When are Boston and Chicago Mayors going to ban Muslim Halal Restaurants

The "Chic-fil-A" controversey was the direct result of a CEO putting his personal opinions ahead of the best interests of the company.

Politicans, including mayors, are expected to repesent the interests of all their constituents - irrespective of their sexual orientation.

Its time "Chick-fil-A" found a new CEO with management skills that reflect the 21stC.

Your ignorance must be bliss.

Chick-fil-A - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I'm pretty confident Chik-fil-A will not lose any business over this. ;)

I have met Truett Cathy in person, he's a strong supporter of family values. All his restaurants are closed on Sunday so the employees have time with their families.

Sad day when a christian holds strong in his beliefs, isn't that what Christians are supposed to do?? Because he personally believes in traditional family doesn't mean he won't hire someone based on sexual preference. He's an equal opportunity Chicken King,

Emanuel and the mayor of Boston just need to get over it.........I don't think Truett Cathy is worried about what they think anyway. ;)

he lost mine, so while it may not amount to much, you are already wrong.

Highly doubtful you ever got your fat ass out of the chair of your mom's computer to actually trot down to the Chik-Fil-A for a snack........unless you ran out of Cheetos or something.

Lol oh man that's a hoot. Only thing keeping me from doing anything is two kids....
I'm pretty confident Chik-fil-A will not lose any business over this. ;)

I have met Truett Cathy in person, he's a strong supporter of family values. All his restaurants are closed on Sunday so the employees have time with their families.

Sad day when a christian holds strong in his beliefs, isn't that what Christians are supposed to do?? Because he personally believes in traditional family doesn't mean he won't hire someone based on sexual preference. He's an equal opportunity Chicken King,

Emanuel and the mayor of Boston just need to get over it.........I don't think Truett Cathy is worried about what they think anyway. ;)

he lost mine, so while it may not amount to much, you are already wrong.

He lost your business because you are somehow opposed to the idea that people should be married to their first wife?

That's your choice. It's a stupid reason to not eat good food.

That's not the issue, but thanks for lying....you are going to hell you sinned

Seriously why would you just lie like that?you know exactly what the issue is and you feel the need to deflect onto something else. Fuck you
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Chick Fil A should become halal compliant. It would blow the gay argument completely into the oblivion where it belongs.
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

The left hates Christianity and patriotism. Both things are an impediment to their worldwide socialist utopia, so they side with anyone against christians and america
he lost mine, so while it may not amount to much, you are already wrong.

He lost your business because you are somehow opposed to the idea that people should be married to their first wife?

That's your choice. It's a stupid reason to not eat good food.

That's not the issue, but thanks for lying....you are going to hell you sinned

Seriously why would you just lie like that?you know exactly what the issue is and you feel the need to deflect onto something else. Fuck you

Well first dont tell us who's going to Hell, you need to know about Christianity first, and you obvisouly dont.
Second if you dont love a great restaurant because they dont believe in your crazy ass, nutty beliefs, then dont go, eat all the tofu you want.
this is America. A Muslim should not have been elected to lead this country, and nor do the Muslims have any other place in America.
It was a sad day when the people in this country couldn't tell the difference between a black man and a Muslim and put this sorry Muslim in office to lead this country.


Rick is that you?
I'd say never will they do that. But then again I don't think the mayor(s) have any business banning any profitable business. Let the people decide with their wallets or purses.

You don't think a community should have any say in what businesses they want to support? We successfully fought a Wal-Mart because my town has lots of local small businesses that we cherish. Isn't that the same thing? I totally think residents should have a say in who does business in their community. Chick-Fil-A is a restaurant... why are they even giving an opinion like this? I don't eat fast food, but if I did, I would not eat in one of those restaurants anymore.
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I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

So long as the restaurant does not discriminate against gays (or anyone else) he is free to open and operate a business.

If I dislike the owners personal views I am free to eat there or not, as I choose.

Unless you're in Boston or Chicago, then you arent allowed to operate a business unless you agree politically with the people in charge.
Yep, sounds like they can't seem to get the mafia style cultural way of running things out of their systems in those cities, what next maybe bust some heads, break some legs over there at Chic-fil-A, before they even think about coming to those two cities, in which are run by those two thug mayors ?
I'd say never will they do that. But then again I don't think the mayor(s) have any business banning any profitable business. Let the people decide with their wallets or purses.

