Which is more likely?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
So I like a lot of the things the Democrats say about amnesty for Latin American refugees and expanding the social safety net. I don't vote Democrat pretty much solely because of the whole "profits from and protects a group that literally chops up and sells dead babies" thing. I like a lot of the things the Republicans say about not letting Russia and China run all over us in the name of diplomacy and openly admitting the fact that we're at war with Islamic terrorists whether we like it or not. I don't vote Republican pretty much solely because of the "a significant chunk literally hates poor people" thing. Which is more likely to end, the Democrats' love for baby liver or the Republicans' visceral hate for the kids they just saved from the chop shop?
If those filthy disease infested cockroaches from south america were sent back where they came from, maybe there would be more money to spend on the kids being aborted by the whores.
Which will change first, the republicans desire to create a business atmosphere, or the democrats desire to turn is into a totalitarian society.
We dont need the filthy illegals, make it illegal to hire them, make it so they can not receive any assistance or social services, no medical and no education and they slither back across the the shithole they came from.
So I like a lot of the things the Democrats say about amnesty for Latin American refugees and expanding the social safety net. I don't vote Democrat pretty much solely because of the whole "profits from and protects a group that literally chops up and sells dead babies" thing. I like a lot of the things the Republicans say about not letting Russia and China run all over us in the name of diplomacy and openly admitting the fact that we're at war with Islamic terrorists whether we like it or not. I don't vote Republican pretty much solely because of the "a significant chunk literally hates poor people" thing. Which is more likely to end, the Democrats' love for baby liver or the Republicans' visceral hate for the kids they just saved from the chop shop?

republicans do not hate poor people. that is nothing but a dem/lib talking point lie. The party that hates the poor is the party that wants to keep them slaves to the govt via welfare, food stamps, and free cheese.
If those filthy disease infested cockroaches from south america were sent back where they came from,
You mean human beings fleeing the endemic cartel wars, filth, and abject poverty of their homeland in the hope of becoming Americans and giving their children some sort of chance at a worthwhile future?

maybe there would be more money to spend on the kids being aborted by the whores.
This kind of attitude is exactly what's pushing women into the slaughterhouses and holding the pro-life movement back. She's not going to listen to a damn word you say if it's obvious you don't care about her and hate her for having gotten pregnant.

We dont need the filthy illegals, make it illegal to hire them, make it so they can not receive any assistance or social services, no medical and no education and they slither back across the the shithole they came from.
Were any of your ancestors immigrants from the shithole that was Europe?

republicans do not hate poor people. that is nothing but a dem/lib talking point lie. The party that hates the poor is the party that wants to keep them slaves to the govt via welfare, food stamps, and free cheese.
A significant portion actually does, as can be seen in this very forum. "Let him die" indeed.
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republicans do not hate poor people. that is nothing but a dem/lib talking point lie. The party that hates the poor is the party that wants to keep them slaves to the govt via welfare, food stamps, and free cheese.
A significant portion actually does, as can be seen in this very forum. "Let him die" indeed.

wrong, wanting able bodied people to be responsible for themselves is not hating them, it is caring about them and wanting what is best for them.

Would you rather be a lion in a zoo or a lion in the wild who has to hunt to eat and can go wherever he wants?

Poor americans living on welfare in big city slums might as well be animals in a zoo. They are prisoners and slaves to the master, only the master is the government.
Liberals will never understand, they say the republicans are for the wealthy and the democrats are for the poor.
lets face it, if you needed to count on votes from the people you are for, and the ones that you "are for" happen to be the poor, why would you even consider doing anything that could reduce the number of those people voting for you, wouldnt it be in your best interest to not only keep the ones you have while creating new voters through poverty programs?
and if those that you count on for your votes happen to be those that are self respecting individuals that earn a decent living, would it make sense to keep the poor where they are, or would it make more sense to try and lift them up to a point that they too are making their own way through life.

Im not voting for the guy that wants me to stay poor, not even for the free phone.
If those filthy disease infested cockroaches from south america were sent back where they came from,
You mean human beings fleeing the endemic cartel wars, filth, and abject poverty of their homeland in the hope of becoming Americans and giving their children some sort of chance at a worthwhile future?.
No, I think I said what I meant, they are filthy disease infested worthless pieces of shit that have no respect for this countries laws, they sneak across the border, put their hand out for free stuff then refuse to try to fit in. The wont learn english, they infest our schools, they turn neighborhoods into filthy crime infested shit holes.
There is a way to get into this country and thats not it. If they really wanted to create a future for their spawn, they would join together, all 12 million of them, and they would clean up and build their own country, but they are too worthless to do that, they would rather just sneak in and turn this country into the same violent filthy country that they left.
So, please dont ask what I mean, I think I made it very clear.
Odd that the cities with the most drugs and crimes and inner city turmoil are run by Democrats. Just sayin..

