Zone1 Where Does God, Anywhere, Endorse the Homosexual Lifestyle?

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Do LGBTQ+ people deserve the same rights as you?
To live their lives as they please while harming no one?
If the answer isn't absolutely "YES" and you oppose laws that interfere with these people and their lives then you do, indeed, hate homosexuals despite your protestations.
How silly. Do YOU even doubt any of the above. I certainly don't and never have. I am starting to wonder about your own history. I guess not everyone's grandparents explained this to children.
Homosexuality has been around since long before the Bible was written.
Homosexual activity was common especially among the military. An any port in the storm thing.
Homosexual activity is observed in animals"

What is "defensive about listing known facts?
Of course, since those facts conflict with your chosen belief I can see where you would consider actual facts an attack.

Do LGBTQ+ people deserve the same rights as you?
To live their lives as they please while harming no one?
If the answer isn't absolutely "YES" and you oppose laws that interfere with these people and their lives then you do, indeed, hate homosexuals despite your protestations.
You hate Christians, so what's the big deal. Hypocritical idiot.
How "christian" of you. To be expected. :heehee:
Why would you expect people to treat you a certain way when you don't even believe how you're supposed to be treated? You're either very confused, mentally ill or probably both.
Homosexuality has been around since long before the Bible was written.
Homosexual activity was common especially among the military. An any port in the storm thing.
Homosexual activity is observed in animals"

What is "defensive about listing known facts?
Of course, since those facts conflict with your chosen belief I can see where you would consider actual facts an attack.

Do LGBTQ+ people deserve the same rights as you?
To live their lives as they please while harming no one?
If the answer isn't absolutely "YES" and you oppose laws that interfere with these people and their lives then you do, indeed, hate homosexuals despite your protestations.
The operative words are harming no one. Their activism harms innocent people.
Consider this: Was 1+1=2 and learning the alphabet "shoved down your throat as a small child"? I am betting that unlike your dismissal of how a child is introduced to religion, you went on to higher math and reading. A primary school version of religion is the beginning, not the all.
But 1+1 =2 is fact.
Putting 2 of every animal on a boat for more that 40 days is silly.
When I went on to study calculus 1+1 was still 2 and the Bible was still bedtime stories to scare small children into behaving.
Read it in Hebrew, with Rabbi commentary.
Been to church many times.
Catholic, Baptist, Lutheran, Temple...

Not one time did anyone do a service in Hebrew.

Are you saying the Christian bible in all its many iterations is false?
Reopened...semi-cleaned, mopped up and set the roach motels.

Please remember this is ZONE 1, no flaming, stay on topic.

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Are you saying the Christian bible in all its many iterations is false?
I am suggesting there is much to the Bible you never learned and gave up on. And that's fine. It takes a lot of time and it's not for everyone. But the story of Noah isn't about two animals on the ark. What is its theme?
But you don't believe there is a God, so....that makes you a liar. Have a great day, idiot.
Uh, no, that's painfully stupid. We can still talk about fictional characters and what they do and say in works of fiction. Entire college degrees are dedicated to it.
He doesn't. There is only condemnation and followers of Israel God are COMMANDED to avoid anything outside of male/female marriage

  • The argument that Jesus said nothing about homosexuality in the gospels is misleading and illogical for at least five reasons:
  1. The gospels are not more authoritative than those books of the Bible that condemn homosexual behavior. All authors of Scripture were inspired by God’s Holy Spirit.7
  2. The gospels are not comprehensive. Some of the Bible’s most important teachings—the explanation of spiritual gifts, the Priesthood of Christ, the doctrine of man’s old and new nature—appear in other books of the Bible.
  3. The gospels do not claim to be a complete account of Jesus’ life or teachings. Sections of Jesus’ life are not discussed in the gospels and we cannot be certain that Jesus never spoke about homosexual behavior.
  4. Scripture teaches that Jesus kept all the Law and affirmed all that the Law and the Prophets taught.8Undoubtedly, this would have included the affirmation of committed, monogamous male-female marriage and an unwavering condemnation of homosexual behavior. Given that all first century orthodox Jews would have held to this standard, the question of affirming homosexuality would not have been open to discussion in Jesus’ day.
  5. Jesus clearly referred to heterosexuality as a standard. He specifically described God’s created intent for human sexuality: “
Where? Here. At least they act like it.
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