What's buggin' you?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
No politics, please. How about a non-partisan bitch session? Hmmm?

1. We've had a house for sale for two years. We've had a long string of "buyers" but for one reason or another, they didn't pan out. We would think we were done but then something would get in the way.

Then a "cash buyer" a few months ago who was ready to close right now but then supposedly had a death in the family. Then he wanted to know if we would carry the paper and cut out the realtor. Then he says he has a "farm" in Kansas and wanted us to carry the paper until that property sold. A tiny bit of research showed that his "farm" is a ratty little house on 5 acres outside a dead town. It will be years before he unloads it. Now, suddenly, he is ready to close so we're going ahead. Cool. We're happy. Let's do it.

But ... title search showed the IRS had 4 liens against the property, dating back to '04, '06 amounting to really big bucks. Funny thing is, this was the first we ever heard of this. They never billed us, never made a squeak. WTH? Our own research showed what we already knew - we didn't owe one cent, all taxes were timely filed and timely paid. But, its the IRS and god wishes he were as powerful as the IRS so we engage a tax attorney. Long story short is that after a year and half and a lot of money down the drain, we close this Tuesday.

We didn't know that until late yesterday and also found out they could not locate the trust documentation from 1984. Who could easily and quickly put their hands on something that obscure dating back to 1984? We not only had to find it but we then had to overnight all the papers to the town where the house is located.

The IRS did finally admit (verbally) they had made a mistake but it took this long to get it resolved. I don't want to know who much we've paid our tax attorney. I'm wondering if its deductible.

Honestly, I'll be amazed if this guy is actually prepared to buy. He's a fundie lay preacher with a part time job so, uh, where's the money coming from? Apparently, he does have the money but I just can't help but distrust him because he has changed his story so many times. That and he has felt it appropriate to tell us several times that he's a "christian". Ugh.

Another weird thing is that he has demanded that we attend the closing. Sheesh. We're not interested in traveling there, putting our dear old dog in a kennel, staying in a hotel and spending time with him. Its not going to happen but I don't think he knows it yet. Instead, my husband is sending him a signed copy of one of his books. He has a bit of a cult following so we'll see what our buyer thinks.

2. About two weeks ago, we got an alert on my phone from the fraud department of our bank, showing two debits to our checking account that totaled more than $700. We keep a good chunk of money in out checking account because, well, its not as though anyone can make a buck with a savings account, so NSF's weren't a problem. The debit was made by a company called TeeChip. Never heard of them so did some looking. Apparently, they're supposed to be a tee shirt, coffee cup sorta company but there's also a Facebook page called something like 'TeeChip is a fraud'. The bank was very helpful and we got the money back.

Then, a whole bunch of tube mailers arrived from this company. We opened one ... a really dumb little poster. There were also a couple addressed to a woman who lives near us so I hunted down her phone number, left a message that she may have been the victim of fraud and my phone #. I want to report this to the law but want to include her name and don't feel I can until I talk to her. I also want to talk to her in case it can help me figure out how this company got our debit card # or how did they get into the account.

Okay, so lay it on. What's buggin you?
No politics, please. How about a non-partisan bitch session? Hmmm?

1. We've had a house for sale for two years. We've had a long string of "buyers" but for one reason or another, they didn't pan out. We would think we were done but then something would get in the way.

Then a "cash buyer" a few months ago who was ready to close right now but then supposedly had a death in the family. Then he wanted to know if we would carry the paper and cut out the realtor. Then he says he has a "farm" in Kansas and wanted us to carry the paper until that property sold. A tiny bit of research showed that his "farm" is a ratty little house on 5 acres outside a dead town. It will be years before he unloads it. Now, suddenly, he is ready to close so we're going ahead. Cool. We're happy. Let's do it.

But ... title search showed the IRS had 4 liens against the property, dating back to '04, '06 amounting to really big bucks. Funny thing is, this was the first we ever heard of this. They never billed us, never made a squeak. WTH? Our own research showed what we already knew - we didn't owe one cent, all taxes were timely filed and timely paid. But, its the IRS and god wishes he were as powerful as the IRS so we engage a tax attorney. Long story short is that after a year and half and a lot of money down the drain, we close this Tuesday.

We didn't know that until late yesterday and also found out they could not locate the trust documentation from 1984. Who could easily and quickly put their hands on something that obscure dating back to 1984? We not only had to find it but we then had to overnight all the papers to the town where the house is located.

