White House Press Secretary would you want the job?


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
This is not about bashing or trashing the curent Press Secretary or any of the past ones I am curious if anyone here would want the job if asked. That has got to be one of the worst jobs if not the worst one could have in politics you are really nothing more that a paid liar or BS artist. You have to try and defend the most idiotic stuff one can imagine and paint the biggest fuck ups as something that is a win or went as planned you have to stand at the podium and with a straight face try and convience people what you are saying is true when everyone knows you don't even believe it.
This is not about bashing or trashing the curent Press Secretary or any of the past ones I am curious if anyone here would want the job if asked. That has got to be one of the worst jobs if not the worst one could have in politics you are really nothing more that a paid liar or BS artist. You have to try and defend the most idiotic stuff one can imagine and paint the biggest fuck ups as something that is a win or went as planned you have to stand at the podium and with a straight face try and convience people what you are saying is true when everyone knows you don't even believe it.
Certain jobs aren't appropriate for those who cherish being honest and transparent. She acts how she has to act, walking the line as best she can. She is accomplished but it has to come at a spiritual price for anyone.
This is not about bashing or trashing the curent Press Secretary or any of the past ones I am curious if anyone here would want the job if asked. That has got to be one of the worst jobs if not the worst one could have in politics you are really nothing more that a paid liar or BS artist. You have to try and defend the most idiotic stuff one can imagine and paint the biggest fuck ups as something that is a win or went as planned you have to stand at the podium and with a straight face try and convience people what you are saying is true when everyone knows you don't even believe it.
That job would suck, Big Dog style, no matter who was president.:cool:
He is perfect!:wink:

I'd do it.

I love to talk. I love to tell people to shut up and sit down if they want their question answered.

I'd also have to have carte blanche on what I say. I wouldn't divulge anything that needs to be kept under wraps for a short time, but I'm not going to lie through my teeth either.
This is not about bashing or trashing the curent Press Secretary or any of the past ones I am curious if anyone here would want the job if asked. That has got to be one of the worst jobs if not the worst one could have in politics you are really nothing more that a paid liar or BS artist. You have to try and defend the most idiotic stuff one can imagine and paint the biggest fuck ups as something that is a win or went as planned you have to stand at the podium and with a straight face try and convience people what you are saying is true when everyone knows you don't even believe it.
Nope. I like a straight & narrow path not one inundated with hairpin corners, switchbacks & washouts.
I predict Shirley Temple Woke is going to resign by the end of the year. She is in way over her head. I would love to hear her rendition of Good Ship Lolly-pop tho.
She has some tells that communicate she's struggling or doesn't feel confident with the topic (e.g. rapid eye blinking) ... another shining example of an unqualified, diversity hire.
I recall thinking that Sean Spicer wasn't ever too comfortable in the job. He wasn't a good liar, he wasn't in his natural skin at the podium. A bit too much of a nice guy which is sad to say as those should be the types who thrive in the role.
I predict Shirley Temple Woke is going to resign by the end of the year. She is in way over her head. I would love to hear her rendition of Good Ship Lolly-pop tho.
People don't last in that position. I think Donny had 5 in 4 years. Possibly a sign of the times. Obama had 3 in 8 years. George W (Son-of-a) Bush had 4 in 8 years.
They don't seem to last very long. What's the average length of employment as the press secretary? A year or two maybe? :dunno:

Perhaps there's an unwritten term limit for them.

White House Press Secretary would you want the job?​

I'd love the job and be great at it. I would cram all of the accomplishments of Trump in the Lib's faces while taking all of their BS spin trap questions and turn them around against themselves shoving them up their asses. The MSM would stagger out of the press meeting in a daze afraid to ever return.

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