War. I have pictures taken by Matthew Brady.

What do you have? "LeftistTalkingpoints.com"? Bite me.

I may even have some Confederate cash around, somewhere.
And yet almost every single State that left the Union did in fact state they did so over the issue of Slavery. I don't know what you have been reading but I suggest you try real info.
Clean up your language and re-submit this, and I'll rip you to shreds.

Yeah, and if you didn't have your good shirt on you would whoop my ass. What a joke. How about you just provide a rebuttal to Charles Dickens.

The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States.

And honestly, it takes a damn fool to make the argument that the Republican Party of the middle 19th Century is the same as the Republican Party today. What about tariffs? Who is for free trade now. is it the democrats? The Republican platform of 1860 said nothing about banning slavery, only about containing it. However it did provide strong support for the Transcontinental Railroad--so is the Republican Party supporting bullet trains today? NO. That same 1860 Republican platform also strongly advocated a Homestead Act giving FREE LAND to settlers. Today's Republican party believes in taking land from settlers and giving it to industry.

You want more?

"And honestly, it takes a damn fool to make the argument that the Republican Party of the middle 19th Century is the same as the Republican Party today."

The issue under discussion is slavery, and so the two parties are the very same as they were in 1860.

You want more?

Wow, the modern Republican Party opposes slavery. Guess that is somehow distinguished from the modern Democratic Party being opposed to slavery. But, the modern Republican Party does support wage slavery, a concept that I am quite sure is beyond your comprehension. Then there is the Republican support of private prisons and penal labor. You know what they call that, penal slavery.

Your argument is lame, totally, and is reflective of Tomi Lahren--another idiot split-tail, whose argument is basically destroyed here,

It’s actually the modern Republican Party that’s the spiritual successor of the pre-1964 Democratic Party.

Yes, Democrats Supported Slavery, But That Misses the Point

The modern Democratic Party is the same as the not so modern Democrat Party: racialists and segregationists.

While talking a great game, it is well known by all except liberals in general, and the Black community specifically, that the Democrat Party claims to be concerned with support of blacks, their record with respect to black politicians tells a different story…

1. In 2005, the Democrats did not name Donna Brazile to head the Democratic National Committee. They chose Howard Dean.

2. “Gov. David A. Paterson defiantly vowed to run for election next year despite the White House‘s urging that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race.” Obama Asks Paterson to Quit New York Governor’s Race

3. President Barack Obama has kept mum on the fate of Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) for days -- but he tells CBS News that it's time for the embattled 80-year-old former Ways and Means Chairman to end his career "with dignity."

"I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served-- his constituents very well. But these-- allegations are very troubling," Obama told Harry Smith in an interview to be aired on the "Early Show." and first broadcast on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric. Obama: Time for Rangel to end career "with dignity"

4 Harold Ford told not to run for Senator from New York:

“From the start, Mr. Ford’s potential candidacy angered national Democratic Party leaders by disrupting plans for what was planned as a seamless Gillibrand nomination. Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader, called Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to discourage him from supporting Mr. Ford, and Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York met personally with Mr. Ford to argue against his candidacy.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/02/nyregion/02ford.html

5. “As state comptroller, [Carl] McCall earned the distinction of being the first African American ever elected to a statewide office in New York. Four years later voters overwhelmingly supported McCall over Republican Bruce Blakeman 64.75 to 32.1%. McCall's reelection in 1998 may have given him the confidence he needed in order to pursue the governor's mansion….The McCall campaign had the support of the Democratic Party; whether or not McCall had the party's full support has been the subject of much debate….Still one wonders just how committed the party was to McCall's campaign….shunned by some of the state's most respected Democrats…McCall blamed his money woes on the national Democratic Party, claiming that the party had abandoned his campaign….” H. Carl McCall for Governor: a lesson to all black high-profile statewide office seekers. - Free Online Library

6. And, most telling, Bill Clinton’s remarks about the black candidate for the presidency:

“[A]s Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

Teddy's anger

7. Three staffers working for embattled Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) were asked by security officers to leave an event in downtown Washington on Thursday after they tried to display large campaign signs just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was about to speak. .. Waters told The Hill afterward that the staffers had been displaying the signs at the annual legislative conference for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which was held at the Washington convention center a few blocks away. “It ain’t about Nancy. It’s about black people,” Waters said. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/119331-aides-working-for-maxine-waters-asked-to-leave-pelosi-event