The IRS did finally admit (verbally) they had made a mistake but it took this long to get it resolved. I don't want to know who much we've paid our tax attorney. I'm wondering if its deductible.

Honestly, I'll be amazed if this guy is actually prepared to buy. He's a fundie lay preacher with a part time job so, uh, where's the money coming from? Apparently, he does have the money but I just can't help but distrust him because he has changed his story so many times. That and he has felt it appropriate to tell us several times that he's a "christian". Ugh.

Another weird thing is that he has demanded that we attend the closing. Sheesh. We're not interested in traveling there, putting our dear old dog in a kennel, staying in a hotel and spending time with him. Its not going to happen but I don't think he knows it yet. Instead, my husband is sending him a signed copy of one of his books. He has a bit of a cult following so we'll see what our buyer thinks.

2. About two weeks ago, we got an alert on my phone from the fraud department of our bank, showing two debits to our checking account that totaled more than $700. We keep a good chunk of money in out checking account because, well, its not as though anyone can make a buck with a savings account, so NSF's weren't a problem. The debit was made by a company called TeeChip. Never heard of them so did some looking. Apparently, they're supposed to be a tee shirt, coffee cup sorta company but there's also a Facebook page called something like 'TeeChip is a fraud'. The bank was very helpful and we got the money back.

Then, a whole bunch of tube mailers arrived from this company. We opened one ... a really dumb little poster. There were also a couple addressed to a woman who lives near us so I hunted down her phone number, left a message that she may have been the victim of fraud and my phone #. I want to report this to the law but want to include her name and don't feel I can until I talk to her. I also want to talk to her in case it can help me figure out how this company got our debit card # or how did they get into the account.

Okay, so lay it on. What's buggin you?

No Italian Chicago beef sandwichs in the South it drives me nuts

Who the fuck. Did you get for a real estate agent? Why was the tax search not done by them? It's a damn simple listing to find. And if you carry paper and cannot afford to lose every dime plus you are an idiot.
The percentage of owner contracts that fully pay out to holders is minimal.

Now granted I do not like you but I will tell you what. You call it jg Wentworth and give them the address to the rat hole and the contract interest amount. They will tell you in a week how much they would buy the contract from you for.
Cripes. I was gonna whine about my hubbys crappy cat but now I feel all cheesy.

Hubby and I had a raging fight with the IRS that lasted about 6 years. We never did get a lawyer but just kept on keeping on. We never really got anything resolved... I would have liked to have a letter of apology with them admitting error. Haha.
They finally just quit the letters, phone calls, bullshit amounts of money owed and they scurried away.
Who the fuck. Did you get for a real estate agent? Why was the tax search not done by them? It's a damn simple listing to find. And if you carry paper and cannot afford to lose every dime plus you are an idiot.
The percentage of owner contracts that fully pay out to holders is minimal.

Now granted I do not like you but I will tell you what. You call it jg Wentworth and give them the address to the rat hole and the contract interest amount. They will tell you in a week how much they would buy the contract from you for.

Oh brother. Where do you get this shit?

You've made several ASSSumptions that are simply not true.

And JG Wentworth? You're crazy.

Go away.

No politics, please. How about a non-partisan bitch session? Hmmm?

1. We've had a house for sale for two years. We've had a long string of "buyers" but for one reason or another, they didn't pan out. We would think we were done but then something would get in the way.

Then a "cash buyer" a few months ago who was ready to close right now but then supposedly had a death in the family. Then he wanted to know if we would carry the paper and cut out the realtor. Then he says he has a "farm" in Kansas and wanted us to carry the paper until that property sold. A tiny bit of research showed that his "farm" is a ratty little house on 5 acres outside a dead town. It will be years before he unloads it. Now, suddenly, he is ready to close so we're going ahead. Cool. We're happy. Let's do it.

But ... title search showed the IRS had 4 liens against the property, dating back to '04, '06 amounting to really big bucks. Funny thing is, this was the first we ever heard of this. They never billed us, never made a squeak. WTH? Our own research showed what we already knew - we didn't owe one cent, all taxes were timely filed and timely paid. But, its the IRS and god wishes he were as powerful as the IRS so we engage a tax attorney. Long story short is that after a year and half and a lot of money down the drain, we close this Tuesday.

We didn't know that until late yesterday and also found out they could not locate the trust documentation from 1984. Who could easily and quickly put their hands on something that obscure dating back to 1984? We not only had to find it but we then had to overnight all the papers to the town where the house is located.

