What Would Happen If We Plastered Pictures Of Victims Of Drone Attacks All Over The Media

You accused me of an invalid conclusion. I've concluded that mudwhistle is a phoney.

Is that your positions on drone strikes and terrorist torture and the reasons why ... Or are still trying to argue about an irrelevant point to either matter?


I support drone strikes and oppose torture. Happy now?
Kill em, don't yell at them. Got it.:muahaha:

That you don't know the difference between a combatant in the field and a prisoner is a problem you need to remedy.

According to the Geneva Convention, they are not different. Check out D) in Article 3 and get back to us. So the assassinations are in fact a violation in the same manner as the "not torture".

Now you liberals will come at me that it's not assassination via drone, but something else. It will sound like the conservatives over "not torture" and then everyone will STFU after helping themselves to a steaming plate of hypocrisy.
You accused me of an invalid conclusion. I've concluded that mudwhistle is a phoney.

Is that your positions on drone strikes and terrorist torture and the reasons why ... Or are still trying to argue about an irrelevant point to either matter?


I support drone strikes and oppose torture. Happy now?
Kill em, don't yell at them. Got it.:muahaha:

That you don't know the difference between a combatant in the field and a prisoner is a problem you need to remedy.

I know the difference between a combatant in the field and a prisoner. I've been to plenty of classes covering this subject.

These folks gave up their Geneva Convention rights when they committed war crimes by targeting civilians and by not wearing any unit insignia. Also, the pose as civilians and use civilians as shields in their operations. They hide their weapons in Mosques and schools, even UN facilities.


Japanese illustration depicting the beheading of Chinese captives. Sino-Japanese War of 1894–5.

To be entitled to prisoner-of-war status, captured persons must be lawful combatants entitled to combatant's privilege—which gives them immunity from punishment for crimes constituting lawful acts of war such as killing enemy combatants. To qualify under the Third Geneva Convention, a combatant must be part of a chain of command, wear a "fixed distinctive marking, visible from a distance", bear arms openly, and have conducted military operations according to the laws and customs of war. (The Convention recognizes a few other groups as well, such as "nhabitants of a non-occupied territory, who on the approach of the enemy spontaneously take up arms to resist the invading forces, without having had time to form themselves into regular armed units".)

Thus, uniforms and/or badges are important in determining prisoner-of-war status; and francs-tireurs, terrorists, saboteurs, mercenaries, and spies do not qualify because they do not always follow the laws and customs of war and therefore they fall under the category of unlawful combatants.

Prisoner of war - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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Which means nothing relative to what I posted.
Actually firing on a target with a drone isn't like firing a Scud. They have eyes on the target and can make out women and children from a pretty far distance.

You're only objecting to civilian casualties because it's Obama in charge.
Not exactly. The problem I have is I can't stomach the constant hypocrisy on full display here.

you mean like the 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill the Republicans passed after the right has been bitching about the debt all week. THAT hypocrisy?
Well, one needs to read the bill before they can say that. Have you read it yet?

I'm still trying to research this. I hear conflicting reports on it. Obama is all for the spending bill, which makes be question it. What's being mostly reported is who is for and against it, not exactly what it contains.

was,so was Nancy. Then they finally read it and found the RW dirt between the cracks. Now neither one of them supports the bill.
You accused me of an invalid conclusion. I've concluded that mudwhistle is a phoney.

Is that your positions on drone strikes and terrorist torture and the reasons why ... Or are still trying to argue about an irrelevant point to either matter?


I support drone strikes and oppose torture. Happy now?
Kill em, don't yell at them. Got it.:muahaha:

That you don't know the difference between a combatant in the field and a prisoner is a problem you need to remedy.

According to the Geneva Convention, they are not different. Check out D) in Article 3 and get back to us. So the assassinations are in fact a violation in the same manner as the "not torture".

Now you liberals will come at me that it's not assassination via drone, but something else. It will sound like the conservatives over "not torture" and then everyone will STFU after helping themselves to a steaming plate of hypocrisy.

I'm curious. What do you call dropping laser guided smart bombs out of F16's ?
These folks gave up their Geneva Convention rights when they committed war crimes by targeting civilians and by not wearing any unit insignia

No, the Military Commisions Act of 2006 explicitly forbids anyone from invoking the geneva convention rules to habeas corpus. They didn't give them up they were codified out of law.
Is that your positions on drone strikes and terrorist torture and the reasons why ... Or are still trying to argue about an irrelevant point to either matter?


