What? No thread on how Trump obliterated MSM tonight?

There was a thread around here some place.
A thread? A THREAD? This was history! It was amazing! Loved how he spanked every damn one of them with their bullshit lies. And they cut away from airing it because they didn't want the masses to see those lies up front and personal. Hilarious!

What uh, "lies" would these be then?

You've been under that rock again?? All of the "political advocacy news media" has been peddling the "Trump failed to act quickly on pandemic" lies... And by that -- I MEAN LIES and propaganda for the past week... And NO -- I'm not gonna fill you in... Go back under that favorite rock...

Uh thanks but I axed the OP, didn't get an answer, and looked it up myself. Even posted the whole thing, yesterday. Long before your post here.

What I didn't find was anything that matches the OP description but then, that's why I axed her, innit.

Clarification here --- I wasn't asking at all about Rump's failure to act; not only do I know all about that, I've been informing others. What I was asking about was wtf the OP is talking about with this hallucination she posted. Still don't know.
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It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

It was. Trump owns them, they know it to. I think that's what gets them the most. He rubbed their noses in their own shit.
I hope this becomes a "thing." Keep them accountable.
Me too me too! I hope the reporters continue to insist he answer the question they are asking, instead of deflecting to nonsense answers. It really seems to trigger him and I like it when he's exposed for what he really is. A whiny, petty cry baby who thinks the world should revolve around his fat, bald, ugly self.

Now he thinks he is Captain Bligh from Mutiny on the Bounty, which seems like a great comparison to me. Finally, he got one thing right. Certainly he has never seen the movie, despite tweeting about it this morning. You think he'd have better things to do in the midst of a pandemic.

He didn't seem to know about Nero either.

Or else he did, and he was deliberately being a dick just so he could gaslight later....

It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

One of the most shameful displays in the face of a national tragedy that I have ever witnessed. Trump stood on the bodies of 22,000 dead Americans to insult and berate a reporter, and campaign for re-election, while the country suffers.

On Easter Monday, the most solemn time in the Christian calendar, no less.

But all the attacks and finger pointing by MSM is cool beans right?

I'm glad he exposed them. CNN rapidly shifted away and had former Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale address so-called "misinformation", so I missed most of the video. Instead of facing reality they keep pretending they are objective and outside the Bubble.

If I know that MSM is in the tank for Biden, then Americans sure as hell know. They fought against this in 2016, and we will see the same mistakes made again by them as they now push for every angle possible to try and force mail-in voting.

If Biden wins, you won't see a GOP president again for some time as the effort some have put into destroying America is relentless. Global socialists want to destroy America and Trump is the guy with the S on his chest who has to stop it.
Right, we global socialists want to destroy America. I'm not sure why we want to do that, but it must be true since [whoever] claimed that we do.

You're not sure why global socialists want to do that? How about power? Have you watched the unchallenged rise of China for the last 30 years? Guess who is the chosen nation to replace USA...

Americas constitution is a problem for those who want to call the shots without any restrictions. There is a reason some speak nary a bad word against a communist government that has openly all but declared war on the U.S and those in their region. Just as bad, I see some of your most important institutions operating more like Canada has than the U.S. We are watching a bad dreams right in front of our eyes and the worrisome part is these agencies don't view themselves as doing harm.

When it comes to interference in your election, you can be sure there will be far more effort applied by foreign nation, "friend" and foe, designed to hurt Trump much more than help him. Nations want to keep having influence of your government and easy access to your economy to just ship cheap stuff THEY manufacture in China while having free access while they restrict yours. All while of course, your nation deal with millions more illegally entering your nation and poisons being exported to you most vulnerable.

On the scale this had been occurring, it must be by design. Why do you think Trump was elected and is still very popular? If he is replaced in 2020, a few agencies which haven't been helping America succeed of late will prosper, America and the West, without question will pay a price.

Must be nice to have an endless supply of psilocybin but Rump has never been "popular", ever. Even at this moment he's at 51.6% DISapproval. Self-delusion is not good for ya.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.
Got a video? I dont watch the MSM

Here it is straight from the briefing room:

PJ Media

Brutal Trump-de-Force at the Coronavirus Hearing Leaves Media Screaming 'Pull the Plug!'



The Media did early on minimize the Virus threat, then called the President a racist for blocking travel from China and more shibboleths....

EVERYONE was minimizing the threat up til about 1st March.. Even Fauci was doing it.. Dems like Pelosi and DeBlasio the mental midget were doing it...

From my favorite cult classic --- "Let's do the TIME WARP again"....

“I’ve felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic,” Trump insisted last week, adopting a newly somber tone about the crisis enveloping the globe as he urged Americans to work from home and prodded the nation’s cities and states to issue restrictions to promote social distancing. “I’ve always viewed it as very serious.”

Trump University offers a Master's in Re-writing History.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

One of the most shameful displays in the face of a national tragedy that I have ever witnessed. Trump stood on the bodies of 22,000 dead Americans to insult and berate a reporter, and campaign for re-election, while the country suffers.

On Easter Monday, the most solemn time in the Christian calendar, no less.

