When does the right wing start throwing the Governor under the bus for losing?

The self-proclaimed intellectual nutter is awfully concerned with how our President spends his free time. Not feeling all that smart today? Want to hang around with the idiots for a while?

Assuming your idiotic post was addressed to me, you tool, I would note first that I am not a self-proclaimed intellectual. I certainly wouldn't proclaim myself a nutter. I don't want to associate too closely with ignorant twerp nut bags like you.

And my expression of "concern" about how the President spends his free time is far more limited than your fraudulent claim.

I actually PREFER it when that moron plays golf. The less he does, the less he can fuck up.

On the other hand, what I WAS noting is that by spending so much time on the links, the idiot in chief IS sending a message (inadvertently, no doubt). He IS conveying the message that there are not important matters that more deserve the time and attention of the President.

You can spin that (dishonestly as you tend to do) all you wish. But your spin is ineffective because you are such a plodding obvious troll liar.

LonelyLaughable, you never have been able to bring it. Why should today be any different?

June 17, 2012: President got-in his 100th round of golf!

Obama Plays Golf for the 100th Time of his Presidency | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Yeah. There were no other things worth working on.
NOT fighting when fighting is necessary is maybe even more abhorrent.

If fighting now is not required (at least not to the same degree) then not fighting NOW is the right choice.

That doesn't make W's actions or decisions "abhorrent."

You should try to be honest.

You should audition for the role of Captain Kirk--Deflectors Up Mr. Sulu!

Nah. I just rebutted your disingenuous deflection effort. It wasn't difficult. You WERE pretty glaringly obvious, after all.

Learn to cope.

Learn to stay on topic; somehow you guys brought up golf as a metaphor for Obama not being "in touch". And your citation is his playing a round of golf every other week.

Learn to cope with your weakness.

Meanwhile, back in politics; Romney continues to do nothing to quell his image as an aloof aristocrat.
didn't take long for Ryan (R) to throw Akin (R) under the bus so..... ;)

Good point. Then again, he needed to be tossed.

Does anyone know if they've told him to drop out of the House as well or just stop f'ing up the electoral chances this November?
Anne Romney does a good Marie Antionette impersonation- " they are getting all they're going to get from us!!!" inre: financial statements lol :rolleyes:
didn't take long for Ryan (R) to throw Akin (R) under the bus so..... ;)

Good point. Then again, he needed to be tossed.

Does anyone know if they've told him to drop out of the House as well or just stop f'ing up the electoral chances this November?

true but by his best friend in the House, co-sponsor of the "personhood amendment"? I love it when the Republicans turn on their own :badgrin:
You should audition for the role of Captain Kirk--Deflectors Up Mr. Sulu!

Nah. I just rebutted your disingenuous deflection effort. It wasn't difficult. You WERE pretty glaringly obvious, after all.

Learn to cope.

Learn to stay on topic; somehow you guys brought up golf as a metaphor for Obama not being "in touch". And your citation is his playing a round of golf every other week.

Learn to cope with your weakness.

Meanwhile, back in politics; Romney continues to do nothing to quell his image as an aloof aristocrat.
As between the two of us, I am the only one on topic.

I didn't bring up golf. Another honored member posted a picture of the President swinging a golf club. YOU jumped all over that shit. I replied to you.

Now the FACTS are that in TWO terms, W played less than HALF the number (actually only about a third the number) of rounds of golf as the incumbent has played SO FAR.

It is true that every time he goes out to play, the incumbent IS making a statement. I don't begrudge him vacation time and play time. As I said earlier, in fact, I PREFER things when he is NOT working. He can't fuck up so much when he's busy attending to stuff OTHER than "work."

But still, there are SHITLOADS of real and urgent matters that do require attention, and the aloof pantload in chief is coming across as utterly indifferent to those things when he plays so many rounds of golf and so many games of basketball.

At least he's not bowling anymore.