I support drone strikes and oppose torture. Happy now?
Kill em, don't yell at them. Got it.:muahaha:

I'd call it hot war. Are we in a hot war with Pakistan and Yemen now?
That you don't know the difference between a combatant in the field and a prisoner is a problem you need to remedy.

According to the Geneva Convention, they are not different. Check out D) in Article 3 and get back to us. So the assassinations are in fact a violation in the same manner as the "not torture".

Now you liberals will come at me that it's not assassination via drone, but something else. It will sound like the conservatives over "not torture" and then everyone will STFU after helping themselves to a steaming plate of hypocrisy.

I'm curious. What do you call dropping laser guided smart bombs out of F16's ?

I'd call it an act of war when the belligerent country hasn't declared one. Such as in Pakistan and Yemen.
These folks gave up their Geneva Convention rights when they committed war crimes by targeting civilians and by not wearing any unit insignia

No, the Military Commisions Act of 2006 explicitly forbids anyone from invoking the geneva convention rules to habeas corpus. They didn't give them up they were codified out of law.

That is true ... They cannot give up what they never had.

Imagine what the world would think if Republicans started acting like Democrats and started exposing everything our presidents have done in the war on terror.


At the following links are pictures of the after-effects of Obama's drone strikes. WARNING: Some may become upset from the graphic nature of this pictures. Especially potential terrorists:




Should we outlaw the use of drones in wars, for killing people? Especially when I saw somewhere yesterday or maybe it was a thread header today, that 1 out of 28 killed by drones are the people we are actually after, that means 27 are not, on average.... if that is true, then I think we should outlaw the use of drones....

What do you think? Should we outlaw their use, even in war?
a drone strike hits exactly what its aimed at .. we rely on intelligence reports for target selection

laser guided smart bombs require a laser on the ground for their intelligence determining targets

pretty much the same damn thing when you take off the lipstick.

assassination via drone, my ass. I'm not a liberal either.
The biggest problem we have with all of this is that the war on terror is the like the war on drugs. It's not a war in any conventional sense. So we have this rolling never ending war going on just like the war on drugs or poverty. The slope gets mighty slippery when one engages a never ending war they created for themselves.

From there the piles of shit just mount. Assassinations, torture, enemy combatants, etc..etc..etc...it never stops and it is not meant to do so.

Well unlike Bush his % civilians killed is far lower than Bush's..

Look at Bush in 2006, only 4 combats actually killed while 90 civilians killed...

Can you point me to your concern back then...

This is a simple case of:
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.
Obama's positions better reflect the change and new direction that the American people have been calling for, but those with Obama Derangement Syndrome would rather stick with failure than even consider voting for him.
Thinking like that did so well in the last election, didn't it? Lol
a drone strike hits exactly what its aimed at .. we rely on intelligence reports for target selection

laser guided smart bombs require a laser on the ground for their intelligence determining targets

pretty much the same damn thing when you take off the lipstick.

assassination via drone, my ass. I'm not a liberal either.
In a county we never declared war in? Were these enemy combatants actively engaged in combat when they were struck? These are rhetorical questions. Children, women, entire families in some cases.

If you are arguing about the "not torture" being bad with republicans and you can not see how the assassinations are just as nefarious, you're blind or wish not to see.
I've been saying we need to get the hell out and mind our own damn business before the first bunker buster hit in Iraq ... then, KILL ALL MUSLIMS was the war cry from the RW's. Now, they're particular about how they kill them, but they pretty much still want them dead.

gimme a F'n break.

Kill ISIS... but not with a drone.

You're only objecting to civilian casualties because it's Obama in charge.

You are only trying to debate by making invalid conclusions. If you support one program over the other state your potion and reasons.

I personally prefer tortured terrorists over dead babies. If given the overall choice ... I would prefer shooting the terrorists and leaving them dead on the battlefield over capturing them, torturing them and then letting them go.

Ny, just looks at those babies as late term abortions.
I've been saying we need to get the hell out and mind our own damn business before the first bunker buster hit in Iraq ... then, KILL ALL MUSLIMS was the war cry from the RW's. Now, they're particular about how they kill them, but they pretty much still want them dead.

gimme a F'n break.

Kill ISIS... but not with a drone.


Yep.... have yet to meet one worth a shit.
You accused me of an invalid conclusion. I've concluded that mudwhistle is a phoney.

Is that your positions on drone strikes and terrorist torture and the reasons why ... Or are still trying to argue about an irrelevant point to either matter?


I support drone strikes and oppose torture. Happy now?
Kill em, don't yell at them. Got it.:muahaha:

That you don't know the difference between a combatant in the field and a prisoner is a problem you need to remedy.
Are you stupid? Before they became prisoner's, the were combatants.

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