8. And what Governor of Arkansas made the Saturday before Easter "Confederate Flag Day"?
The Arkansas Code, Section 1-5-107. Confederate Flag Day.
(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as "Confederate Flag Day" in this state.
No person, firm, or corporation shall display any Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

"In April 1985, Governor Bill Clinton signed Act 985 into law...'
Mark R. Levin on Trent Lott & Moral Outrage on National Review Online

9. Do Democrats in Congress support blacks by practicing affirmative action in their hiring…and of course this would be our of moral convictions, as they are legally exempt from affirmative action requirements. More than passing interesting, the ‘National Journal,’ a survey of congressional staffers revealed that Democrats hired black employees at the same rate as Republicans: 2 percent. “The Racial Breakdown of Congressional Staffs,” National Journal, June 21, 2005

a. Schweitzer, “Do As I Say,” p. 9

10. Clinton pushed black candidate to drop out of Florida race:

“Bill Clinton sought to persuade Rep. Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race for Senate during a trip to Florida last week — and nearly succeeded…Clinton did not dangle a job in front of Meek, who gave up a safe House seat to run for the Senate, but instead made the case that the move would advance the congressman’s future prospects, said a third Democrat familiar with the conversations. Clinton campaigned with Meek in Florida on Oct. 19 and 20, and thought he had won Meek over. But as the week wore on, Meek lost his enthusiasm for the arrangement, spurred in part, a third Democratic source said, by his wife’s belief that he could still win the race. Clinton spoke with Meek again at week’s end, three Democrats said, and again Meek said he would drop out.”

Read more: Clinton pushed Meek to quit Fla. race

By some strange coincidence, the Democrats, again, force a black to the back:

11. “Under an arrangement reached two days ago, Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the current majority leader, would get the No. 2 job of minority whip come January. Clyburn, now majority whip, would hold the post of assistant leader, newly created for the purpose of heading off a contest for the whip position.” http://www.businessweek.com/news/20...dership-as-clyburn-settles-for-no-3-post.html

Democrats to blacks: get to the back of the bus.

Need more?

Damn girl, you got some serious problems. This is like your KKK claim. You said, "The modern Democratic Party is the same as the not so modern Democrat Party: racialists and segregationists" and then you list a few cases of a party opposition to black people running for office as proof. Not a single case of segregation proposals, not a single documented case of racism. Hell, here is a thought--how many black people were at the most recent Democratic candidates school? How many showed up for the Republican candidate's school last election?

But better, here is how it is done. The Republican party of today SUPPORTS SEGREGATION.

Goal of Kentucky Republicans: School Re-Segregation

The Republican Party of today SUPPORTS RACISM

Immigrant advocates lambaste ‘racist and bigoted’ proposals in Legislature | Miami Herald

Besides, it is pretty comical to call the Democratic party a racist party when the Republican president has a past of refusing to lease to blacks, proposed an obviously racist and unconstitutional immigration policy that was struck down by the courts, appointed an AG that actively attempted to suppress black votes in his home state, has an adviser that is a well known white supremacist, and only has one black member in his administration that I know of. Nope, pretty comical and pretty stupid. But at least you wear it proudly.

I didn't claim it, you dunce....I proved it.

Nearly a dozen examples of the 'modern' Democrat Party shunting blacks to the back of the bus.

You must have recognized it, as you removed it from the post you quoted.


1. In 2005, the Democrats did not name Donna Brazile to head the Democratic National Committee. They chose Howard Dean.

2. “Gov. David A. Paterson defiantly vowed to run for election next year despite the White House‘s urging that he withdraw from the New York governor’s race.” Obama Asks Paterson to Quit New York Governor’s Race

3. President Barack Obama has kept mum on the fate of Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) for days -- but he tells CBS News that it's time for the embattled 80-year-old former Ways and Means Chairman to end his career "with dignity."

