What Username Do You Guys Like Better?

Which Username Do You Guys Like Better?

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Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
I was thinking about whether or not I should change my username again when I have a chance to. Comeback Queen and Captain Savage keep running through my head because I'm definitely savage and known for my comebacks around here whenever somebody downgrades me, but Road Runner is good too and I'm not sure if I would be confusing people if I change it again as I think I have in the past.

Conservatives, I would really like your input. Should I change my username again to either Comeback Queen or Captain Savage or is Road Runner good enough? (For those of you who don't already know I changed it to Road Runner due to a suggestion from Bob Blaylock since I am Coyote's opposition. Oh and the username with the most votes is the one I'll either keep or change to. (I can't make up my own mind lol that's why I thought that I would do a poll. I definitely want to send a message to all of my liberal bullies though so that's why I'm thinking about changing it to one of the other two. :D)
why not something appropriate?

Like, Lost Sole

you could use this for your avatar.

To be the Comeback Queen ... you'd have to be a loser ... like Ricky Bobby in Talladega Nights ... and Captain Savage is way too keesh, like a Halloween costume ...

Captain Battleaxe? ... maybe ...
How about something along the lines of "Thedoctor'swife"?

You could imagine yourself getting freaky in the Tardis.
Well so far my current username isn't is in the lead. Maybe I'll make Comeback Queen and Captain Savage into my signature if it stays in the lead until April 15th. (When I could change it again.)
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