When the Collapse Comes...


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Saw this yesterday:

When the collapse comes, God Willing, I will be ready. And when yhou knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?
This could be a fun topic.

How bad is the collapse? If it's every man for yourself type of collapse, then wouldn't it make sense to assess whether helping your neighbor would harm you or benefit you (combine different skill to form a team)?

You know what would be fantastic though - telling a big government loving liberal to go and rely on the government. I imagine that the schadenfreude amongst preppers would be shooting through the roof.
it amazes me when republicans feel we liberals feel that we can't survive without a government hand out ... we dems have never relied on government hand out ... what we have said because we are a working government that we should take care of the unfornate when needed ... what makes you think that liberals don't have surviuvakl shelters too ... you seem to have these Ideas that we liberals never prepair for the worst... we are linerals thats what we do ...
Fun iis the operative word. The world is not going to collapse. But if you are a real prepper (thank you for using the correct term), no one is going to come knocking at my door because they won't have any idea you are one.
Fun iis the operative word. The world is not going to collapse. But if you are a real prepper (thank you for using the correct term), no one is going to come knocking at my door because they won't have any idea you are one.

Therein lies the flaw in prepping, if collapse happens (I don't think it will) it will not be a lone liberal knocking at your door it will be an armed gang and they will have what you have. Better to be mobile than tied to a stockpile.
Fun iis the operative word. The world is not going to collapse. But if you are a real prepper (thank you for using the correct term), no one is going to come knocking at my door because they won't have any idea you are one.

Therein lies the flaw in prepping, if collapse happens (I don't think it will) it will not be a lone liberal knocking at your door it will be an armed gang and they will have what you have. Better to be mobile than tied to a stockpile.

Yeah that didnt happen in Nola during Katrina. Armed citizens resisted looters.
Personally I think "the collapse" is a paranoid fantasy.
Saw this yesterday:

When the collapse comes, God Willing, I will be ready. And when yhou knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

lol... While fences make good neighbors in IMO, they also make good allies in some specific situations. Lock down the cross streets on your street and defend.

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Stock market is crashing. QE is coming to an end. If there is good jobs report today, expect another sell off in the markets.
The Collapse is already here Obama Zombie, look around asshat.:eusa_boohoo:



Fun iis the operative word. The world is not going to collapse. But if you are a real prepper (thank you for using the correct term), no one is going to come knocking at my door because they won't have any idea you are one.

Not sure how you'd be able to hide it;

Depending on what hysterical nutjob you listen to..

Gas maybe $20 a gallon. Yet you're still driving your SUV around. Seems obvious that you've prepped.

The critical infrastructure could be attacked wiping out electric and communication lines. Yet your house is illuminated at night. Seems obvious that you've prepped.

Unless you're just going to hunker down and never leave it seems as though the cat will be out of the bag.
Saw this yesterday:

When the collapse comes, God Willing, I will be ready. And when yhou knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

I wouldn't turn away all neighbors, just the ones that refused to pitch in and help. Actually if things were really that bad I wouldn't turn them away either, I'd shoot them on the spot and feed their carcasses to the guard dogs.

I'm not a "prepper," but I do have the basics since I live in an area that got demolished by 3 hurricanes 10 years ago.
Saw this yesterday:

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

I wouldn't turn away all neighbors, just the ones that refused to pitch in and help. Actually if things were really that bad I wouldn't turn them away either, I'd shoot them on the spot and feed their carcasses to the guard dogs.

I'm not a "prepper," but I do have the basics since I live in an area that got demolished by 3 hurricanes 10 years ago.

You would

a fellow
on the spot
and feed

And those that did "help" you...what did they help you do? Kill humans to feed animals? I think I'd rather be dog food than to sit with vermin such as yourself.
Saw this yesterday:

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

lol... While fences make good neighbors in IMO, they also make good allies in some specific situations. Lock down the cross streets on your street and defend.