You don't think a community should have any say in what businesses they want to support? We successfully fought a Wal-Mart because my town has lots of local small businesses that we cherish. Isn't that the same thing? I totally think residents should have a say in who does business in their community. Chick-Fil-A is a restaurant... why are they even giving an opinion like this? I don't eat fast food, but if I did, I would not eat in one of those restaurants anymore.
And it is your choice not to eat in these resteraunts of course, which is the whole point being made, instead of Bloomberg and his idiocy trying to dictate to you that he won't allow the resteraunt in so you won't be able to make that informed choice if you wanted to, as he has made it already for you just like a good dictator does... People have their heads so far down in the sand, that they don't even see what government like this is doing to them anymore.....wow
I'd say never will they do that. But then again I don't think the mayor(s) have any business banning any profitable business. Let the people decide with their wallets or purses.

You don't think a community should have any say in what businesses they want to support? We successfully fought a Wal-Mart because my town has lots of local small businesses that we cherish. Isn't that the same thing? I totally think residents should have a say in who does business in their community. Chick-Fil-A is a restaurant... why are they even giving an opinion like this? I don't eat fast food, but if I did, I would not eat in one of those restaurants anymore.

No I don' think it's the same thing. Unless it was your mayor who banned Wally-Mart solely on the basis of a statement made(or who they donate money too) by the CEO of Wally-Mart. I don't agree in anyway with way with what the Chik-ee CEO said or does (like donate to anti-gay activist) but that doesn't mean I want the state to limit or punish him for excersising his free speech rights. I'm not going to buy any of their products. I hope nobody else does either, but I'm not going to try and stop them from opening more restuarants and giving it their best shot.
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I'd say never will they do that. But then again I don't think the mayor(s) have any business banning any profitable business. Let the people decide with their wallets or purses.

You don't think a community should have any say in what businesses they want to support? We successfully fought a Wal-Mart because my town has lots of local small businesses that we cherish. Isn't that the same thing? I totally think residents should have a say in who does business in their community. Chick-Fil-A is a restaurant... why are they even giving an opinion like this? I don't eat fast food, but if I did, I would not eat in one of those restaurants anymore.
And it is your choice not to eat in these resteraunts of course, which is the whole point being made, instead of Bloomberg and his idiocy trying to dictate to you that he won't allow the resteraunt in so you won't be able to make that informed choice if you wanted to, as he has made it already for you just like a good dictator does... People have their heads so far down in the sand, that they don't even see what government like this is doing to them anymore.....wow

Bloomberg? He wants to take your Big Gulp and your Guns. I don't think he wants to ban Chik ee fila does he?
He lost your business because you are somehow opposed to the idea that people should be married to their first wife?

That's your choice. It's a stupid reason to not eat good food.

That's not the issue, but thanks for lying....you are going to hell you sinned

Seriously why would you just lie like that?you know exactly what the issue is and you feel the need to deflect onto something else. Fuck you

Well first dont tell us who's going to Hell, you need to know about Christianity first, and you obvisouly dont.
Second if you dont love a great restaurant because they dont believe in your crazy ass, nutty beliefs, then dont go, eat all the tofu you want.
Not very smart huh? I've already stated I wont go....

Someday man someday you might say something smart.
No I don' think it's the same thing. Unless it was your mayor who banned Wally-Mart solely on the basis of a statement made(or who they donate money too) by the CEO of Wally-Mart.

The developer in cahoots with the government was trying to force a Wal-Mart on us, but we, the community (and especially the small businesses) protested so loudly, that it was difficult for the government to ignore. Who knows what kind of kick-backs and goodies Wal Mart offered government officials.
The "Chic-fil-A" controversey was the direct result of a CEO putting his personal opinions ahead of the best interests of the company.

Politicans, including mayors, are expected to repesent the interests of all their constituents - irrespective of their sexual orientation.

Its time "Chick-fil-A" found a new CEO with management skills that reflect the 21stC.
"The "Chic-fil-A" controversey was the direct result of a CEO putting his personal opinions ahead of the best interests of the company." ?????????????????

He owns the company, so should he just allow it to be run in anyway that the few who oppose him want him to run it like (or) should he as a smart businessman in America, appeal to the masses by his vision and beliefs that are integrated into the company that he runs lawfully as is found within the nation instead ?

