What will you do if he doesnt win?

I look forward to the pain that Pres. Obama will feel at the humiliation of being yet another one term Democrat President.

I am looking forward to the gross humiliation of Obama and the liberal Dems in the election. It will be a nuclear attack on them. They will be the most discredited, humiliated party and president in history. Obama will have to leave the country and settle in France to write his memoirs to escape the stench of his defeat. His name will be a byword of failure and incompetence. Policy makers will consider a proposal and someone wil interject "That sounds like something from the Obama Administration" and the whole idea will be dropped like a hot potato.
That's what Im talking about.
So what you want is for an Obama lose to take the place of Bush's failure.

At least youre honest.
I would really like to avoid a war with Iran. As it stands right now Obama and Romney have the same stance on Iran. If that changes, and it seems certain one favors military action over the other, well then my vote will shift from Johnson to whoever favors peace.

You mis-spelled "capitulation".


If it has to happen, it has to happen... However I'd prefer not to send my husband off to danger unless it's absolutely necessary.
I honestly wouldnt worry about the ACA. I dont think Romney can repeal it even if he gets elected, however if he does, hes promised to enact romneycare and so far everything hes said about makes it sound exactly like the ACA. *shrug*

He is going to give waivers to every state and leave it up to the states weather or not they want it. THE WAY it should have gone in the first place.

There is a VERY good reason we DO NOT revert back to states rights. come correct.
If Obama wins? I keep going on with my life as it has been. Fairly comfortable and happy.

If Mittens wins? I'm going to pray really hard for a meteor strike right above the top of my house that takes out at least as much as Meteor Crater over in AZ.

So you Obamabots are officially a suicide cult now.

No big surprise, you've been a little less rational than the Jonestown fools for a long time.
I would really like to avoid a war with Iran. As it stands right now Obama and Romney have the same stance on Iran. If that changes, and it seems certain one favors military action over the other, well then my vote will shift from Johnson to whoever favors peace.

We don't necessarily require a War to eliminate Iran's Nuclear capability... Israel gave us a fine example of that years ago when they went after Iraq's Reactors. Obama and Romney have the same stance because it is the right stance... Iran must not be allowed to have nukes, end of story.
I look forward to the pain that Pres. Obama will feel at the humiliation of being yet another one term Democrat President.

I am looking forward to the gross humiliation of Obama and the liberal Dems in the election. It will be a nuclear attack on them. They will be the most discredited, humiliated party and president in history. Obama will have to leave the country and settle in France to write his memoirs to escape the stench of his defeat. His name will be a byword of failure and incompetence. Policy makers will consider a proposal and someone wil interject "That sounds like something from the Obama Administration" and the whole idea will be dropped like a hot potato.
That's what Im talking about.

You probably shouldn't check out the electoral vote breakdowns, as Romney is in pretty sad shape in the electoral college.

Romney may yet win, but it won't be a "repudiation" of Obama. It'll be a close election that Obama lost to an opponent with no principles but huge stacks of cash.
I look forward to the pain that Pres. Obama will feel at the humiliation of being yet another one term Democrat President.

I am looking forward to the gross humiliation of Obama and the liberal Dems in the election. It will be a nuclear attack on them. They will be the most discredited, humiliated party and president in history. Obama will have to leave the country and settle in France to write his memoirs to escape the stench of his defeat. His name will be a byword of failure and incompetence. Policy makers will consider a proposal and someone wil interject "That sounds like something from the Obama Administration" and the whole idea will be dropped like a hot potato.
That's what Im talking about.
So what you want is for an Obama lose to take the place of Bush's failure.

At least youre honest.

Hmm, what was the average unemployment rate under Bush? What was the average GDP growth? How did Clinton handle the attack on the WTC? How did Bush? Which one was more effective?

Youre not honest at all. You're another hack.
I would really like to avoid a war with Iran. As it stands right now Obama and Romney have the same stance on Iran. If that changes, and it seems certain one favors military action over the other, well then my vote will shift from Johnson to whoever favors peace.

We don't necessarily require a War to eliminate Iran's Nuclear capability... Israel gave us a fine example of that years ago when they went after Iraq's Reactors. Obama and Romney have the same stance because it is the right stance... Iran must not be allowed to have nukes, end of story.

This I do agree with. If it takes war to do that, then that's what it takes. I'd personally prefer to try something else while we still have the options on the table. We CAN NOT afford a war right now any more than we can afford a nuclear Iran. So I really want to see someone come up with a third way.
Hit a little too close to home for you, I see.

100% of death threats against a sitting president have come from democrats in the last 16 years.

I love how you scumbags try and portray the right as violent - when it is you scum that actually are.


I would really like to avoid a war with Iran. As it stands right now Obama and Romney have the same stance on Iran. If that changes, and it seems certain one favors military action over the other, well then my vote will shift from Johnson to whoever favors peace.

We don't necessarily require a War to eliminate Iran's Nuclear capability... Israel gave us a fine example of that years ago when they went after Iraq's Reactors. Obama and Romney have the same stance because it is the right stance... Iran must not be allowed to have nukes, end of story.

This I do agree with. If it takes war to do that, then that's what it takes. I'd personally prefer to try something else while we still have the options on the table. We CAN NOT afford a war right now any more than we can afford a nuclear Iran. So I really want to see someone come up with a third way.

Well I hate the idea of a War... I certainly think that any coalition put together would have no problem taking care of any Nuclear threat Iran poses without putting any Soldiers on the ground. I'm sure they have the sites identified, and would have little trouble turning those sites into parking lots from above without placing many lives in danger.
If The Obama wins, I'll wait another 2-3 years to buy another house - by then, property values will fall enough that I can pick up that little beach-side vacation pad for next to nothing.

I'll also buy a few more crates of 5.56x45 and 7.62x51 off the internet and have them shipped UPS to my door.

Problem with that plan is the inflation rate.
Evaluate my life. See if there is anything I need to repent of that I haven't. Repent. Prepare for what's coming. Might be good advice regardless who wins

If you're looking for proof of a judgement on America, a victory of either candidate will probably fit your criteria. Romney only won the nomination because he had the money to literally beat the other candidates, many who were more conservative than himself by wide margins, about the head with stacks of twenties until they gave in. A Romney victory is a win for money, pure and simple, over any kind of dogma or principles.

That'll be the worst thing about a Romney victory for me. I personally don't mind the man, and I can't be mad at a politician for being a flip flopper just like I can't be mad at a dog for barking. It's what they do. The worst part of a Romney win for me will be knowing that the era of principled candidates, Conservative or Liberal, is over. Winning will be a function of cash, as Romney will show that weak liberal governor from a blue state can win running as a "Conservative" with enough money.

Should he win, no one with principles need apply.

Romney is a very principled man. I know the media likes to portray him otherwise. But it doesnt change reality.
I would really like to avoid a war with Iran. As it stands right now Obama and Romney have the same stance on Iran. If that changes, and it seems certain one favors military action over the other, well then my vote will shift from Johnson to whoever favors peace.

Id like to avoid a war with Iran as well. Im not sure that's possible. but I pray it is.

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