"I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served-- his constituents very well. But these-- allegations are very troubling," Obama told Harry Smith in an interview to be aired on the "Early Show." and first broadcast on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric.Obama: Time for Rangel to end career "with dignity"

4 Harold Ford told not to run for Senator from New York:

“From the start, Mr. Ford’s potential candidacy angered national Democratic Party leaders by disrupting plans for what was planned as a seamless Gillibrand nomination. Harry Reidof Nevada, the Senate majority leader, called Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to discourage him from supporting Mr. Ford, and Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York met personally with Mr. Ford to argue against his candidacy.”http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/02/nyregion/02ford.html

5. “As state comptroller, [Carl] McCall earned the distinction of being the first African American ever elected to a statewide office in New York. Four years later voters overwhelmingly supported McCall over Republican Bruce Blakeman 64.75 to 32.1%. McCall's reelection in 1998 may have given him the confidence he needed in order to pursue the governor's mansion….The McCall campaign had the support of the Democratic Party; whether or not McCall had the party's full support has been the subject of much debate….Still one wonders just how committed the party was to McCall's campaign….shunned by some of the state's most respected Democrats…McCall blamed his money woes on the national Democratic Party, claiming that the party had abandoned his campaign….” H. Carl McCall for Governor: a lesson to all black high-profile statewide office seekers. - Free Online Library

6. And, most telling, Bill Clinton’s remarks about the black candidate for the presidency:

“[A]s Hillary bungled Caroline, Bill’s handling of Ted was even worse. The day after Iowa, he phoned Kennedy and pressed for an endorsement, making the case for his wife. But Bill then went on, belittling Obama in a manner that deeply offended Kennedy. Recounting the conversation later to a friend, Teddy fumed that Clinton had said, A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

Teddy's anger

7. Three staffers working for embattled Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) were asked by security officers to leave an event in downtown Washington on Thursday after they tried to display large campaign signs just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was about to speak. .. Waters told The Hill afterward that the staffers had been displaying the signs at the annual legislative conference for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, which was held at the Washington convention center a few blocks away. “It ain’t about Nancy. It’s about black people,” Waters said. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/119331-aides-working-for-maxine-waters-asked-to-leave-pelosi-event

8. And what Governor of Arkansas made the Saturday before Easter "Confederate Flag Day"?
The Arkansas Code, Section 1-5-107. Confederate Flag Day.
(a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as "Confederate Flag Day" in this state.
No person, firm, or corporation shall display any Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America.
Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

"In April 1985, Governor Bill Clinton signed Act 985 into law...'
Mark R. Levin on Trent Lott & Moral Outrage on National Review Online

9. Do Democrats in Congress support blacks by practicing affirmative action in their hiring…and of course this would be our of moral convictions, as they are legally exempt from affirmative action requirements. More than passing interesting, the ‘National Journal,’ a survey of congressional staffers revealed that Democrats hired black employees at the same rate as Republicans: 2 percent. “The Racial Breakdown of Congressional Staffs,” National Journal, June 21, 2005

a. Schweitzer, “Do As I Say,” p. 9

10. Clinton pushed black candidate to drop out of Florida race:

“Bill Clinton sought to persuade Rep. Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race for Senate during a trip to Florida last week — and nearly succeeded…Clinton did not dangle a job in front of Meek, who gave up a safe House seat to run for the Senate, but instead made the case that the move would advance the congressman’s future prospects, said a third Democrat familiar with the conversations. Clinton campaigned with Meek in Florida on Oct. 19 and 20, and thought he had won Meek over. But as the week wore on, Meek lost his enthusiasm for the arrangement, spurred in part, a third Democratic source said, by his wife’s belief that he could still win the race. Clinton spoke with Meek again at week’s end, three Democrats said, and again Meek said he would drop out.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1010/44337.html#ixzz13hRcgQAh

By some strange coincidence, the Democrats, again, force a black to the back:

11. “Under an arrangement reached two days ago, Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the current majority leader, would get the No. 2 job of minority whip come January. Clyburn, now majority whip, would hold the post of assistant leader, newly created for the purpose of heading off a contest for the whip position.”http://www.businessweek.com/news/20...dership-as-clyburn-settles-for-no-3-post.html

Democrats to blacks: get to the back of the bus.

