where are the starving american children ?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
now please don't read anything into this, these are just a couple of questions, asked in ernest. O.K. are there starving children in america. that's an obvious yes, with 300 million people. but, where are they? how many? do they fall through the cracks of state aid? are any children, homeless or otherwise, ever denied food assistance? is the problem in finding them to help, or is the assistance, being squandered by their guardians, causing them not to get what they need.. thx
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I think most of it is technically not from starvation but from weakness and illnesses they can't fight because of malnourishment.

Do I know any instances personally? No. I do know kids get sick and die and I'm sure at least a few instances are do to their inability to fight off disease.
Well the homeless don't vote and neither do children so that's the first place to look. Survival rates at orphanages tend to be higher than for foster care but not massively higher so that's the easiest place to look but as already said malnourishment is a bigger problem than starvation.
Some schools around here are discussing deleting the breakfast at school for budgetary reasons.

I think they should, if the kid shows up at school half starved go beat up the parents some.
Check the children of the homeless and squatters...where parents spend their limited funds on heroin and alcohol.

Even then, though, the children are not truly starving...just seriously malnourished.
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I think most of it is technically not from starvation but from weakness and illnesses they can't fight because of malnourishment.

Do I know any instances personally? No. I do know kids get sick and die and I'm sure at least a few instances are do to their inability to fight off disease.

It is impossible to be malnourished in all but the most backwards recesses of the United States unless you do it to yourself or someone is refusing to feed the child.

Make your way to any real city and you cannot go hungry unless you intend to. I have never met any streetfolk or trainhopper who landed in any town longer than a few blocks where you couldn't get food if you were hungry.
Well the homeless don't vote[/qu and neither do children so that's the first place to look.

Been homeless in three states and spoken with plenty of folk who've been to many more places.

Make your way to any city longer than a few blocks and it's impossible to go hungry unless you choose to.
Survival rates at orphanages tend to be higher than for foster care
Check the children of the homeless and squatters...where parents spend their limited funds on heroin and alcohol.

They tend to not have custody of their children if that's the case. Does it happen? Occasionally. But it's simply not in line with reality to pretend there's an epidemic of starving children in the US.
As someone who works with inner city children, I can attest to the fact that some do come to school starving. They may have not had dinner the night before, or mom was asleep on the couch and they had to fend for themselves to whatever they could make.

We have free breakfast and lunch for them, and for the 3 weeks of summer school (which only about 15% go to because of $$ ) they do too.

Summer vacation is 10 weeks. I'm sure they don't starve to death, since they all come back to school in August. But,,,,some of them are eating better in school with those crappy "airline" style lunches than they do at home.
A relevant article from late last year: America's economic pain brings hunger pangs.

The nation's economic crisis has catapulted the number of Americans who lack enough food to the highest level since the government has been keeping track, according to a new federal report, which shows that nearly 50 million people -- including almost one child in four -- struggled last year to get enough to eat. [...]

The magnitude of the increase in food shortages -- and, in some cases, outright hunger -- identified in the report startled even the nation's leading anti-poverty advocates, who have grown accustomed to longer lines lately at food banks and soup kitchens. The findings also intensify pressure on the White House to fulfill a pledge to stamp out childhood hunger made by President Obama, who called the report "unsettling."​

As someone who works with inner city children, I can attest to the fact that some do come to school starving.

Anything other than your assertions of personal anecdotes?
They may have not had dinner the night before,

That's not what people mean when they speak of starvation and you know it.

I guess sending your child to bed without supper for breaking the window is starving your child now :cuckoo:

Summer vacation is 10 weeks. I'm sure they don't starve to death, since they all come back to school in August. But,,,,some of them are eating better in school with those crappy "airline" style lunches than they do at home.

I grew up eating TV dinners.

Yes, they suck compared to real homemade food.

That doesn't mean I starved. Those meals might not be all that savoury, but they have calories and they're fairly nutritious and and I covered them in black pepper and they tasted alright.
The nation's economic crisis has catapulted the number of Americans who lack enough food to the highest level since the government has been keeping track, according to a new federal report, which shows that nearly 50 million people -- including almost one child in four -- struggled last year to get enough to eat.
Really? 25% of US children doesn't get sufficient nutrition? We have 25% of our children starving?

Where are they hiding?
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