It is a vision and belief that is drawing him nice rewards, and is setting the standard for others if choose to follow down these roads just as well.... Sounds like this guy is smarter than people think he is when looking to bring in the majority by his being like the majority when he speaks to them.. I bet his sales have skyrocketed over this event and/or controversy.. To many times now, companies have had to bend their business practices way over sideways, in order to suit the will of the federal government, even when the governemnt is big time wrong in that will, it is still forced on the company and to it's utter destruction in the end....The government is usually representing only a mere few found in maybe a few specific groups that are complaining to the government about certain things when it does represent them against others/businesses in this manor, and this over and above the masses or majority that which will always make the company soar in the private sector or maybe even break the company all depending on what is being asked of it or is told for it to follow no matter what the consumers think about it per the federal government.

When the good folks find out that a company is being dictated to by the local government or by the feds, over and above the people as the consumers of the products and services offered by the frequented company in which they choose to frequent daily, it drives them away once find this out, where next the company is abandoned also at this point by the feds who used them and destroyed them with it's twisted agenda, but hid it's hand afterwards, so you see how all that works out in the end ? Now people wonder why the private sector has become anti-government as much as it possibly can anymore, where as I say it is all because of the dictatorship that is involved now. Just look at what Obama said the other day " You didn't build that business that you have, you had help", in which is true in many ways, but it all depends on the type of help the business got or would get at any moment by what he was referring to, in which will either determin whether it became a long term successful company all depending or just a short lived/termed un-successful company within the nation all because of.

The main bulk of the work and the sucesses it gains afterwards, is done by the owner who started up the business, and next by the consumers who supported the business. The feds sadly enough have destroyed many businesses by coming in and dictating to them in bad ways, and they have done this while up against we the citizens who are the ultimate deciders in the end of it all.... Now they don't want people to realize their hand in it all when done something bad or destroyed a company with their invasion of it in the wrong ways (or) it could upset their long term agenda being played out in this nation now, where they the feds have become even more bolder than ever before in all of this that we are now seeing in this nation to date.
No I don' think it's the same thing. Unless it was your mayor who banned Wally-Mart solely on the basis of a statement made(or who they donate money too) by the CEO of Wally-Mart.

The developer in cahoots with the government was trying to force a Wal-Mart on us, but we, the community (and especially the small businesses) protested so loudly, that it was difficult for the government to ignore. Who knows what kind of kick-backs and goodies Wal Mart offered government officials.
Thus goes the problem with our government these days..
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

The left hates Christianity and patriotism. Both things are an impediment to their worldwide socialist utopia, so they side with anyone against christians and america

You are,my new favorite talking points bot. All the golden oldies!
No I don' think it's the same thing. Unless it was your mayor who banned Wally-Mart solely on the basis of a statement made(or who they donate money too) by the CEO of Wally-Mart.

The developer in cahoots with the government was trying to force a Wal-Mart on us, but we, the community (and especially the small businesses) protested so loudly, that it was difficult for the government to ignore. Who knows what kind of kick-backs and goodies Wal Mart offered government officials.

It would be a violation of the First Amendment for government (federal, state, and local) to discriminate against this guy based on his publicly stated opinion. End of story.

Those mayors who have said they'd keep Chick-fil-A out of their cities have no constitutional leg to stand on. A zoning board might have a legitimate reason for refusing to give out a business permit, but they ARE an arm of government and as such, not free to violate the unalienable rights of citizens. Having issued this threat, there's no way any excuses they might make would be even mildly credible.
I believe this is a fair question in the world of politics. Two mayors have vowed that the Christian owned pro traditional marriage Chick fil a franchises are not welcome in their cities.

I say we call out these mayors and ask them when they are going to ban Halal Restaurants and Grocery stores.

As we all know Islam does not approve of the LGBT lifestyle nor are they pro gay marriage.

So let's see if these Mayors have the testicular fortitude to take on Islam's beliefs.

Or are they both as we suspects just Christian bashing? :D I think we know the answer. They don't have the balls to do try to do so with Muslims and I think we should shove this anti Christian bullshit they spew right up their Right Honorable asses.

This is America, they should be able to have their restaurants wherever they want, if you don't like them, don't go...it's that simple.

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