The IRS did finally admit (verbally) they had made a mistake but it took this long to get it resolved. I don't want to know who much we've paid our tax attorney. I'm wondering if its deductible.

Honestly, I'll be amazed if this guy is actually prepared to buy. He's a fundie lay preacher with a part time job so, uh, where's the money coming from? Apparently, he does have the money but I just can't help but distrust him because he has changed his story so many times. That and he has felt it appropriate to tell us several times that he's a "christian". Ugh.

Another weird thing is that he has demanded that we attend the closing. Sheesh. We're not interested in traveling there, putting our dear old dog in a kennel, staying in a hotel and spending time with him. Its not going to happen but I don't think he knows it yet. Instead, my husband is sending him a signed copy of one of his books. He has a bit of a cult following so we'll see what our buyer thinks.

2. About two weeks ago, we got an alert on my phone from the fraud department of our bank, showing two debits to our checking account that totaled more than $700. We keep a good chunk of money in out checking account because, well, its not as though anyone can make a buck with a savings account, so NSF's weren't a problem. The debit was made by a company called TeeChip. Never heard of them so did some looking. Apparently, they're supposed to be a tee shirt, coffee cup sorta company but there's also a Facebook page called something like 'TeeChip is a fraud'. The bank was very helpful and we got the money back.

Then, a whole bunch of tube mailers arrived from this company. We opened one ... a really dumb little poster. There were also a couple addressed to a woman who lives near us so I hunted down her phone number, left a message that she may have been the victim of fraud and my phone #. I want to report this to the law but want to include her name and don't feel I can until I talk to her. I also want to talk to her in case it can help me figure out how this company got our debit card # or how did they get into the account.

Okay, so lay it on. What's buggin you?

No Italian Chicago beef sandwichs in the South it drives me nuts


Living in the south would drive me nuts and I have no clue what a "chicago beef sandwich" is but of course, I wish you well in your search.

Oh wait, is that like a Philly cheese steak? Ugh. Fat and grease and fat.
Who the fuck. Did you get for a real estate agent? Why was the tax search not done by them? It's a damn simple listing to find. And if you carry paper and cannot afford to lose every dime plus you are an idiot.
The percentage of owner contracts that fully pay out to holders is minimal.

Now granted I do not like you but I will tell you what. You call it jg Wentworth and give them the address to the rat hole and the contract interest amount. They will tell you in a week how much they would buy the contract from you for.

Oh brother. Where do you get this shit?

You've made several ASSSumptions that are simply not true.

And JG Wentworth? You're crazy.

Go away.

No politics, please. How about a non-partisan bitch session? Hmmm?

1. We've had a house for sale for two years. We've had a long string of "buyers" but for one reason or another, they didn't pan out. We would think we were done but then something would get in the way.

Then a "cash buyer" a few months ago who was ready to close right now but then supposedly had a death in the family. Then he wanted to know if we would carry the paper and cut out the realtor. Then he says he has a "farm" in Kansas and wanted us to carry the paper until that property sold. A tiny bit of research showed that his "farm" is a ratty little house on 5 acres outside a dead town. It will be years before he unloads it. Now, suddenly, he is ready to close so we're going ahead. Cool. We're happy. Let's do it.

But ... title search showed the IRS had 4 liens against the property, dating back to '04, '06 amounting to really big bucks. Funny thing is, this was the first we ever heard of this. They never billed us, never made a squeak. WTH? Our own research showed what we already knew - we didn't owe one cent, all taxes were timely filed and timely paid. But, its the IRS and god wishes he were as powerful as the IRS so we engage a tax attorney. Long story short is that after a year and half and a lot of money down the drain, we close this Tuesday.

We didn't know that until late yesterday and also found out they could not locate the trust documentation from 1984. Who could easily and quickly put their hands on something that obscure dating back to 1984? We not only had to find it but we then had to overnight all the papers to the town where the house is located.

The IRS did finally admit (verbally) they had made a mistake but it took this long to get it resolved. I don't want to know who much we've paid our tax attorney. I'm wondering if its deductible.

Honestly, I'll be amazed if this guy is actually prepared to buy. He's a fundie lay preacher with a part time job so, uh, where's the money coming from? Apparently, he does have the money but I just can't help but distrust him because he has changed his story so many times. That and he has felt it appropriate to tell us several times that he's a "christian". Ugh.

