Where in the real world are AR-15 and the like are used for good?

Wait for it...

You just claimed it, you retard.
I mean I am not going to let this go. You are dumber than a box of damn rocks. Does lowering the number of people being killed lower the crime rate? No, a school shooting is one crime, so is robbing a bank. Does lowering the number of people being killed in a mass shooting lower the murder rate? Not even measurable. Like all those shootings in Chicago you dumbshits are always ranting about. Hell, cutting the number of deaths from school shootings in half for the year ain't even going to match a month of killings in Chicago. But you are kidding no one. The vast majority of guns used in those killings in Chicago come from neighboring states and the gun show loophole. You got no more interest in closing that loophole than you do in banning assault rifles.
Did I say the function was otherwise? Seems you are the "loon", your blind rage at anyone that would even attempt to make an argument to take your precious AR-15, prevents you from seeing the crux of the argument.

Great, the function is no different. So, buy a .227 semi-automatic hunting rifle. Again, the argument is about cost-benefit. What is the cost of legal AR-15's? Evidently, it is an almost weekly mass shooting even where innocent people are being slaughtered, often times it is school children. What is the benefit? Well I am not seeing any. Like you said, the "function" of the AR-15 is the same as a .227 semi-automatic hunting rifle. Although I got to admit, I haven't heard of many varmint hunters using AR-15's, nor have I heard of many mass shootings utilizing a .227 semi-automatic hunting rifle.
Your self-imposed ignorance does not reflect reality.

Let's ask people who know what they're talking about.


It’s also a myth that AR-15s aren’t accurate enough to use on a hunt or that they cost more (or less) than other hunting rifles. These days, you don’t have to spend too much money to buy or build an AR-15 that shoots better than you do. Small and large manufacturers make AR-15s at virtually any price point.

If you do choose to use an AR-15 on your next deer hunt, you won’t be alone. According to a 2014 survey of hunters by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, 27% reported having used an AR-15 to hunt, and 58% of those used one in the last year. Given the continuing rise in sales of AR-type rifles, the percentage today is likely much higher.


Final thoughts​

Hunting with an AR-15 should be legal everywhere. Hunters should practice more than they do, too, to ensure ethical kill-shots. Both of these are our responsibilities.

And know that you don’t have to spend a fortune on different guns. Depending on your goals, you can build one AR that can tackle a wide variety of purposes.

Or build out mission-specific uppers. You can have a hog hunting upper and a whitetail upper and a self-defense upper–all on one lower, and all on one transfer.

Best AR Rifles for Big Game Hunting

Because of the prevalence of the platform, it didn’t take long for AR-style rifles to become popular among hunters. Some “purists” will say these modern sporting rifles have no place in the hunting blind, but they’d be wise to look around before saying such things too loudly.

In the standard .223/5.56 chambering, the AR has proven to be a great gun for varmints and other small game. But what if you wanted to hunt something bigger like, oh I don’t know, say an elk or a bear? Is there an AR out there suitable for such a hunt? You bet there is!

Can You Hunt Whitetail Deer With an AR-15?


AR-15’s are amazing rifles that are capable of taking down just about any game that the modern hunter could want. The .223 has been proven to be deadly enough to use against whitetail time and time again, as long as you are accurate. Plus the AR platform comes with many more advantages than your average hunting rifle. You have the advantage by having a weapon that is semi-automatic, super customizable, compact and easy to handle. Plus they are widely available and highly versatile. If you have never tried it before, I highly suggest you try out an AR this season.
So you're wrong, but you'll never admit it.
I love shooting my .22. It's semi auto (just like an AR) has a scope, (just like an AR can have), I can get large magazines for it but it has a pretty wood stock. My .22 can fire just as fast as an AR too. They only difference is an AR round is slightly larger. My .22 is not an 'assault rifle' because it doesn't look 'scary.'
You can get ARs for everything from .17 HMR (a rimfire cartridge of smaller diameter than your .22) all the way up to .510 Winchester Short Magnum. You can have several uppers and barrels with different calibers to use on the same lower.
I mean I am not going to let this go. You are dumber than a box of damn rocks. Does lowering the number of people being killed lower the crime rate? No, a school shooting is one crime, so is robbing a bank. Does lowering the number of people being killed in a mass shooting lower the murder rate? Not even measurable. Like all those shootings in Chicago you dumbshits are always ranting about. Hell, cutting the number of deaths from school shootings in half for the year ain't even going to match a month of killings in Chicago. But you are kidding no one. The vast majority of guns used in those killings in Chicago come from neighboring states and the gun show loophole. You got no more interest in closing that loophole than you do in banning assault rifles.
If you lessen the number of killings, you lessened the murder rate.

Fucking idiot.
Your self-imposed ignorance does not reflect reality.

Let's ask people who know what they're talking about.



Best AR Rifles for Big Game Hunting

Can You Hunt Whitetail Deer With an AR-15?

So you're wrong, but you'll never admit it.
I quote your source,

you don’t have to spend too much money to buy or build an AR-15 that shoots better than you do.

Wow, and all this time I believed the argument that guns don't kill people, people do. But there you have it, right there from your source, the AR-15 shoots better than me. Hell, the AR-15 shoots. So don't ever attempt that guns don't kill people, people do argument. The AR-15 shoots, and better than me.
If you lessen the number of killings, you lessened the murder rate.

Fucking idiot.
You are one stupid ass fuck. First you post a link claiming the AR-15 shoots. Hell no wonder you worthless shits like it. It flippin shoots for you. But now you ignore the fact that I said the decline in deaths would not have any significant impact on the murder rate itself. Damn but you gun nuts are some stupid ass dumb shits.
Doubtful. You're afraid of guns.
Again, more ignorance. I was an Olympic class shooter, sponsored by the NRA, and was eliminated in the regionals. I own many firearms, all with a specific purpose. One for quail, one for duck, one for deer, one for rabbit, etc. I, and every single one of my six children, are Appleseed qualified. And it is really not skill, it is an inherited trait, born with it, like Sergeant York once said. Of course, you don't even know who he was.