You know how hard they're losing when, in one final gasp, they try the Puritan routine. SHAME SHAME SHAME

Me last night :auiqs.jpg:

"Shame" is one of Rump's favourite tantrum words. It's the mark of narcissism.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

One of the most shameful displays in the face of a national tragedy that I have ever witnessed. Trump stood on the bodies of 22,000 dead Americans to insult and berate a reporter, and campaign for re-election, while the country suffers.

On Easter Monday, the most solemn time in the Christian calendar, no less.

You know how hard they're losing when, in one final gasp, they try the Puritan routine. SHAME SHAME SHAME

Me last night :auiqs.jpg:

"Shame" is one of Rump's favourite tantrum words. It's the mark of narcissism.

And its first synonym: disgrace.
I visited a propoganda museum in Shanghai a few years ago. That nonsense Trump played at his daily TV rally rivaled anything I saw at that museum.

In this example:

Trump = Communist lies
Truth = Truth

I really liked the way that CBS reporter (was she from CBS? you know the one I'm talking about) refused to let Trump propoganda his way out of doing nothing during the month of February. Trumps face got redder and redder and his head nearly exploded. She hung on like a bull terrier and he could not shake her. I loved every second of it.

Paula Reid is her name. I posted that part of the event, it was classic. She should moderate the debates.
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It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

It was. Trump owns them, they know it to. I think that's what gets them the most. He rubbed their noses in their own shit.
I hope this becomes a "thing." Keep them accountable.
Me too me too! I hope the reporters continue to insist he answer the question they are asking, instead of deflecting to nonsense answers. It really seems to trigger him and I like it when he's exposed for what he really is. A whiny, petty cry baby who thinks the world should revolve around his fat, bald, ugly self.

Now he thinks he is Captain Bligh from Mutiny on the Bounty, which seems like a great comparison to me. Finally, he got one thing right. Certainly he has never seen the movie, despite tweeting about it this morning. You think he'd have better things to do in the midst of a pandemic.

He didn't seem to know about Nero either.

Or else he did, and he was deliberately being a dick just so he could gaslight later....


Lol, see what I mean? Even the professor has sand in his mangina now, lol.
I haven't got to see it yet...but my father said it was the single greatest news conference in the history of television...and since he's experienced the entire history of television, I expect that's likely accurate.
I found it on the Blaze

That's just the campaign commercial he ran and one question dissing a female reporter. I doubt that's what the OP was effusing over, since she's a woman.
I haven't got to see it yet...but my father said it was the single greatest news conference in the history of television...and since he's experienced the entire history of television, I expect that's likely accurate.
It all depends on how you view a President having a total crybaby, temper tantrum, meltdown in the White House briefing room. It was something to see, that's for sure and I've never seen anything like it before.

What a disgusting baby-man Trump is. So desperate for affirmation, adoration and applause. He's really a pathetic excuse of a human being. A complete waste of protoplasm.

And of course, you and your lot will always be the judge of who is worthy and who is not.

Oh, listen...we know. We know.

Aren't you the asshat who was just in another thread defending the "right" of some wackadoodle preacher to infect his whole community?
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

It was. Trump owns them, they know it to. I think that's what gets them the most. He rubbed their noses in their own shit.
I hope this becomes a "thing." Keep them accountable.
Me too me too! I hope the reporters continue to insist he answer the question they are asking, instead of deflecting to nonsense answers. It really seems to trigger him and I like it when he's exposed for what he really is. A whiny, petty cry baby who thinks the world should revolve around his fat, bald, ugly self.

Now he thinks he is Captain Bligh from Mutiny on the Bounty, which seems like a great comparison to me. Finally, he got one thing right. Certainly he has never seen the movie, despite tweeting about it this morning. You think he'd have better things to do in the midst of a pandemic.

They represent you well. They diddnt ask questions they screamed at the sky. Trump fish hooked the stupid whores and drug them allover the room on national TV. And his meeting with the survivors? Awesome. He should flog the infosluts in the morning and bring out any survivor who's willing in the afternoon and do that every Monday since all people like you want to happen is mass death. Yalls hysteria is yummy.
I haven't got to see it yet...but my father said it was the single greatest news conference in the history of television...and since he's experienced the entire history of television, I expect that's likely accurate.
I found it on the Blaze

That's just the campaign commercial he ran and one question dissing a female reporter. I doubt that's what the OP was effusing over, since she's a woman.

Lol, better then you. A high body count would make you so hard! Your just pissed that's not happening. Hang in there professor, maybe more people will get killed by weather and you will be happy.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.
Got a video? I dont watch the MSM
Better search at FOX because CNN and MSNBC edits out the shit they won't want you to see. You have to understand that neither of those asshole run organizations are actually legitimate news organizations as they are propaganda machines for delusional Democrats and commies.

It's out there.
There was a thread around here some place.
A thread? A THREAD? This was history! It was amazing! Loved how he spanked every damn one of them with their bullshit lies. And they cut away from airing it because they didn't want the masses to see those lies up front and personal. Hilarious!

What uh, "lies" would these be then?

