What's Up With Racist White People And Their Revisionist View of History/The Civil War?

See what? It's racist to cite facts? Try this.
Yes, it's racist to judge all the 13% by some of its constituents. That's one of the implications of racism.

The staggeringly high crime rate of the 13% drives up the overall crime rate of the 100% and skews perceptions. That's a FACT that hurts your kunt.
... it can't have an open conversation about race, as evidenced by this thread.

No, YOU can't have an open conversation about race because the moment someone cites a factual statistic, you get your kunt hurt and start screaming RACIST!
WHY does everything the OP posts have to be about the darkies? What's up with that? Is this the Coon News Network? Drop the whiny woe is me colored shit. Some are born lucky and some are born colored.
When was the last time you talked to a black person about white privilege and white conservative innocence?

When was the last time a fact didn't hurt your twat?
Whats up with the black obsession over something that happened in 1861?
I imagined it's because it still wasn't over more than 100 years later.


Still isn't over.

Yea, Democrats are still using and abusing black people.
That's ridiculous. Blacks are an important part of the Democratic Party, along with Hispanics and women and gays another minorities.

Republicans are 90% white for a reason. And if they weren't 90% white, the Aryan Nation, the American Nazi Party and the Alt White would all walk.
Republicans keep insisting they are the Party of Lincoln even while they are waving the Confederate flag. It's no wonder their minions get confused. The Confederate flag is NOT the Northern Flag. It's the Southern Flag.
It's also confusing that since Lincoln was a Republican and a Northerner, they don't understand why most Republicans today live in the deep south.
That's what happens when you have a lack of education.
They're really getting ridiculous with their lies and garbage, so much so they are starting to believe the stuff...

I wonder how many of USMBers are like this? Or if is this actually one of them caught on camera here.

And if they received a death threat, do you believe they could actually read it?
When was the last time you talked to a black person about white privilege and white conservative innocence?
When was the last time a fact didn't hurt your twat?
The fact of your Christian racism is quite painless. You can't complain about the 13% then turn around and say you're not racist. After all, you're complaining about a 'race'.

Who would Jesus complain about?

I wonder how many of USMBers are like this? Or if is this actually one of them caught on camera here.
I see an ordinary porch decorated with a Confederate flag, a U.S. flag, and some artfully campy figures of Negroes which do not in any way project either a brazen or a shrouded attempt to degrade or to offend. I'm quite sure the porch of some imaginative Black people could construct a similarly campy historical burlesque presentation which includes some harmless White caricatures.

The humorous aspect of the tableau is emphasized by the either drunk or demented White fellow's babbling. Overall, the scene is an art form. Ignore it or make of it what you will. If you like feeling offended, enjoy it.

Yeah i can see that but you can also see by their responses , two morons who do happen to be racist (everybody hates everybody). It's no small miracle they have lived as long as they have. That would probably be the bigger news story. though, Not sure why anyone would think those wackos represent a revisionist movement. Not sure what "campy" is supposed to mean... what is that exactly?
They're really getting ridiculous with their lies and garbage, so much so they are starting to believe the stuff...

I wonder how many of USMBers are like this? Or if is this actually one of them caught on camera here.

Whats up with the black obsession over something that happened in 1861?

What's up with the white obsession over something that happened in 1776?
They're really getting ridiculous with their lies and garbage, so much so they are starting to believe the stuff...

I wonder how many of USMBers are like this? Or if is this actually one of them caught on camera here.

Whats up with the black obsession over something that happened in 1861?

What's up with the white obsession over something that happened in 1776?

So you want to go back even further into irrelevance?
Whats up with the black obsession over something that happened in 1861?
I imagined it's because it still wasn't over more than 100 years later.


Still isn't over.

Yea, Democrats are still using and abusing black people.
Face the truth. In general most white people just don't like blacks regardless of party affiliation. And no where is the abuse of black citizens more acute than in the Republican led red southern states.

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