What with all this talk of homosexuality

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The Natural
Apr 22, 2006
I can feel my arms bending at the wrist and becoming very floppy :gay: Have I caught gayness?I have even started rolling my eyes whilst turning my head slightly and lisping "Listhen to her" (flicking my hand upward in the direction of the big butch man).I may grow a handlebar moustache and start wearing tight leather jeans and waistcoat.I am still not convinced about putting my dick into a mans arsehole though, maybe in time?Once it becomes legal for gays to marry we will all probably try being gay at least once :kiss2:
Wait a minute, it is legal here in England, why have'nt I got the urge for homosexual sex?I am a proper lesbian though, does that count as being gay/ or is it only man/man stuff, got that wrong as well,I am a man who likes women, thats not being a lesbian, that's normal, isn't it? I should tell my cousin, the lesbian one who recently went through a ceremony with her partner that they are both abnormal, you wouldn't think it to look at them or talk to them, but they must be, they must be insane for not wanting to have sex with us big hard macho men, right?Then there is my nephew, what an abnormal disgusting perverted homosexual he is, these horrors should be born pink so they can be dealt with at birth, Eh?Listen to this though, lol, he's a fucking hairdresser, lol, how stereotypical is that.The trouble is, he is such a nice, loving lad, I can't bring myself to despise him or his lifestyle, am I abnormal?Does anyone know of any homophobe classes I could go to?Maybe if I hang around here long enough, EH? :cool:
roomy said:
The trouble is, he is such a nice, loving lad, I can't bring myself to despise him or his lifestyle, am I abnormal?Does anyone know of any homophobe classes I could go to?Maybe if I hang around here long enough, EH? :cool:

Treat it like any other phobia or fear. First look at a picture of a fag. Then work up your courage to touch the picture of a fag, and eventually you will be able to touch a REAL fag! Careful though, a lot of them have diseases.
Semper Fi said:
Treat it like any other phobia or fear. First look at a picture of a fag. Then work up your courage to touch the picture of a fag, and eventually you will be able to touch a REAL fag! Careful though, a lot of them have diseases.
Start with this guy, Dear. :D

roomy said:
I can feel my arms bending at the wrist and becoming very floppy :gay: Have I caught gayness?I have even started rolling my eyes whilst turning my head slightly and lisping "Listhen to her" (flicking my hand upward in the direction of the big butch man).I may grow a handlebar moustache and start wearing tight leather jeans and waistcoat.I am still not convinced about putting my dick into a mans arsehole though, maybe in time?Once it becomes legal for gays to marry we will all probably try being gay at least once :kiss2:
Wait a minute, it is legal here in England, why have'nt I got the urge for homosexual sex?I am a proper lesbian though, does that count as being gay/ or is it only man/man stuff, got that wrong as well,I am a man who likes women, thats not being a lesbian, that's normal, isn't it? I should tell my cousin, the lesbian one who recently went through a ceremony with her partner that they are both abnormal, you wouldn't think it to look at them or talk to them, but they must be, they must be insane for not wanting to have sex with us big hard macho men, right?Then there is my nephew, what an abnormal disgusting perverted homosexual he is, these horrors should be born pink so they can be dealt with at birth, Eh?Listen to this though, lol, he's a fucking hairdresser, lol, how stereotypical is that.The trouble is, he is such a nice, loving lad, I can't bring myself to despise him or his lifestyle, am I abnormal?Does anyone know of any homophobe classes I could go to?Maybe if I hang around here long enough, EH? :cool:
Once again, I find this disturbingly amusing.
roomy said:
I can feel my arms bending at the wrist and becoming very floppy :gay: Have I caught gayness?I have even started rolling my eyes whilst turning my head slightly and lisping "Listhen to her" (flicking my hand upward in the direction of the big butch man).I may grow a handlebar moustache and start wearing tight leather jeans and waistcoat.I am still not convinced about putting my dick into a mans arsehole though, maybe in time?Once it becomes legal for gays to marry we will all probably try being gay at least once :kiss2:
Wait a minute, it is legal here in England, why have'nt I got the urge for homosexual sex?I am a proper lesbian though, does that count as being gay/ or is it only man/man stuff, got that wrong as well,I am a man who likes women, thats not being a lesbian, that's normal, isn't it? I should tell my cousin, the lesbian one who recently went through a ceremony with her partner that they are both abnormal, you wouldn't think it to look at them or talk to them, but they must be, they must be insane for not wanting to have sex with us big hard macho men, right?Then there is my nephew, what an abnormal disgusting perverted homosexual he is, these horrors should be born pink so they can be dealt with at birth, Eh?Listen to this though, lol, he's a fucking hairdresser, lol, how stereotypical is that.The trouble is, he is such a nice, loving lad, I can't bring myself to despise him or his lifestyle, am I abnormal?Does anyone know of any homophobe classes I could go to?Maybe if I hang around here long enough, EH? :cool:

You demonstrate confusion in your sarcasm.....just the way we DON'T want our children growing up and deliberately being confused about sex....like in the public schools and the media. There are much more important things for them to learn about in this world than learning to flirt with deviant sex. Better if it's put back in the dark closet where it belongs.
ScreamingEagle said:
You demonstrate confusion in your sarcasm.....just the way we DON'T want our children growing up and deliberately being confused about sex....like in the public schools and the media. There are much more important things for them to learn about in this world than learning to flirt with deviant sex. Better if it's put back in the dark closet where it belongs.

