What Would Happen If We Plastered Pictures Of Victims Of Drone Attacks All Over The Media

Just remember, Muslim Terrorists are good when Obama kills them.
Just remember, innocent women and children are irrelevant when obama kills them.

You guys treat Muslims like they are sub-human when anyone who isn't Obama kills them.

Frankly, I'm not thrilled with drone strikes, but they are better than the alternative, which is playing hall monitor in the middle east.
And you guys are always the ones who remind us that not all muslims are radical killers.

Why the double standard now?

Ooooohh wait... I think I know... because you progs have to protect your messiah.

What Reagan Signed - The Atlantic
Deflection to irrelevant long past history noted.

Liberal tactic #13

BS as usual.

It is ALWAYS the rabid RW who excuses their own behavior by saying it was the Dems who did it in the past.

FACT is, the parties have switched places. Dems are now the party of the big tent while the damn Repubs hang on to hating blacks, women, children, Hispanics, gays - everyone except trailer trash crackers and the 1%.

Well unlike Bush his % civilians killed is far lower than Bush's..

Look at Bush in 2006, only 4 combats actually killed while 90 civilians killed...

Can you point me to your concern back then...

This is a simple case of:
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.
Obama's positions better reflect the change and new direction that the American people have been calling for, but those with Obama Derangement Syndrome would rather stick with failure than even consider voting for him.
Just remember, innocent women and children are irrelevant when obama kills them.

You guys treat Muslims like they are sub-human when anyone who isn't Obama kills them.

Frankly, I'm not thrilled with drone strikes, but they are better than the alternative, which is playing hall monitor in the middle east.
And you guys are always the ones who remind us that not all muslims are radical killers.

Why the double standard now?

Ooooohh wait... I think I know... because you progs have to protect your messiah.

What Reagan Signed - The Atlantic
Deflection to irrelevant long past history noted.

Liberal tactic #13

BS as usual.

It is ALWAYS the rabid RW who excuses their own behavior by saying it was the Dems who did it in the past.

FACT is, the parties have switched places. Dems are now the party of the big tent while the damn Repubs hang on to hating blacks, women, children, Hispanics, gays - everyone except trailer trash crackers and the 1%.
Sorry, cock sucker, but YOU are the MINORITY now. I know that's a really hard for you to get used to, but you're just going to have to find a way to deal with it, because the TRASH you talk here like the GARBAGE you just posted doesn't wash with the MAJORITY of Americans anymore. They're tired of listening to it.

So fuck off, moron, you're becoming more insignificant by the day.
You guys treat Muslims like they are sub-human when anyone who isn't Obama kills them.

Frankly, I'm not thrilled with drone strikes, but they are better than the alternative, which is playing hall monitor in the middle east.
And you guys are always the ones who remind us that not all muslims are radical killers.

Why the double standard now?

Ooooohh wait... I think I know... because you progs have to protect your messiah.

What Reagan Signed - The Atlantic
Deflection to irrelevant long past history noted.

Liberal tactic #13

Was that revoked? When ?

On 9/11/2001.

You're an idiot.

Well unlike Bush his % civilians killed is far lower than Bush's..

Look at Bush in 2006, only 4 combats actually killed while 90 civilians killed...

Can you point me to your concern back then...

This is a simple case of:
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.
Obama's positions better reflect the change and new direction that the American people have been calling for, but those with Obama Derangement Syndrome would rather stick with failure than even consider voting for him.
Your supposed statistical graph is HORSE SHIT. There is really no actual way to come with HARD NUMBERS the way your FAR LEFT PROGTARD PROPAGANDA site has. It's bull shit.

And you guys are always the ones who remind us that not all muslims are radical killers.

Why the double standard now?

Ooooohh wait... I think I know... because you progs have to protect your messiah.

What Reagan Signed - The Atlantic
Deflection to irrelevant long past history noted.

Liberal tactic #13

Was that revoked? When ?

On 9/11/2001.

You're an idiot.
You're the radical, marxist, alinsky, commie minority.

Well unlike Bush his % civilians killed is far lower than Bush's..

Look at Bush in 2006, only 4 combats actually killed while 90 civilians killed...

Can you point me to your concern back then...

This is a simple case of:
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.
Obama's positions better reflect the change and new direction that the American people have been calling for, but those with Obama Derangement Syndrome would rather stick with failure than even consider voting for him.

How can Bush kill more than himself????

Well unlike Bush his % civilians killed is far lower than Bush's..

Look at Bush in 2006, only 4 combats actually killed while 90 civilians killed...

Can you point me to your concern back then...

This is a simple case of:
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.
Obama's positions better reflect the change and new direction that the American people have been calling for, but those with Obama Derangement Syndrome would rather stick with failure than even consider voting for him.
Your supposed statistical graph is HORSE SHIT. There is really no actual way to come with HARD NUMBERS the way your FAR LEFT PROGTARD PROPAGANDA site has. It's bull shit.


Well, technically all of them are civilians because they never wear uniforms.

Well unlike Bush his % civilians killed is far lower than Bush's..

Look at Bush in 2006, only 4 combats actually killed while 90 civilians killed...

Can you point me to your concern back then...