Another weird thing is that he has demanded that we attend the closing. Sheesh. We're not interested in traveling there, putting our dear old dog in a kennel, staying in a hotel and spending time with him. Its not going to happen but I don't think he knows it yet. Instead, my husband is sending him a signed copy of one of his books. He has a bit of a cult following so we'll see what our buyer thinks.

2. About two weeks ago, we got an alert on my phone from the fraud department of our bank, showing two debits to our checking account that totaled more than $700. We keep a good chunk of money in out checking account because, well, its not as though anyone can make a buck with a savings account, so NSF's weren't a problem. The debit was made by a company called TeeChip. Never heard of them so did some looking. Apparently, they're supposed to be a tee shirt, coffee cup sorta company but there's also a Facebook page called something like 'TeeChip is a fraud'. The bank was very helpful and we got the money back.

Then, a whole bunch of tube mailers arrived from this company. We opened one ... a really dumb little poster. There were also a couple addressed to a woman who lives near us so I hunted down her phone number, left a message that she may have been the victim of fraud and my phone #. I want to report this to the law but want to include her name and don't feel I can until I talk to her. I also want to talk to her in case it can help me figure out how this company got our debit card # or how did they get into the account.

Okay, so lay it on. What's buggin you?

No Italian Chicago beef sandwichs in the South it drives me nuts


Living in the south would drive me nuts and I have no clue what a "chicago beef sandwich" is but of course, I wish you well in your search.

Oh wait, is that like a Philly cheese steak? Ugh. Fat and grease and fat.

Not even like a Philly cheese steak.. love.

It melts in your mouth
Who the fuck. Did you get for a real estate agent? Why was the tax search not done by them? It's a damn simple listing to find. And if you carry paper and cannot afford to lose every dime plus you are an idiot.
The percentage of owner contracts that fully pay out to holders is minimal.

Now granted I do not like you but I will tell you what. You call it jg Wentworth and give them the address to the rat hole and the contract interest amount. They will tell you in a week how much they would buy the contract from you for.

Oh brother. Where do you get this shit?

You've made several ASSSumptions that are simply not true.

And JG Wentworth? You're crazy.

Go away.

No politics, please. How about a non-partisan bitch session? Hmmm?

1. We've had a house for sale for two years. We've had a long string of "buyers" but for one reason or another, they didn't pan out. We would think we were done but then something would get in the way.

Then a "cash buyer" a few months ago who was ready to close right now but then supposedly had a death in the family. Then he wanted to know if we would carry the paper and cut out the realtor. Then he says he has a "farm" in Kansas and wanted us to carry the paper until that property sold. A tiny bit of research showed that his "farm" is a ratty little house on 5 acres outside a dead town. It will be years before he unloads it. Now, suddenly, he is ready to close so we're going ahead. Cool. We're happy. Let's do it.

But ... title search showed the IRS had 4 liens against the property, dating back to '04, '06 amounting to really big bucks. Funny thing is, this was the first we ever heard of this. They never billed us, never made a squeak. WTH? Our own research showed what we already knew - we didn't owe one cent, all taxes were timely filed and timely paid. But, its the IRS and god wishes he were as powerful as the IRS so we engage a tax attorney. Long story short is that after a year and half and a lot of money down the drain, we close this Tuesday.

We didn't know that until late yesterday and also found out they could not locate the trust documentation from 1984. Who could easily and quickly put their hands on something that obscure dating back to 1984? We not only had to find it but we then had to overnight all the papers to the town where the house is located.

The IRS did finally admit (verbally) they had made a mistake but it took this long to get it resolved. I don't want to know who much we've paid our tax attorney. I'm wondering if its deductible.

Honestly, I'll be amazed if this guy is actually prepared to buy. He's a fundie lay preacher with a part time job so, uh, where's the money coming from? Apparently, he does have the money but I just can't help but distrust him because he has changed his story so many times. That and he has felt it appropriate to tell us several times that he's a "christian". Ugh.

Another weird thing is that he has demanded that we attend the closing. Sheesh. We're not interested in traveling there, putting our dear old dog in a kennel, staying in a hotel and spending time with him. Its not going to happen but I don't think he knows it yet. Instead, my husband is sending him a signed copy of one of his books. He has a bit of a cult following so we'll see what our buyer thinks.