The point I was trying to make is lost on you methinks.I must try harder next time. :scratch:
What causes people to be prejudiced against gay men and lesbians?
There are probably no simple causes of homophobia. While there is probably no single thing which causes a person to be homophobic, research has shown that prejudice towards gay people and homosexuality can be influenced by the person:

Reporting no homosexual experiences or feelings.
Being negative about types of sexual behaviour and relationships which are neither procreative nor take place within marriage.
Having a lower educational and social status, for example the lower a person's level of educational attainment and social class the more negative their attitudes are towards homosexuality.
Having and adhering to strong religious beliefs which disapprove of sex and/or homosexuality.
Having little/no social contact with lesbian and gay people.
roomy said:
The point I was trying to make is lost on you methinks.I must try harder next time. :scratch:

No, your point was not lost on me. I was just taking your post and twisting it a little bit to point out that children can easily become confused about sex when they run into attitudes like yours. You can't seem to differentiate between normal and deviant sex. You are what I would call an "enabler" of deviant sex. I'm sure you're one of those people who thinks teaching third graders that having two daddies is normal.

Children should not be exposed to deviant sex as a "good thing". That is why deviant sex such as homosexuality should go back into the dark closet along with ALL other forms of pornography and deviant sex that enablers like you allow to ooze through society and blight our children and the future of America.
ScreamingEagle said:
No, your point was not lost on me. I was just taking your post and twisting it a little bit to point out that children can easily become confused about sex when they run into attitudes like yours. You can't seem to differentiate between normal and deviant sex. You are what I would call an "enabler" of deviant sex. I'm sure you're one of those people who thinks teaching third graders that having two daddies is normal.

Children should not be exposed to deviant sex as a "good thing". That is why deviant sex such as homosexuality should go back into the dark closet along with ALL other forms of pornography and deviant sex that enablers like you allow to ooze through society and blight our children and the future of America.

I don't agree with you it is deviant sex, but I do agree it should be taught at a later age. 3rd grade is waaaayyyy too young IMO...
ScreamingEagle said:
No, your point was not lost on me. I was just taking your post and twisting it a little bit to point out that children can easily become confused about sex when they run into attitudes like yours. You can't seem to differentiate between normal and deviant sex. You are what I would call an "enabler" of deviant sex. I'm sure you're one of those people who thinks teaching third graders that having two daddies is normal.

Children should not be exposed to deviant sex as a "good thing". That is why deviant sex such as homosexuality should go back into the dark closet along with ALL other forms of pornography and deviant sex that enablers like you allow to ooze through society and blight our children and the future of America.

You seem to be sure about a lot of things concerning me, all of which are wrong btw.I can differentiate, my post was meant to point out the sexual insecurities, inadequacies and confusions posted elsewhere on this board by many holier than thou Cardinals of sin who would do well to clean up their own house before starting on anyone elses.I am not just talking about homophobes and repressed homosexuals but homosexuals as well.

You only confirmed my first suspicion, my point was lost on you. ;) Try looking beyond the bigotry, you may find real people live in those dark closets.
Dr Grump said:
I don't agree with you it is deviant sex, but I do agree it should be taught at a later age. 3rd grade is waaaayyyy too young IMO...

ok....what is the correct age to teach a young man that it is ok to pack the brown eye with with the meat whistle?
roomy said:
You only confirmed my first suspicion, my point was lost on you. ;) Try looking beyond the bigotry, you may find real people live in those dark closets.

There's that nice little word again.
Yeah, you really have everyone on this board figured out, and we're all bigot's because we don't find homosexual sex as pleasant or right.....
No matter how many time's it's been said here, we don't care what they do in their own bedrooms, we just don't like it shoved it in our faces..

Why don't you go and preach to someone who really gives a shit... :piss2:
manu1959 said:
ok....what is the correct age to teach a young man that it is ok to pack the brown eye with with the meat whistle?

Never, imo.If he/she is so inclined they will find out on their own. :read:
I know you weren't talking to me. :tng:
Stephanie said:
There's that nice little word again.
Yeah, you really have everyone on this board figured out, and we're all bigot's because we don't find homosexual sex as pleasant or right.....
No matter how many time's it's been said here, we don't care what they do in their own bedrooms, we just don't like it shoved it in our faces..