Drop back when you require another beating.
Reduced to ad hom already Whelp --- I predicted you could not prove me wrong. And I was right.

And once again --- the Klan was founded AFTER, not BEFORE, the War. That's documented history. So it's irrelevant to your topic anyway.


Admit it....I destroyed you with facts and truth.

KKK was founded by and for the Democrat Party.

That much I know is true. KKK was formed to suppress freed black people.

The First Blacks In Congress Were All Republicans

...and Republicans:

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."

From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Actually it's a novel from 2015. Apparently you don't know this but "novel" means fiction.

However the allusion to "night riders" is an open invitation to further previous points, to wit:

>> A series of bloody slave revolts in Virginia and other parts of the South resulted in the widespread practice of authorized night patrols composed of white men specially deputized for that purpose. White Southerners looked upon these night patrols as a civic duty, something akin to serving on a jury or in the militia. The mounted patrols, or regulators, as they were called, prowled Southern roads, enforcing the curfew for slaves, looking for runaways, and guarding rural areas against the threat of black uprisings. They were authorized by law to give a specific number of lashes to any violators they caught. The memory of these legal night riders and their whips was still fresh in the minds of both defeated Southerners and liberated blacks when the first Klansmen took to those same roads in 1866. << --- op. cit. SPLC link above​

----- and this is precisely the element I already described that infiltrated the silly social club called the Ku Klux Klan, to continue the same nefarious practices in a new uniform. "Night riders" had already existed for more than a century. Long before there were "Democrats" and "Republicans". Actually before there was even a "United States":

>> Beginning in 1757 Georgia's colonial assembly required white landowners and residents to serve as slave patrols. Asserting that slave insurrections must be prevented, the legislature stipulated in "An Act for Establishing and Regulating of Patrols" that groups "not exceeding seven" would work in districts twelve miles square. The statute, modeled on South Carolina's earlier patrol law, ordered white adults to ride the roads at night, stopping all slaves they encountered and making them prove that they were engaged in lawful activities. Patrollers required slaves to produce a pass, which stated their owner's name as well as where and when they were allowed to be away from the plantation and for how long. Patrols operated in Georgia until slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War << ---- Georgia Encyclopedia

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."

From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Which part is fiction?

The fucking BOOK is fiction. You don't prove jack shit by quoting a fucking NOVEL, you helplessly inane moron.

However it was, as already noted, a handy segue to the history of "night patrols". Which I already posted, and to which I alluded earlier in the thread as the element that took over the Klan after it was founded as a joke social club by six ex-Confederate soldiers with no political backgrounds or plans. In other words it just served to seal up my point even tighter than it already was, so thanks for that.

I don't claim to understand your masochism but I have no qualms about accommodating it. :whip:
Admit it....I destroyed you with facts and truth.

KKK was founded by and for the Democrat Party.

That much I know is true. KKK was formed to suppress freed black people.

The First Blacks In Congress Were All Republicans

...and Republicans:

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."

From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Actually it's a novel from 2015. Apparently you don't know this but "novel" means fiction.

However the allusion to "night riders" is an open invitation to further previous points, to wit:

>> A series of bloody slave revolts in Virginia and other parts of the South resulted in the widespread practice of authorized night patrols composed of white men specially deputized for that purpose. White Southerners looked upon these night patrols as a civic duty, something akin to serving on a jury or in the militia. The mounted patrols, or regulators, as they were called, prowled Southern roads, enforcing the curfew for slaves, looking for runaways, and guarding rural areas against the threat of black uprisings. They were authorized by law to give a specific number of lashes to any violators they caught. The memory of these legal night riders and their whips was still fresh in the minds of both defeated Southerners and liberated blacks when the first Klansmen took to those same roads in 1866. << --- op. cit. SPLC link above​

----- and this is precisely the element I already described that infiltrated the silly social club called the Ku Klux Klan, to continue the same nefarious practices in a new uniform. "Night riders" had already existed for more than a century. Long before there were "Democrats" and "Republicans". Actually before there was even a "United States":