Odd that the cities with the least drugs and crimes are also run by Democrats, and the cities with the most median drugs and crime are ... yet again.... run by Democrats.

Even stranger, they're all run by humans, who breathe air.

Wow, I see the patterns. I must have taken LSD.

If those filthy disease infested cockroaches from south america were sent back where they came from,
You mean human beings fleeing the endemic cartel wars, filth, and abject poverty of their homeland in the hope of becoming Americans and giving their children some sort of chance at a worthwhile future?

No, he means those human beings fleeing the endemic cartel wars, filth, and abject poverty of their homeland that's been kept that way by relentless intervention from this country over the last century, in the hope of becoming Americans and giving their children some sort of chance at a worthwhile future.
republicans do not hate poor people.

This is true. If Republicans hated poor people, they wouldn't help make so many of them.

old line and not funny then or now. But since you brought it up---------------the number of americans in poverty has grown under obama to a higher number than ever before, so has the number on food stamps and other forms of welfare, so has the number unemployed or underemployed.

We also have LBJ's war on poverty, trillions spent and there are more in poverty now that when LBJ shot kennedy.

so, who created the poor?
We also have LBJ's war on poverty, trillions spent and there are more in poverty now that when LBJ shot kennedy.

Old line, not funny then or now.

Who's poor in America? 50 years into the 'War on Poverty', a data portrait | Pew Research Center

Critics note that the official poverty rate, as calculated by the Census Bureau, has fallen only modestly, from 19% in 1964 to 15% in 2012 (the most recent year available). But other analysts, citing shortcomings in the official poverty measure, focus on a supplemental measure (also produced by the Census Bureau) to argue that more progress has been made. A team of researchers from Columbia University, for example, calculated an "anchored" supplemental measure - essentially the 2012 measure carried back through time and adjusted for historical inflation - and found that it fell from about 26% in 1967 to 16% in 2012.

Far fewer elderly are poor: In 1966, 28.5% of Americans ages 65 and over were poor; by 2012 just 9.1% were.

. In 1964, nearly half of all seniors were
uninsured, making the elderly among the least likely Americans
to have health insurance. Today, with 97 percent of seniors
covered by Medicare, the elderly are the most likely to have

More bad news for you, Redfish, from the same link I posted above:

Poverty among blacks has fallen sharply: In 1966, two years after Johnson’s speech, four-in-ten (41.8%) of African-Americans were poor; blacks constituted nearly a third (31.1%) of all poor Americans. By 2012, poverty among African-Americans had fallen to 27.2% — still more than double the rate among whites (12.7%, 1.4 percentage points higher than in 1966).

Ain't that a bitch?
so, who created the poor?

Clinton, Gramm, Bush, Greenspan, Rubin, the GOP Congress, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, and many, many others.
so, who created the poor?

Clinton, Gramm, Bush, the GOP Congress, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, and many, many others.

Right---------------the evil republicans and the evil corporations. Evil, evil, evil :ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

BTW, you are full of shit. But it is true that the poor in the USA are better off than the middle class in almost every other country.

But I can't wait for you to tell us how congress caused poor people since democrats have controlled congress for most of the last 75 years.
so, who created the poor?

Clinton, Gramm, Bush, the GOP Congress, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, and many, many others.

Right---------------the evil republicans and the evil corporations. Evil, evil, evil :ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

BTW, you are full of shit. But it is true that the poor in the USA are better off than the middle class in almost every other country.

But I can't wait for you to tell us how congress caused poor people since democrats have controlled congress for most of the last 75 years.
I've explained it to you many times. I can't help it if you have a memory like that of a goldfish.
If those filthy disease infested cockroaches from south america were sent back where they came from,
You mean human beings fleeing the endemic cartel wars, filth, and abject poverty of their homeland in the hope of becoming Americans and giving their children some sort of chance at a worthwhile future?

No, he means those human beings fleeing the endemic cartel wars, filth, and abject poverty of their homeland that's been kept that way by relentless intervention from this country over the last century, in the hope of becoming Americans and giving their children some sort of chance at a worthwhile future.
you mean those filthy drug infested criminals that let their own country go to hell and decided to sneak into this country and do the same to it?
Maybe if their country's government would grow some balls and stop the drug trade on their end, we wouldnt have this war on drugs that we do. Maybe if their country would start investing in the citizens we wouldnt be flooded by the scum of their society.
The U.S did nothing to create the shit hole they live in, they did it to themselves, now they want to move here and suck off of a society that did actually build a country that used to be worth living in.
Screw them all, let then sneak back or die, either way it does not bother me in the least. Just get rid of them.

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