Why don't you go and preach to someone who really gives a shit... :piss2:

You are another one that hasn't understood a fucking word I have written.I don't want puffs hanging off my neck either but I will defend their right to live. :read:
Children should not be exposed to deviant sex as a "good thing". That is why deviant sex such as homosexuality should go back into the dark closet along with ALL other forms of pornography and deviant sex that enablers like you allow to ooze through society and blight our children and the future of America.

Science will soon prove that most gays are born with such inclinations.

In the rare case that a straight child does become gay...does it really matter? Do you care if a person gets off to women, men, cars, or barn animals? As long as the acts are not being performed it in front of you, it is not a big deal.

If you think gays are horrible because they are sinners...then you should follow those morals and avoid having sex with guys. But do not belittle others just because their actions go against your own personal beliefs.

Because really, the sexual tendencies are not important and an individual's preference is none of your fucking business.

Use your morals to govern your own life...not the lives of others.

Teaching children to hate gays is going to damage a lot of people, straights and gays. But teaching to accept other's differences will help everyone live better lives.
roomy said:
You seem to be sure about a lot of things concerning me, all of which are wrong btw.I can differentiate, my post was meant to point out the sexual insecurities, inadequacies and confusions posted elsewhere on this board by many holier than thou Cardinals of sin who would do well to clean up their own house before starting on anyone elses.I am not just talking about homophobes and repressed homosexuals but homosexuals as well.

You only confirmed my first suspicion, my point was lost on you. ;) Try looking beyond the bigotry, you may find real people live in those dark closets.

Explain yourself. Tell us why we are "insecure" or "inadequate" or "confused" or "bigots"....because we oppose homosexuality? You got to be kidding...those are ancient accusations that do not work anymore on enlightened people such as you will find on this board. Most of us know homosexuals personally and we are not out to kill them; we are Christians who love the sinner but hate the sin; we want to keep their lifestyle out of the mainstream.

It seems to me you are the one who is insecure or at least confused when you write things like "I am still not convinced about putting my dick into a mans arsehole though, maybe in time?Once it becomes legal for gays to marry we will all probably try being gay at least once."

Of course you will say you are only kidding, that you would never do that. Perhaps you yourself would not and it is just your stupid way to make a point. However, if we legalize gay marriage you can bet there will be many children who will "experiment" and be drawn into a deviant lifestyle of some sort. This is something that we as a society can prevent.

You need to understand that the homosexual lifestyle is only the jumping-off point. Acceptance of one deviant lifestyle will be pretty much an acceptance of all sorts of deviant lifestyles. Use the brains God gave you to figure that one out.
1549 said:
Science will soon prove that most gays are born with such inclinations.

Then it will be scientific proof that they are born with a physical defect.
And science will eventually be able to correct it.

Are you saying that we should legalize birth defects?
ScreamingEagle said:
Then it will be scientific proof that they are born with a physical defect.
And science will eventually be able to correct it.

Are you saying that we should legalize birth defects?
Birth defects need to be legalized? What's the alternative? That they're ILlegalized?
ScreamingEagle said:
Explain yourself. Tell us why we are "insecure" or "inadequate" or "confused" or "bigots"....because we oppose homosexuality? You got to be kidding...those are ancient accusations that do not work anymore on enlightened people such as you will find on this board. Most of us know homosexuals personally and we are not out to kill them; we are Christians who love the sinner but hate the sin; we want to keep their lifestyle out of the mainstream.

It seems to me you are the one who is insecure or at least confused when you write things like "I am still not convinced about putting my dick into a mans arsehole though, maybe in time?Once it becomes legal for gays to marry we will all probably try being gay at least once."

Of course you will say you are only kidding, that you would never do that. Perhaps you yourself would not and it is just your stupid way to make a point. However, if we legalize gay marriage you can bet there will be many children who will "experiment" and be drawn into a deviant lifestyle of some sort. This is something that we as a society can prevent.

You need to understand that the homosexual lifestyle is only the jumping-off point. Acceptance of one deviant lifestyle will be pretty much an acceptance of all sorts of deviant lifestyles. Use the brains God gave you to figure that one out.

I am beginning to pity you for the fear and paronoia you undoubtedly feel and suffer from.My post was a mishmash parody of posters like you who are afraid they will catch gayness if they so much as acknowledge it's existence.Get a grip on reality man.I have raised 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls none of them are gay, you can't catch it (thats a fact) if they were, I wouldn't love them any less.The hysteria surronding this subject is laughable so I have a laugh at it :D Masterbation won't blind you either (fact) though you probably found that one out on your own :D Oh and god gave me nothing, put him back in your closet with your other delusions, I am an athiest. :duh3:
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