Why would locking down a cross street be a priority?
Fun iis the operative word. The world is not going to collapse. But if you are a real prepper (thank you for using the correct term), no one is going to come knocking at my door because they won't have any idea you are one.

Therein lies the flaw in prepping, if collapse happens (I don't think it will) it will not be a lone liberal knocking at your door it will be an armed gang and they will have what you have. Better to be mobile than tied to a stockpile.

It almost seems like the Gus Fring gambit of having small stockpiles of material stashed in several places through-out the countryside is preferable to having a "goldmine" in your basement.
Saw this yesterday:

When the collapse comes, God Willing, I will be ready. And when yhou knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

There are a lot of people out there who think the world/civilization is going to come to an end any day now. It's an outward projection of their own feelings of depression.

They come in different flavors. You got your Jesus Second Coming types, you got your Planet X types, and you got your Second American Civil War types.

The one thing they all have in common is that they are actually looking forward to the great suffering that would take place. They can't wait!

When one of them says, "And when you knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'", they are living out the fantasy of Genesis 21-22. They see themselves as Noah, refusing entry to the neighbors who had laughed and jeered at him. They gleefully look forward to the day when they can watch everyone else die as they watch from some imaginary summit or safe refuge. It is a critical part of their fantasy they be able to observe the suffering of others. The end of the world won't be any fun if they don't get to watch everyone else writing in pain and screaming out "YOU WERE RIGHT! WE'RE SORReeeeeeeeeeeee...glub-glub-glub"

We're talking about really sick puppies here.
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it amazes me when republicans feel we liberals feel that we can't survive without a government hand out ... we dems have never relied on government hand out ... what we have said because we are a working government that we should take care of the unfornate when needed ... what makes you think that liberals don't have surviuvakl shelters too ... you seem to have these Ideas that we liberals never prepair for the worst... we are linerals thats what we do ...

It amazes me that liberals are amazed at conservatives thinking of them the way they do. After all, it's the liberals who insist on the government being a social program titty mama. Why would they think differently?
Saw this yesterday:

I'm just curious; you preppers out there who insist the world is coming to an end and are arming yourself to wart off the hordes of people coming for you Cocoa Puffs...are you going to tell your neighbor "Go fuck yourself" if they knock on your door?

There are a lot of people out there who think the world/civilization is going to come to an end any day now. It's an outward projection of their own feelings of depression.

They come in different flavors. You got your Jesus Second Coming types, you got your Planet X types, and you got your Second American Civil War types.

The one thing they all have in common is that they are actually looking forward to the great suffering that would take place. They can't wait!

When one of them says, "And when you knock on my door for help , the answer is 'Go fuck yourself'", they are living out the fantasy of Genesis 21-22. They see themselves as Noah, refusing entry to the neighbors who had laughed and jeered at him. They gleefully look forward to the day when they can watch everyone else die as they watch from some imaginary summit or safe refuge. It is a critical part of their fantasy they be able to observe the suffering of others. The end of the world won't be any fun if they don't get to watch everyone else writing in pain and screaming out "YOU WERE RIGHT! WE'RE SORReeeeeeeeeeeee...glub-glub-glub"

We're talking about really sick puppies here.

Where as the parable of Noah actually went through with it...do you think the average prepper would turn away a woman and her baby? I tend to not think so.

I would go further to say that of every 100 preppers, 80 would welcome them into their bunker or whatever they have going on.

Sick puppies indeed for wanting that day of reckoning to come. However, I doubt that there would be some sort of litmus test performed as to entry. In a good year, about 1/2 of us vote. In most years its closer to 1/3 or 1/4. I really don't think that when the chips are down; someone is going to ask if they were a democrat or republican. In our daily lives; it's just not that important.

And lets not forget; there are different veins of every ideology. Not all Muslims are jihadists; not all protestants are Klansmen. Those who are most effective across all ideologies are those who seek win-wins and are, by definition, not beholden to homogeneity of thought, of trade, or of purpose.
There are two types of preppers, those that survive and those that share. Everyone has had plenty of warning, prepare or starve, the choice is yours, not mine.

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