White house vows emergency stay of judicial order thwarting Presidents immigration order


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

The White House issued a statement vowing to file for an emergency stay of a federal judge’s order to block President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting immigration and refugees from high risk countries from the Middle East.

White House Vows ‘Emergency Stay’ of Judicial Order Thwarting President’s Immigration Order

There is one thing that is showing for sure if you go over to the MSM like MSN and read the comments on articles lets say a leftist dem would get off on, you would begin to see how many people are waking up to the bs lies, and you wold also recognize how much people are really beginning to hate those who are radical leftist Trump haters. There is a difference among people who might not like him, then there is the other group that will stoop low enough to say , write, or do anything working the propaganda pushing.

Like some tard writes how much Trump spent on Vacation WTF planet are you on, Trump hasn't even been on a vacation yet.

Sooner or later Freedom, Rights, and Liberty trump your security and communist ways, wants, and desires.
We're not as weak minded as other Countries who are lead by dictators who tell them to cry for the Camera there are serious mental issues with people who do n ot want WHAT OUR AMERICA USE TO BE!
Until the stay is granted, the Trump admin needs to obey the court order.

At least that's how the USA used to work. Trump-thugs see things differently. They see themselves as being above the law.
100% guaranteed the 'emergency stay' WILL be granted.
My advice to the activist judge is to 'pack light'.
Once President Trump gets some wrinkles worked out he will be a FORMIDABLE President.
He is surrounding himself with the best Constitutional lawyers in the country......REPs and DEMs.
They will give him 'airtight' legal advice.
By the way asshole. Just how many times were BONOBO's illegal EOs overturned by the SC???????
Pretty fucking embarrassing for the vaunted 'Constitutional scholar, and professor.
Until the stay is granted, the Trump admin needs to obey the court order.

At least that's how the USA used to work. Trump-thugs see things differently. They see themselves as being above the law.
Really? What are your foremost communist ways you exist?
Just how many times were BONOBO's

Dude, it's not okay to be an openly racist shitstain just because DearLeader is.

illegal EOs overturned by the SC???????

5 times, and never on Constitutional grounds. Always just on technicalities. So, Constitutionally, Obama had a perfect record with his EO's.

Now, Trump-cultists like to lie and say it happened 13 times, but that's because they lie about everything.
Until the stay is granted, the Trump admin needs to obey the court order.

No, they don't need to obey the court order... it's unconstitutional.

It's no different than if the court issued a ruling saying you can't post on a message board!

I have always wondered what possible jurisdiction judges think they have when they issue sweeping injunctions like this.

I expect this to seriously backfire on the liberals and activist judges who've used this tactic to enact their will before. I can definitely see Trump's administration using this opportunity to puncture this fantasy bubble.
I expect this to seriously backfire on the liberals and activist judges who've used this tactic to enact their will before. I can definitely see Trump's administration using this opportunity to puncture this fantasy bubble.
Oh, yeah, Trump might use this to further expand POTUS power by overturning it in the courts and having a conservative majority SCOTUS rule on it.

The Dimms are being stupid yet again, and their shopping this case around to various federal judges was totally predictable and I am sure that the Trump administration has serious reactions already in the works.

These Dimmocrats are playing checkers by 1968 tactics, while Trump is playing 3D chess with state of the art AI advising his every move.

Dimms lose again!
I expect this to seriously backfire on the liberals and activist judges who've used this tactic to enact their will before. I can definitely see Trump's administration using this opportunity to puncture this fantasy bubble.
Oh, yeah, Trump might use this to further expand POTUS power by overturning it in the courts and having a conservative majority SCOTUS rule on it.

The Dimms are being stupid yet again, and their shopping this case around to various federal judges was totally predictable and I am sure that the Trump administration has serious reactions already in the works.

These Dimmocrats are playing checkers by 1968 tactics, while Trump is playing 3D chess with state of the art AI advising his every move.

Dimms lose again!

Maybe, or being Trump, he might just flat-out deny this judge's jurisdiction and order the appropriate agencies - who work for the Executive Branch, not the Judicial, after all - to follow his order and dare the judge to try to do something about it.

I can see a number of ways this could play out, and most of them result in this judge being informed that he doesn't get to make decisions for the entire nation.
That he tried to fulfill one of his campaign promises but was stopped by democrats is tailor made for both the 2018 and 2020 elections.

Of course we will have additional terrorist attacks and of course they will be committed by muslims and muslim refugees. Or, rapefugees as they are called in Europe.
Democrats will be called to answer for this.
Dimocrats do not care what our country turns into. They can't wait until the population of Muslims reaches a substantial percentage.
DigitalDrifter, post: 16496506
Dimocrats do not care what our country turns into. They can't wait until the population of Muslims reaches a substantial percentage.

So there is the unconstitutional bigoted discrimination that true freedom loving Aneticans abhor.

You are a perfect example of why Trumpty Dumpty's EA was restrained.

Your concern is not about danger. It is about safe and legal population growth where Chrustisnity is in decline.

You want the Federal Government to protect one specific religion. The majority religion since the founding.

Can't do that, bigot.
Tipsycatlover, post: 16496278
Of course we will have additional terrorist attacks and of course they will be committed by muslims and muslim refugees.

How do you know? Are you on the Terrorist Corporation's Board of Directors?

Trump should be smart enough to protect us legally and without violating our laws.

He knows more about fighting terrorists than our generals you know.

If he can't he should resign right now.

He should be more focused on lone wolf attacks and keeping weapons and bombing materials out of their hands.

Like the white guys that shoot up schools and movie theaters and churches as in Charlotte.
Until the stay is granted, the Trump admin needs to obey the court order.

No, they don't need to obey the court order... it's unconstitutional.

It's no different than if the court issued a ruling saying you can't post on a message board!
Yes, they do, and that is why the WH is kneeling in submission,

And if they refuse, they can be arrested. If they refuse, the WH causes a constitutional crisis, in which Pence and Mattis and the majority of the Cabinet can remove Trump. Amendment 25 Section IV. Trump is not above the law.
Why didn't didn't this crazy fucking judge sue Obammie for failure to enforce US immigration law?

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