Whats the average age here?

This message board has a function called "Age-ID", it is similar to the Caller-ID on ones phone. As a moderator, I have access to that function, so I ran some message board statistics, but I came up with mixed results.
Sometimes it says the average age is 42.4 years, sometimes it comes back with 24.4 years, and sometimes it comes back with 4.24 years. I don't think the function is working correctly.

operator error, most likely
When I buy tobacco or likker they ask for my birth date then type it into the register.

I subtract 30 years. I get the look. Then we both bust out laughing.

Any opportunity to turn the mundane into a joke turns a sour mood into a sunny day.

That's what I like about being alive. Smile. It's contagious.

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