Why only this past Thursday, the hardest working President in the history of hard work received the Presidential Daily Briefing at the CRACK of NOON! President's Schedule - August 23, 2012 | The White House

The Governor has a huge advantage in campaign contributions. That is true.

Not quite. The Obama campaign has outraised the Romney campaign almost 2 to 1 (Obama has raised $100 million more from small donors than has Romney); Obama has had a much easier time than Romney of getting rank-and-file Dems and regular Americans to show their support for him with a small contribution.

The Republican edge overall comes in the form of larger donations to the RNC and to various anti-Obama Super PACs, not to Romney. That said, the combined Romney-RNC-SuperPAC front has been spending more on anti-Obama advertising than the combined Obama-DNC-SuperPAC front has on anti-Romney advertising for nearly two months now. Obama & Co. have spent less, but their arguments have been more effective.

Grossly disingenuous. Romney has not been running anti Obama ads. Obama has been running anti Romney ads, mainly because he cannot point to a single accomplishment of his miserable 3 years. Obama's campaign is over 100M in debt. Romney's is in the black.
Nah. I just rebutted your disingenuous deflection effort. It wasn't difficult. You WERE pretty glaringly obvious, after all.

Learn to cope.

Learn to stay on topic; somehow you guys brought up golf as a metaphor for Obama not being "in touch". And your citation is his playing a round of golf every other week.

Learn to cope with your weakness.

Meanwhile, back in politics; Romney continues to do nothing to quell his image as an aloof aristocrat.
As between the two of us, I am the only one on topic.

I didn't bring up golf. Another honored member posted a picture of the President swinging a golf club. YOU jumped all over that shit. I replied to you.

Now the FACTS are that in TWO terms, W played less than HALF the number (actually only about a third the number) of rounds of golf as the incumbent has played SO FAR.

It is true that every time he goes out to play, the incumbent IS making a statement. I don't begrudge him vacation time and play time. As I said earlier, in fact, I PREFER things when he is NOT working. He can't fuck up so much when he's busy attending to stuff OTHER than "work."

But still, there are SHITLOADS of real and urgent matters that do require attention, and the aloof pantload in chief is coming across as utterly indifferent to those things when he plays so many rounds of golf and so many games of basketball.

At least he's not bowling anymore.

Why only this past Thursday, the hardest working President in the history of hard work received the Presidential Daily Briefing at the CRACK of NOON! President's Schedule - August 23, 2012 | The White House


Yes, he brought up golf; not me. Still one round every other week...Oh the horror. It was a loser of an issue for you guys earlier and continues to be so. Maybe you should bring up the birth certificate again; that was a winner. :eusa_clap:

Anyway, as a former Cain supporter; perhaps you can tell us...when Romney loses are you going to decry Cain not being on the ticket as the reason?
The Governor has a huge advantage in campaign contributions. That is true.

Not quite. The Obama campaign has outraised the Romney campaign almost 2 to 1 (Obama has raised $100 million more from small donors than has Romney); Obama has had a much easier time than Romney of getting rank-and-file Dems and regular Americans to show their support for him with a small contribution.

The Republican edge overall comes in the form of larger donations to the RNC and to various anti-Obama Super PACs, not to Romney. That said, the combined Romney-RNC-SuperPAC front has been spending more on anti-Obama advertising than the combined Obama-DNC-SuperPAC front has on anti-Romney advertising for nearly two months now. Obama & Co. have spent less, but their arguments have been more effective.

Grossly disingenuous. Romney has not been running anti Obama ads. Obama has been running anti Romney ads, mainly because he cannot point to a single accomplishment of his miserable 3 years. Obama's campaign is over 100M in debt. Romney's is in the black.

Did I not just acknowledge that Romney himself has raised vastly less money than Obama and thus has to rely on spending from outside groups and the RNC as his primary attack vehicles against Obama?