2. About two weeks ago, we got an alert on my phone from the fraud department of our bank, showing two debits to our checking account that totaled more than $700. We keep a good chunk of money in out checking account because, well, its not as though anyone can make a buck with a savings account, so NSF's weren't a problem. The debit was made by a company called TeeChip. Never heard of them so did some looking. Apparently, they're supposed to be a tee shirt, coffee cup sorta company but there's also a Facebook page called something like 'TeeChip is a fraud'. The bank was very helpful and we got the money back.

Then, a whole bunch of tube mailers arrived from this company. We opened one ... a really dumb little poster. There were also a couple addressed to a woman who lives near us so I hunted down her phone number, left a message that she may have been the victim of fraud and my phone #. I want to report this to the law but want to include her name and don't feel I can until I talk to her. I also want to talk to her in case it can help me figure out how this company got our debit card # or how did they get into the account.

Okay, so lay it on. What's buggin you?

No Italian Chicago beef sandwichs in the South it drives me nuts


Living in the south would drive me nuts and I have no clue what a "chicago beef sandwich" is but of course, I wish you well in your search.

Oh wait, is that like a Philly cheese steak? Ugh. Fat and grease and fat.

Not even like a Philly cheese steak.. love.

It melts in your mouth

No politics, please. How about a non-partisan bitch session? Hmmm?

1. We've had a house for sale for two years. We've had a long string of "buyers" but for one reason or another, they didn't pan out. We would think we were done but then something would get in the way.

Then a "cash buyer" a few months ago who was ready to close right now but then supposedly had a death in the family. Then he wanted to know if we would carry the paper and cut out the realtor. Then he says he has a "farm" in Kansas and wanted us to carry the paper until that property sold. A tiny bit of research showed that his "farm" is a ratty little house on 5 acres outside a dead town. It will be years before he unloads it. Now, suddenly, he is ready to close so we're going ahead. Cool. We're happy. Let's do it.

But ... title search showed the IRS had 4 liens against the property, dating back to '04, '06 amounting to really big bucks. Funny thing is, this was the first we ever heard of this. They never billed us, never made a squeak. WTH? Our own research showed what we already knew - we didn't owe one cent, all taxes were timely filed and timely paid. But, its the IRS and god wishes he were as powerful as the IRS so we engage a tax attorney. Long story short is that after a year and half and a lot of money down the drain, we close this Tuesday.

We didn't know that until late yesterday and also found out they could not locate the trust documentation from 1984. Who could easily and quickly put their hands on something that obscure dating back to 1984? We not only had to find it but we then had to overnight all the papers to the town where the house is located.

The IRS did finally admit (verbally) they had made a mistake but it took this long to get it resolved. I don't want to know who much we've paid our tax attorney. I'm wondering if its deductible.

Honestly, I'll be amazed if this guy is actually prepared to buy. He's a fundie lay preacher with a part time job so, uh, where's the money coming from? Apparently, he does have the money but I just can't help but distrust him because he has changed his story so many times. That and he has felt it appropriate to tell us several times that he's a "christian". Ugh.

Another weird thing is that he has demanded that we attend the closing. Sheesh. We're not interested in traveling there, putting our dear old dog in a kennel, staying in a hotel and spending time with him. Its not going to happen but I don't think he knows it yet. Instead, my husband is sending him a signed copy of one of his books. He has a bit of a cult following so we'll see what our buyer thinks.

2. About two weeks ago, we got an alert on my phone from the fraud department of our bank, showing two debits to our checking account that totaled more than $700. We keep a good chunk of money in out checking account because, well, its not as though anyone can make a buck with a savings account, so NSF's weren't a problem. The debit was made by a company called TeeChip. Never heard of them so did some looking. Apparently, they're supposed to be a tee shirt, coffee cup sorta company but there's also a Facebook page called something like 'TeeChip is a fraud'. The bank was very helpful and we got the money back.

Then, a whole bunch of tube mailers arrived from this company. We opened one ... a really dumb little poster. There were also a couple addressed to a woman who lives near us so I hunted down her phone number, left a message that she may have been the victim of fraud and my phone #. I want to report this to the law but want to include her name and don't feel I can until I talk to her. I also want to talk to her in case it can help me figure out how this company got our debit card # or how did they get into the account.

Okay, so lay it on. What's buggin you?
Figured from many of your posts in here you didn't have much on the ball, so it's nice you confirmed my suspicions with this thread.

Just one example from your above tale of woe. He's "demanding" you attend the closing? You're either too stupid to hire a competent attorney with real estate expertise or you're too stupid to know you should hire one. A good attorney would have, in nice legalese, told him to stick his demand up his ass because there is no reason for you to attend if you simply don't want to.