This is a simple case of:
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.
Obama's positions better reflect the change and new direction that the American people have been calling for, but those with Obama Derangement Syndrome would rather stick with failure than even consider voting for him.

How can Bush kill more than himself????
That's the way it works on planet progtard.
OH NO Mud... according to progtards, a little water in the face for a few seconds is FAR, FAR worse than just KILLING A FEW HUNDRED INNOCENT PEOPLE that happen to GET IN THE WAY.

So you're going to have to not say anything about this stuff. It exposes the left's hypocrisy... again.

We should post pictures of innocent Americans killed on the streets by thugs with stolen guns, and, the picture of the thugs that kill them.
What would happen? Easy, the republicans would be up in arms criticizing media for their honesty. The democrat's response would be mixed as they are not as ideologically managed as the republicans today. I think everyone knows this except Mud who lives in a lalaland of finger pointing in one direction only.
Another graduate of the Alinksy School.

I'd give you a C- on that one.
Just remember, innocent women and children are irrelevant when obama kills them.

You guys treat Muslims like they are sub-human when anyone who isn't Obama kills them.

Frankly, I'm not thrilled with drone strikes, but they are better than the alternative, which is playing hall monitor in the middle east.
And you guys are always the ones who remind us that not all muslims are radical killers.

Why the double standard now?

Ooooohh wait... I think I know... because you progs have to protect your messiah.

What Reagan Signed - The Atlantic
Deflection to irrelevant long past history noted.

Liberal tactic #13

BS as usual.

It is ALWAYS the rabid RW who excuses their own behavior by saying it was the Dems who did it in the past.

FACT is, the parties have switched places. Dems are now the party of the big tent while the damn Repubs hang on to hating blacks, women, children, Hispanics, gays - everyone except trailer trash crackers and the 1%.
Hey, let's go back to LBJ, and field telephone generators being used on Cong balls.

Well unlike Bush his % civilians killed is far lower than Bush's..

Look at Bush in 2006, only 4 combats actually killed while 90 civilians killed...

Can you point me to your concern back then...

This is a simple case of:
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.
Obama's positions better reflect the change and new direction that the American people have been calling for, but those with Obama Derangement Syndrome would rather stick with failure than even consider voting for him.
Your supposed statistical graph is HORSE SHIT. There is really no actual way to come with HARD NUMBERS the way your FAR LEFT PROGTARD PROPAGANDA site has. It's bull shit.


I hope everyone else is learning... This case of Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS) even when the subject is presented with facts they go into a shut down mode and refuse the facts..

Now he knows it is right but it slowly eating him inside. Obama has been a successful president by most normal metrics of a president. While Bush is a failure.

Well unlike Bush his % civilians killed is far lower than Bush's..

Look at Bush in 2006, only 4 combats actually killed while 90 civilians killed...

Can you point me to your concern back then...

This is a simple case of:
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.
Obama's positions better reflect the change and new direction that the American people have been calling for, but those with Obama Derangement Syndrome would rather stick with failure than even consider voting for him.
Your supposed statistical graph is HORSE SHIT. There is really no actual way to come with HARD NUMBERS the way your FAR LEFT PROGTARD PROPAGANDA site has. It's bull shit.


I hope everyone else is learning... This case of Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS) even when the subject is presented with facts they go into a shut down mode and refuse the facts..

Now he knows it is right but it slowly eating him inside. Obama has been a successful president by most normal metrics of a president. While Bush is a failure.

You're nuts cowboy.

Notice how you have to use qualifiers like "by normal metrics" as if that will legitimize the statement enough to make it true.
The only type of person that would call Obama a successful president is somebody who's goals are irrational and outright dangerous to this country. My question concerning Obama is what has he done to improve our lives? Very few can say he has. If they do they're ignorant to the damage he has caused to those of us who aren't among his protected ideological classes.
How about some pictures of American soldiers coming home in coffins?

Been there, done that. Besides, that would make Obama look bad because they're still dying in Afghanistan.

Anything new????
Bush and Co, made the press not show them. You have been where and done what.

Don't play dumb. We've already spent tons of media time crying over flag-draped coffins. Now you folks are crying over these poor mistreated terrorists.
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Well unlike Bush his % civilians killed is far lower than Bush's..

Look at Bush in 2006, only 4 combats actually killed while 90 civilians killed...

Can you point me to your concern back then...

This is a simple case of:
Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS)
The acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the statements -- nay -- the very existence of Barack Obama.
Obama's positions better reflect the change and new direction that the American people have been calling for, but those with Obama Derangement Syndrome would rather stick with failure than even consider voting for him.
Your supposed statistical graph is HORSE SHIT. There is really no actual way to come with HARD NUMBERS the way your FAR LEFT PROGTARD PROPAGANDA site has. It's bull shit.


I hope everyone else is learning... This case of Obama Derangement Syndrome (ODS) even when the subject is presented with facts they go into a shut down mode and refuse the facts..

Now he knows it is right but it slowly eating him inside. Obama has been a successful president by most normal metrics of a president. While Bush is a failure.

You're nuts cowboy.

Notice how you have to use qualifiers like "by normal metrics" as if that will legitimize the statement enough to make it true.

So you're conceding that only by using abnormal metrics can you make an argument that Obama is a failure as president.

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