What's Up With Racist White People And Their Revisionist View of History/The Civil War?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
They're really getting ridiculous with their lies and garbage, so much so they are starting to believe the stuff...

I wonder how many of USMBers are like this? Or if is this actually one of them caught on camera here.
Can you summarize the comments made? I am too lazy to listen.
They're really getting ridiculous with their lies and garbage, so much so they are starting to believe the stuff...

I wonder how many of USMBers are like this? Or if is this actually one of them caught on camera here.

Most white people don't have anything to do with those trailer trash crackers. No one should.
"It ain't got nuttin' to do with race. We ain't raceful."

I'd love to live next door to them. This family is a hoot. :lol:
Can you summarize the comments made? I am too lazy to listen.
He's flying Confederate flags to celebrate the Union winning the Civil War.
And the black mannequins are not racist
edit... but everybody hates somebody.
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Whats up with the black obsession over something that happened in 1861?
I imagined it's because it still wasn't over more than 100 years later.


Still isn't over.
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This is a joke thread, right? Revisionist history? I'm going out on a limb and guess that guy does not know what revisionist history means. 350 million people and OMG there are actually a few dumb rednecks out there. Hey! Let's put them on the news and pretend all Conservatives are like them!
They're really getting ridiculous with their lies and garbage, so much so they are starting to believe the stuff...

I wonder how many of USMBers are like this? Or if is this actually one of them caught on camera here.

They are no more looney than your run-of-the-mill Democrat.
This is a joke thread, right? Revisionist history? I'm going out on a limb and guess that guy does not know what revisionist history means. 350 million people and OMG there are actually a few dumb rednecks out there. Hey! Let's put them on the news and pretend all Conservatives are like them!

Whats up with the black obsession over something that happened in 1861?
I imagined it's because it still wasn't over more than 100 years later.


Mmmmm..sorry I dont know anyone who experienced that nor do I know anyone who is upset by it.
I spent four hours hanging out with black people,brown people and white people on Sunday at my favorite Cajune joint in Katy Texas watching the Astros game.
The racial tension was palpable.....just kidding,we all cheered and high fived each other when the Stros handed the Sox their ass.
This is a joke thread, right? Revisionist history? I'm going out on a limb and guess that guy does not know what revisionist history means. 350 million people and OMG there are actually a few dumb rednecks out there. Hey! Let's put them on the news and pretend all Conservatives are like them!
Yeah? Is that guy who thinks it was all over in 1861 a conservative?
They're really getting ridiculous with their lies and garbage, so much so they are starting to believe the stuff...

I wonder how many of USMBers are like this? Or if is this actually one of them caught on camera here.

Stupid knows no color. Are these people are fucking stupid.

I wonder how many of USMBers are like this? Or if is this actually one of them caught on camera here.
I see an ordinary porch decorated with a Confederate flag, a U.S. flag, and some artfully campy figures of Negroes which do not in any way project either a brazen or a shrouded attempt to degrade or to offend. I'm quite sure the porch of some imaginative Black people could construct a similarly campy historical burlesque presentation which includes some harmless White caricatures.

The humorous aspect of the tableau is emphasized by the either drunk or demented White fellow's babbling. Overall, the scene is an art form. Ignore it or make of it what you will. If you like feeling offended, enjoy it.
This is a joke thread, right? Revisionist history? I'm going out on a limb and guess that guy does not know what revisionist history means. 350 million people and OMG there are actually a few dumb rednecks out there. Hey! Let's put them on the news and pretend all Conservatives are like them!

That splains a lot. Now I get you.

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