Combined anti-Obama ad spending has been larger (in some weeks, much larger) than anti-Romney spending for at least seven or eight weeks now.
Learn to stay on topic; somehow you guys brought up golf as a metaphor for Obama not being "in touch". And your citation is his playing a round of golf every other week.

Learn to cope with your weakness.

Meanwhile, back in politics; Romney continues to do nothing to quell his image as an aloof aristocrat.
As between the two of us, I am the only one on topic.

I didn't bring up golf. Another honored member posted a picture of the President swinging a golf club. YOU jumped all over that shit. I replied to you.

Now the FACTS are that in TWO terms, W played less than HALF the number (actually only about a third the number) of rounds of golf as the incumbent has played SO FAR.

It is true that every time he goes out to play, the incumbent IS making a statement. I don't begrudge him vacation time and play time. As I said earlier, in fact, I PREFER things when he is NOT working. He can't fuck up so much when he's busy attending to stuff OTHER than "work."

But still, there are SHITLOADS of real and urgent matters that do require attention, and the aloof pantload in chief is coming across as utterly indifferent to those things when he plays so many rounds of golf and so many games of basketball.

At least he's not bowling anymore.

Why only this past Thursday, the hardest working President in the history of hard work received the Presidential Daily Briefing at the CRACK of NOON! President's Schedule - August 23, 2012 | The White House


Yes, he brought up golf; not me. Still one round every other week...Oh the horror. It was a loser of an issue for you guys earlier and continues to be so. Maybe you should bring up the birth certificate again; that was a winner. :eusa_clap:

Anyway, as a former Cain supporter; perhaps you can tell us...when Romney loses are you going to decry Cain not being on the ticket as the reason?

No. He brought up an IMAGE of the incumbent playing golf. YOU commented on it. Then, I chimed in.

Try to keep the sequence correct and honest. It could assist you in the credibility department.

I still think Cain would be a better President than the incumbent. Of course, that's not a very high standard. A chipmunk could do the job better than The ONE.

But I reject your silly last bit of speculation.

President Obama is going to lose. Seriously. That's the long and the short of it.

He's OUT!

It will not even be a close play at the plate.

I'm guessing the blood letting starts at about 10:00 PM on Election Night. You can already see it here and there.

It is quit a pattern for them to throw their own under the bus.

I don't think Obama supporters have any room to talk. This administration find ways to control the damage. Jeremiah Wright was thrown so fast, he went from being Obama's mentor for 20 plus years and Obama listening to his tapes at night, to a guy Obama never heard.
It will be more of:

"Romney is a RINO"
"If we'd picked a REAL conservative candidate we would have won."
Along with a smattering of the usual idiocy, such as the ‘liberal bias’ media and ‘stupid’ voters voting for ‘handouts.’
After he goes down in flames, the Establishment GOP and the TEA Party will start the recriminations, angrily trying to blame each other for the debacle.

And still not getting the message that America rejects a radical, hard right agenda.
But the key thing was, Dewey was already speaking for the sane wing of GOP when he ran against FDR and Truman.

Romney has fully embraced the birthers, the religous nutjobs, the Teabaggers and everyone else.

After he goes down in flames, the Establishment GOP and the TEA Party will start the recriminations, angrily trying to blame each other for the debacle.


I suppose I just hate to see a man completely sell his soul without even the faintest hope of redemption someday.

As do I, usually...

Romney just has very little to redeem him.

His choice to run to the far right was a cynical one. In 2008, it was because Guiliani and McCain occuppied the center, and in 2012, it was because he concluded that the establishment had nowhere else to go, but the TEA Party had to be appeased. And he's still appeasing them, even now.

I'm guessing the blood letting starts at about 10:00 PM on Election Night. You can already see it here and there.

Romney will concede once he loses Florida and Ohio

I expect Republicans to condemn him for not being conservative enough shortly after

Just imagine if tney had run Rick Santorum or Newt instead of Romney