What? No thread on how Trump obliterated MSM tonight?

It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

One of the most shameful displays in the face of a national tragedy that I have ever witnessed. Trump stood on the bodies of 22,000 dead Americans to insult and berate a reporter, and campaign for re-election, while the country suffers.

On Easter Monday, the most solemn time in the Christian calendar, no less.
No lefty will EVER dare to vet what happened. The truth can be seen if one looks closely to see what exactly trump was saying and then vet that with some objective googling. Lefties do not want to know what exactly Trump was saying though, they only want to know what the MSM narrative is.
Using "fact checking" sites to vet the situation is like having a fox guard the henhouse. "Fact checking" sites are an engineered guide for lefties to use, and the guide censors relevant information from you to ensure that you stay on the the path that they want you on. "Fact checking " is euphemism. If you want the truth, quit searching exclusively for information that validates what you want to believe.
Still have yet to see any link to what the hell the OP is hallucinating about. :dunno:
Omfg, I can't believe that the MSM censoring news from lefties can be so effective. You dont have any idea what went down, you only know what was filtered for you.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.
Gracie, the Press has lost all objectivity because of their hate for Trump
Yep, and still nobody knows exactly why they hate Trump so bad, I mean because Trump has done such an excellent job thus far, and especially while under fire yet they hate him ???.. Oh I know why, it's because he reversed many of Obama's mistakes as President, and we know how the first celebrity black president could never be wrong about anything right ?? Dag gummed identity politics, to heck withum is what I say. We don't ever need that bullcrap anymore. Character is what we need, even if it is looked for under every rock, and in every nook and cranny until it is found everytime it is needed. Trump isn't perfect, and no one is, but he had an opportunity to help the country and took it. And we as a nation are glad he did. Go Trump.
He has done a horrible job. You are delusional.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

One of the most shameful displays in the face of a national tragedy that I have ever witnessed. Trump stood on the bodies of 22,000 dead Americans to insult and berate a reporter, and campaign for re-election, while the country suffers.

On Easter Monday, the most solemn time in the Christian calendar, no less.

But all the attacks and finger pointing by MSM is cool beans right?

I'm glad he exposed them. CNN rapidly shifted away and had former Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale address so-called "misinformation", so I missed most of the video. Instead of facing reality they keep pretending they are objective and outside the Bubble.

If I know that MSM is in the tank for Biden, then Americans sure as hell know. They fought against this in 2016, and we will see the same mistakes made again by them as they now push for every angle possible to try and force mail-in voting.

If Biden wins, you won't see a GOP president again for some time as the effort some have put into destroying America is relentless. Global socialists want to destroy America and Trump is the guy with the S on his chest who has to stop it.
Right, we global socialists want to destroy America. I'm not sure why we want to do that, but it must be true since [whoever] claimed that we do.
It's been true since the Cloward Piven strategy was written in 1966.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.
Got a video? I dont watch the MSM
Better search at FOX because CNN and MSNBC edits out the shit they won't want you to see. You have to understand that neither of those asshole run organizations are actually legitimate news organizations as they are propaganda machines for delusional Democrats and commies.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

A thread? A THREAD? This was history! It was amazing! Loved how he spanked every damn one of them with their bullshit lies. And they cut away from airing it because they didn't want the masses to see those lies up front and personal. Hilarious!
This is how the rest of the world saw it, hilarious indeed...

Coronavirus: Trump berates media at jaw-dropping briefing
[...]There are more than 23,000 Americans dead because of coronavirus and more than half a million infected - and remember that, in early March, Donald Trump was saying there were a handful of cases, but that would soon be down to zero.
Yet Donald Trump walked into the briefing room with scores to settle with the media. This wasn't about the dead, the desperately sick, the people fearful of catching the virus. This was about him. And more particularly his profound sense of grievance that the media has been critical of his handling of Covid-19
If you think that is an unfair exaggeration, after a few moments he said he was going to play a video. It had been produced by White House staff, even though it bore all the hallmarks of a campaign video. If it was a movie, it would have been called "Coronavirus: Why Donald Trump is Great - and the Media Awful". [...]
Better search at FOX because CNN and MSNBC edits out the shit they won't want you to see. You have to understand that neither of those asshole run organizations are actually legitimate news organizations as they are propaganda machines for delusional Democrats and commies.
Already posted the video from The Blaze. Scroll up
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.
Got a video? I dont watch the MSM
Just subscribe to whatever alternate news sources you like on YouTube
and you can get the real news usually in real time , sometimes delayed a little.
I subscribe to Fox News, RT, Real News Network, Next News Network, One America News, The Grayzone, The Intercept, the Fifth Estate and a few others.

You just have to create a Youtube account and use the 3-bar feature (top left) to show your history, saved favorite videos, subscriptions etc. Patreon is great too if you want to pay for it.
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The Republicans have whined about the media since 1962, but no one ever thought whining about the media was actually the President's job.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

It was. Trump owns them, they know it to. I think that's what gets them the most. He rubbed their noses in their own shit.
I hope this becomes a "thing." Keep them accountable.

I'm thinking it will. And this meeting with survivors is a good idea to. The media, even fox aren't his friends. Their first priority is to be the story. Second is to end trump. Every Monday he should introduce more survivors, those that are willing to do it that is, because no one in the media is going to do it.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

It was. Trump owns them, they know it to. I think that's what gets them the most. He rubbed their noses in their own shit.

I guess that's one way to describe Trump's lying and bilious bullshit.

Did it make you forget that the day after Pelosi went to Chinatown, Trump said in the White House that cases were "going very substantially down, not up" and "soon to be very close to zero"?

Gullible Gomers.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.

It was. Trump owns them, they know it to. I think that's what gets them the most. He rubbed their noses in their own shit.
I hope this becomes a "thing." Keep them accountable.
Me too me too! I hope the reporters continue to insist he answer the question they are asking, instead of deflecting to nonsense answers. It really seems to trigger him and I like it when he's exposed for what he really is. A whiny, petty cry baby who thinks the world should revolve around his fat, bald, ugly self.

Now he thinks he is Captain Bligh from Mutiny on the Bounty, which seems like a great comparison to me. Finally, he got one thing right. Certainly he has never seen the movie, despite tweeting about it this morning. You think he'd have better things to do in the midst of a pandemic.
It was awesome to see, lol. Slapped them in the face with their own lies.
Got a video? I dont watch the MSM

Here it is straight from the briefing room:

PJ Media

Brutal Trump-de-Force at the Coronavirus Hearing Leaves Media Screaming 'Pull the Plug!'



The Media did early on minimize the Virus threat, then called the President a racist for blocking travel from China and more shibboleths....

Absolute bullshit.

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