I mean I could tell you lots of stories. Like it was my ancestor that shot Fergunson off his horse at King's Mountain, with his father's gun. Or my grandfather, who always took more birds than shells used, you figure out how that happened. But perhaps the best is my middle son. I bought him and his brothers a .22 caliber air rifle for Christmas and I woke up one morning to seeing him in the front yard shooting at a can 30 yards away. He was seven at the time. I walked out to him and told him, you can't hit a can at 30 yards with that air rifle. The wind, the distance, it just isn't reasonable. He looked at me like I was nuts, and calmly walked me to the can. It was riddled with holes.

I doubt you even know what an egg shoot is. So no need to explain to you how I was restricted from entering after winning several years in a row. Suffice it to say, not a single participant used an AR-15. But what you should learn is that a gun is a tool. Nothing more and nothing less. And using the right tool, in the right situation, is the key. And an assault rifle, the only situation that it provides a distinct advantage is shooting up schools filled with children or rampaging in a shopping center.
I quote your source,

you don’t have to spend too much money to buy or build an AR-15 that shoots better than you do.

Wow, and all this time I believed the argument that guns don't kill people, people do. But there you have it, right there from your source, the AR-15 shoots better than me. Hell, the AR-15 shoots. So don't ever attempt that guns don't kill people, people do argument. The AR-15 shoots, and better than me.
You're retarded. :auiqs.jpg:

He means, obviously, the gun is more accurate than other guns a hunter may be used to.
You are one stupid ass fuck. First you post a link claiming the AR-15 shoots. Hell no wonder you worthless shits like it. It flippin shoots for you. But now you ignore the fact that I said the decline in deaths would not have any significant impact on the murder rate itself. Damn but you gun nuts are some stupid ass dumb shits.
Dear Diary:

Today I learned that less people killed means no less people are killed.

Of course, the guy saying that is retarded, so...
Again, more ignorance. I was an Olympic class shooter, sponsored by the NRA, and was eliminated in the regionals. I own many firearms, all with a specific purpose. One for quail, one for duck, one for deer, one for rabbit, etc. I, and every single one of my six children, are Appleseed qualified. And it is really not skill, it is an inherited trait, born with it, like Sergeant York once said. Of course, you don't even know who he was.

I mean I could tell you lots of stories. Like it was my ancestor that shot Fergunson off his horse at King's Mountain, with his father's gun. Or my grandfather, who always took more birds than shells used, you figure out how that happened. But perhaps the best is my middle son. I bought him and his brothers a .22 caliber air rifle for Christmas and I woke up one morning to seeing him in the front yard shooting at a can 30 yards away. He was seven at the time. I walked out to him and told him, you can't hit a can at 30 yards with that air rifle. The wind, the distance, it just isn't reasonable. He looked at me like I was nuts, and calmly walked me to the can. It was riddled with holes.

I doubt you even know what an egg shoot is. So no need to explain to you how I was restricted from entering after winning several years in a row. Suffice it to say, not a single participant used an AR-15. But what you should learn is that a gun is a tool. Nothing more and nothing less. And using the right tool, in the right situation, is the key. And an assault rifle, the only situation that it provides a distinct advantage is shooting up schools filled with children or rampaging in a shopping center.
Yeah, people can say anything on the internet.

Nevertheless, you've been provided many examples of people successfully using ARs to defend themselves. You pretend they don't count. It's like you'd rather those people had been killed by their assailants.

So, the only question remaining is, why do you want ARs banned? You've presented no ration reasons.

It looks like you want it because you were told to.
I read every one of your links and have came to the conclusion that only a pussy, with little experience hunting, would use an AR-15.
Then you didn't read any of the links. The authors of those articles are experienced hunters.

Your sniveling butthurt is not sufficient justification for anyone to give up their rights, you puling child.

You're impotent in a way no little blue pill could ever cure.
If you want to live in a country where the government is that intrusive and you get your rights taken away because other assholes commit crimes then go ahead and move to one of them
You are a foolish coward. Focusing on solving government over reach with guns and more guns is beyond butt stupid.
You thinking that guns will solve problems is the same thinking a sick SOB who killed 19 children and 2 adults felt guns would solve his problem. The same as the SOB in Tulsa who used a gun in killing 3, today, felt guns would solve his problems.
The sick son of a bitches who think guns are the solution for all their problems have to go.
You are a foolish coward. Focusing on solving government over reach with guns and more guns is beyond butt stupid.
You thinking that guns will solve problems is the same thinking a sick SOB who killed 19 children and 2 adults felt guns would solve his problem. The same as the SOB in Tulsa who used a gun in killing 3, today, felt guns would solve his problems.
The sick son of a bitches who think guns are the solution for all their problems have to go.
Lots of tough talk. There's still no daylight between your ass and the couch.
Then you didn't read any of the links. The authors of those articles are experienced hunters.

Your sniveling butthurt is not sufficient justification for anyone to give up their rights, you puling child.

You're impotent in a way no little blue pill could ever cure.
Daveman has the same mentality as the sick people killing innocents and children, throughout our country. Guns are their strength. Guns are their problem solvers.
Australia and New Zealand prove that putting limitations on semi-automatic weapons, military style weapons mass murder goes down substantially. Homicides and suicides were reduced.
US has the highest firearm death rate than in any other country, by far. WHY Daveman? Because of people like you!!!!!!!!!!!



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