You've been under that rock again?? All of the "political advocacy news media" has been peddling the "Trump failed to act quickly on pandemic" lies... And by that -- I MEAN LIES and propaganda for the past week... And NO -- I'm not gonna fill you in... Go back under that favorite rock...

Uh thanks but I axed the OP, didn't get an answer, and looked it up myself. Even posted the whole thing, yesterday. Long before your post here.

What I didn't find was anything that matches the OP description but then, that's why I axed her, innit.

Clarification here --- I wasn't asking at all about Rump's failure to act; not only do I know all about that, I've been informing others. What I was asking about was wtf the OP is talking about with this hallucination she posted. Still don't know.

So now I've reviewed the whole thread, just to be sure I didn't get an answer (I didn't). I see that the OP graced me (get it, graced me haw haw) with a "dislike" for asking the question above (what lies would these be). Took the time to tick a Dislike but didn't have an answer.

Far as I can see the whole afternoon has been posted and it's basically Rump running a commercial for himself, then laying out his usual stream of bullshit (longer than usual) and getting grilled on it. Have yet to see anywhere that matches Gracie's description at all. It's a mystery but apparently one they don't want to answer.
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It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

It was. Trump owns them, they know it to. I think that's what gets them the most. He rubbed their noses in their own shit.
I hope this becomes a "thing." Keep them accountable.
Me too me too! I hope the reporters continue to insist he answer the question they are asking, instead of deflecting to nonsense answers. It really seems to trigger him and I like it when he's exposed for what he really is. A whiny, petty cry baby who thinks the world should revolve around his fat, bald, ugly self.

Now he thinks he is Captain Bligh from Mutiny on the Bounty, which seems like a great comparison to me. Finally, he got one thing right. Certainly he has never seen the movie, despite tweeting about it this morning. You think he'd have better things to do in the midst of a pandemic.

They represent you well. They diddnt ask questions they screamed at the sky. Trump fish hooked the stupid whores and drug them allover the room on national TV. And his meeting with the survivors? Awesome. He should flog the infosluts in the morning and bring out any survivor who's willing in the afternoon and do that every Monday since all people like you want to happen is mass death. Yalls hysteria is yummy.

Well, he's hardly going to meet with grieving families, is he? Your projection of hysteria is laughable. Didn't you see your fellow cultists upstream advocate burning a reporter at the stake and volunteering to light the match?

Jesus in a jumpsuit! You fellas are dense.
I visited a propoganda museum in Shanghai a few years ago. That nonsense Trump played at his daily TV rally rivaled anything I saw at that museum.

In this example:

Trump = Communist lies
Truth = Truth

I really liked the way that CBS reporter (was she from CBS? you know the one I'm talking about) refused to let Trump propoganda his way out of doing nothing during the month of February. Trumps face got redder and redder and his head nearly exploded. She hung on like a bull terrier and he could not shake her. I loved every second of it.

Paula Reid is her name. I posted that part of the event, it was classic. She should moderate the debates.

I thought it very brave of her to stand up to the snarling bully.

But as a human being, I can't imagine the impact on American viewers who are losing loved ones, of health care workers who look exhausted, and shattered from the daily fight to save lives, begging for PPE's, the bodies being buried in mass graves, and there's Trump bragging about the great job he's doing and snarling defiantly at anyone who dares to claim otherwise.

The video was one of the most shameless propaganda editing pieces I've seen. Snip here, clip there, and even Donald Trump can look good. Propaganda and lies.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.
You mean when Trump got his ass taken out to the woodshep for a spell, on live TV this afternoon...?

Come on Marc...you need to watch it again....he destroyed the white house press corp. yesterday...and the angrier they got the better show it was...CNN cut away from it...I guess they can't take it when someone does to them what they do to everyone else...I loved it so much I watched it three times....the media doesn't know how bad they look....
I visited a propoganda museum in Shanghai a few years ago. That nonsense Trump played at his daily TV rally rivaled anything I saw at that museum.

In this example:

Trump = Communist lies
Truth = Truth

I really liked the way that CBS reporter (was she from CBS? you know the one I'm talking about) refused to let Trump propoganda his way out of doing nothing during the month of February. Trumps face got redder and redder and his head nearly exploded. She hung on like a bull terrier and he could not shake her. I loved every second of it.

Paula Reid is her name. I posted that part of the event, it was classic. She should moderate the debates.

I thought it very brave of her to stand up to the snarling bully.

But as a human being, I can't imagine the impact on American viewers who are losing loved ones, of health care workers who look exhausted, and shattered from the daily fight to save lives, begging for PPE's, the bodies being buried in mass graves, and there's Trump bragging about the great job he's doing and snarling defiantly at anyone who dares to claim otherwise.

The video was one of the most shameless propaganda editing pieces I've seen. Snip here, clip there, and even Donald Trump can look good. Propaganda and lies.

It's a national source of shame and we've come to expect it, which is of course not the same as saying we've gotten used to it. On behalf of the majority of our people I apologise to your country and the world for this narcissistic blubbering idiot who slithered in on the slime of a cult following. They know not what they do.

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