What One Change (or Addition) to the Forum Would You Like to Be Made?

Just curious, if you could pick just one thing to change, or add, to the forum, what would it be? This is not about any member or moderator, just either a change to one existing function or adding some new function to the forum. Rather than mentioning multiple changes, just mention the most important one you would like to see implemented.

NEW TOPICS - This list is 10 threads long. That's all you get.

How about all the threads in the past 24 hour period, or even better, just have a running total of all new threads, ordered chronologically, so you can actually see all the new topics/threads? What you currently see is any thread that has a new comment, and most of those threads are old threads, not new threads.
being able to put mods on ignore.
There should be an open 9/11 discussion forum, free of being lumped in with the conspiracy theories or disrupted by disinformation trolls.


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Any mod who joins into a thread to debate (or abuse) posters with whom she disagrees should lose her ability to moderate.
Simple as that.
Oh no, I vehemently disagree. Whenever a mod runs afoul here, it will be solely up to me to decide their punishment. If they balk at my sentence then they have to spend an evening chained up with bodey, naked.
Just curious, if you could pick just one thing to change, or add, to the forum, what would it be? This is not about any member or moderator, just either a change to one existing function or adding some new function to the forum. Rather than mentioning multiple changes, just mention the most important one you would like to see implemented.

NEW TOPICS - This list is 10 threads long. That's all you get.

How about all the threads in the past 24 hour period, or even better, just have a running total of all new threads, ordered chronologically, so you can actually see all the new topics/threads? What you currently see is any thread that has a new comment, and most of those threads are old threads, not new threads.

Don't care about any if that.

Make a section for NSFW memes / art.

I don't follow how many members get banned here. But if it is significant, make a section for them to stay in until they do their time. Better to have a home for them than than they start shooting people up on the street. Other members can converse with them, but banned members are confined their for their penalty to convedse with other banned members.

Those are my only suggestions.

Oh, the constant updating is kinda a pain.
About moderators, our USMB are not fair game. They frequently consult each other before they commit an action necessary to keep this place running smooth. And if you have a computer issue problem, you will be given the best help on the net to resolve it by a moderator you may or may not realize is an expert.

We live in a Democracy, but we post in the accountable discussion board that USMB is. There's not a finer board or forum that discusses multi-faceted political issues. So don't expect that when you post new information, you will not get hammered for a source or even multiple sources because you frequently will receive more boos than huzzahs.

If you tell someone else to "shut up," they will insure that the chickens to come home to roost on your head for attempting to deny them of free speech. So do your best not to be a sophomorish poster. And if you don't know what that means, look it up. We all come from different backgrounds, and have interests others are unaware of, including its linguistics, many words of which may or may not appear in the most advanced specialistic dictionaries, i.e., a medical or nursing dictionary that use terms not listed in your average online dictionary source(s). Others can't spell, and others yet misunderstood what you just said in the best words ever used. But there is a small number of people on this board, with such glowing vocabularies they have even my eternal admiration and respect regardless of political affiliation, if any.

If you are new, read the rules forum once a week for a month, and once a month your first year or two here. That way you will not have one iota of trouble with the moderators for the duration, keeping in mind their viewpoint may be a hundred and eighty degrees from yours. My understanding is that they are as allowed as the rest of us non-moderators to have an opinion that could cross your eyes. They are Americans, they vote, and they like some politicians you don't like and they may hate other candidates that you would trust with your life. That said, if you try to understand their viewpoint, they're somewhere on the circle of opinions which would hint there are 360 degrees in a circle, half of which are shadowed in one's own paradigm. It's that simple.

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