Lots of folks never learn until they get taken to the cleaners, and they're eagerly waiting to welcome you to their dubious club.
Cripes. I was gonna whine about my hubbys crappy cat but now I feel all cheesy.

Hubby and I had a raging fight with the IRS that lasted about 6 years. We never did get a lawyer but just kept on keeping on. We never really got anything resolved... I would have liked to have a letter of apology with them admitting error. Haha.
They finally just quit the letters, phone calls, bullshit amounts of money owed and they scurried away.

I hope we're done with it but the IRS is such an enormous juggernaut they can just keep going forever. And, having all the money they need to keep after citizens while we all pay attorney fees.
No politics, please. How about a non-partisan bitch session? Hmmm?

1. We've had a house for sale for two years. We've had a long string of "buyers" but for one reason or another, they didn't pan out. We would think we were done but then something would get in the way.

Then a "cash buyer" a few months ago who was ready to close right now but then supposedly had a death in the family. Then he wanted to know if we would carry the paper and cut out the realtor. Then he says he has a "farm" in Kansas and wanted us to carry the paper until that property sold. A tiny bit of research showed that his "farm" is a ratty little house on 5 acres outside a dead town. It will be years before he unloads it. Now, suddenly, he is ready to close so we're going ahead. Cool. We're happy. Let's do it.

But ... title search showed the IRS had 4 liens against the property, dating back to '04, '06 amounting to really big bucks. Funny thing is, this was the first we ever heard of this. They never billed us, never made a squeak. WTH? Our own research showed what we already knew - we didn't owe one cent, all taxes were timely filed and timely paid. But, its the IRS and god wishes he were as powerful as the IRS so we engage a tax attorney. Long story short is that after a year and half and a lot of money down the drain, we close this Tuesday.

We didn't know that until late yesterday and also found out they could not locate the trust documentation from 1984. Who could easily and quickly put their hands on something that obscure dating back to 1984? We not only had to find it but we then had to overnight all the papers to the town where the house is located.

The IRS did finally admit (verbally) they had made a mistake but it took this long to get it resolved. I don't want to know who much we've paid our tax attorney. I'm wondering if its deductible.

Honestly, I'll be amazed if this guy is actually prepared to buy. He's a fundie lay preacher with a part time job so, uh, where's the money coming from? Apparently, he does have the money but I just can't help but distrust him because he has changed his story so many times. That and he has felt it appropriate to tell us several times that he's a "christian". Ugh.

Another weird thing is that he has demanded that we attend the closing. Sheesh. We're not interested in traveling there, putting our dear old dog in a kennel, staying in a hotel and spending time with him. Its not going to happen but I don't think he knows it yet. Instead, my husband is sending him a signed copy of one of his books. He has a bit of a cult following so we'll see what our buyer thinks.

2. About two weeks ago, we got an alert on my phone from the fraud department of our bank, showing two debits to our checking account that totaled more than $700. We keep a good chunk of money in out checking account because, well, its not as though anyone can make a buck with a savings account, so NSF's weren't a problem. The debit was made by a company called TeeChip. Never heard of them so did some looking. Apparently, they're supposed to be a tee shirt, coffee cup sorta company but there's also a Facebook page called something like 'TeeChip is a fraud'. The bank was very helpful and we got the money back.

Then, a whole bunch of tube mailers arrived from this company. We opened one ... a really dumb little poster. There were also a couple addressed to a woman who lives near us so I hunted down her phone number, left a message that she may have been the victim of fraud and my phone #. I want to report this to the law but want to include her name and don't feel I can until I talk to her. I also want to talk to her in case it can help me figure out how this company got our debit card # or how did they get into the account.

Okay, so lay it on. What's buggin you?
Figured from many of your posts in here you didn't have much on the ball, so it's nice you confirmed my suspicions with this thread.

Just one example from your above tale of woe. He's "demanding" you attend the closing? You're either too stupid to hire a competent attorney with real estate expertise or you're too stupid to know you should hire one. A good attorney would have, in nice legalese, told him to stick his demand up his ass because there is no reason for you to attend if you simply don't want to.

Lots of folks never learn until they get taken to the cleaners, and they're eagerly waiting to welcome you to their dubious club.

Yes you're correct about a good atty and we are quite happy with ours. But you're wrong in the rest of your post. Thanks ever so much for your thoughtful and intelligent post.

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