What's happening to Men in America?


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
An interesting series on Fox with Tucker Carlson.
If you watch the video, a lot of this hits home with America today and makes sense.
If his statistics are true (and there's no reason to believe they wouldn't be), you do have to wonder what happened to the testosterone levels in men? Huge mysterious drop over the last few decades.

Or, is this pure Fox garbage?

one might say nature is doing away with the need for men..simple as that....

I don't know what you mean by that, but I think more accurate to assume that it is modern society that is trying to remove the need for masculinity.

What did you mean? I don't want to debate it. I'm just wondering.
As an aside, There were a couple articles I was reading that said that western nations male suicide rates are way up and that women’s proclaimed levels of happiness and contentment were way down, despite the fact that they have had wage equality for decades.

Anyway. They were interesting pieces, I thought. A sign of the times, I suppose.

If we really pay attention to male society today, men are increasinging relegating themselves to playing video games. Drugs. Virtual reality. And a general lack of responsibility.
and what allowed that...the feminist movement in the late 60s and early 70s...when women decided to do it all ...and gave men the flat out option of walking away from their families...one didnt have baby mommas in the 50s....having a child out of wedlock was shameful not something to brag about on fakebook...and no women dont get equal pay now....we just got more of the responsibility ...people claim women must work now to support the family..what became of men working to support the family and the family living within that means? you didnt have two or three cars and no closet full of clothes....young people are amazed when they learn we didnt need all the closet space cause we didnt have so called 'fast fashion' if you had a few dresses you were good to go...now its buy and buy....daycare runs 200 bucks a week? you would rather pay 200 bucks a week than stay home and take care of your own child? and dont get me started on women who move men in with small kids.....they just up the chances of that child being molested or murdered
I don't accept that men should be indiscriminately violent. Nor women, for that matter.

Putting that aside, I'm of the view that every man should be seen as threatening to those who would threaten him. Men should be seen as dangerous when threatened.

But, again, I think that modern society is trying to remove the need for masculinity. It's unfortunate.
well women are doing their best also...why are teachers having sex with students....what is causing that? why do women seek boys now? i think a lot of this is 'old school' thinking vs wtf is happening now...
women will no longer need men to reproduce....then what value is man? i see it as a natural defense of nature but i am of a totally different mind set than most.

Are Men Facing Extinction?

If the only reason a woman wanted me around was to reproduce, I don't think I would be interested anyway. I have no desire to reproduce, but I don't mind staying in practise.
Ahhhh, girls were always better at school in grade school and more "responsible" and men have been dying faster than women.....forever.

However, here is what is happening that is a major problem. First of all, femininity is always attracted to masculinity. Masculinity is being taught as something that is BAAAAAD. A mental disorder. I equate it to the barbarians that tried to FORCE PEOPLE to become predominantly right handed, even if they are in fact left handed. Pathetic.

In my experience, women are still very much attracted to masculine men. Not weepy sensitive men. Oh, they may want to be "friends" with such schmucks. Yeah, whatever. Learned a long time ago that that friendship shit is duuuuumb and a waste of time. Luckily I learned that when I was 13 or so, just before my HS years.

The fact is our liberal culture is hammering out masculinity. As a result we see men believing they are cursed, or their nature is wrong. More and more emasculated.

Here is an example.

While there is some humor this is what is happening and being taught in OUR CULTURE. Our pathetic LEFT WING culture that deny nature all while thinking they are the educated ones.

Another example.

Males in modern America are drugged almost from the moment they enter the school system, and spend the next 12 years having masculinity pounded out of them.
Idyll ...


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