>> Beginning in 1757 Georgia's colonial assembly required white landowners and residents to serve as slave patrols. Asserting that slave insurrections must be prevented, the legislature stipulated in "An Act for Establishing and Regulating of Patrols" that groups "not exceeding seven" would work in districts twelve miles square. The statute, modeled on South Carolina's earlier patrol law, ordered white adults to ride the roads at night, stopping all slaves they encountered and making them prove that they were engaged in lawful activities. Patrollers required slaves to produce a pass, which stated their owner's name as well as where and when they were allowed to be away from the plantation and for how long. Patrols operated in Georgia until slavery was abolished at the end of the Civil War << ---- Georgia Encyclopedia

"The night riders move through the darkness, white against the black road....they go about their business, their horsed draped, guns and bullwhips banging dully against saddles.

....this is the South Carolina of the 1870s, not of the turn of a new millennium, and the night riders are the terror of these times. They roam upcountry, visiting their version of justice on poor blacks and the Republicans that support them, refusing to bow to the requirements of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments."

From the novel "The White Road," by John Connolly

Which part is fiction?

The fucking BOOK is fiction. You don't prove jack shit by quoting a fucking NOVEL, you helplessly inane moron.

However it was, as already noted, a handy segue to the history of "night patrols". Which I already posted, and to which I alluded earlier in the thread as the element that took over the Klan after it was founded as a joke social club by six ex-Confederate soldiers with no political backgrounds or plans. In other words it just served to seal up my point even tighter than it already was, so thanks for that.

I don't claim to understand your masochism but I have no qualms about accommodating it. :whip:

Vulgarity.....the Liberal white flag.

Now, don't forget....the KKK, like you, working for the Democrat Party.
"Number one, Charleston is in SOUTH Carolina, not North. NC hadn't even seceded yet."
Sooo....as a self-proclaimed spokesperson for buffoons everywhere, you're making an argument that firing on a federal facility is peachy keen if you live nearby.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. I'm pointing out that your "research" is so shoddy you can't even find the right state. Charleston is nowhere near North Carolina. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Or as the rest of us call it --- "Wednesday".

3. "Number three (a), the KKK (which was founded AFTER, not DURING, the Civil War) was founded by ex-Confederate soldiers with no political connections..."

Now watch me ram this lie back down your throat:

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

Once again, as ever before, you edited out part of Foner's text. And the text you edited out was the phrase "in effect". Which means something that has the effect of --- not a direct relationship. And why did you edit that phrase out? Because you're a dishonest lying hack bent on keeping myths on life support.

Now here's the reality --- the Klan was founded on Christmas 1865 by six twentysomething ex-Confederate soldiers, their names being Capt. John B. Kennedy, Capt. John Lester, James Crowe, Richard Reed, Calvin Jones and Frank McCord, in the law office building of Thomas Jones at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee. None of them had any known political affiliations (and Tennessee was at the time disenfranchised anyway). Nor did they found it with a political purpose; in fact they consciously took pains to avoid such connotations.

There it is--- names, dates and places. Go ahead --- just TRY to prove me wrong.

You won't.

4. "Number three (b) Bill Clinton did not "suggest Barack O'bama should be carrying his bags". Prove me wrong,"

Sure....I'll prove you wrong for the fourth time:

"Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'"
Bill Clinton on Obama: 'A Few Years Ago, This Guy Would Have Been Carrying Our Bags'

And once again the Illiterati regurgitate their illiteracy.

What does the conditional modal auxillary "would have" mean? Does it mean something the speaker actually personally prefers? Or is it an observation of how some history WOULD HAVE gone down absent certain conditions?

Are you actually going to sit on the internets and claim to be too stupid to understand the difference between "would" (Clinton's word) and "should" (yours)? Are you that stupid?

Or just that degree of dishonest lying hack?

Perhaps both.
Actually in regards physical location Charleston is not that far from North Carolina.

It's completely on the other side of the state. Takes several hours to drive it.

Doesn't really matter, it's just a demonstration of the OP's abject cluelessness that in the process of pulling her topics out of her ass, she can't tell the difference between "North Carolina" and "South Carolina". Different states with different people and different histories. And again, at the time SC had seceded (it was the first) and NC had not. If you're going to purport to hold forth on the history of the Civil War it's kind of a minimum qualification to be passingly familiar with the simple basics.

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